Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #15

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FYI Throughout Perth suburbs there are many 'private residences' that are used as half-way homes for recovering addicts and safe houses for victims of DV. These residences are usually supervised 24/7 by nurses or carers and would have an 'office'.

IMO I really don't think it's crucial to the sleuthing investigation knowing exactly where Annalise worked back in 1996, and whether it was a private residence or business address. Many of you jumped to conclusions assuming it was a nursing home when Annalise never stated it was a nursing home.

I think her local knowledge is valuable, and Annalise (if I may say so) is well within her WS rights remaining obtuse about exact details of her employment considering this is a public forum and maybe she wishes to remain anonymous.

Personally I welcome any new posters and we, the WS community, should let all new posters speak and reveal what they know without giving them the 'Spanish Inquisition' as soon as they appear.

Just my two cents worth

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

I've recently learnt that the Department for Child Protection and FS have group homes, which are staffed for their more challenging children.
The welfare also oversees the accommodation services for teenagers who don't wish to live at home. They have live-in staff too.
The Showgrounds train stop in my memory was always opened up and used for special events at the Showgrounds, including the speedway.

The Showgrounds railway stop still operates today on same system which is 'operating for events' like festivals, the Royal Agricultural Show, and other major attractions held at the Showgrounds; and 'closed' during the normal working week and weekends where there's no event on at the Claremont Showgrounds.
Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Do you remember when the showground s station was moved to it's current location? I think it was when the electrification was rolled out in early 90's, but could be wrong. Dunno whether the old showgrounds station was in use in 1996 or the new one.

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Do you remember when the showground s station was moved to it's current location? I think it was when the electrification was rolled out in early 90's, but could be wrong. Dunno whether the old showgrounds station was in use in 1996 or the new one.

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Not sure when they relocated the station. They closed the Fremantle line down a couple of times, due to running costs. The first time in the early 1980s.
FYI Throughout Perth suburbs there are many 'private residences' that are used as half-way homes for recovering addicts and safe houses for victims of DV. These residences are usually supervised 24/7 by nurses or carers and would have an 'office'.

IMO I really don't think it's crucial to the sleuthing investigation knowing exactly where Annalise worked back in 1996, and whether it was a private residence or business address. Many of you jumped to conclusions assuming it was a nursing home when Annalise never stated it was a nursing home.

I think her local knowledge is valuable, and Annalise (if I may say so) is well within her WS rights remaining obtuse about exact details of her employment considering this is a public forum and maybe she wishes to remain anonymous.

Personally I welcome any new posters and we, the WS community, should let all new posters speak and reveal what they know without giving them the 'Spanish Inquisition' as soon as they appear.

Just my two cents worth

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

My thoughts exactly. I hope my almost half moon point didn't start the criticism. I actually did wonder if there was a full moon on each of the disappearances. Some people do act strangely on a full moon which is why I was interested. I am not a believer in astrology or anything else it was an observation and of course the light factor of a full moon. I did take Annalise's comments to be like a full moon. Thanks Annalise for your local knowledge.
Not sure when they relocated the station. They closed the Fremantle line down a couple of times, due to running costs. The first time in the early 1980s.
I think the new one was up and running which doesn't have access from Gugeri St anyway. Trains back then didn't run after midnight anyhow. Google Street View doesn't show any likely spots that a perp could observe and stalk victims from the railway side of Gugeri St opposite Rowe Park. Maybe he stalked prey from his vehicle... unless he parked near the post office as (someone once speculated) and watched for girls heading in the direction of Rowe Park where he could blitz them without being observed by houses

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Do you remember when the showground s station was moved to it's current location? I think it was when the electrification was rolled out in early 90's, but could be wrong. Dunno whether the old showgrounds station was in use in 1996 or the new one.

