Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

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The Tahitian Prince for non Queenslanders is: A state public servant who is accused of defrauding the Health Department of over $15 million. He claim he was a Tahitian Prince, had very exclusive properties, owned expensive cars, clothes etc and lived the high life, he was also a partner in a perfume shop - all this of course was at Tax payers expense!!

This was one of the things that bought down the state government about 6 weeks ago!
A Courier Mail article posted last night has a one liner indicating the girls were at a sleepover on Thursday night.

that same one liner said she went for a walk the night before
bugger it...Im gonna say media, I just noticed the same sentence claims she went for a walk that night, and I'm pretty sure police never confirmed THAT

I think the media are feeding us information on a daily basis to keep the story alive - I think they rehash anything to get another page or so on the case - they to are waiting for the "big" one
Once again.....Why would someone leave a phone on and let it be triangulated? He didn't kill his wife! He's probably been getting threats of all sorts and on top of that, he's got to look after their 3 kids and deal with the fact that his wife has been murdered and he's copping the blame.
Think about the phone!! Why was it still on? It probably went flying when she was hit by a car or if went flying when she was tackled! Did it go down a steep embankment?
Question is: who was driving that alleged car? What was their intent? Motivation? Who knew where she was? Your comments are interesting ...
Is there a possible attempt to undermine and direct speculation away from current trend on this thread?
Ok this is bugging me.. Sorry if it's been asked, I haven't seen it if it has... For someone who gave up her career ( which was??) she seems to work a lot. Why would you give up your career then work anyway?

I Didn't think ppl who gave up careers needed to attend all day conferences which require the kids sleeping somewhere else on a school night?

Just confused is all...

She may have given up her career to have the children and raise them. but as the youngest is now 5(?) and probably at school, then she may have had some time to start some out side work again. SHe may even have been doing part time while raising the kids. Who really knows? Don't think it matters really does it?
that same one liner said she went for a walk the night before

It was previously reported Mr Baden-Clay last saw his wife leave their rural Brookfield home, in Brisbane's west, to go for a walk late on April 19.

But police confirmed today Mr Baden-Clay has maintained he last saw his wife watching television at their home about 10pm that Thursday.

He has told police he woke the next morning to find her missing and raised the alarm about 7.30am.
A Courier Mail article posted last night has a one liner indicating the girls were at a sleepover on Thursday night.

Hello, yes the Courier Mail has confirmed that the girls were on a sleepover. IMO they were there on a school night because ABC had a busy day on Friday and their Aunt Olivia (GBC;s sister) offered to have them for a sleep over at NGB's. She was down from Townville for a holiday. This can not be confirmed, its all my opinion.
Only BC cars were searched as far as we know, but BC Seniors house was raided, computers taken etc also. And GBC offices were raided too which may potentially implicate others I guess.

The police did take computers from BC seniors, however we don't know if they weren't actually GBC computers. He was staying at the parents after Allison was reported missing, as his house was declared crime scene. How do we know he didn't take his laptop with him to the parents? Might be none of their stuff thats actually been taken.
The Tahitian Prince for non Queenslanders is: A state public servant who is accused of defrauding the Health Department of over $15 million. He claim he was a Tahitian Prince, had very exclusive properties, owned expensive cars, clothes etc and lived the high life, he was also a partner in a perfume shop - all this of course was at Tax payers expense!!

This was one of the things that bought down the state government about 6 weeks ago!

I googled Tahitian Prince and when I read the article I remembered the news reports etc. But I don't understand why it's relevant to this thread? Is there a connection with GBC somehow? Sorry please excuse my ignorance, I live in Victoria so our QLD news coverage is limited.
I wondered about that too.They said that the first response Police attended a missing person report and ABC's car was at the show grounds. Those Police observed something which caused Detectives to become involved etc etc. I wondered if what they observed was sniffer dogs indicating on ABC's car. I haven't read anywhere there were police dogs involved but it could be the case in a missing person case given the terain in the area. They would definately get the dog to sniff the vehicle first with the expectation ABC walked away from the vehicle presenting the dog with a trail to follow. If she didn't walk from the vehicle no trail for the dog. Police go hmmmmm why is dog sniffing that person standing there. Just one more theory to add to the mix....

I don't think Allisons car was found at the show gorund. I think that was just rumor/speculation. From all reports both cars were at home when the police arrived.
She may have given up her career to have the children and raise them. but as the youngest is now 5(?) and probably at school, then she may have had some time to start some out side work again. SHe may even have been doing part time while raising the kids. Who really knows? Don't think it matters really does it?

A quick search on the net shows she was involved with Pathways since at least mid 2010, that little one would have been 3.. It just bothers me the media are playing good and evil against each other (gbc evil / abc saint ) it just seems if someone has "given up their career for the kids" why was she still doing it? It's painting a false picture. Giving up a career means you quit working, if your part time, u haven't given up anything.

May be minor in comparison to the big picture, but just one way the media play us.
My take on the career thing is:

Allison held a very high powered job within Flight Centre which no doubt included a lot of travel, she gave this up to start a family and be around for her children.
Whilst she was having children etc she worked for Century 21, possibly on a part time basis.
Now that her youngest child started school this year she was pursuing a new career with Pathways, which if I remember correctly is about kids.

I think it's quite normal to have given up such a job to raise a family.
Perhaps any newbies might like to check out this thread...another member has done a fantastic job of putting all the media reports together in the one thread. It also includes maps of the area.

