Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6

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Is there a trailer involved? First thing I noticed when I saw the white prado was a tow ball. Its stood out~ so, if there is, who's trailer is it? I also noticed all those deer, gazelle skulls and horns on BC seniors house. Are those heirlooms from safari hunting days? Surely, there must be some evidence re iPhone locations or at least tracking movements of use prior? What about BDC young real agency estate friend? Anyone see a 20 something short buxom blonde at the Funeral?

no trailer, no boat, canoeist is anonymous, parents cars so far reportedly unchecked, mistress car so far reportedly unchecked, murderer(s) didn't throw body off the bridge, no info on her iPhone whereabouts and no details about when she was last seen -it is truly amazing that we have managed to put together 6 threads of ideas and discussion
I'd guess watching the funeral would naturally cause an overflow of compassion (in normal people, who can feel empathy and compassion, as opposed to the kind of person who'd kill someone they know and dump their body in a river)

True. And nothing like a good-looking male, in a suit with a beard, his little girls held to his protective, comforting breast, to get the hormones bubbling. It's like the cover of a Mills and Boon
OMG!!!! i just went through the photos and i can't believe the grief shown by GBC i couldn't stop crying :( :( He looks like he must be a very loving father to be comforting the children like he is. I really hope ( even though the public say his guilty) that if he is found to be innocent he has plenty of support for him and the children :( :( And they are still saying on the news that the police are still searching for the killer :( :( I reckon someone else might have done it. If GBC done it i'm very very sure that they wouldn't be saying they're still searching for the killer :(

GBC hired a lawyer and a Barrister, Angel1 can do PR
Dear Angel 1,

Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion. But an 'IMO' should be based upon some time, research, interpretation and some facts here. Have you Read all the way through since Thread 1? I have. There have been some thought-provoking and hearfelt intuition, ideas based on what 'evidence' we can glean from what has been public information. And a good investigation, forum discussion, of the facts at websleuths based on limited information. So, before you say GBC is innocent until proven guilty - spend some time reviewing ALL the information that has been logged here the past 2 weeks. I have been reading since Thread 1. This is my first comment and I have just joined the forum. I am an ex-Qlder. I have close family who live in Kenmore/Anstead. I have spent a considerable part of my career in character-analysis and latterly in law/barrister land. So I am very interested in what has happened in Brookfield. But beyond all that I am a mum of a beautiful young daughter myself - I almost lost my battle in the cancer fight a few years ago - and it TRULY breaks my heart to think of those gorgeous little girls without a mum. And I just know as a mum of a daughter, ABC would have fought like a banshee if she was threatened/hurt/in danger - to survive, live, get back to, and take care of those beautiful daughters - whatever it took. BUT, something went VERY WRONG THERE and IMO the man we think is implicated IS. I'll eat my hat and more if he's not. Read the Threads, do some homework. We've not had inputs from Maverick for some time, but perhaps like me, with a lack of new evidence there was really little to discuss the past week or so. We still wait for NEW EVIDENCE. I looked again, after 2 weeks, at that initial interview the media did with GBC about his 'missing' wife - shady, eye-evasive, seeking 'sympathy' for his little 'ding'/accident - what an incredible NARCISSIST. I have spent years/decades analyzing human behaviour, body language, personality types etc - IMO not an innocent bystander. Again, if I'm wrong will EAT MY HAT AND MORE. GLAD TO BE PROVEN wrong for the sake of her daughters. But don't think I will be....x

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter what it is based on. A lot of what has been said here has been based on supposition and rumour so I think your comments to Angel 1 are way out of line.

She (assuming Angel 1 is a she) has been a thoughtful, compassionate poster. She is entitled to believe 'innocent until proven guilty', as do others.