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Maybe someone could check old UBD's from 1996-1997 to see exact location of The Showgrounds train stop?

duuuuuh Wikipedia answered this question for us! see below
I think the new one was up and running which doesn't have access from Gugeri St anyway. Trains back then didn't run after midnight anyhow. Google Street View doesn't show any likely spots that a perp could observe and stalk victims from the railway side of Gugeri St opposite Rowe Park. Maybe he stalked prey from his vehicle... unless he parked near the post office as (someone once speculated) and watched for girls heading in the direction of Rowe Park where he could blitz them without being observed by houses

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Claremont station opened in 1881 as Butlers Swamp, being renamed Claremont in 1883. In 1886 a new station was constructed 300 metres to the east. The 1886 buildings are now the oldest extant railway station buildings in Perth. It was the only station on the line to be built with a crossing loop.

With the relocation of the Royal Perth Show to the Claremont Showgrounds in 1905, a third platform was added with the station serving the show until Showgrounds station opened in 1954. The station closed on 1 September 1979 along with the rest of the Fremantle line, re-opening on 29 July 1983 when services were restored. The station building was restored at the same time. When the line was electrified in 1991, the station was cut back to one island platform and the original platform abandoned.

Claremont station is located in the middle of Claremont. The railway's right-of-way lies between two arterial roads: Shenton Road and Gugeri Street.

There are three access points to the station from each street. At the western and eastern ends of the island platform are grade level track crossings through electrically activated gates.,_Perth

Notes: at one stage local farmers walked their sheep to and from the Royal Show, the station crossing was probably designed to accommodate them as well as sheep arriving via goods train.

The part of Claremont located near to the CSGs was originally named Graylands (ie the suburb Graylands).
RE: Showground Station Train Stop

"The station closed on 1 September 1979 along with the rest of the
Fremantle line, re-opening on 29 July 1983 when services were restored.[SUP][4][/SUP] In March 1994, construction of a new Showgrounds station 400 metres south commenced.[SUP][5][/SUP] It opened on 20 September 1995.[SUP][6]",_Perth
Thanks, I've since Google Earth it.
I knew there was a cyclist running along the railway, and an underpass, so I thought there might've been an access from Gugeri St which might've been used to observe from. But neither has any access to Gugeri St. There is a car park in Rowe Park thou. Without knowing the details of how the KK victim was bundled into the car, it's hard to tell if he stalked her on foot first, but I'd think he probably didn't change MO in picking up victims, just in what he did afterwards. IMO
So, I doubt if he knew any of them and talked them into his car now. I think he took them from isolated locations.

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BBM (= 'Bold By Me' for the newbies)

"One of the most cited studies in the area of lust murder is a 1990 paper by Dr. P.E. Dietz and colleagues published in the
Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. They examined 30 sexual sadists (most of which were sexual murderers). They found that the majority were employed white males (75%), and many were married (50%), had a history of homosexual experience (43%), and cross-dressed (20%). They also reported that they had parents who had divorced or had marital infidelities (50%), suffered physical abuse (23%), suffered sexual abuse (20%), and abused drugs other than alcohol (50%). Almost all the sample had planned their offences (93%), the majority of which the victim was unknown to them (83%). The victims were typically abducted, held against their will for over 24 hours, blindfolded, bound and gagged. All victims were tortured, and typical activities included forced oral sex, rape, and forced insertion of foreign objects vaginally. Many subsequent studies have reported similar findings. However, the main problem with many of these studies is that there was no (non-sadistic) control group against which the results could be compared."

FYI - I'm not implying that the accused is this type of SK - just providing some interesting reading.
"...a couple of book chapters on sexually sadistic murderers (published in 2005 and 2006) by Drs. J. Proulx, E. Blais, and E. Beauregard have found that sadistic sexual offenders were more likely than non-sadistic sexual offenders to have (i) planned to kidnap their victims, (ii) used bondage and weapons, (iii) engaged in expressive violence, humiliation, and torture of victims, (iv) inserted objects into the victims’ vaginas, (v) strangled their victims, and (vi) engaged in intercourse and mutilation of their victims after death. "

Same again - In all my posts with webpage links to info about SK types and related topics - I'm not implying that the accused is this or any type of SK - just providing some interesting general reading.
RE: Lust Murderers
"In the case of an organized lust murderer, there will be penis assault as well as torture inflicted on the live victim consistent with controlled rage. In the case of a disorganized offender the victim will be immediately rendered unconscious or dead by a "blitz-style" of attack and there will be evidence of symbolic and postmortem sexual activities. ...
The primary difference between the Organized and Disorganized lust murderer is the inability of the Disorganized Offender to repeatedly escape apprehension. In fact, most Disorganized Lust Murderers are apprehended at the time of the event or shortly thereafter."

