Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #7

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My guess is GBC's done the deed at their place then called his father who'ds driven up to Kenmore, parked in the Village car park (directly behind the bus shelter) and has gone to wait at the bus stop so GBC can pull in and pick him up on his way through to Mt Crosby to dispose of the body.

GBC may have pulled into the village on the way back to get rid of evidence in industrial bins which are on the bus-stop side of the village (afaik). All this coming and going from the village would have been right in the sights of the traffic camera. This explains the industrial bin lead and how they knew to look there.

I totally get that noone would have been thinking clearly at the time if this is true - but I can't understand why on earth Bwana would wait in that bus shelter in the most public place in Kenmore? They live in Durness St, which is kind of on the way to the roundabout from the BC residence - why on earth wouldn't GBC have just dropped in there and collected him? Why sit at the bus shelter for all to see? Not sure if I'm flying with this one.
They were dumb enough to meet in front of a traffic camera. She could have been left anywhere up that creek area - I don't think they expected her to be found; and it would have been the amount of water that run into Kholo from Flaggy and Cameron's Creek. Enough to carry her downstream. They may not have expected that. They didn't have much time - probably didn't think of scout camp - lets face it - they didn't think of 'smile, you're on candid camera' Only our Super Sleuth Keyboredom made scout connection : )
As well as Keyboredom;
Another poster named Rexo posted at 2.17pm on 28 Apr that he had sent an email to Searchers as follows:
Old 04-28-2012, 02:17 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 11
If he was "frantically" phoning and sms'ing friends and relatives, as one of the news articles suggests, that would narrow the timeframe down somewhat. Have just sent an email to crimestoppers suggesting they check the Scout Camp here at Karana Downs. It is isolated from houses, only takes 10-15 minutes to drive from Brookfield, he would in all liklihood have been there at some time in his life due to his Scouts connection, and one would have to drive through the hot zone to get to it from his home, where mobile could have been thrown into the little creek at the centre of hot zone. His mobile phone info for that day would be interesting - especially the pings Ms G Norris referrred to.
This is starting to make a lot more sense now.

Three car loads of detectives arriving at the BC's home in the first week to confiscate evidence. I thought that was odd from the start considering Allison supposedly went missing from her own home at Brookfield. Some have mentioned that GBC was living at his parent's place but IMO it was still overkill on the part of the detectives unless they knew that there was someone else involved.
Only our Super Sleuth Keyboredom made scout connection : )
to be fair, I had a bit of a shotgun guess including gap creek along with the scout camp... Although I'd love to claim I was clever ;). Alicat named the actual spot Allison was found, that was impressive :rocker:
Wonder if GBC learned his techniques from the marriage enhancement facilitator? I am having a hard time getting over that statement. If NBC is involved it brings a new meaning to 'enhancing' a marriage. JMHO
I'm still out to lunch about identity of accomplice (just not enough evidence atm), but I've never been entirely convinced that the repeated interviews with "ex-colleague" and subsequent lawyer hiring are necessarily signs of complicity/involvement.

Just to play devil's advocate... willingness to participate in three long interviews without legal rep could point towards innocence and genuine "helping police with inquiries". Later engagement of lawyer could be to protect herself if she's going to be testifying for prosecution?

I'm still not convinced (as I've posted previously) that an innocent woman minding her own business at home on a Thursday night is going to willingly go and do very gross, unpleasant stuff to help someone who's just done something very stupid, horrible, frightening and the ultimate deal-breaker for a relationship (if they had one). Think of the choices (a) go to bed (b) drag body around muddy river banks in middle of the night, in the company of a highly agitated murderer, and become an accessory to murder. What would it take for you to choose (b)? What does she have to gain? What does she have to lose? For me, the losses here outweigh the gains dramatically.

If police thought she was involved in body disposal (sorry), why haven't they searched her place? There should be evidence like muddy shoes/clothes, mud in her car, maybe even DNA on her clothes. Why hasn't her computer been seized?

The places they have searched are Allison's house and BC senior's house.

Who has more to lose if person is arrested, enough to tip the scales to make such late-night shennanigans worth the effort? Someone with a financial stake in the business perhaps? And a highly valued social reputation to protect?

Yes. Perhaps GBC did text or ring her though - and she just didn't go? That would be enough for them to be very interested in her, even if she didn't actually do anything after that point. She would still want to get a lawyer as she would be terrified GBC may actually implicate her in some way.
I totally get that noone would have been thinking clearly at the time if this is true - but I can't understand why on earth Bwana would wait in that bus shelter in the most public place in Kenmore? They live in Durness St, which is kind of on the way to the roundabout from the BC residence - why on earth wouldn't GBC have just dropped in there and collected him? Why sit at the bus shelter for all to see? Not sure if I'm flying with this one.

I was thinking about this, too. If GBC had gone out the back way, up Rafting Ground, right on to Moggill, he could have met Bwana there. Bwana would only have had to drive into Kilkivan Avenue and turned right on to Moggill Rd, go maybe 500 metres to meet him.

Was it before or after the body had been dumped?

Maybe it was for anonymity? The backroads would have been awfully silent and empty at that time of night.

