Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

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Sorry, there have probably been about 500 posts since my last when I was at work yesterday, and sorry I had not yet worked out how to 'THANK' for "USEFUL POSTS'.

Thanks to those who corrected me previously that the Clay's country of origin was Zimbabwe, not South Africa, and the insight into 'communal' PTSD due to the violence there is duly noted.

Is the (eerie?) silence from the media this morning unnerving anyone else (12.18 pm AEST)? Significance? Who knows.

The first I saw of this case was GBC's hangdog, mirroring, subject-changing, sniffling, tearless, head-dipping, 'my children', 'I'm Sorry' to the media. That's what pulled me in.

He was at work when the police broke the news that Allison's body was found; I find this strange- how could one go about their daily business in such circumstances UNLESS IT WAS A PRIORITY? I mean, WOULDN'T YOUR COMMUNITY LOOK AFTER YOU UNDER SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES?
The subsequent absence of any emotion in regard to Allison's disappearance by any of the Clay clan, other than the sister is bewildering.

I felt NBC attempted to hide behind others at the funeral. Am I misinterpreting?

The police, previously requesting information from any member(s) of the public re anything seen at the roundabout, appear to have stopped asking. Significance?

Can anyone here confirm or deny the comment by one of the children which conflicts with GBC's statement that they where with him that night?

Random questions, sorry.
However if you look at her various profiles ABC says she is a 'licensed partner' of Pathways and is interested in 'new ventures' and 'business deals' amongst other things.
'Business deals' ... eek :dunno:

Exactly lol

Sounds like her "interest" was swapping one career for a less global one involving lots of different things :-s
He was on the way to the Police station with his lawyer following. And if you know Moggill Road at all, the Police Staion he was heading for was on the left opposite to Indooroopilly Shopping Centre. He did not need to go up the ramp to the shiopping centre at all to visit the Police, yet he did and crashed, completely out of the way of the Police Station. Panic ???


Or ... what if he was coming from the other way (for whatever reason) ... heading outbound on Moggil Rd, then he would need to go around the block to the traffic lights (past Indro) as you cannot turn right into the police station due to overpass and traffic island.
He was on the way to the Police station with his lawyer following. And if you know Moggill Road at all, the Police Staion he was heading for was on the left opposite to Indooroopilly Shopping Centre. He did not need to go up the ramp to the shiopping centre at all to visit the Police, yet he did and crashed, completely out of the way of the Police Station. Panic ???


I believe it was a deliberate attempt to make some marks on his body and to buy him some time.
Hi all,
This is my first post and have been following since thread 1.
There have been many times I've been tempted to comment but the posts come so thick and fast its hard to keep up!! and generally someone adds a reply similar to my thoughts anyway. At the moment I think that even though there may be many apparent circumstances/behaviours that seem to implicate GBC and perhaps some other family member(s) it is very possible that there could be legitimate explanations for all of these. I think it is difficult to look at another's behaviors dispassionately ie. without judging what WE think we or others would or should do in such dire circumstances. That said, my feeling is that there is a lot more than meets the eye in this case. BTW some of you are so interesting and funny I would love to Know you!!!

Now - the point of my post....
"Originally Posted by minni
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'Mrs Baden-Clay's three daughters were on a sleepover the night their mother reportedly went for a walk and didn't return to the family's Brookfield home in Brisbane's west.' ""

Did anyone read the last line in this media article where it is a direct quote by Allison's sister Vanessa Fowler that ""She was borne down, her work left unfinished, yet she will be remembered for her acts of kindness and love.""

What do you all think "borne down" means or "should it read "worn down" (remember the reporter would have recorded it most likely at the funeral) Either way this is a very cryptic comment (like everything about this case). Any opinions??. It certainly points to the depression mentioned by GBC's sister but also seems contradictory to other reports that everything seemed "fine".
I have 4 daughters and 1 son and it just breaks my heart to think of what those three children are going through now and how they will be affected for the rest of their lives. I think much of GBC's strange behavior may very well be explained by his trying to protect and comfort the children and not for the "guilty" reasons put forward. I do respect those other views of course, but there really has not been enough information given out by the police to really form a cast iron opinion in my view. The media have certainly steered the public view I feel in an effort to expand/ manipulate the "facts". One post (in thread 6??) said the media had done this through "juxtaposition" of comments and suggestions. Again this is something that I agree with perhaps just because I hope for the sake of those little girls that their father is innocent.
I do not know anyone involved with this case but have driven through the Brookfield area a few time over the years. I live in a small country town where the "grape vine" thrives on gossip innuendo and intrigue and Brookfield seems like its has a similar thing happening in this case. I have learnt through experience that you never tell anyone anything unless you are prepared for others to repeat it and that everything said about others should be taken with a "grain of salt" unless you have it straight from "the horse's mouth" :)
As per link:
Ms Walton said in the days leading up to her disappearance, Allison was her usual self.

