Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #7

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I'm just going to use the Austin/girven case for a real world example. Bianca was murdered so her family made a sort of tribute website for her. They added a list of media links and that sort of thing. Eventually Rhys was arrested and Bianca's family and friends made some comments on the site about Rhys's past behaviour, it wasn't all fabricated either (court records etc). They also made a page on facebook where people commented willy nilly about rhys (so careless!!!!). then it came to light that the defence was concerned Rhys would not be able to get a fair trial.

As well meaning as they were, trying so hard to get justice for Bianca and have a loud voice and online presence for her.... They almost unintentionally jeopardized the whole process. I might add that still hasn't gone to trial- and it was 2+years ago now.

They very promptly removed that site and the Facebook page!!!

Look at the Patel case, the Courier mail and media hype/allegations were flying everywhere couldn t have been more prejudial IMO, didn t stop anything there, it s just been innuendo and nearly totally quiet from all concerned in this case, IMO there is a lot we have nt heard yet. GBC with high profile lawyer makes hard going but if it were me, and it respectfully isn t, how long do you wait,
If the Police had enough evidence to charge someone they would, they would not wait to be able to arrest 2 at once, its not the mentalist, Patrick Jane is not calling the shots. Don t think they would let a murderer with 3 kids alone for anything, funeral, gathering evidence anything.

Now I am confused..
So if the police wouldn't leave a murderer with 3 kids, GBC is def not a suspect, and they have no evidence against him - because if they did they would have arrested him by now?? or they just do not have enough evidence..
Look at the Patel case, the Courier mail and media hype/allegations were flying everywhere couldn t have been more prejudial IMO, didn t stop anything there, it s just been innuendo and nearly totally quiet from all concerned in this case, IMO there is a lot we have nt heard yet. GBC with high profile lawyer makes hard going but if it were me, and it respectfully isn t, how long do you wait,

Sorry how long do you wait for what?
I agree Greg and I think EBC is fully aware of everything that happened that night too. I think that is what was behind that bizarre kissing scene. That was her way of saying that she was standing by her man so to speak.

Did you see the pictures of the Senior Baden-Clays at the funeral. Just looks of contempt on their faces.

When I first saw that photo on Saturday I was instantly drawn to the expression on EBC's face. What really freaks me out is the old boy looks like he's hiding behind EBC. (No smutty stuff on what he might be doing - I don't want to go there. LOL). He looks like the boogy man.
Now I am confused..
So if the police wouldn't leave a murderer with 3 kids, GBC is def not a suspect, and they have no evidence against him - because if they did they would have arrested him by now?? or they just do not have enough evidence..

He may be a suspect, POI, but they haven t clarified that I think, I don t think they have enough or any evidence, if they charge him without enough evidence, then they would be required to deliver a brief of evidence, which his SC would pull to bits, allow him bail and time to fight what they have told him they know. At this point he would IMO not be aware what they know or didn t know, its a game of cat and mouse.
Sorry, if you thought i was being disrespectful to them, I wasn t, I am not really talking of bad mouthing , more about how quiet everything is, i don t see how it could be damaged more than it is for them, There daughter is murdered, their grandkids are with a family they don t seem to have much to do with, and they don t have any answers. I just would handle it completely differently, but thats not to say that they aren t full of grace, IMO they are a very very respectable family, with great kids, and are in shock and have my deepest sympathies. I just couldn t sit back

I believe they have held back so they won't prejudice the case. If they made a big deal about any alleged belief GBC is the perp it would be all over the media and start a potential situation where GBC could use 'trial by media' as a way of saying he can't get a fair trial. I think everyone is laying low for all the same reaaons, to allow nothing dramatic to take off about GBC being guilty, so the police can get everything they need and then nail him! Revenge is best served cold, as they say.
When I first saw that photo on Saturday I was instantly drawn to the expression on EBC's face. What really freaks me out is the old boy looks like he's hiding behind EBC. (No smutty stuff on what he might be doing - I don't want to go there. LOL). He looks like the boogy man.

Yeah he is the boogy man and he's whispering something into her ear..........
This is what has bothered with the trust fund business. This man has a lot of financial problems, from what I read, he's been taking loans out, etc. No way will I contribute a cent that might be used to fix his financial problems.

