Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #7

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"whoever did it" would have more likely "dumped" upstream and the poor lady has ended up under the bridge with all the rain we had yeah?? Someone at work mentioned (rumour of course) something about body put in a hole near scout camp and it washed out with rain? Just another rumour I heard day after they found her.
This is great news. Tallies with the suggestion police seemed to think there were only 2 suspects and they had a lot of evidence against one of them, right back when they were searching and interviewing in the scout grounds area. Also supports the local gossip suggesting who helped the killer. And might explain why the police are just gathering as much as possible and not in a hurry for arrest, will be a better situation to nail both people at once with heaps of evidence against both.
Someone else i think, this bridge is on a main roadway with a reasonable amount of traffic, they seemed to have a fair bit of time to dispose, so i think if it was BC s , they would have hidden much much better. Posters are making calls of BC s being strange, but they are not dumb, where ABC was found is too stupid a place to dispose of ABC when there are many many more alternatives where she would never been found.

They were dumb enough to meet in front of a traffic camera. She could have been left anywhere up that creek area - I don't think they expected her to be found; and it would have been the amount of water that run into Kholo from Flaggy and Cameron's Creek. Enough to carry her downstream. They may not have expected that. They didn't have much time - probably didn't think of scout camp - lets face it - they didn't think of 'smile, you're on candid camera' Only our Super Sleuth Keyboredom made scout connection : )
Yes. ABC was found under a bridge but the 'thinking' IMO to date is that she was put somewhere up-stream (where she may never have been found, apparently, because there's so much 'obstruction' trapped up there due to last January's flood - trees, debris, junk etc) and because of heaving rains after she went 'missing' April 19 - the body came 'unstuck' and floated down the river. (Sorry, this sounds ghastly I know.)

SKMA your 'theory'/'advice' from lawyer-land makes 100% sense to me. An 'old man' waiting at a bus-stop in the a miracle if anyone could actually identify him 'isn't that Gerard's old man sitting there?!'....Brisbane's a small town, but not that small I think! (I worry about this 'lack of evidence' to convict the Elder BC too.)

Top-notch SKMA and is a great 'reason' for the police's concentration on this bloody round-about! Which has been so frustrating for many of us - some 'outlandish'/out there theories have been tabled - which is all good/interesting - but this sounds very, very plausible to me.

This 'love tap' - an argument gone-wrong, horror of horrors his plea of 'self-defence'...I worry that GBC sentence will be so light as to not to be worth anything...considering what he has taken from his family - the girls, the Dickies. Makes me SICK. I hate to think what the defence attorneys are 'cooking up' in respect to this. How CAN they live with themselves?!

The father being an accomplice - I think, YES. The TM? No. She would have to be a complete idiot to have been an accomplice in this - an 'old' affair - manslaughter/ murder? There is love/lust - but killing another human being? The wife? The mother of three children? (And I think she would have lawyered up much sooner if she was directly involved. I think the police are just 'scaring' her for details - hence all those interviews. Getting the 'dirt', for want of a better word and the 'details' on the marriage and on GBC.)

Only some awful father-son dynamic could get together and be complicit in this. Since Thread 1 there have been many, many comments on the 'distasteful' way GBC and elder BC's have acquitted themselves throughout this awful time. (Also that GBC had a BIG temper.) So I don't bat one eyelid that that Father is involved. Covering up for his son. The son - a big, bloody narcissist who is really a big coward asking for his Daddy's help when he's done something not just wrong...but.... Ugh...Just doesn't bear thinking about...Horrible, Horrible. IMO. If it is true.
This is great news. Tallies with the suggestion police seemed to think there were only 2 suspects and they had a lot of evidence against one of them, right back when they were searching and interviewing in the scout grounds area. Also supports the local gossip suggesting who helped the killer. And might explain why the police are just gathering as much as possible and not in a hurry for arrest, will be a better situation to nail both people at once with heaps of evidence against both.

If the Police had enough evidence to charge someone they would, they would not wait to be able to arrest 2 at once, its not the mentalist, Patrick Jane is not calling the shots. Don t think they would let a murderer with 3 kids alone for anything, funeral, gathering evidence anything.
There has to be a reason the Dickies and ABC s friends are not condemning the BC s, there has to more to it if they know there was drama in their home, they have not said a damn word against them, WHY ?

Because he is lawyered up and he would have them for slander. Not nice for the kids
Is it common knowledge there are cameras there and what they capture? Is it possible they didn't know it was there?

It's possible they didn't know... I've been here 20 years and had no idea. Never really thought about cameras unless they were obvious :)
If this second-hand info about NBC is correct, I guess the real push for witnesses at the roundabout that night would be for identification of the person sitting at the bus stop. This could not be captured on CCTV, and could only come from a person who eye-balled his face on the night.
You can t slander/defame anybody with the truth

yeah imo the reason for any caution is to prevent a later argument that an accused can't get impartial jury/fair trial.

also someone who thinks they got away with it can get cocky/sloppy after a while
I reckon the old *advertiser censored* was in on it from the start...

I agree Greg and I think EBC is fully aware of everything that happened that night too. I think that is what was behind that bizarre kissing scene. That was her way of saying that she was standing by her man so to speak.

Did you see the pictures of the Senior Baden-Clays at the funeral. Just looks of contempt on their faces.


  • 190665-allison-baden-clay-039-s-funeral.jpg
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Yes. ABC was found under a bridge but the 'thinking' IMO to date is that she was put somewhere up-stream (where she may never have been found, apparently, because there's so much 'obstruction' trapped up there due to last January's flood - trees, debris, junk etc) and because of heaving rains after she went 'missing' April 19 - the body came 'unstuck' and floated down the river. (Sorry, this sounds ghastly I know.)

