Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Thankyou and i'm female :) To save any problems on here which i didn't intend to do i'm leaving the page.

Any successful investigation requires an open mind to all possibilities.

NONE of us have the facts of this case so your opinions are as valid as anyone else's.

This page needs people who have not already made up their mind.

It will be a loss if you leave.

Can't agree with your theory, rhb

That woman gave her life to him in marriage. She bore him three children. She supported him in his endeavors. She cooked his food. Comforted him. Got up endless times to comfort their children. Cleaned his house. Ironed his clothes. Lived in whatever homes he was able to provide. Raised his children. Gave up her own career to build and support his. Worked alongside him. Was granted a measley few lines in Meet the Team. Endured his good moods and bad. Encouraged him when he was down. Didn't even tattle-tale much, if her friends and family are to be believed as I believe they are

To my mind, in my opinion, nothing short of two amputated legs and broken arms would prevent a real man from carrying his wife and mother of his children, to her final resting place

Agree totally. The children could have been with the maternal grandparents, aunty and uncle for those few minutes that took to carry her up to the hears.
You would feel for the guy if he's innocent. I know there are so any factors that Mae one think he's guilty. Maybe the police are taking so long to arrest someone because it's not GBC, so it's not just finding evidence, it's actually finding the person too.

In Thread 5 someone mentioned legal proceedings with Flight Centre (sorry can't find post) - apparently GBC was sued for fraud.

GBC claimed damages against Flight Centre:

"Damages" could be something like wrongful dismissal.

I remarked on it because it was filed in Dec 2000 but GBC's resume on linkedin and [another site - forget the name] says he worked for flight centre a second time, briefly, starting and ending in 2001.
Angel1 - stay please. This happens all the time. You have the same right to give your opinion as anybody else, whether you have made up your mind or not.
Are you implyimg there was a "fresh affair" I know TM was over

A few days ago I mentioned someone in another forum, not sleuthing related, who seemed very conversant with the case weeks ago. As I may have said in the earlier post, they remarked about the bruises, scratches and mentioned a '22 year old new office girl' in a brief, throwaway manner. There was other stuff which I can't remember. Oh, 'blonde' was part of it

So maybe theirs was a lucky guess? Fabrication? Imagination gone wild? Who knows

I don't think they've commented since about the case
Agree totally. The children could have been with the maternal grandparents, aunty and uncle for those few minutes that took to carry her up to the hears.

I think it's a perfectly feasible theory that he wasn't a pallbearer because he wanted to stay with the children.

I know the moment that a coffin leaves has been, by far, the worst moment for me at many funerals I've been to. It makes everything very final.

In the same situation, I would want to stay with my children and support them.
I just wanted to point out that when you look at GBC face during funeral, people have made many comments...they have also made many comments about ABC parents proximity and behaviour around GBC... I just looked at ABC parents (particularly mum) and if you were to take away the context with which we see cant say what she is thinking...anymore than you can say what GBC face is saying (you really need to do this with no preconceptions otherwise you read into it what you have previously been subconsciously exposed to
Welcome...and ditto to all of the above...... Glad you have come out of your battle with Cancer and you are able to hug your daughter for longer...I also think GBC is guilty but the human in me felt my heart tug at his tears but I really do think his tears were more for what he has done to his girls and not for the oss of his wife...I know this is harsh but I to will gladly eat my hat if proven wrong.....!:please:

Angel1, my comment is not directed at you...I only agree that I too believe he is guilty...based on his approach to all of this since ABC went missing.

I appreciate what you are saying also and understand why you feel the way you do.

