Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

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I think he could have stayed at the command post. While I wouldn't want to find a loved one murdered on a search I would be at the post...everyday...

Just curious , y'all's thoughts. He (IMO) looks more attractive with the facial hair , looks slimmer, etc. I knew a guy having an affair and his looks "improved" alot! Do y'all think it may contribute to his changing looks?

Not trying to start anything here, just saying..

After seeing his pathetic, prissy attempt at playing the sob-stressed and anxious spouse

I think having any type of intimate relationship with him would be about as exciting as licking a cardboard cut-out man
Don't worry, Linette

they won't slip it past us

In fact, half of Australia would come down on their necks if they tried to float the theory Allison took her own life

police wouldnt be searching for a killer if she had suicided, her autopsy would have ruled that out
Yes well.. a certain trailer heading out at night would be a little unusual....

a perfectly valid theory, which should never been discarded so quickly IMO

A certain big game hunter heading out might be just as unusual, especially if he was getting one of 'those kisses' goodbye in the driveway :blushing: (reversing a trailer in the dark is one thing, trying to keep someone else's tongue out of your mouth when you're busy is another challenge entirely). Not that I know, I'm unemployed, according to old mate truth_muppet :)
Just a thought, maybe the womans screams that where reported was the alleged mistress or sisters attempt to draw attention away from GBC

Hi LostSock :)

Difficult to say. If those involved are of histrionic bent, I guess a bit of pretend screaming in the night might seem to them to be a great idea

Hate to see how they would have explained if someone had popped out of a bush behind them, though
Hi all,
This is my first post and have been following since thread 1.
There have been many times I've been tempted to comment but the posts come so thick and fast its hard to keep up!! and generally someone adds a reply similar to my thoughts anyway. At the moment I think that even though there may be many apparent circumstances/behaviours that seem to implicate GBC and perhaps some other family member(s) it is very possible that there could be legitimate explanations for all of these. I think it is difficult to look at another's behaviors dispassionately ie. without judging what WE think we or others would or should do in such dire circumstances. That said, my feeling is that there is a lot more than meets the eye in this case. BTW some of you are so interesting and funny I would love to Know you!!!

Now - the point of my post....
"Originally Posted by minni
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'Mrs Baden-Clay's three daughters were on a sleepover the night their mother reportedly went for a walk and didn't return to the family's Brookfield home in Brisbane's west.' ""

Did anyone read the last line in this media article where it is a direct quote by Allison's sister Vanessa Fowler that ""She was borne down, her work left unfinished, yet she will be remembered for her acts of kindness and love.""

What do you all think "borne down" means or "should it read "worn down" (remember the reporter would have recorded it most likely at the funeral) Either way this is a very cryptic comment (like everything about this case). Any opinions??. It certainly points to the depression mentioned by GBC's sister but also seems contradictory to other reports that everything seemed "fine".
I have 4 daughters and 1 son and it just breaks my heart to think of what those three children are going through now and how they will be affected for the rest of their lives. I think much of GBC's strange behavior may very well be explained by his trying to protect and comfort the children and not for the "guilty" reasons put forward. I do respect those other views of course, but there really has not been enough information given out by the police to really form a cast iron opinion in my view. The media have certainly steered the public view I feel in an effort to expand/ manipulate the "facts". One post (in thread 6??) said the media had done this through "juxtaposition" of comments and suggestions. Again this is something that I agree with perhaps just because I hope for the sake of those little girls that their father is innocent.
I do not know anyone involved with this case but have driven through the Brookfield area a few time over the years. I live in a small country town where the "grape vine" thrives on gossip innuendo and intrigue and Brookfield seems like its has a similar thing happening in this case. I have learnt through experience that you never tell anyone anything unless you are prepared for others to repeat it and that everything said about others should be taken with a "grain of salt" unless you have it straight from "the horse's mouth" :)

I was a single mum Police Officer in a country town for some time I know about gossip lies and how people who are unhappy in their own lives will set people they view as tall poppies and make it their business to try to make you as miserable as them. I am no longer with QPS and work in a very rewarding position at Pullenvale now. I know the people there. Now if I have earned any credibility in your eyes read my posts cause I don't think your giving others on here the credibility they deserve.:fence:
Hi LostSock :)

Difficult to say. If those involved are of histrionic bent, I guess a bit of pretend screaming in the night might seem to them to be a great idea

Hate to see how they would have explained if someone had popped out of a bush behind them, though

Yeah I think it is far fetched, but it could throw support behind the claim 5 people where involved.
Yeah I think it is far fetched, but it could throw support behind the claim 5 people where involved.