I'm no expert on trust funds but I've been around too long to believe that he won't find a way to get his hands on this money and use it to bail himself out of his financial strife.

Attack my post all you like, but I abandoned my rose-colored glasses on human nature a long time ago.

BTW this has nothing to do with his guilt or innocence, but the character of the person himself. I know a self-centred egotistical spiv when i see one.

One doesn't need to view life thru rose coloured glasses to know that there are horses for courses and that there are someetimes 'special circumstances' and I think this may just be that time don't you think...

1. The likliehood is that financial problems are the least of his problems and perhaps 25 years in the bin may be more of a pressing issue at the mo.

2. The trust fund I am sure will be handled with all the dignity and responsibility that goes with it. I hardly think anyone from ABC's side willl be mishandling their beloved Allison's childrens future in any way shape or form and I think that anyone who thinks that is probably a little out of touch with reality.
I hope when an arrest is made we get some 'connected dots' but for what it's worth some information from a relative who lives in that area, is a mum and 'plugged' into the gossip...I hate hearsay..but it's all I have right now:
-GBC was living at home
-ABC went to have her hair done (in prep for Friday's conference for which she'd have to leave home much earlier than usual)
-there was a sleepover that Thursday night (no girls at home)
-so GBC and ABC were alone
-my relative 'assumed' that they were at Elder GBC's...but not sure now

Which, when this first happened, made me think that it was premeditated on GBC's part...but of course not so sure now.

The fact that they may have 'left' ABC's body up-stream near the scout camp (sounded crazy because how much guilter does that make GBC look? but maybe he wasn't arrogant, pannicked, didn't think that SO MANY PEOPLE would notice his wife missing?)!!!

I saw that pic that Ixnaye uploaded - the Elder BC's at the funeral - contempt, arrogance? Just awful to look at. It makes me think - they had the kids that night, EBC Grandad got called out to 'help', the girls were asleep at Grandma's...of course Grandad would eventually tell Grandma 'something'...hence that god-awful 'kiss' - we're in this together - us against them (very South African, I can say that, because I married one first time round) awful...IMO if it is true.
Those taxidermed animals heads at the BWANA's home deeply disturb me. I keep telling myself it is not rational to be so repulsed, but I really think they send a horrible message. I have never seen anything like it, and I haven't led a sheltered life.

Ditto, I think the message it sends is probably what alot of people are thinking...
I believe they have held back so they won't prejudice the case. If they made a big deal about any alleged belief GBC is the perp it would be all over the media and start a potential situation where GBC could use 'trial by media' as a way of saying he can't get a fair trial. I think everyone is laying low for all the same reaaons, to allow nothing dramatic to take off about GBC being guilty, so the police can get everything they need and then nail him! Revenge is best served cold, as they say.

There doesn t seem to be a case except for the odd we are going to make an arrest, there may be an accomplice, IMO the longer this drags the less likely they will be able to secure perp, if it was GBC should have happened by now IMO more to it im guessing
Geez his financial problems aren't about to get any better now he's got 2 lawyers to pay for!
It was never going to be Brookfield; I know there is that 'search protocol' etc.
Gap Creek - not really any side roads to turn off into - but plenty up at the Mt - and the river!

Yep - Alicat def has some psychic abilities - she nailed that bridge!

Know what you mean too.
Yes. ABC was found under a bridge but the 'thinking' IMO to date is that she was put somewhere up-stream (where she may never have been found, apparently, because there's so much 'obstruction' trapped up there due to last January's flood - trees, debris, junk etc) and because of heaving rains after she went 'missing' April 19 - the body came 'unstuck' and floated down the river. (Sorry, this sounds ghastly I know.)

SKMA your 'theory'/'advice' from lawyer-land makes 100% sense to me. An 'old man' waiting at a bus-stop in the a miracle if anyone could actually identify him 'isn't that Gerard's old man sitting there?!'....Brisbane's a small town, but not that small I think! (I worry about this 'lack of evidence' to convict the Elder BC too.)