I just wish QPS would give the Public more info very soon so we can clear up all of our suspicions...I just don't understand why they haven't alerted the public/local community to be wary of a killer on the lose...I really do think it is because it is an isolated case because the killer is known to ABC.
There is a pic of Olivia hugging ABC's Best Friend Kerry-Anne - They look very close and another with Kerry Anne in the background looking destroyed and anabsolute mess.....I don't know what I would do if I lost my besty....She is the person I love like I love my husband (without the intamcey of course) the one I tell my deepest darkest secret, the one I turn to when I need help and know she will be there when I need it no matter what time of the day.....I think Kerry knows what happened to ABC, I believe ABC knew her movements that night and exactly what was happening in her Marriage and Business.

I think Kerry has probably had words with GBC if she had any suspicion that he has done this....And in fact if ABC was missing that night, then Kerry should of been GBC's first port of call because her best friend would of been out looking for her no matter what time it was...I know I would of if it was my best friend...Dressing Gown and Slippers and all!

Kerry is the bridesmaid in the wedding photos that a few people have commented on her expression then.
The time of death will have occurred sometime between when she was last seen by someone other than the husband and when her body was found. The autopsy and toxicology reports won't give a very accurate determination on time.

yes - after 11 days, coming up with a time range of hours would be difficult.

esp if you can't say how long was spent in water and on land (water actually slows things down - cooler temperature, less contact with air, no insect activity)
The Beard - IMO it has two purposes. Current: Hide previous scars, emotions, the person (himself) who did this

Future: Once the public has been used to see him with the beard, he will shave it all off and become less recognisable.
I'm sorry - where did a previous poster find that retching gif? ;p

(haven't seen it. Top marks to Allison though. The girl was a saint. Took him on when he looked like a corn-fed cherub with apron-string in place of a tie. Take a real woman to see a man behind the blubber)
Thankyou and i'm female :) To save any problems on here which i didn't intend to do i'm leaving the page.

I think its important to leave the discussion here as open as possible, while taking into account all opinions, observations, gut feels, facts and theories. If we have all already decided WHO it was for sure, then what more is there to discuss? - case closed!

We should be inviting alternatives to TEST our theories! If we are closed minded here, we might not allow anything that disrupts our "perfect theory" to be unravelled, and the real perpetrator might slip under our radar. Police work with open minds and facts - and we could follow this example (with our limited facts) as they have a damn good record.

IMHO, of course.
The Beard - IMO it has two purposes. Current: Hide previous scars, emotions, the person (himself) who did this

Future: Once the public has been used to see him with the beard, he will shave it all off and become less recognisable.

Unless he's not guilty and he's not shaving until her killer is found?
I'm sorry for having my opinion but i was in the understanding that's what this page was for. I was only commenting on the QPS facebook page but they kept deleting messages. And to whoever said i should go and read from thread 1 i have done that. There may have been stuff that was facts but there was also stuff in some of the comments that weren't facts. Anyway as i said i'm sorry for having my opinion and i will leave this page and find another one somewhere so i don't upset anyone else. And to add too this i'm not the only one on this forum that's saying that GBC could be innocent but i'm the only one getting abused over it!!!!!

Hugs Angel1 - plenty of us know that you've been a great contributer here.

It's not personal - see the difference is, you're a good person, who feels empathy, and takes people at face value, and your reaction is natural and humane.

However, there's a bunch of heartless asses in the world who spend their time exploiting kind-hearted people like you, and occasionally murdering them. And those who want to catch them out need to see through that.

Both points of view are valid. It's all good. Hang around. ;)
Having looked over and over at the photos and video coverage my gut feeling is that GBC both wanted to be near the girls for their sake but also somehow using them as his 'grief screen' if that makes sense? On one of the videos it is almost as he wants to stay with them rather than they with him.
It wasn't only the middle DTR with defensive posturing but also the older DTR in an earlier shot with both her arms and legs crossed - blocking out, not safe, not secure in dads arms. Scan through photos of the funeral and observe this for yourself.
The PT is a nice person so let's not get her involved in a negative way please -especially as links have been made to her business. Thanks

Oh absolutely - no reflection on her, but rather the sleazy way GBC was referring to her in his writings.

It's about him, not her. :)
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