GUILTY Australia - Andrew, 45, Rose, 44, & Chantelle Rowe, 16, slain, Kapunda, 8 Nov 2010 #1

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Hi, I'm a newbie, I thought all you guys were ghouls or something but then I realised that this is very serious! You all put it together very well. Now I would like to add my take on it.
Kids in rural areas tend be more lonely and rely on close friends far more than city kids.
Youth suicide is the highest in rural South East, South Australia. When kids get teased, bullied, snudded, it has a large dramatic effect on them. The past murders all over the world have one thing in common, computer games and violent movies! Kids no longer live a real life, they think if it goes wrong, you just press "RESET" or "NEWGAME" or just "REBOOT". The future could look bleak if nothing is done to stop ICE-METH.
I think that [alleged suspect], though not a druggie, may have taken ICE to get up some Dutch Courage and went around to scare everyone, but it got out of control.
Ice is a huge problem as Mrs G has pointed out.
Alcohol has been used as a excuse and I can see that Ice may have played a part here.
where could the murder weapon be? police searched the tip, his house ect so where else could it have hidden?? hopefully they will find it soon

and was his house searched before he was arrested??

If I wanted to hide something, I would dig a very deep hole and bury it. I'd then sprinkle surrounding dirt over it so you can't tell it's been freshly dug. Since he had no access to a car, the weapon has to be somewhere within walking distance, surely.

Additionally, it could have even been a kitchen knife. He might have returned home and cleaned it off with bleach, put it in a dishwasher, and had it put back in the drawer completely clean.
i dont think so, so much rubbish is said on FB pages. I have heard comments from people saying they were lawyers or studing law and they said courts would not pay too much attention to heresay on FB, but then again, people could have just made that up too.

I think what most people are worried about from the facebook pages is the fact that they are putting his name out there and there will be a mistrial due to the fact that he can not get a fair trial in South Australia. I hope that this is not the case because if he is guilty it would really suck if he got off just because of something like that.
I think what most people are worried about from the facebook pages is the fact that they are putting his name out there and there will be a mistrial due to the fact that he can not get a fair trial in South Australia. I hope that this is not the case because if he is guilty it would really suck if he got off just because of something like that.

Not everyone in South Australia is part of those Facebook groups. There would be a large percentage who don't know the name, or have heard it but forgotten it already.
To form a jury, one needs only to find 12 of these people.
What difference does it make if the jury know his name? The second the prosecution mentions the crimes he's being charged with, any jury comprised of South Australians will know they mean the Kapunda murders.

I dont think it is so much knowing his name, more to the fact that people will know about his past and information about him that has nothing to do with the crime therefore biasing the jury.
Hi, I'm a newbie, I thought all you guys were ghouls or something but then I realised that this is very serious! You all put it together very well. Now I would like to add my take on it.
Kids in rural areas tend be more lonely and rely on close friends far more than city kids.
Youth suicide is the highest in rural South East, South Australia. When kids get teased, bullied, snudded, it has a large dramatic effect on them. The past murders all over the world have one thing in common, computer games and violent movies! Kids no longer live a real life, they think if it goes wrong, you just press "RESET" or "NEWGAME" or just "REBOOT". The future could look bleak if nothing is done to stop ICE-METH.
I think that [alleged suspect], though not a druggie, may have taken ICE to get up some Dutch Courage and went around to scare everyone, but it got out of control.
Ice is a huge problem as Mrs G has pointed out.
Alcohol has been used as a excuse and I can see that Ice may have played a part here.

Thanks and welcome...and I'm glad you don't think we're a bunch of ghouls!

I wonder about Ice would certainly go a long way towards explaining the viciousness and the overkill involved here...and yes, the dependence on a tight knit community adds to social pressure on a young man if he is humiliated or ostracized by the group for bad behavior or poor social skills. I wish we knew more about what was going on in his life in the weeks leading up to the crime, I think those details could shed some light on what provoked this crime.
I dont think it is so much knowing his name, more to the fact that people will know about his past and information about him that has nothing to do with the crime therefore biasing the jury.

All we know about his past was that he moved from Scotland with his mother, he didn't have a father growing up.

He was in contact with Chantelle over Bebo, where Chantelle seemed a little flirty in her messages to him "*advertiser censored* here's some love", we know he seemed very angry and demanded to know who was in the photo with James and whether Chantelle was going out with James. (Turns out it wasn't Chantelle, it was a friend of hers in the photo).

We know he was an apprentice mechanic, he was studying at TAFE.

We know he was a bit of a nerd.

I don't see how any of this could really influence a jury very much, unless they were biased against Scottish people.
There are tonnes of places the murder weapon could be, if you knew or had been to Kapunda or its surrounding towns you would know that. Without any leads they are going to find it extremely hard to find.
I don’t think he would have dumped it on the side of the road and in the local lake was also far too obvious.