Well, yep. Anything's possible. I mean, once you've seen the Cockatoo Tongue thing -- and watched the devastated spouse's whining as well as sis sprinting through neighbours' yards to whisk the grief-wracked spouse from the eyes of the media --- sure, anything's likely to be possible with that mob
I was a single mum Police Officer in a country town for some time I know about gossip lies and how people who are unhappy in their own lives will set people they view as tall poppies and make it their business to try to make you as miserable as them. I am no longer with QPS and work in a very rewarding position at Pullenvale now. I know the people there. Now if I have earned any credibility in your eyes read my posts cause I don't think your giving others on here the credibility they deserve.:fence:

What do you believe happened?

Also, with your experince is GBC behaving like a man who is innocent?
Or ... what if he was coming from the other way (for whatever reason) ... heading outbound on Moggil Rd, then he would need to go around the block to the traffic lights (past Indro) as you cannot turn right into the police station due to overpass and traffic island.

He wasn't.
I think majority of normal innocent people would have to be fully restrained or locked up to prevent them from, at very least, going to that command centre.

I don't recall where I read it, long time ago,...when a close family member or friend is missing, ...the not knowing is one of the worst forms of torture known to man.

Also thought I'd add...he made time to present himself in George St to see his barrister on the day Allison'a body was found.....

Good points. I agree I would think having a family member go missing would be a very tortuious experience. Something I would never ever want to go through( was bad enough when my dog went missing)

I can't remember my point now, but only to say that I am sure offically he would not have been able to search, but would not have stopped him going to command post, if that was the case. It seemed Police had not stopped him doing that, even if he could not search. ( I have to add that I don't like to or try not to judge on someones actions and why they are thinking a certain way especially if fI don't have facts. )
I believe it was a deliberate attempt to make some marks on his body and to buy him some time.

I agree, totally! (Tho for the little girls, I want it not to be true, sadly there seems to be alot of people like "this" in this world now..sad..
Hi fellow sleuthers!
First time poster , but have read all threads from the start.
4069 resident! Knew ABC when mine were at Preschool with her oldest H.
The gossip?/truth? unending.
I do know "fact" that residents of Durness St, Kenmore (neighbours of NBC) were doorknocked by QPS last night..............."did you hear or see anything unusual"
Does this mean that they are putting together evidence on the involvement with NBC & EBC?
My husband has met GBC at local business meetings - on Day 1 he said "he did it"
Stay tuned!

Thanks Saffron! surely they would have door knocked that street before now, I wonder if this was the first time? Thanks for your post!
Just curious , y'all's thoughts. He (IMO) looks more attractive with the facial hair , looks slimmer, etc. I knew a guy having an affair and his looks "improved" alot! Do y'all think it may contribute to his changing looks?


Haha, to me he looks like a little weed with some moss on his face.
When I first saw him do that 'heart felt' interview I could not believe that this weed-like man was someone who was successful in real estate. Sorry if that offends, just my opinion.
Is the (eerie?) silence from the media this morning unnerving anyone else (12.18 pm AEST)? Significance? Who knows.

There has been a definite downscaling of the media reporting on this. I would have thought the press would be over it like a rash, particularly as QPS close to an arrest.

It could be a case of the MSM "toeing the line" so they get access when the big news breaks. Or am I just being a tad cynical?
I agree that with the chance of cross contamination of DNA you have to be really careful who you have helping search. Also, if he had helped, then is found guilty, he could have said his DNA was there because he was searching etc. Police think of all this.
However, he never went to the command post did he? ... where her parents and the others were waiting for news.
So, while I don't believe it would be a good idea for him to search... I still think a really worried husband would have seemed to have been doing much more than he did.

Yes, I said that..That while he may not have been able to search. he was not by all reports, prevented from going to the command post.
or maybe not. Just clutching at silly straws now. I thought the idea was to speculate based on the facts at hand not create a story line for the midday movie.
I hope they were able to get some forenics from ABC fingernails...
Dear Maxymoo
From what I have read regarding this case on all of the threads since day1 I believe that this forum has been marked by people giving each other respect in terms of their views. A number who have been around since day 1 have been over and over the issues. I don't think I have any right to tell any one how 'to suck eggs' but may I suggest people who have recently joined and have many questions to go back to the earlier threads (which are only closed for comment not for reading) and maybe do a search on the thread itself. This website is pretty user friendly.
Welcome and I look forward to reading everyone's posts, reserving my right to respond, agree or disagree.:moo:
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