Just because your gut feeling has you convinced, you don't have the right to judge anyone else so harshly.
Dear Angel 1,

Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion. But an 'IMO' should be based upon some time, research, interpretation and some facts here. Have you Read all the way through since Thread 1? I have. There have been some thought-provoking and hearfelt intuition, ideas based on what 'evidence' we can glean from what has been public information. And a good investigation, forum discussion, of the facts at websleuths based on limited information. So, before you say GBC is innocent until proven guilty - spend some time reviewing ALL the information that has been logged here the past 2 weeks. I have been reading since Thread 1. This is my first comment and I have just joined the forum. I am an ex-Qlder. I have close family who live in Kenmore/Anstead. I have spent a considerable part of my career in character-analysis and latterly in law/barrister land. So I am very interested in what has happened in Brookfield. But beyond all that I am a mum of a beautiful young daughter myself - I almost lost my battle in the cancer fight a few years ago - and it TRULY breaks my heart to think of those gorgeous little girls without a mum. And I just know as a mum of a daughter, ABC would have fought like a banshee if she was threatened/hurt/in danger - to survive, live, get back to, and take care of those beautiful daughters - whatever it took. BUT, something went VERY WRONG THERE and IMO the man we think is implicated IS. I'll eat my hat and more if he's not. Read the Threads, do some homework. We've not had inputs from Maverick for some time, but perhaps like me, with a lack of new evidence there was really little to discuss the past week or so. We still wait for NEW EVIDENCE. I looked again, after 2 weeks, at that initial interview the media did with GBC about his 'missing' wife - shady, eye-evasive, seeking 'sympathy' for his little 'ding'/accident - what an incredible NARCISSIST. I have spent years/decades analyzing human behaviour, body language, personality types etc - IMO not an innocent bystander. Again, if I'm wrong will EAT MY HAT AND MORE. GLAD TO BE PROVEN wrong for the sake of her daughters. But don't think I will be....x

Welcome...and ditto to all of the above...... Glad you have come out of your battle with Cancer and you are able to hug your daughter for longer...I also think GBC is guilty but the human in me felt my heart tug at his tears but I really do think his tears were more for what he has done to his girls and not for the oss of his wife...I know this is harsh but I to will gladly eat my hat if proven wrong.....!:please:
no trailer, no boat, canoeist is anonymous, parents cars so far reportedly unchecked, mistress car so far reportedly unchecked, murderer(s) didn't throw body off the bridge, no info on her iPhone whereabouts and no details about when she was last seen -it is truly amazing that we have managed to put together 6 threads of ideas and discussion

Six threads Yep get reading!!!
Personally....if my hubby was dead.................the last thing on my mind, would be APPEARANCES. I'd not give a flying cahoot about what door I walked in. Who cares what door he walked in....I dont think it bares any relevance.

I remember when my niece died, my sister and her hubby went in the side door. They werent too much in the mood for company. They also went in this door, because it was the way you went into this room, where her and hubby could say personal goodbyes, before bringing the casket out to view....It's a funeral, not someones engagement party.
I'm sorry for having my opinion but i was in the understanding that's what this page was for. I was only commenting on the QPS facebook page but they kept deleting messages. And to whoever said i should go and read from thread 1 i have done that. There may have been stuff that was facts but there was also stuff in some of the comments that weren't facts. Anyway as i said i'm sorry for having my opinion and i will leave this page and find another one somewhere so i don't upset anyone else. And to add too this i'm not the only one on this forum that's saying that GBC could be innocent but i'm the only one getting abused over it!!!!!
Honey (angel) Dont take it so personally, people are just addressing you to respond to you. They arent picking on you, they are just letting you know their thoughts on what you said. Noone is trying to change your thoughts....and you know you are loved and respected here.....Hugs
Personally....if my hubby was dead.................the last thing on my mind, would be APPEARANCES. I'd not give a flying cahoot about what door I walked in. Who cares what door he walked in....I dont think it bares any relevance.

I remember when my niece died, my sister and her hubby went in the side door. They werent too much in the mood for company. They also went in this door, because it was the way you went into this room, where her and hubby could say personal goodbyes, before bringing the casket out to view....It's a funeral, not someones engagement party.

Agreed but it only bares any relevance if it was staged............. IMO
Anyone notice he wasn't a pallbearer? Dunno about you guys but it's pretty normal in my experience for the 6 men closest to the deceased to carry them as a sign of respect.

So why not?

Better photo op to walk behind with kids?

Sense of deja vu?

Other men sure as hell weren't going to let him near her?

Thank you finally!!!! You will kick forward us now....facts observed:

1 No eulogy allowed by him
1 Arriving at different time to children
1 Not chosen/allowed to a pallbearer
1 Looking off to space as hearse drives away, looks dreamy not grieved

YES all my observations are rated number 1.