"I spoke to her the night before she disappeared on Thursday night and she seemed fine," she said.

"I saw her last week and she seemed normal, delightful - her normal, easygoing, beautiful-natured, thoughtful, kind-hearted self.

Just before Allison's disappearance, Olivia certainly sounded like she was on good terms with Allison.

So when did she speak to her..Wednesday night or Thursday night..I read it to mean she spoke to her on wednesday and dissappeared on Thursday or daes it mean I spoke to her on Thursday night...Either way both sound a little off...Is she saying she KNOWS she dissappeared on the Thursday and not the Friday ....and also.... If she spoke to her on Thursday when and Why?

I might be reading to much into it but it just seems a little confusing?...IMO
I do know "fact" that residents of Durness St, Kenmore (neighbours of NBC) were doorknocked by QPS last night..............."did you hear or see anything unusual"

Yes well.. a certain trailer heading out at night would be a little unusual....

a perfectly valid theory, which should never been discarded so quickly IMO
I know what you are saying. But maybe he was trying to protect the kids? I don't know. I don't think the police would have wanted him searching in an official way anyway.(just in case he was guilty). maybe they did tell him to leave the searching to them. He did not visit the command post and his sister said he was told to stay away. Police said news to them. However they may have said stay out of the search. (not away from the command post).

I agree that with the chance of cross contamination of DNA you have to be really careful who you have helping search. Also, if he had helped, then is found guilty, he could have said his DNA was there because he was searching etc. Police think of all this.
However, he never went to the command post did he? ... where her parents and the others were waiting for news.
So, while I don't believe it would be a good idea for him to search... I still think a really worried husband would have seemed to have been doing much more than he did.
I think majority of normal innocent people would have to be fully restrained or locked up to prevent them from, at very least, going to that command centre.

I don't recall where I read it, long time ago,...when a close family member or friend is missing, ...the not knowing is one of the worst forms of torture known to man.

Also thought I'd add...he made time to present himself in George St to see his barrister on the day Allison'a body was found.....

and adding to that...I think I also read tht he was notified of her body being found at his place of I said last night/yesterday....Why is Work and Lawyer more important then finding your wife and also how is work and Lawyer being around to tkae care of your kids...If he found someone to babysit the girls while he went to Lawyer and Work...Why wouldn't the same people take care of them whilst he waited with Allison's poor heartbroken parents at the command post till there was News?...This infuriates me!

The answer is...he already knew where she was so why bother waiting?..IMO
Hi all,

Did anyone read the last line in this media article where it is a direct quote by Allison's sister Vanessa Fowler that ""She was borne down, her work left unfinished, yet she will be remembered for her acts of kindness and love.""

What do you all think "borne down" means or "should it read "worn down" (remember the reporter would have recorded it most likely at the funeral) Either way this is a very cryptic comment (like everything about this case). Any opinions??. It certainly points to the depression mentioned by GBC's sister but also seems contradictory to other reports that everything seemed "fine".

In some contexts to be 'borne down' {past tense} is used to describe someone who is heavilly burdened for whatever reason, or carrying a heavy weight on their shoulders. So I guess this could fit in.
So when did she speak to her..Wednesday night or Thursday night..I read it to mean she spoke to her on wednesday and dissappeared on Thursday or daes it mean I spoke to her on Thursday night...Either way both sound a little off...Is she saying she KNOWS she dissappeared on the Thursday and not the Friday ....and also.... If she spoke to her on Thursday when and Why?

I might be reading to much into it but it just seems a little confusing?...IMO

I took it to mean that Olivia and Allison spoke on the Wednesday night too. There are so many adjectives used by Olivia to describe Allison; I guess that I have to accept that such superlatives would be 'normal' under the circumstances!

