Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

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This is just a thought, if Olivia had already come down in the week prior to Allison disappearing to visit her family and they flew down would they perhaps have a hire car?

I am not suggesting that Olivia is any way involved as I don't think she is, however, if she was staying at her parent's (NBC & EBC) and GBC called NBC to help NBC might have taken the keys to the hire car and that was the blue 4WD?

When I think of a 4WD I think of something like a Nissan Patrol, Toyota Landcruiser, Mistubishi Pajero, etc. in the larger sizes but then in the smaller 4WD's there are also Hyundai Terracan, Kia Sportage, Toyota Rav4, etc.

I have had a look at all of the car hire places at the Brisbane Airport:

Thrifty have the following 4WD's/AWD's:

Mitsubishi Outlander
Ford Territory
Mitsubishi Pajero

Airport Rent-A-Car:

Mitsubishi Outlander


Subaru Forester
Mitsubishi Pajero

Red Spot Car Rentals

Holden Captiva


Mitsubishi Pajero
Toyota RAV4

Alpha Car Hire

Hyundai Tuscon


Toyota Landcruiser or similar


So if you have a look at those sites there are also minivan type vehicles but I don't think someone would call a van a 4WD but you just don't know. Perhaps it is a blue rental car? Assuming that GBC is guilty and called his father for help to hide Allison's body and his horrible crime.

If the rental car was just sitting there and NBC took the keys instead of taking his own car to not raise suspicion perhaps? It is entirely likely that even if Olivia knew her father borrowed this rental car that she would not have known what for.

All of the above is my opinion only - IMO - and not fact just a thought from reading through and following all of these threads along the way.

Another thought, if they did use this supposed rental car as I am suggesting here then is it possible then that they returned the car to the hire place, GBC picked up the kids to take them home then to school in the morning and called the police to report Allison at 7:30am? You can drop rental cars off early and leave the keys...far fetched I know perhaps. I was just trying to come up with where perhaps the blue 4WD has come from and that the ex-colleague has only been there to inform them of other things and is not involved at all with the body disposal? MOO
i'm only new here and still learning to find my way around.

That comment cracked me up.:floorlaugh:

I wonder if the Barrister is on here too watching public opinion and trying to counteract any ideas, theories that come up here if and when it ever goes to court IMO ??

Ha ha ha...yip, my sick sense of humour!:rocker: You are spot on... probably not a good thing but any clever person would be watching this in great detail. The crazy thing is we have no idea how many are sitting back watching, only those of us that are registered have an idea of who is on here. SCARY STUFF!!!! :banghead:

I find that people who have the wrong intentions always seem to make the loudest noise...

Yeah...I have noticed this all my life, thanks, however someone recently has been doing so and not answering questions asked......looked in the mirror these last hours Brizzy??

Why is it 'broken leg,' 'pushed down stairs' quote from you that you will not answer nor link honey????

Also this person is 'looking for blood'...........
The two 4WDs.

This is pure speculation, but if the cars were on their way to dispose of the body, then my guess is that the perp and the body were in the white 4WD. I don't think the perp is bright enough to dim headlights to camouflage the car or signage. I think they are much more likely to have not turned on the lights fully due to panic. If the perp's mental state was compromised, it may have been all they could do to start the car and follow the other car to the disposal site.

My guess is that someone with a cooler head than the perp was in the blue 4WD. I could imagine that person calming the perp, telling them it will be alright and to just focus on following them in the blue 4WD (and hence the impression that the white 4WD was tailing the blue 4WD).

My guess is that the person in the blue 4WD wanted to assist the perp, but was bright enough not to leave any trace evidence of their presence in the white car. I would also guess that the person in the blue 4WD met the perp in a public place before departing for the disposal site (probably where the person that Keyboredom mentioned saw the blue car parked behind the white 4WD).

All speculation though....:)
My iPhone (with wifi off and brightness to 50%) last me almost 48 hrs without using it. It all depends on what the settings are.

Hi CaseClosed.
The phone's battery life will also depend on when the phone was last charged, the age of the phone/battery, and on how far the cell site is away from the phone. (The further away the phone is from the cell site/tower, the more power it needs to communicate, even in standby, so would drain quicker than if close)
Remember GBC says she went missing on Friday morning. So his story is she went missing Friday.The night before she went missing would be Thursday.

Also I thought a while ago it was reported the girls stayed with a friend of Allison's? Anyone remember that?

While I am here,here is a link where you can watch all of the associated video to the case. All in one place.


Yes, I recall reading that the children were at a sleep over at a friend's place. It was a while back and I think the information came from the friend to whom ABC was going to drop off something on her way home from the conference on the Friday.
I've wondered about that since thread 1...if they are I'm sure they'd love nothing more than to try & silence us but because this forum is run out of US I'd think it would be out of Aus. jurisdiction.

Then again, there are so many other forums now all discussing this one hell of a job trying to shut them all up.

Marlywings? I have been reading your posts from Thread 1 and enjoyed what I was reading, thought provoking stuff. So I feel Like I'm talking to a legend :)

Do you believe anything that has been said here, could land us in Court ? Would the fact this Forum is based in US protect Forum writers?
Ha ha ha...yip, my sick sense of humour!:rocker: You are spot on... probably not a good thing but any clever person would be watching this in great detail. The crazy thing is we have no idea how many are sitting back watching, only those of us that are registered have an idea of who is on here. SCARY STUFF!!!! :banghead:

I wonder if the AFP is watching ?
Hi CaseClosed.
The phone's battery life will also depend on when the phone was last charged, the age of the phone/battery, and on how far the cell site is away from the phone. (The further away the phone is from the cell site/tower, the more power it needs to communicate, even in standby, so would drain quicker than if close)

Hi ... yes, you are right, I forgot about those factors. Thanks!
Can you imagine if we all become subpoened to go to Court and give evidence ??

