Found Alive Australia - CC, 3, Bundaberg QLD, 10 April 2014 - #1

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My guess is that police are very busy gathering photos of the residents of Childers - particularly the friends of the parents - so they can ask Chloe if she recognises the person/people who took her.

From memory the Childers backpackers fire was solved fairly quickly. Lets hope this one is too.
This child was gone 40 hours, is this correct? Think about it. That is at least 24 hours of darkness. (if I can count right). There is no way she could have been alone two nights. She had to have been taken by someone. And if so thank God they let her go. jmo
so glad Chloe has been found safe :cheer::cheer:

I was scared to log on here this morning too see the news but this is fantastic.
This child was gone 40 hours, is this correct? Think about it. That is at least 24 hours of darkness. (if I can count right). There is no way she could have been alone two nights. She had to have been taken by someone. And if so thank God they let her go. jmo

It's not impossible (nothing should ever be considered so in any investigation), but very unlikely... she'd be pretty terrified.

Say she did go on her own, and left right before being found missing... may have been light already (I wouldn't know), so that would only be 1 full night, and a few hours of it the next night she was missing, before being found at 1am.

Again, highly unlikely (how did she avoid all the searchers, wouldn't she run to someone for help, unless educated to be terrified of strangers but not that big a town, you'd think she'd see someone she knew, or run to an SES searcher in uniform), but shouldn't be ruled out; nothing should until reason is found to do so.
Beautiful photo of Tammy and her dad at the following link. Can someone please post it? Tia. I can't do it by phone.

Chloe's older sisters Brittney, 6, and Janae, 7, were also ecstatic at the news.

"My eldest one broke into tears, burst into tears and the littlest one has the biggest smile on her face in the world," Ms O'Donnell said.

"They're both laying in bed awake just really happy knowing their sister's okay."

Ms O'Donnell said her daughter's return was an Easter gift that was much better than chocolate.
No judgement from me - I think most mums know the desperation that comes from sleep deprivation when little ones just will not go to bed ... but who else wants to bet that Chloe is never told to go to bed in a gruff voice again? I suspect she'll be cuddled to sleep every night until high school. Maybe even longer ;)
Wonderful news to wake up to, looking forward to hearing who had her, I don't believe for a moment that she was wandering around by herself for 40 hours.
Great for cynics like me to know there can be miracles and happy endings sometimes though.
Wow fantastic outcome, one I didn't expect. I hope the police get to the bottom of it. Nice to wake up to happy news for a change.

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If one of the earlier media reports was true>>>>>>
and Chloe did indeed sleep in the lounge with her SISTERS>>>>
didn't the sisters or wouldn't the sisters have woken when whatever
made Chloe leave happened? thinking out loud....
Brilliant news!!!

Imo.. There is truth in dad's words.. a lot more to be told about this story. Chloe knew her abductors, and so did dad. Perhaps mum too.. Her words of "guts to take her, guts to bring her back" doesn't sit well with me. Not saying they were involved, but perhaps knew who it was.

FWIW - my nearly 3 year old hasn't been in nappies for night or day since she was around 2.

I dont believe for one minute that she simply left the home, went missing for over 40 hrs and found her way back.

Chloe knew her abductors, and she will have a big story to tell about what has happened and where she has been.

Also, IMO I find it very strange that in the hospital she was unable to stay awake long enough to mutter more than a few words to mum. To me, it either indicates substance in her system to perhaps pacify her, or it gives insight into what a deep sleeper she may be.
What is a show ground? ty

It's like a big field most towns have for different events called a Showground, as the annual show will always be held there, but may also be the place where markets, horse riding events, rodeo, swap meets or car shows will be held, that kind of thing.
What is a show ground? ty

Not sure about in Oz but here they would be like a fairground, or grounds that are used for horse, cattle shows etc;

ETA: Very often they started off life as livestock showgrounds but in recent years are used for Fairs, Concerts etc;
Yay!!! So happy Chloe has been found!!! Hopefully they put together all the puzzle peices on this one quickly. Great outcome though!!!
Chloe's father Garth Campbell spoke to reporters after hearing the news his daughter was found safe and well.

"Words can't describe it," Mr Campbell said.

He said he loved his daughter "more than anything in the world".

"I'll never let her leave my side again," he said.

Asked whether his daughter's kidnapping might be some sort of payback, Mr Campbell said he "couldn't explain it".
It is all very very strange. Watching the ACA interview last night did anyone else hear the dog barking away in the background? I do not for one second believe that someone was able to climb onto a car, climb through such a tiny window and abduct a child without that dog yapping its little head off. To me, it would have had to of been someone already in the house or....well i dont want to get into trouble on my first post!
that was not filmed at the family house. It was filmed where the family were staying while their house was a crime scene. The dog belongs to the close friend, and I believe it's name is Rebel.
Not sure about in Oz but here they would be like a fairground, or grounds that are used for horse, cattle shows etc;

ETA: Very often they started off life as livestock showgrounds but in recent years are used for Fairs, Concerts etc;

Completely off topic (sorry mods!) but I had a little giggle there! I spend so much time on this website translating "Americanisms" into "UK isms" in my head that I find "Australian isms" wee buns! BTW buns are little cakes here in Northern Ireland Americans! And wee buns is a saying for "easy" as in not difficult! lol....:seeya:
Inspector Kevin Gutteridge told the ABC Chloe was found safe and well at Childers Showgrounds late on Friday night.
"It's one of those dreams that came true," Inspector Gutteridge said.
"It's the greatest possible outcome for everyone, and for her to be reunited with her mum in hospital this morning was absolutely incredible."

Read - Chloe wasn't sexually assaulted.

Or harmed in any way, apparently.

There were no abductors IMO...she wandered away while everyone else was sleeping.


I think you have to read that coming from the standpoint of who made that statement, and their professional capacity. In other words, an Inspector would only state how she looked to him in regards to HIS professional capacity (bruised, battered, injured, possibly dehydrated). Any signs of sexual abuse would be made by someone in the area of a medical professional's standpoint. :twocents:

You realise we have other people reading who would also appreciate the link...?

I'm not being "lazy" a search button is just a click. :confused:

Respectfully, anyone "reading" the thread would not be able to miss the links. Again :twocents:

They'll get you, their home is across the road from the show ground.

There's no way she was out wandering for 40 hours, happily evading hundreds of searching people and infrared helicopters. Someone was hiding her. I hope, at nearly 4years old, she is able to provide some descriptions of her abductor/s and perhaps the place she was kept.


On Friday, a helicopter, volunteers on horseback, motorbikes and more than 70 SES personnel and police searched a 10-kilometre area around the family's house to no avail.

I agree I don't believe she was out wandering all that time. Being in the USA I'm not familiar with "kilometre" so I googled it and it's roughly 6 miles. I'm sure she was not overlooked by anyone during that 6 mile radius search. I think someone had her and released her. I don't think it was because they were worried they'd be identified on that cctv footage though because releasing her or not they could still be identified. JMO

I'm so elated that this child has been found!! I've been following along silently, not commenting until I had caught up on reading so as not to ask dumb questions ;) I can't wait to find out now what happened to her during the time she was gone. Hopefully nothing sinister. Welcome Home Chloe!!!
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