Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #10

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Not quite. If the accused wants a judge only trial then he or she must make an application for that to the trial judge, who will decide this. The accused does not have the right to a judge only trial.

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I don't think a judge only trial is so bad. The judge won't fall for any bs

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I recall a conversation I had with someone about 10 years ago. He is an ardent WCE fan and member but had something to do with amateur football clubs. He made a comment to me that him and all his mates were suspects because the nights that Jane and Ciara went missing the football club were at the conti hotel... But I can't remember which club...

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..... How much has life experience changed him? Develops relationship with the daughter. Perhaps this leads him to see woman in a different light. doesn't hate anymore and stops....

My personal feeling is that if BRE is CSK then he had a lot of frustration and a feeling of impotence, the insta-family gave him validation in the form of authority over his family and admiration from other people(and his feeling of importance and frustration release increased with joining sporting teams and taking on positions within LAC) . Family responsibilities and increased vigilance around Claremont would have made it harder to continue his activities but he probably would have felt less need to play God. He seems to have a dark streak though, that I doubt he could completely quash so I wouldn't be surprised if, for example, cats went missing in their neighborhood periodically or he had a habit of watching tasteless YouTube clips.

I also personally believe that is BRE is CSK then SS was a bit more of an opportunistic crime or 'by the seat of the pants' and is probably located east of Perth (because that area hasn't been developed much and is largely undisturbed) whereas JR and CG were attempts to do it 'right' and perfect his methods. I also think the fact that one was located basically at the end of the major roads north and one was end of the major roads south lends more weight to the idea of SS being located east. He spread them as far and wide as he easily/quickly could.
A few things that arent very important but I cant resist

Has no-one on this forum been on an end of year football trip or a football carnival such as this one.

I have and I rarely drink but you go on one of those and you have to drink to excess....its almost the rules. i remember on one football trip I had to "disappear" the next morning because I was so hungover I could not imagine having to start drinking again at 9 in the morning which was all organised.

I think with BRE more than anything I would take more interest in him being the "quite type" as the jesting article was saying meaning he isnt a big drinker...was expected to...and duly got shitefaced. What I can make out he is reserved and quiet and that article points that out even more.

And him headbutting the tyre probably meant he got maggot and lay down probably close to unconsciousness near a tyre and the macho situation he was a part of took the piss and said he was headbutting the tyre for laughs.

And as for the gold shorts they are obviously boxers as one he doesn't look like the warwick capper type and two the rest of the team photo show that they all have boxers shorts on.

I'd also add his height and large presence would mean that he is a central part of the "older" team. A bit of the enforcer if you know what I mean and hence why he would be expected to be a drinker and part of the photos showing his physical presence. They wouldnt have the scrawny winger doing this would they. It seems to me he wold be uncomfortable with this

Bit weird yes but thats the off season football trip for you.
I recall a conversation I had with someone about 10 years ago. He is an ardent WCE fan and member but had something to do with amateur football clubs. He made a comment to me that him and all his mates were suspects because the nights that Jane and Ciara went missing the football club were at the conti hotel... But I can't remember which club...

Just wondering if you'd like to share with us why you only raise this point after the amateur football link is made this afternoon?

Look forwards to a follow up post with more info after you have spoken to your WCE fan friend, if he or you is willing to share more info. Perfectly understandable if discretion and silence on this matter is the decision.
No. It seems like links to WS blogs aren't working (I noticed this problem trying to link to Grok's timeline last week).

Here's a link to my Dropbox. It has most of the (subscription) articles and documents I've ever linked to this case.

I'm not sure the CCTV analysis is what you're looking for. I was mainly focused on why MM's face was never visible (i.e., did LE have an image of his face, but did not release it.)
It was in the documentary they did years ago. I have an extremely good long term memory. Her blonde friend said she knew "Jane was trying to find someone that night." Some people take that as she was looking for sex. But I take it that she was lonely and wanting a boyfriend. She worked in a Childcare centre; she isn't going to meet many single dudes there. The way she was just standing on the footpath makes me think she met CSK earlier in the night and they arranged a meet up for later but he has told her to keep it a secret.

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Or given her a false name and info
And as for the gold shorts.
Tomorrow morning, I envisage the WAPOL will be busy hunting back through their files to see if their are any reports of gold boxer shorts having been stolen from washing lines, washing baskets or wardrobes.
Apologies if this has already been covered in previous posts.

Some interesting albeit not entirely useful Facebook info:

I had a look at BE's Facebook account. His account had only been opened on 12th June 2016. A relatively young account.

Posters here have already discussed that when looking at CGE's Facebook 2013 cover photo of the two of them you can see her comment addressed to BE. We can fairly guess it's addressed to BE (as he's the only other one in the photo) ..... We can also assume by her comment, BE had asked why she'd tagged him.