Was it specifically to dispose of crap in the industrial bins there?
That's exactly what I thought! I don't know if EBC usually looks like that but saw that photo and thought of someone else's post earlier say that she is "evil" or maybe the word was "vile" - can't remember.

She's looking at her grieving grand-daughters for goodness sake!

You have your opinion and I have mine.

I personally think she is looking at Mrs Dickie with contempt, not at her grieving granddaughters as you say.
Who could instruct them to take it down, how can it damage a case, don t understand

I'm just going to use the Austin/girven case for a real world example. Bianca was murdered so her family made a sort of tribute website for her. They added a list of media links and that sort of thing. Eventually Rhys was arrested and Bianca's family and friends made some comments on the site about Rhys's past behaviour, it wasn't all fabricated either (court records etc). They also made a page on facebook where people commented willy nilly about rhys (so careless!!!!). then it came to light that the defence was concerned Rhys would not be able to get a fair trial.

As well meaning as they were, trying so hard to get justice for Bianca and have a loud voice and online presence for her.... They almost unintentionally jeopardized the whole process. I might add that still hasn't gone to trial- and it was 2+years ago now.

They very promptly removed that site and the Facebook page!!!
I totally get that noone would have been thinking clearly at the time if this is true - but I can't understand why on earth Bwana would wait in that bus shelter in the most public place in Kenmore? They live in Durness St, which is kind of on the way to the roundabout from the BC residence - why on earth wouldn't GBC have just dropped in there and collected him? Why sit at the bus shelter for all to see? Not sure if I'm flying with this one.

Right - any travel between ABC house, NBC house and Kholo could all be done without going anywhere near there. So what would be the reason for being there at all? Unless doing some drive to get something, or going the long way round to make up some story? /perplexed.
I was thinking about this, too. If GBC had gone out the back way, up Rafting Ground, right on to Moggill, he could have met Bwana there. Bwana would only have had to drive into Kilkivan Avenue and turned right on to Moggill Rd, go maybe 500 metres to meet him.

Was it before or after the body had been dumped?

Maybe it was for anonymity? The backroads would have been awfully silent and empty at that time of night.

Was it specifically to dispose of crap in the industrial bins there?

I wonder if QPC questioned the neighbors at Durness street on any unusual comings and goings that night/early morning?
This is my first post here, but I have been following for a week or so, reading a few pages in each of the threads (so I haven't read every page - far from it).

Through my real estate connections I know everyone involved in this case except for Allison (I met her once, as I recall). It does shock me that GBC (and others) could even be accused of such a crime, and I hope that he had nothing to do with it. I know him reasonably well at a professional level, and I know he has made some poor business decisions that hit other people hard financially, but murder is taking it to another level (if he is guilty ... and I emphasise IF).

I have recently spoken with one person who has previously been mentioned in this series of threads, and they have read through some of the comments here. This has caused them a great deal of stress (can you imagine what it would be like if you were in their shoes???), as they know Allison well and they definitely had nothing to do with her tragic death.

Please, take care how you speak of people in this case. Some one (or perhaps two) are guilty parties, but the rest are innocent, so please think about that before posting as some of you have caused enormous stress for some people.

We all want the guilty person to be charged, but we also want all innocent parties to be treated with respect and the assumption of innocence.

Thanks :)
to be fair, I had a bit of a shotgun guess including gap creek along with the scout camp... Although I'd love to claim I was clever ;). Alicat named the actual spot Allison was found, that was impressive :rocker:

It was never going to be Brookfield; I know there is that 'search protocol' etc.
Gap Creek - not really any side roads to turn off into - but plenty up at the Mt - and the river!

Yep - Alicat def has some psychic abilities - she nailed that bridge!
You have your opinion and I have mine.

I personally think she is looking at Mrs Dickie with contempt, not at her grieving granddaughters as you say.

I think she regards the whole scenario with contempt....
Those taxidermed animals heads at the BWANA's home deeply disturb me. I keep telling myself it is not rational to be so repulsed, but I really think they send a horrible message. I have never seen anything like it, and I haven't led a sheltered life.
Right - any travel between ABC house, NBC house and Kholo could all be done without going anywhere near there. So what would be the reason for being there at all? Unless doing some drive to get something, or going the long way round to make up some story? /perplexed.

One possible explanation is the teenager party suggested between bc house and rafting ground exit to Moggill road.. Some parties here are notorious for drunk street-wandering teens ... And they'd probably be seen and heard from some distance away. Would increAse chance of standing out/being seen. Maybe.
You have your opinion and I have mine.

I personally think she is looking at Mrs Dickie with contempt, not at her grieving granddaughters as you say.

I think she is just trying to hold herself together. It would have been a hell of a trying day for everybody regardless.
mmmm helps explain why we saw the granny pash.....getting lots a loving in before he "goes to the big house?" :panic:

I can't believe this image is in my head again.:sick:
:fight: IMO if someone gave me a "Love Tap" there would be hell to pay..... & I'd be out of there quick as lightening!!!

Well a woman getting a 'love tap' DID go OUT like lightening from SKMAs' explanation...........OUT meaning stone dead when she hit the floor.

Had to be a hit so hard, like a car hitting her to cause that to go wrong and kill her.

Internal brain contusions from being ripped inside by the contra coup action (back and forward so fast) would instant haemorraging too.
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