Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6

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I doubt it very much that anyone here has inside info. I believe BrookieLocal was truthful saying what the hairdresser friend told him/her, but other than that...not a chance!

I doubt BrookieLocal is the only local with some inside info in this forum.
Hawkins, yours is the first post that's made me stray from what I thought was common sense.... it's very "eyes wide shut" but could explain a whole lot of weirdness. I don't think I'm fully onboard - but thanks for the idea. Damn you :)

NAH don't be's his new book and the 'slant' he has decided to base it on..........NOT NICE please stop Hillsdon:tsktsk:
WTH.Are you saying that the 'rights' of the guilty take precedence over the the victim's. That it is ok for a lawyer to conceal the whereabouts of a deceased person and thereby prevent the police from doing their job? How can you be "ethically barred" from disclosing this information to police,without being an accessory?

What Hawkins wrote is correct as I understand it, due to confidentiality between the client and the lawyer.

The only time the lawyer is under some obligation to report it to the police is if they strongly suspect the person is going to kill again.
Thank You!! I'm lucky my Mum is still alive although very far away, but I have a daughter with me. If you are a mother, Happy Day to you too!

I am a mum to a large family of humans and pets lol.

I do not have a mother but was raised by my amazing grandmother who is 98 and still going strong. We are going to visit her in the morning then spend the day on the bay.
Question - does anyone have a link about when the friend said the kids were having a sleep over that night? I believe that is the only time it has been mentioned? I've not seen it mentioned by police (I could be wrong).

The reason I ask is because when I read it, I read it as being the kids were having a sleep over on the Friday night. The friend said something along the lines of 'she was so busy she had the conference on the next day and the kids were having a sleep over that night'. It is not very well worded in my opinion.

It makes more sense the kids would have a sleepover on the Friday if it was a day long conference and GBC was working that arvo as well. It would explain the kids being there that morning and I think it goes someway to explaining why he knew she was missing. He woke up expecting her to be gone, but her car was still there. He may have expected she went for a walk, but she didn't return.

She may have had regular walking clothes so he knew what she was wearing. It would also explain why police took it so seriously straight away.

I change my mind quite regularly about what I think happened .... But seriously some of stuff written here is just insane. Not everything GBC does has to be a sign of guilt or innocence. Whatever he does will be picked at by people who say "I would never do that so he must be guilty". He may be guilty, but just because he didn't go out searching doesn't mean he is guilty. I wouldn't go out searching, I don't care what anyone says. I would be home with my kids. So what he didn't do a crying scene on tv, lots do and that doesn't automatically mean they are innocent... Hello Sef Gonzales, John sharpe and Kristi Abrahams.

My actual intial thought was that he thought she had either run of with someone or she had commited suicide somewhere and that's why he was so meh about it. And almost seemed embarrassed about all the media attention. Obviously that has changed though.

Whether you argue for GBC guilt or against, guessing and making assumptions has a low accuracy rate.
I feel what people here are doing forming an oponion from their own life skills and experiences. Thats how we all manage our lives. At the end of the day the courts will decide whoevers guilt and I sure hope it is in ABC's families favour.They deserve nothing less. I am sure everyone here would like to help in some way. So this is a very good place for eveyone to express their opionions.
Agree with assumption 1

Yes - back in Thread 1 told us the police knew who the killer was:floorlaugh:

oh man....don't want to think your prediction is right (the person that must not be named, that could quite possibly have done this will get off - it's those bloody lawyers again! Hero police vs villain lawyers! Joke!!!!!!!!!!! maybe in poor taste; yeah I know - they have a job to do - and someone has to do it)

IF QC of GBC named Peter Davis does this 'getting him off' he will be ok if GBC is innocent.

However Peter Davis has got the most cruel man who Prosecutors proved he bit a baby on her thighs through dental identification and court cases TWICE, (after sexaually mutilating her and throwing her on a tin roof), needs to be fried in hell.

GBCs' solicitor chose HIM, Peter Davis QC to help........see why now????????
The timeline of media links is now up to date with all links from all 6 threads and can be found here

[ame=""]AU-Allison Baden-Clay,43,Brisbane QLD, 19April2012 MEDIA/TIMELINE LINKS,NO DISCUSSION - Page 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

I will try to keep up with any new media links as they are posted and I will then post them into the timeline as each thread is closed.

I hope this makes it a lot easier for you all to locate previous media links when required.
It does seem very confusing doesn't it.

I re-read a few pages of the very first thread...I'm sure Keyboredom won't mind me quoting a line out of what I think was his first post...

local gossip in Brisbane's 'leafy western suburbs' is one of its biggest problems. People take an inch and create a mile.

In my opinion this whole forum has now become just an online extension of that "local gossip"....some examples...

A good source told me,.... a neighbours high-up friend told the hairdresser,.... the Baden-Clays were at sports day together...., no they weren't they went separately, ....Allison looked down & sad, no she wasn't she seemed fine.....

Also, going by so many of the posts on here, there must be dozens of our police officers running around outside blathering off to every man & his dog about who killed Allison....

After reading all the umpty eleventy "rumours/gossip", I don't even know if there was or wasn't a mistress in this whole tragic case.