FYI - Not implying that the accused is a lust murderer - just highlighting that disorganised offenders (as opposed to organised offenders) do blitz style attacks and generally get apprehended soon after the crime.
Therefore, the accused would fit into the 'organised' type of offenders if he is in fact responsible for the alleged crimes, given he allegedly evaded police for 20+ years.
Thanks, I've since Google Earth it.
I knew there was a cyclist running along the railway, and an underpass, so I thought there might've been an access from Gugeri St which might've been used to observe from. But neither has any access to Gugeri St. There is a car park in Rowe Park thou. Without knowing the details of how the KK victim was bundled into the car, it's hard to tell if he stalked her on foot first, but I'd think he probably didn't change MO in picking up victims, just in what he did afterwards. IMO
So, I doubt if he knew any of them and talked them into his car now. I think he took them from isolated locations.

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HEY Pete wouldn't a cyclist be "cycling" along the railway and not "running" as you said??? lol
Just keeping you on your toes mate! :p
This webpage was updated in 2015:
But is another one from the source

"Summation of Modus Operandi versus Signature
The Modus Operandi (M.O.) is the How?
What did the offender do to accomplish the Act.
What did he do to ensure the Success of the crime.
What did he do to protect his identity and escape.
M.O. is a thought-driven process based on past successes.

The Signature is the Why

What did the offender do to the victim in the crime?
What was the “Theme” of the event?
Signature is a Fantasy-driven process
These rituals are incorporated into the criminal act.
What were the behavioral aspects to the event?"

I know we have discussed the MO of the alleged CSK.
But have we specifically discussed and sleuthed his alleged SIGNATURE?

Please excuse the graphic nature of my next sentence : IMO one aspect of the accused's signature is to possibly discard the victim/body like it was trash in a fairly remote location but un-concealed so there was possibility the body may be found. In this way I suspect the accused had 'finished' with the body and had no further uses for it.
HEY Pete wouldn't a cyclist be "cycling" along the railway and not "running" as you said??? lol
Just keeping you on your toes mate! :p
Cycleway, not cyclist. Stupid predictive text thingy on the phone changed what I wrote again, and my bad eyesight didn't pick up on it. Anyway the cycleway is on the wrong side of the tracks for what I was thinking off.

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Thanks, I've since Google Earth it.
I knew there was a cyclist running along the railway, and an underpass, so I thought there might've been an access from Gugeri St which might've been used to observe from. But neither has any access to Gugeri St. There is a car park in Rowe Park thou. Without knowing the details of how the KK victim was bundled into the car, it's hard to tell if he stalked her on foot first, but I'd think he probably didn't change MO in picking up victims, just in what he did afterwards. IMO
So, I doubt if he knew any of them and talked them into his car now. I think he took them from isolated locations.

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I noticed some time back that the underpass at KK station has significant voids above, on the LHS and RHS whereby someone could hideaway and pounce from above. I wonder if the Claremont subway has a void too.
I noticed some time back that the underpass at KK station has significant voids above, on the LHS and RHS whereby someone could hideaway and pounce from above. I wonder if the Claremont subway has a void too.

ummmmmmm my WS is either playing up or you edited your post because all I saw was quote by you CV "I noticed some time back that the KK underpass has provision."

....seems the latter occurred and I am not crazy thinking I am seeing spooky things!
Hi Spooks, CV, Petedavo and meticulously and DRT - thank you guys for the words you wrote about the questions I was being asked about my job etc. I really couldn't say much more about my job and people's privacy had to be protected. It was a bit daunting. People seemed very angry that I wouldn't say more. I will get back on WS later. Thank you again😊
ummmmmmm my WS is either playing up or you edited your post because all I saw was quote by you CV "I noticed some time back that the KK underpass has provision."

....seems the latter occurred and I am not crazy thinking I am seeing spooky things!


I usually post a bit then edit it. Your'e not going crazy.
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