Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6

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Hmm i didn't say you had to agree but i'm entitled to have my opinion just like everyone else. None of us know what exactly happened and i'm not into judging people without facts or until they are proven guilty by police/courts not by public judging. As for facts there hasn't been a real lot except for the couple of things supt Ainsworth said in his press conferences and some things mentioned on the news.

Not trying to be inflammatory just using your post as a sounding block! You are totally right - your own opinion is very valuable here but I just wanted to be the flipside of the coin. No malice intended and certainly have valued your posts thus far!

interesting times for the case! Thanks Angel1
Ok. So funeral is over. 50% of theories are gone. Now we have people suggesting he's nice and innocent. Come on....

Speculation means nothing...

Get to work sleuths...

There's a crime to solve

Just because someone's finally learnt one convincing facial expression, doesn't override:

Inconsistent stories
Statements by police that contradict his stories
Demonstrated history of lying and fabrication.
Demonstrated history of sleazy innuendo to other women.
Post-disappearance behaviours that match those of convicted wife murderers (see Scott Peterson, Joshua Powell)
Body language in media interviews matching lying behaviour by known murderers.

There are just the things WE, as amateurs, can prove, from first-hand info available on the net. (I can give hard references for all of these if you really need, or you can look at my prev posts for some of them, or many other great posts given here.) And I'm not a damn bit scared of writing any of this because the proof is already out there.

This is before we even get into psych profiling,witness statements, police observations, physical evidence, or any kind of deduction.

Imagine what else the police have?
Dance isn't the same as exercise. Dance is about creativity, telling a story. It's not about working your butt off until you're sweaty and in pain for that perfect set of abs. I love dance but hate exercise.

I was going to say also that she perhaps did not see her dance as exercise- as she loved it. But to me it is still exercise..and at a certain level you might be working your but off and sweaty and in pain..but if you love it. Its not seen as a chore. Pounding the pavement walking on the other hand she may have seen as a chore and hated it. Who knows.
Whoever did this should spend their days staring at photographs of those girls at their mothers funeral so they can never forget the gravity of what they have done.
About 35 years ago a friend's brother drowned in the surf. I think it was days before his body was found. From this I learnt that people who have drowned and remain in the water for a time take on +++water - making their body extremely heavy.

This then makes pall bearing much more demanding - maybe they then leave this job to the pros.

However, this may just be with salt water. Anyone??

That's very sad sorry to hear about that :(
Not trying to be inflammatory just using your post as a sounding block! You are totally right - your own opinion is very valuable here but I just wanted to be the flipside of the coin. No malice intended and certainly have valued your posts thus far!

interesting times for the case! Thanks Angel1

Oh sorry i thought you was having a go at me about what i said
Well said. Think Policing is often a thankless job. big thumbs up to QPS.

Yes. I know someone from another forum who is a member of QPS, and while she obviously cannot comment on the case, she has mentioned the incredibly long hours she has put in, especially over that first weekend.

Someone else on this forum mentioned earlier today or late yesterday that the police have searched through septic tanks to try and find Allison's phone.

It is a tough job and I just hope that their hard work pays off.
Both girls were crossing there I'm no psychologist but that is not a natural reaction. It's a sense of anger....

Yes! I saw that - esp the middle one when GBC had hand on her shoulder - blocking out, defensive, pulling within.

It does look like it was a sad day today! RIP Allison
Hopefully for the girls' sake GBC is innocent.

I do wonder (if he is guilty or not) if a few things like a supposed affair or even perhaps some DV have come out in the course of this investigation which would make him look a hypocrite anyway in the eyes of her family if he did play the devoted husband.

Now its just waiting....I thought the test results were due back this week. Bad taste to report on these on the day of her funeral? Fingers crossed for more news tomorrow.
Both girls were crossing there I'm no psychologist but that is not a natural reaction. It's a sense of anger....

Hey well done you! thats really interesting that is a real "defiant" body language middle child as well sorry but (im a mum) first child born out of love second born cause mum has so much more love to give third child lets try and make this marriage work - im so sorry dont mean to offend anyone this is just IMO
Did you watch 9 news at 6 I am hoping they will upload the video from the news as it shows TM at the funeral

Youre kidding! well that means she has nothing to do with this case know woman would be so hyprocrytical. but hey GBC I can be strong yes ok we had a 2year thing but Im still a woman and we cant help who we fall in love with and im showing you the door! IMO
That's what's making me pissed off atm. I see the grim determination on her parents' faces and realise I don't have an inkling of the anger and anguish that they must have endured today, and during this whole unholy fiasco.


NO this photo........................
It was reported he arrived at the back door didn't have the balls to arrive at the front

Well you know Karma is a b*tch huh and a b*tch might be knocking at his back door real soon lol. (oh I dont mean his house door either haha)
I believe that blocking ones arms although it could be seen as a sign of anger is more protective mechanism blocking out what is happening when feeling vulnerable in a situation that is overwhelming ... I would expect and hope the girls would have been protected and not privy to any suspistions within the family, comunity or media.
Yes! I saw that - esp the middle one when GBC had hand on her shoulder - blocking out, defensive, pulling within.


IMO the crossed arms could be a defence against the media intrusion. This is an incredibly personal and vulnerable moment for these girls grieving for their dead mother. I imagine having a scrum of strange camera men filming and broadcasting your every move to the nation at such a sensative time would be incredibly intimidating for these kids and make them feel very exposed.
I believe that blocking ones arms although it could be seen as a sign of anger is more protective mechanism blocking out what is happening when feeling vulnerable in a situation that is overwhelming ... I would expect and hope the girls would have been protected and not privy to any suspistions within the family, comunity or media.

na I reckon that's one savy young lady god bless you Allison x
IMO the crossed arms could be a defence against the media intrusion. This is an incredibly personal and vulnerable moment for these girls grieving for their dead mother. I imagine having a scrum of strange camera men filming and broadcasting your every move to the nation at such a sensative time would be incredibly intimidating for these kids and make them feel very exposed.

The fathers arm is touching her! that would have no idea about media just that everyone loves mummy
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