Top-notch SKMA and is a great 'reason' for the police's concentration on this bloody round-about! Which has been so frustrating for many of us - some 'outlandish'/out there theories have been tabled - which is all good/interesting - but this sounds very, very plausible to me.

This 'love tap' - an argument gone-wrong, horror of horrors his plea of 'self-defence'...I worry that GBC sentence will be so light as to not to be worth anything...considering what he has taken from his family - the girls, the Dickies. Makes me SICK. I hate to think what the defence attorneys are 'cooking up' in respect to this. How CAN they live with themselves?!

The father being an accomplice - I think, YES. The TM? No. She would have to be a complete idiot to have been an accomplice in this - an 'old' affair - manslaughter/ murder? There is love/lust - but killing another human being? The wife? The mother of three children? (And I think she would have lawyered up much sooner if she was directly involved. I think the police are just 'scaring' her for details - hence all those interviews. Getting the 'dirt', for want of a better word and the 'details' on the marriage and on GBC.)

Only some awful father-son dynamic could get together and be complicit in this. Since Thread 1 there have been many, many comments on the 'distasteful' way GBC and elder BC's have acquitted themselves throughout this awful time. (Also that GBC had a BIG temper.) So I don't bat one eyelid that that Father is involved. Covering up for his son. The son - a big, bloody narcissist who is really a big coward asking for his Daddy's help when he's done something not just wrong...but.... Ugh...Just doesn't bear thinking about...Horrible, Horrible. IMO. If it is true.

Yes. She would've lawyered up sooner, and 'battened down the hatches' like gbc did, if she was directly involved. Seemed confident body would never be found. TM was quite amenable and willing to assist police prior to the discovery of body, without legal rep.
Don't be too hasty to put TM on the sideline just yet. She may not have been involved directly with abc's disappearance on 19/4, but implicated in some other way. If it was pre-meditated, as suggested earlier, it's possible.
This is my first post here, but I have been following for a week or so, reading a few pages in each of the threads (so I haven't read every page - far from it).

Through my real estate connections I know everyone involved in this case except for Allison (I met her once, as I recall). It does shock me that GBC (and others) could even be accused of such a crime, and I hope that he had nothing to do with it. I know him reasonably well at a professional level, and I know he has made some poor business decisions that hit other people hard financially, but murder is taking it to another level (if he is guilty ... and I emphasise IF).

I have recently spoken with one person who has previously been mentioned in this series of threads, and they have read through some of the comments here. This has caused them a great deal of stress (can you imagine what it would be like if you were in their shoes???), as they know Allison well and they definitely had nothing to do with her tragic death.

Please, take care how you speak of people in this case. Some one (or perhaps two) are guilty parties, but the rest are innocent, so please think about that before posting as some of you have caused enormous stress for some people.

We all want the guilty person to be charged, but we also want all innocent parties to be treated with respect and the assumption of innocence.

Thanks :)

Yeh I could imagine how Distressing it would be to be named here as a possible murderer or accessory to a murder or even as the other woman.... Just because you worked at the real estate... There has been someone named often on this thread as the OW but is this based on any fact??? Sorry I may have missed this during the Hundreds of posts on these threads... From local rumour there definately is suggestion of one existing that ABC became aware of in weeks previous to her death.... But is it the one being named here constantly???? I doubt the person who gets interviewed 3 times by police and gets a lawyer would pop around for coffee to the BCs house... Pretty sure lawyers from all parties would not be suggesting that....
I agree Greg and I think EBC is fully aware of everything that happened that night too. I think that is what was behind that bizarre kissing scene. That was her way of saying that she was standing by her man so to speak.

Did you see the pictures of the Senior Baden-Clays at the funeral. Just looks of contempt on their faces.

Thank you! This was the pic I was trying to find to post after seeing their faces... how harsh! I hope the girls never have to see this pic :(
wait to be gracious, I m glad its not my daughter I know where I would get the answers

I've never been in their shoes, so I have no idea how I would behave. I like to think I would know exactly what I'd do but I understand situational forces can be very strong. With this in mind, I choose to refrain from thinking things like 'if i were so and so i would do this or that'. So I'm looking at all the aspects of this case objectively, and from my personal perspective I think they are going about things in the most constructive and sensible way possible
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