Media/Timeline Reference Thread:

[ame=""]AU-Allison Baden-Clay,43,Brisbane QLD, 19April2012 MEDIA/TIMELINE LINKS,NO DISCUSSION - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I've yet to read any reports where it says GBC was not co-operating with police. . I have read he's yet to make a statement but that's about it.

I do agree & I think majority do also about his total absence from the search.

He didn't put one tiny toe into searching for Allison or attending the search command centre...neither did he sit by Allisons parents side in that press conference.

Any normal, innocent human being would be on their hands & knees, crawling if they had to, doing whatever was humanly possible, to find their missing wife.....this is human nature....he did none of this & he was,as far as we know, the last to see her alive.

I know what you are saying. But maybe he was trying to protect the kids? I don't know. I don't think the police would have wanted him searching in an official way anyway.(just in case he was guilty). maybe they did tell him to leave the searching to them. He did not visit the command post and his sister said he was told to stay away. Police said news to them. However they may have said stay out of the search. (not away from the command post).
It was previously reported Mr Baden-Clay last saw his wife leave their rural Brookfield home, in Brisbane's west, to go for a walk late on April 19.

But police confirmed today Mr Baden-Clay has maintained he last saw his wife watching television at their home about 10pm that Thursday.

thanks Marlywings! this is what we need "POLICE CONFIRMED" quotes, and as I said before, we have precious little of those to go on.
She may have given up her career to have the children and raise them. but as the youngest is now 5(?) and probably at school, then she may have had some time to start some out side work again. SHe may even have been doing part time while raising the kids. Who really knows? Don't think it matters really does it?

A quick search on the net shows she was involved with Pathways since at least mid 2010, that little one would have been 3.. It just bothers me the media are playing good and evil against each other (gbc evil / abc saint ) it just seems if someone has "given up their career for the kids" why was she still doing it? It's painting a false picture. Giving up a career means you quit working, if your part time, u haven't given up anything.

May be minor in comparison to the big picture, but just one way the media play us.
I disagree, to me a career is very different from a job. A career is a job where you are climbing the ladder, you're ambitious and working long and hard hours to keep on climbing.

The Pathways thing was something that she was passionate about (from what I've read) and she was slowly working towards becoming a facilitator for them. That does not indicate a full time job or working long hours.

I don't at all agree that 'giving up a career' means that you stop working. I moved from a city where I had a career and was progressing up the ladder to a small country town to be with my now husband. I gave up my career to live with him with the view of starting a family. I still worked after that, but just in 'jobs' nothing that really meant anything and nothing that I could build a 'career' out of.
To me there is a massive difference between job and career.
The police did take computers from BC seniors, however we don't know if they were actually GBC computers. He was staying at the parents after Allison was reported missing, as his house was declared crime scene. How do we know he didn't take his laptop with him to the parents? Might be none of their stuff thats actually been taken.

I think the person that "Hit and Run" in 543's story went to the BC Snrs house to use their computer to find out how to dispose of ABC's Body after hitting her with GBC's Captiva, printed out the information and then shredded it before asking GBC if they could also use his MAC....then they drove to the C21 office used those computers aswell before heading back through the round about. NBC got dizzy at the round about and asked to be dropped off so he could sit in the bus shelter for a while and watch for White Prado's with shiny Tow balls towing trailers at 3.30 in the Morning.
A quick search on the net shows she was involved with Pathways since at least mid 2010, that little one would have been 3.. It just bothers me the media are playing good and evil against each other (gbc evil / abc saint ) it just seems if someone has "given up their career for the kids" why was she still doing it? It's painting a false picture. Giving up a career means you quit working, if your part time, u haven't given up anything.

May be minor in comparison to the big picture, but just one way the media play us.

Understand where you are coming from. She may well have started back with them then. maybe she did give up her 'career' as such but some time after the kids were born started to reenter the work force. Giving up a career doesn't necessarily mean you give up work all together, not in my mind anyway. I am not too concerned whether Allison really did give up all her career or not. I know as you are saying the media and people in general when someone dies can tend to only focus on their positives. I think though in reality they have really been restrained in painting GBC as the villian also. I don't agree with villifying somone for acting a certain way and with no proof(thus far) that they have comitted a crime- but as I said I don't really think the media has done such either.
Why would GBC not make a statement to the police? I'd call that not cooperating.
From what we have seen unless it's done under cover of darkness, there doesn't appear to have been much interaction between GBC and the police.
How unfortunate ? that he had his accident, maybe he was on his way to give his statement then.
Some malingering amnesia would have been perfect.
I disagree, to me a career is very different from a job. A career is a job where you are climbing the ladder, you're ambitious and working long and hard hours to keep on climbing.

The Pathways thing was something that she was passionate about (from what I've read) and she was slowly working towards becoming a facilitator for them. That does not indicate a full time job or working long hours.

I don't at all agree that 'giving up a career' means that you stop working. I moved from a city where I had a career and was progressing up the ladder to a small country town to be with my now husband. I gave up my career to live with him with the view of starting a family. I still worked after that, but just in 'jobs' nothing that really meant anything and nothing that I could build a 'career' out of.
To me there is a massive difference between job and career.

Agreed. That is what I just said also, lol.. to me there can be a differance between a 'career' and a 'job'. But I am not really concerned on the reporting of whether she gave up a career or didn't.
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