Yeah, imagine.

'So, you are of the opinion Mrs Baden-Clay died due to a necrophilia incident while she was watching the Footy Show?'. 'Oh, yeah, it's definitely true, someone told me that at the supermarket. How on earth could it be wrong'?

'You're correct, it couldn't be wrong. Mr Baden-Clay, off to the gallows. The town gossips have sentenced you to death, is that okay?'. 'Sure, no worries, how could I argue. They're the authoritarians'.

Don't flatter yourselves. I highly doubt it ... very much actually. There hasn't been too many plausible, intelligent theories. Just the usual 'That's Life' type of content.

Considering what we know as reported by media or QPS, what is your theory of what may have happened?
I suppose the Police are working hard to find the facts and I imagine in due course they will put it all together.....

I hope the school where the girls go or even their friends' homes, or maybe even their own phones, they are protected from the internet to some degree. But I suppose you can't protect them from what other kids at school say??

Candarall, True Morph and BrizzyChick, I'm off to bed early start tomorrow

Thank you for your posts

Marlywings? I have been reading your posts from Thread 1 and enjoyed what I was reading, thought provoking stuff. So I feel Like I'm talking to a legend :)

Do you believe anything that has been said here, could land us in Court ? Would the fact this Forum is based in US protect Forum writers?
Remember HAWKINS? He posted a detailed statement in the previous Thread, (my interpretation) that once charges have been laid, then be cautious what you post after that because it could interfere with criminal proceedings in a Court case, the implication being that one could be liable in some way if one continued.
I suppose the Police are working hard to find the facts and I imagine in due course they will put it all together.....

I hope the school where the girls go or even their friends' homes, or maybe even their own phones, they are protected from the internet to some degree. But I suppose you can't protect them from what other kids at school say??

Candarall, True Morph and BrizzyChick, I'm off to bed early start tomorrow

Thank you for your posts


Night Bamboozled...sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite...:blushing:
If we can trust this Local Bulletin info then it is giving us a few bits more of what went on Thurs morn... see what you guys think?

SO how does GBC do that Thursday morn- GBC went to the CoC meeting at the Tavern at 7:00am (where was Allison at this time? where had GBC supposedly lodged for the nite?) and apparently then by 7:30 the meeting must have finished and he arrives at Allisons house again (it is less than a 10min drive Tavern to the house) and then suddenly makes the frantic calls to friends and family and to the police to report Allison missing. (Straight after heads of to the chemist (opens at either 8 or 8:30) to get -well probably some super heavy duty headache tablets and possibly something that will help him forget the night he has just put himself through. (there are 3 chemists he could have visited one at the Tavern shopping Ctr where Allison got her Hair done and one at the village at the roundabout thre is another at the roundabout near a gym and bakery opposite Kenmore State School.)

As far as that timeline goes from when Allison dissappeared - can we assume he left Allison watching the foot show at 10pm.... Then GBC decided that she must have taken her 'usual' walk at 5:30 am but was not back by 7:30 (don't forget Allison would have probably left before/at this time to go to her conference - Brookfield to West End would require a commuter to do this at this time of day) Why the need to visit her at 7:30? If they were not staying together - there was no reason in the world for him to call her that morning and not expect to get her voicemail - especially if she was going to a conference.(He would ostensibly know about the conference ABC was attending having had the kids at his parents house for a sleepover for this reason.)

Gosh I think I need a hand here.... anyone?

I think you need a hand too. You have got your days mixed up half way through this. You are talking about GBC at chemists, roundabouts etc on Thuirsday morning and then refer to the need for headache tablets due to the night before, which would be Wednesday. The chemist visit occurred around 9.00am ish, according to the poster who worked in the chemist shop and served him, and that was definitely Thurday morning. There was no 'night before' activity and what does it matter where he slept in your 'night before' because you are referring to Wednesday night. Sorry to point all this out, but keep posting, as it is easy to get confused sometimes with all the theories and 7 threads of posts.

Yeah, imagine.

'So, you are of the opinion Mrs Baden-Clay died due to a necrophilia incident while she was watching the Footy Show?'. 'Oh, yeah, it's definitely true, someone told me that at the supermarket. How on earth could it be wrong'?

'You're correct, it couldn't be wrong. Mr Baden-Clay, off to the gallows. The town gossips have sentenced you to death, is that okay?'. 'Sure, no worries, how could I argue. They're the authoritarians'.

I suppose the Police are working hard to find the facts and I imagine in due course they will put it all together.....

I hope the school where the girls go or even their friends' homes, or maybe even their own phones, they are protected from the internet to some degree. But I suppose you can't protect them from what other kids at school say??

Candarall, True Morph and BrizzyChick, I'm off to bed early start tomorrow

Thank you for your posts


I have a 13 y.o. Not interested in these things, just Facebook, the occasional texting, etc. I doubt the girls at the age that they are now will be searching for things like these. It will be a different story when they are older and they get a better grasp of what happened to their mother.
Olivia seemed defensive when she stated 'Gerard loves Allison' and 'We all do'. Why would one feel the need to even state that - almost as if there had been accusations of non love on the part of GBC. Just my opinion. What do others think?

I think Olivia had been pressuring her brother to say something and he was refusing....because...if you look at the video you will see he goes to walk away then comes back to talk....she stands behind him as if to make sure he keeps she is supporting him

I genuinely feel for Olivia....I think she is a good person....she appears really rattled by all of this
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