I originally thought he'd just deleted his comment...

I've discovered when someone deletes or deactivates their Facebook account the number of "likes" on a photo they'd previously liked still remains the same, you can no longer see their name but their "like" is still counted. This also goes for any comments.

After checking SD's and also TE's Facebook photos I can see that someone unnamed (but counted) had liked many of their photos up until 7th June.

I am suggesting the unnamed liker is BE and that he deleted/ deactivated his original account after 7th June and then on June 12th opened a new account.

Why would someone delete their account and start a new one within a few days? It could be that he just deleted and then changed his mind.....If he is the actual CSK I would say he was hiding something. Old posts ? Old likes or comments? Search history?

He may have undoubtably been feeling the pressure as it was in October the previous year, 2015, police had discovered the link between the attack and In Karrakatta and CG.

I'd love to know how long he'd had his other account and what and who he had been searching in those years. New victims? CSK police reports? I hope prosecutors are able to summon deleted / deactivated Facebook accounts including the search history.

EDIT : just found out once you delete your Facebook account you still have 14 days to change your mind and reactivate. If I'm right with the dates he clearly didn't just change his mind about removing himself from fbook, he must have wanted to hide something in the old account.

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May have something to do with his breakup with wife

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could possibly be the risk of contamination from other disposed rubbish / items in bin
That would mean mixed profile and the exact reason why they took one to reaffirm after arrest.

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Tomorrow morning, I envisage the WAPOL will be busy hunting back through their files to see if their are any reports of gold boxer shorts having been stolen from washing lines, washing baskets or wardrobes.


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First time poster.

The thing I find interesting is the continual head butting described by the writer, so much so that his concerned wife had to intervene. What is described as a bit of a drunken larrikinesque scenario strikes me as quite perculiar behaviour for a grown man, head banging is what you might see a young child who has difficulty self-regulating doing, some children with autism do it also. His whole life would be based around self-management, makes me wonder if the weight of his crimes cannot be emotionally managed when significantly intoxicated and this little anecdote has perhaps captured a unique window into this. Or not.

The crock article didn't say he was intoxicated it implied that he had drunk copious amounts of rehydration fluid which is full of electrolytes etc to much can be worse than to little especially potassium without calcium

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You know what its probably a possibility as funny as the thought of him stealing gold boxer shorts and wearing them is.

The kimono did him in this might just be the nice finishing touch. Stranger things have happened.
I don't think a judge only trial is so bad. The judge won't fall for any bs

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The other advantage in having a 'Judge Alone' trial is that a Judge will not be bamboozled by the defence trying to muddy the waters over forensic evidence. Juries can often become very confused when complex scientific evidence is presented. Judges in 'Judge Alone' trials are very meticulous in considering evidence
You know what its probably a possibility as funny as the thought of him stealing gold boxer shorts and wearing them is.

The kimono did him in this might just be the nice finishing touch. Stranger things have happened.

Matching set, Kimono and undies! And both that lovely silken feel. Yes I'd love to think, if the alleged is guilty, he got it in the end, if you'll excuse the expression!
The crock article didn't say he was intoxicated it implied that he had drunk copious amounts of rehydration fluid which is full of electrolytes etc to much can be worse than to little especially potassium without calcium

Re-reading the Soft Croc Award report, I now realise that that it appears to infer that BRE's power spewing occurred not at a footy game, but at a wedding he attended in the country, on a day that he missed playing in a Crocs home game. Probably his wife CG that told someone at the Club the story from the Wedding, and nominated BRE for the Soft Croc Award.

Don't think he would have been drinking re-hydration fluid at a wedding.

More likely he was drinking alcohol at that wedding, and the reference to the rehydration fluid, is just a footy joke.
Re-reading the Soft Croc Award report, I now realise that that it appears to infer that BRE's power spewing occurred not at a footy game, but at a wedding he attended in the country, on a day that he missed playing in a Crocs home game. Probably his wife CG that told someone at the Club the story from the Wedding, and nominated BRE for the Soft Croc Award.

Don't think he would have been drinking re-hydration fluid at a wedding.

More likely he was drinking alcohol at that wedding, and the reference to the rehydration fluid, is just a footy joke.
Yes a lot of the newsletters refer to rehydration fluid... An in joke I assumed

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A few things that arent very important but I cant resist

Has no-one on this forum been on an end of year football trip or a football carnival such as this one.

I have and I rarely drink but you go on one of those and you have to drink to excess....its almost the rules. i remember on one football trip I had to "disappear" the next morning because I was so hungover I could not imagine having to start drinking again at 9 in the morning which was all organised.

Bit weird yes but thats the off season football trip for you.
This was not a football event he drank at but at a Wedding.
That's the way I read it anyway.

"quiet ones you have to watch, one
croc member was attending a wedding in the
country on the Saturday of our home "

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