Her parents know!!!!
You see, I disagree. If I was innocent presumed guilty by all, this would be the one moment I would be determined to find an inner strength and walk in the front door in front of everyone, for my wife. I would think that she is the only one that matters right now, and she knows I didn't do this.

I just think it was because the long walk down the aisle to the front pew would of been to hard for the girls...I think today was all about what would be easier for them..Not what would be best for GBC...IMO
A few times after prompting by kinder more charitable members' posts, I've asked myself: Have I just become part of an overzealous, biased lynch-mob baying for GBC's blood? So, I start reevaluating the evidence that I've based my blood lust on. I come up with:

1. GBC's initial actions to Allison "going missing". My first thoughts when I heard this were "What a load of bollocks!!!" Now, weeks later, nothing has accurred for this evaluation to change.

2. GBC's truly bad acting in his only public interview. In this he attempted to act like a man who cares about his wife. Any reservations I had about this fraudulent display were quashed by watching similar heartfelt interviews by men convicted or currently charged with the murder of a close loved one.

By the time I get to this stage of my reevaluation, I feel no need to continue. That's enough for me.
Ewww! i missed that!


It's like the "caught the attention of" in the real estate agent's profile.

The PT is a nice person so let's not get her involved in a negative way please -especially as links have been made to her business. Thanks
Originally Posted by Neuromancer
Anyone notice he wasn't a pallbearer? Dunno about you guys but it's pretty normal in my experience for the 6 men closest to the deceased to carry them as a sign of respect.

So why not?

Better photo op to walk behind with kids?

Sense of deja vu?

Other men sure as hell weren't going to let him near her?

originally posted by rhb:- I think that he wasn't because he's being there for his three daughters. Makes sense to me he's *not* a pallbearer because if he was that means he leaves his daughters alone and what they need right now is their dad (guilty or not, until he is proven guilt--or at least charged--I think the best thing for them would be to have him with them supporting them)

Can't agree with your theory, rhb

That woman gave her life to him in marriage. She bore him three children. She supported him in his endeavors. She cooked his food. Comforted him. Got up endless times to comfort their children. Cleaned his house. Ironed his clothes. Lived in whatever homes he was able to provide. Raised his children. Gave up her own career to build and support his. Worked alongside him. Was granted a measley few lines in Meet the Team. Endured his good moods and bad. Encouraged him when he was down. Didn't even tattle-tale much, if her friends and family are to be believed as I believe they are

To my mind, in my opinion, nothing short of two amputated legs and broken arms would prevent a real man from carrying his wife and mother of his children, to her final resting place
Both girls were crossing there I'm no psychologist but that is not a natural reaction. It's a sense of anger....

I think crossing of the arms is more a reflection of defensiveness. That would make sense in the situation given the situation the're in, given that there's all this media and stuff, given that they've just lost their mother. I'd be feeling like shutting people out or, more apt, protecting myself.
Thank you finally!!!! You will kick forward us now....facts observed:

1 No eulogy allowed by him
1 Arriving at different time to children
1 Not chosen/allowed to a pallbearer
1 Looking off to space as hearse drives away, looks dreamy not grieved

YES all my observations are rated number 1.

Her parents know!!!!

Another number 1 for your list: Allison's body released to her parents.
You would feel for the guy if he's innocent. I know there are so any factors that Mae one think he's guilty. Maybe the police are taking so long to arrest someone because it's not GBC, so it's not just finding evidence, it's actually finding the person too.

In Thread 5 someone mentioned legal proceedings with Flight Centre (sorry can't find post) - apparently GBC was sued for fraud.

Police were convinced early on that they would make an arrest, hence they know who did it IMO.

Fraud??? Wow, interesting.
Allison Baden-Clay's flaws recalled as fondly as her features. No pet goldfish safe .. And she disliked excercise. - Shane Doherty on Twitter!/ShaneDoherty_9

"And She Disliked Exercise"......IMO, this is very telling!

ONLY JUST NOW GOT YOUR POINT!!!! only the most adventurous excercisers would be keen for a midnight my friend says the only time you;ll ever see her run is if a BEAR is chasing her.....on the defensive side...a late night walk isnt always for the healthy can be a great stress reliever for someone in the middle of a heated argument (done it myself)
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