Also, it would seem to indicate that Olivia is inferring that Allison disappeared on Thursday night (the night that her brother said he last saw her).
I know what you are saying. But maybe he was trying to protect the kids? I don't know. I don't think the police would have wanted him searching in an official way anyway.(just in case he was guilty). maybe they did tell him to leave the searching to them. He did not visit the command post and his sister said he was told to stay away. Police said news to them. However they may have said stay out of the search. (not away from the command post).

I agree with why he stayed away from the search. If the QPS believed he was involved in any way, they would not want him in the search in case he contaminated anything found. That evidence would then be not admissible in court.
and adding to that...I think I also read tht he was notified of her body being found at his place of I said last night/yesterday....Why is Work and Lawyer more important then finding your wife and also how is work and Lawyer being around to tkae care of your kids...If he found someone to babysit the girls while he went to Lawyer and Work...Why wouldn't the same people take care of them whilst he waited with Allison's poor heartbroken parents at the command post till there was News?...This infuriates me!

The answer is...he already knew where she was so why bother waiting?..IMO

I think Gerard is just taking care of business, sorting that out is his priority. He knows what happened to his wife so why would he waste his time sitting around twiddling his thumbs waiting to be told the obvious.

The same reason he wasnt out looking for his wife or pleading to the public for help.

Remember that he is a "money" man with a background in accounting. I have said it before and stand by it, if that real estate managed my property I would get an accountant to go through the ledgers.

I think this case will be more about Money than Mistress and perhaps Alison was aware of some creative accounting and was going do something about it.
I took it to mean that Olivia and Allison spoke on the Wednesday night too. There are so many adjectives used by Olivia to describe Allison; I guess that I have to accept that such superlatives would be 'normal' under the circumstances!

Also, it would seem to indicate that Olivia is inferring that Allison disappeared on Thursday night (the night that her brother said he last saw her).

"I spoke to her the night before she disappeared on Thursday night and she seemed fine," she said.

"I saw her last week and she seemed normal, delightful - her normal, easygoing, beautiful-natured, thoughtful, kind-hearted self.

oh .... and also depressed

Just a thought, maybe the womans screams that where reported was the alleged mistress or sisters attempt to draw attention away from GBC
I agree with why he stayed away from the search. If the QPS believed he was involved in any way, they would not want him in the search in case he contaminated anything found. That evidence would then be not admissible in court.

I think he could have stayed at the command post. While I wouldn't want to find a loved one murdered on a search I would be at the post...everyday...

Just curious , y'all's thoughts. He (IMO) looks more attractive with the facial hair , looks slimmer, etc. I knew a guy having an affair and his looks "improved" alot! Do y'all think it may contribute to his changing looks?

Not trying to start anything here, just saying..
Just want to add... with the talk of Allison suffering from depression, and how the family were perhaps using that as a way of saying that she could have taken her own life or taken off somewhere. {before body was found}
To me, even if she was depressed {which we don't know} that doesn't mean that she would ever consider taking her life or running away. There are alot of people out there with this condition and live their lives like anyone else.
Also, people will often say someone has depression when they are just down in the dumps, or very sad. If the marriage was as they are saying, then I'd be surprised if she wasn't sad or down in the dumps... but it doesn't mean for one moment that she would ever want to leave her kids. Maybe they didn't count on the body being found, because now that it is a murder investigation whether or not she was depressed doesn't matter too much anyway.
I just hope 'whoever' did it pleads guilty in the court and doesn't try to put the blame on her.
Just want to add... with the talk of Allison suffering from depression, and how the family were perhaps using that as a way of saying that she could have taken her own life or taken off somewhere. {before body was found}
To me, even if she was depressed {which we don't know} that doesn't mean that she would ever consider taking her life or running away. There are alot of people out there with this condition and live their lives like anyone else.
Also, people will often say someone has depression when they are just down in the dumps, or very sad. If the marriage was as they are saying, then I'd be surprised if she wasn't sad or down in the dumps... but it doesn't mean for one moment that she would ever want to leave her kids. Maybe they didn't count on the body being found, because now that it is a murder investigation whether or not she was depressed doesn't matter too much anyway.
I just hope 'whoever' did it admits to it in the court and doesn't try to put the blame on her.

Don't worry, Linette

they won't slip it past us

In fact, half of Australia would come down on their necks if they tried to float the theory Allison took her own life
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