SKMA your 'theory'/'advice' from lawyer-land makes 100% sense to me. An 'old man' waiting at a bus-stop in the a miracle if anyone could actually identify him 'isn't that Gerard's old man sitting there?!'....Brisbane's a small town, but not that small I think! (I worry about this 'lack of evidence' to convict the Elder BC too.)

Top-notch SKMA and is a great 'reason' for the police's concentration on this bloody round-about! Which has been so frustrating for many of us - some 'outlandish'/out there theories have been tabled - which is all good/interesting - but this sounds very, very plausible to me.

This 'love tap' - an argument gone-wrong, horror of horrors his plea of 'self-defence'...I worry that GBC sentence will be so light as to not to be worth anything...considering what he has taken from his family - the girls, the Dickies. Makes me SICK. I hate to think what the defence attorneys are 'cooking up' in respect to this. How CAN they live with themselves?!

The father being an accomplice - I think, YES. The TM? No. She would have to be a complete idiot to have been an accomplice in this - an 'old' affair - manslaughter/ murder? There is love/lust - but killing another human being? The wife? The mother of three children? (And I think she would have lawyered up much sooner if she was directly involved. I think the police are just 'scaring' her for details - hence all those interviews. Getting the 'dirt', for want of a better word and the 'details' on the marriage and on GBC.)

Only some awful father-son dynamic could get together and be complicit in this. Since Thread 1 there have been many, many comments on the 'distasteful' way GBC and elder BC's have acquitted themselves throughout this awful time. (Also that GBC had a BIG temper.) So I don't bat one eyelid that that Father is involved. Covering up for his son. The son - a big, bloody narcissist who is really a big coward asking for his Daddy's help when he's done something not just wrong...but.... Ugh...Just doesn't bear thinking about...Horrible, Horrible. IMO. If it is true.


And don't get me started on the defence lawyers again... thought I got that out of my system earlier today ....

How can they sleep at night? counting the dollar signs...what is a death and a few ruined lives along the way..
Wonder if the Big B lawyered up immediately? Bet he did.
This was also my opinion up until after the funeral and what I mean about not wanting to be 'led' by the media.

I don't know any of the people personally so my opinion has then been based on what the media has been feeding me.

I don't know what kind of people the Dickies' are and regardless of this, my heart truly goes out to them for the loss of their child. What has happened to them is my own worst nightmare come true.

But I don't know that I personally would say it's dignified or respectful to Allison or her daughters to issue a funeral notice like that or say some of the things the media have reported they supposedly said. I think it would be more dignified to not say anything at all and wait for truth and justice to prevail (hopefully).

I understand that as grandparents they may not want to risk being cut off from their grand-daughters....and I understand they would have been instructed not to say anything again, wouldn't it be better then not to say anything at all (directly or indirectly)?

Of late I find my thoughts switching daily from "they are taking advantage of the press to swing public opinion and sympathy their way" to "they are trying very hard to tell us something indirectly".

I personally don't think they've "said" anything against GBC.
So say daddy and grandpappy BC did do it - and went to prison, would the children be left with Grandma BC?

mmmm helps explain why we saw the granny pash.....getting lots a loving in before he "goes to the big house?" :panic:
If the Police had enough evidence to charge someone they would, they would not wait to be able to arrest 2 at once, its not the mentalist, Patrick Jane is not calling the shots. Don t think they would let a murderer with 3 kids alone for anything, funeral, gathering evidence anything.

I don't watch that sheet, but am assured by someone vaguely connected there is a LOT of evidence against one person. Guess we'll see. Police have let known murderers run around for some time as far as I know ... Keisha etc. .. Admittedly different situation...
I was able to have a quick glimpse on the website, then it went down again.... ahhh QLD Transport!

It looked as though if someone stopped in front of the bus stop they'd have to continue inbound on moggill rd towards Indooroopilly, and couldn't continue on the roundabout.. maybe picked someone up & reversed slightly ( this would be strange) to continue through towards Kholo? sorry if this has been mentioned.. jumped ahead
I agree Greg and I think EBC is fully aware of everything that happened too. I think that is what was behind that bizarre kissing scene. That was her way of saying that she was standing by her man so to speak.

Did you see the pictures of the Senior Baden-Clays at the funeral. Just looks of contempt on their faces.

That's exactly what I thought! I don't know if EBC usually looks like that but saw that photo and thought of someone else's post earlier say that she is "evil" or maybe the word was "vile" - can't remember.

She's looking at her grieving grand-daughters for goodness sake!
Thank God for Hawkins!

I think also that GBC was living with his parents - and thus he has an alibi. However, I am sure he knows the killer. GBC's skeletons will all be clanging in a closet about to open - thus he is bunkered down.

Not so sure on the living with parents bit and has an alibi - I think its fair to say we all know that his story has been about going to bed at 10pm on the Thur and last seeing ABC watching the footy show.

They will def make an arrest soon, but in a situation like this where there are no witnesses to the actual murder and no murder weapon and possibly still a few remaining pieces of the puzzle not yet solved, then they simply have to wait on forensic test results incl COD.
I don't watch that sheet, but am assured by someone vaguely connected there is a LOT of evidence against one person. Guess we'll see. Police have let known murderers run around for some time as far as I know ... Keisha etc. .. Admittedly different situation...

I wasn t being disrespectful, just stating the obvious, I really think that if they had evidence, they would arrest perp, I don t know of any murderer with enough evidence to charge them running around anywhere. I have enjoyed your posts though and your views, just think there is a lot of skeletons in the closet to come out yet as a lot does nt make any sense to me.
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