Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6

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So the theories from everyone have slowed down and almost stopped....The funeral people has changed nothing.

Missing person.... to burial.

A brutal, calculating, spineless person has carried out this murder.

I said come on before.... I will say it again....

I posted the definition of a slueth ages ago.

We are all here because we want to know who the hell did this crime.

Do you think the detectives had a day off today? No .... And neither should we.

Come on videos....

Innocent until proven guilty....

Inspire me with post that want to make me come back!!
Can't agree with your theory, rhb

That woman gave her life to him in marriage. She bore him three children. She supported him in his endeavors. She cooked his food. Comforted him. Got up endless times to comfort their children. Cleaned his house. Ironed his clothes. Lived in whatever homes he was able to provide. Raised his children. Gave up her own career to build and support his. Worked alongside him. Was granted a measley few lines in Meet the Team. Endured his good moods and bad. Encouraged him when he was down. Didn't even tattle-tale much, if her friends and family are to be believed as I believe they are

To my mind, in my opinion, nothing short of two amputated legs and broken arms would prevent a real man from carrying his wife and mother of his children, to her final resting place

We're all entitled to differing options so that's cool :) And I agree with what you're saying--she has done all that for him. However I'd argue that this is a very different situation to the norm. Not only have those three girls lost their mother but they've lost her in a horrific way. Then there's media scrutiny. At the funeral there's all these people that the children would never have known. I know this happens at most funerals but not on this scale. These children have not only lost their mother but also been thrown head first into a very public world. I can imagine that would be confusing and frightening (among other things). I'm guessing they'd want to hold on tight to their father. Guilty or not, apart from their mother he's the closest person on the planet to them.

And I don't think it's unusual in these circumstances. For example, think of the Rowe family and that funeral.

Oh, for the record: I'm not a supporter of GBC. From my observations I think he's involved in her murder. However, I do believe if he did it it was in the heat of the moment; and I do believe he loves his children and so, therefore, I don't think he's being fake at the funeral. He feels for them, even if he is involved/responsible for ABC death.
To my mind, in my opinion, nothing short of two amputated legs and broken arms would prevent a real man from carrying his wife and mother of his children, to her final resting place

Unless he'd already done it once, and things didn't turn out as planned...

(sorry , couldn't help myself)
GBC claimed damages against Flight Centre:

"Damages" could be something like wrongful dismissal.

I remarked on it because it was filed in Dec 2000 but GBC's resume on linkedin and [another site - forget the name] says he worked for flight centre a second time, briefly, starting and ending in 2001.

Very very interesting.

Does anyone know the outcome of this cliam: Did GBC win??
I think it's a perfectly feasible theory that he wasn't a pallbearer because he wanted to stay with the children.

I know the moment that a coffin leaves has been, by far, the worst moment for me at many funerals I've been to. It makes everything very final.

In the same situation, I would want to stay with my children and support them.

Yes, it's quite reasonable, however, because the funeral was mainly arranged by her parents, I don't think they wanted him there carrying the coffin. I think the decision was made for him!
Been thinking about that. I figure they'd be wanting to get all the eye-witness stuff they can, before announcing anything, so they know that people aren't just repeating what's been in media. Otherwise you'd then get the me-too people saying, "oh yeah i saw *advertiser censored*"

So, eye witnesses are providing info, hence QPS announcing they have them, however I FEEL it is STILL 'the timing' they are chasing.

More witnesses are being pursued as to who saw THE WHITE PRADO at a later stage, for example at....1,2 or 3.30am to get the best last time to round off their evidence.............IMO.:please:
So the theories from everyone have slowed down and almost stopped....The funeral people has changed nothing.

Missing person.... to burial.

A brutal, calculating, spineless person has carried out this murder.

I said come on before.... I will say it again....

I posted the definition of a slueth ages ago.

We are all here because we want to know who the hell did this crime.

Do you think the detectives had a day off today? No .... And neither should we.

Come on videos....

Innocent until proven guilty....

Inspire me with post that want to make me come back!!

What is your theory of what happened?
Another number 1 for your list: Allison's body released to her parents.



I missed that.

On that topic (kinda). I just watched the Courier mail video with the 3 journalists talking about the funeral. The dark haired one (Alison Something) was talking about the trust fund for the girls, and got seriously tongue-tied when explaining the reason for it. (My read: because he won't be around to provide for them, but she can't say that yet. Really - if he was the successful high-flyer he likes to portray, and still working, why would the girls need public donations for anything?)
Oh absolutely - no reflection on her, but rather the sleazy way GBC was referring to her in his writings.

It's about him, not her. :)

Ditto, didn't even take any notice of PT herself ( name/company) - just what GBC wrote. Nothing to do with her at all - odd way to write a testimonial - he just comes across as sleazy.


I missed that.

On that topic (kinda). I just watched the Courier mail video with the 3 journalists talking about the funeral. The dark haired one (Alison Something) was talking about the trust fund for the girls, and got seriously tongue-tied when explaining the reason for it. (My read: because he won't be around to provide for them, but she can't say that yet. Really - if he was the successful high-flyer he likes to portray, and still working, why would the girls need public donations for anything?)

Oh yeah good point. Technically their dad will still be providing for them. Unless he is proven guilty. Something is going down. They know more than they are letting on. IMO.
Whoever did this should spend their days staring at photographs of those girls at their mothers funeral so they can never forget the gravity of what they have done.

It's been my thought for some time that whoever killed Allison should have been required to identify her body
Wow, what a lot of catching up I've had to do...and I think that you're all a big bunch of softies :)

What a family the Dickies are...the degree of love and respect for their daughter and grand-daughters far outweighs any disdain they may feel for GBC.

To be honest, when GBC was standing behind the hearst, I did feel his emotion was genuine. For a few moments he didn't take his eyes off her coffin. My first thought he mentally apologising to her?
Who's decision was it to make the funeral public? Personally I think it should have been private - out of respect for the little girls essentially.

The Dickies said (I read) that they knew a lot of people wanted to pay their respects, therefore they decided it should be public.
Yes, it's quite reasonable, however, because the funeral was mainly arranged by her parents, I don't think they wanted him there carrying the coffin. I think the decision was made for him!

And besides he didn't have time to help arrange the funeral with The Dickies because he had made plans for the weekend........It was more important to go away with friends then decide who carried his wifes casket or read the eulogy and God forbid he even had the time to spend with the grieving parents of the woman he is supposed to of loved??.........I understand ABC's parents wanting to contribute to Allisons funeral but I can tell you now I don't know any other husband or wife that would not want to contribute the most....I wonder if he paid for it?????
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