In one of the very first pages, a member "suggested" a possible affair...couple pages later another member stated "the husband was having an ongoing affair"....& then the chase was on!!!

NONE of it makes any sense to me at all...except what the police have actually stated to be FACT!!! & that really is sooo very little to date!!!

I think many on here have taken that above "inch" & created 10,000 miles.

i don't mind at all :)

I am one of the guilty parties passing on details that are just statements from locals. but ... I have removed any reference to comments from the banjo-pluckers and weirdos ;-) ... and anything I have mentioned is from people I know who are very unlikely to make things up. Humans are weird though, so my comments and things I've been told could be way out there.

You're totally right though, the snowball has been rolling downhill here for a long time and there's legs and arms hanging out of it all over the place :)

It'll all get sorted when the police lay charges ... please let it be soon :)
Looking at google maps, you can see here that the Kholo Creek is actually not a large body of water in itself but the tributary into the Brisbane River of two small but long creeks.

The large number of bull sharks in the Brisbane River, yes, even that far up, makes me wonder if the perpetrator/s were hoping Allison's body would never be found due to these predators.

Anyone who lives in the area knows that those creeks can be dry at times; dropping her over the bridge which is quite close to the river would potentially rid them of any evidence if sharks were in vicinity.

The murder/s did not have the time to spend .. they wanted a quick disposal. Unfortunately I think they miscalculated water depth and tide.

Ah yes....of course.... The Bull sharks....remember sometime ago someone falling off one of the brisbane ferries and no remains were found due to bull youngest son wont even go an a jet ski off the jindalee bridge cos he has researched how many bullsharks are in the river .

NOW...friend of mine heads the NT blah blah blah...and he was telling me of a case where these kids grabbed a hooker and did what they did with her then killed her and threw her over this bridge (we were driving over the mary river at the time) its always full of crocs...however, this poor prostitute after a gruelling night of what ever, these young kids (no not all aboriginal) then killed her so they could do more what ever, then threw her in the river expecting the crocs wld eat her....

um...nope...the crocs did not touch her....and therefore justice eventually was served....not sure if this case was in the papers or not??? sort of dont think so...

there are a bunch of weird things that happen up there in the territory.
The timeline of media links is now up to date with all links from all 6 threads and can be found here

AU-Allison Baden-Clay,43,Brisbane QLD, 19April2012 MEDIA/TIMELINE LINKS,NO DISCUSSION - Page 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I will try to keep up with any new media links as they are posted and I will then post them into the timeline as each thread is closed.

I hope this makes it a lot easier for you all to locate previous media links when required.

You rock, thanks for all your hard work. It is appreciated.
The timeline of media links is now up to date with all links from all 6 threads and can be found here

AU-Allison Baden-Clay,43,Brisbane QLD, 19April2012 MEDIA/TIMELINE LINKS,NO DISCUSSION - Page 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I will try to keep up with any new media links as they are posted and I will then post them into the timeline as each thread is closed.

I hope this makes it a lot easier for you all to locate previous media links when required.

Thanks!!!!!!! :tyou:
I've swum in the Brisbane River a few times (including Colleges Crossing, which is as far upstream as the sharks have been found that I know of, excluding floods) - so far not been biten by a bull shark - but the water is quite brown and smelly. If you hoped a body would be taken care of by bull sharks, you'd be a bit of a dumb *advertiser censored**. imo.
I doubt BrookieLocal is the only local with some inside info in this forum.

I don't think BrookieLocal has inside info from the police, he/she was honest to where they heard it. I've read too many times blah blah blah followed by...and the police know this.
I don't think BrookieLocal has inside info from the police, he/she was honest to where they heard it. I've read too many times blah blah blah followed by...and the police know this.

Sorry, didn't mean inside info from police directly, but through the local "bush-networks/gossip/some truth to it" kind of thing.
Not sure exactly what you mean... 1st degree?

The Queensland Criminal Code does not distinguish between 1st and 2nd degree murder; there is either Murder or Manslaughter.

The following sections give you an idea where to look in the Code - scroll down to Chapter 28 then go to the section I've highlighted in bold.

300 Unlawful homicide
Any person who unlawfully kills another is guilty of a crime,
which is called murder or manslaughter, according to the
circumstances of the case.

At 302 Definition of murder

At 303 Definition of manslaughter

307 Accessory after the fact to murder
Any person who becomes an accessory after the fact to
murder is guilty of a crime, and is liable to imprisonment for

At 316 Stupefying in order to commit indictable offence

As you can see if you scroll through the Qld Crim Code, there's a lot of scope for charging the murderer/s so the QPS are no doubt carefully double checking to ensure a water tight prosecution and sentencing in this matter.

I hope this helps our overseas followers.
I was reading about decomposition, etc. and it appears a body can remain submerged for up to 10 days before floating to the surface. This could explain why she wasn't seen before, if she was submerged?
Sorry, didn't mean inside info from police directly, but through the local "bush-networks/gossip/some truth to it" kind of thing.

haha I wasn't real clear in my original comment. I don't doubt that there are members here who live there and seen the family around at times but I doubt the cops are going around telling people sensitive info.

If someone says "jungle drums are saying" then you just take it for what its worth, its the people claiming inside info about the investigation that irk me. Sorry, bit tired and grumpy at the moment.
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