From what we have been told on the news and in papers etc, they pretty much searched the whole of Kapunda with a fine tooth comb. I do not think he could have hidden it at his house, for example buried it in the back yard without his mum knowing, an I hope the investigators were smart enough to look for signs of it being buried or hidden under things.

You only got to drive 20 or 30 minutes out of Kapunda and you can come to some quite remote areas where it would be easy to hide a weapon if you knew how to properly do it. Even if it was just dumped in some tall grass somewhere, it would only most likely be found by a farmer or land owner or someone but probably not till several years later when someone stumbles across it. The problem is a week or so has passed and it will be hard for people to remember what cars they saw where or if there was a car parked suspiciously somewhere. He could have dumped it somewhere during the night or driven to another town and dumped it in a bin in another town. There are other rubbish dumps apart from the one that was searched.

There is also the possibility he broke the weapon up in pieces and it is not all in one place. It would not have been hard to quickly cut it up in small parts with an angle grinder.

Do we know at what date his car was being searched or what days he did not have access to driving a car to work? If that is known, then we can build an idea of the time period he had in which he was able to drive out somewhere and hide it out of town.

There are SO many possibilities where or how it could be hidden. It is vital that they find it though but it may be impossible. IMO I think they need to search outside Kapunda but without any leads its going to be real hard for them to even get a general area.

If he had his mobile on him at the time, can they track where he had been in the days after the murder?

If i was an investigator i would be searching dams or water holes out of the town, there are plenty around so that would be a mammoth task. Even with that though, it not something i would do because we are often in drought and often dams do become empty so there is a risk it could be found once a dam dried up. But i dont know if he was he smart enough to think that. My money is on it being burried in one piece or being in multiple places. Another thought is it could have been dumped in a water many possible locations.
I'm trying to say that it was his first use of drugs. How many of us remember getting drunk for the first time? Were you a happy drunk or were you a violent one? The one thing about it is that you couldn't predict what would happen.
If he had his mobile on him at the time, can they track where he had been in the days after the murder?

I've done this before to my sister when she ran off from home.

There is a record of what towers your phone has sent messages or made calls through.

The bill-payer can access it, and police can probably access even more information.
If he had his mobile on him at the time, can they track where he had been in the days after the murder?

I wondered about the cell phone ping data too being able to be used to track his movements....but the fact that it is a rural area, and towers are quite a way apart from each other, that may not be very helpful unfortunately. Although it may show him taking a trip out of town to an unusual location for no apparent reason, if say on the Monday morning he's suddenly pinging off towards Eudunda or something....

I really hope they find this knife, I wonder, it may end up being quite close to home since he really only had Monday morning to move freely (and dispose of the weapon) by Monday night the town is in uproar and everyone is wondering what happened, I assume at this stage he was with friends pretending to try and work out 'what happened'.

Or he may have waited a couple of days...anyone know when his car was seized?
I dont think it is so much knowing his name, more to the fact that people will know about his past and information about him that has nothing to do with the crime therefore biasing the jury. addition, revealing details of the actual crime could also influence jurors.

I have read on here that they have "bucket loads" of DNA. Do we know for certain that it was sourced from blood, or is it possible it was from body fluids such as semen?

I would think that a machete or samurai sword (or similar) injury would leave more than scratches or cuts...I think stitches would be in order...

Is it possible all they REALLY have on him is that he was there and had "contact" with the girl...

Sorry for playing devil's advocate here, but there are just so many things that don't add up...

Maybe that is why there are suppression orders at this time, to save him being vilified before guilt has truly been established...
He lives around the corner, that could just prove that he was nearby.
Mobile phones send out pings to transmitters and several abductions have been solved this way.

However some criminals are wising up to this and disable the phone immediately.
Hi all, wow It has taken me ages to read all this, excellent stuff, thankyou so much all you little ferrets out there, its great. The lone guy checking out the wall, I do not think it is him (only by looks alone compared to known snaps of him). Looks bulkier, but those snaps we have are old, one of my boys is sim age and filling out. Thankyou also to all the locals giving up snippets too. Keep it up, Im over my blog, weighing up the yes publish everything debate to no, fair trial blah blah, my opinion is nobody these days gets off if the evidence is there.They have plenty, god look at USA they dissect every detail of a case before trial on TV live etc. Our crims have had it too good for too long behind these smoke screens, with old farts as judges who would not know what the internet was...Dinosaurs with ancient views that do not adapt.

I have put his pics up, but am thinking how to put up chats etc without identifying normal innocent people and keep the context there, pre murder crime era...

I love you guys cheers
Cell phone ping data usage stateside.

'How many of the owners of the country's 277 million cell phones even know that companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint can track their devices in real time? Most "don't have a clue," says privacy advocate James X. Dempsey. The tracking is possible because either the phones have tiny GPS units inside or each phone call is routed through towers that can be used to pinpoint a phone's location to areas as small as a city block.'
I have put his pics up, but am thinking how to put up chats etc without identifying normal innocent people and keep the context there, pre murder crime era...

I love you guys cheers

Photoshop and blur the names of the other people out.
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