Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #20

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Hey Annalise, nobody's going to yell at you, please don't think that as it might stop you from posting and the more minds we have on here the better. All WS are created equal, I think that's written somewhere, if it isn't, it should be! I think you could well be right about our dear SS being held for a time down south. It feels like there was something different about her abduction, other than the obvious that she has never been found. Maybe there was more time with SS, the others were more hurried, frenzied, escalation of the lust/violence aspect as he honed his skills. Remember too, each woman is a different personality too that he is encountering and so react very differently to the terror AND the difference in ages, SS was so young, perhaps more frozen in her response, easier to control? As we all keep saying, none of us know anymore than anyone else (unless we are a Verified Insider and we don't seem to have too many of them around now, totally understandable with the trial perhaps approaching). We are all just putting theories, feelings, thoughts, and in doing so, in my case anyway, often projecting my own experiences with violence, intimidation, and in some cases, abuse, onto the situation. I encourage people who just LURK (not that there's anything wrong with that!) to POST because I'm sure there are souls reading these posts who have some great ideas, or who may just put a different angle or idea that stimulates some new and thought provoking discussions and who knows, maybe even, revelations! :lurk:
Last time I tried I got abused and degraded for my comments!

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I’m certainly no expert, but my thoughts are the CSK, may have started having issues when he reached puberty. Underlying issues fuelled by low self-esteem and always an inability to interact with other male peers.

Obviously something significant happened for the first wife to leave, which perhaps was just prior to the SS abduction. Whatever it was, it had a huge effect on the CSK.

Perhaps something like the loss of a baby or termination, or another man whisked her away.

I’d think, in general, the CSK has a terrible temper and specific things trigger him off – mainly rejection.

It would appear after CG, he calmed down, perhaps some psychiatric help was sought then and he was put on medication.

These are just my thoughts and opinions.
WAPOL suspected a serial murderer was at large soon after JR went missing. And MACRO formed within 24 hrs of JR missing.

So I'm guessing Macro and WAPOL know much more than we know.......

Posts my opinion unless source included. All my original text/images are my personal copyright and can't be reproduced outside of WebSleuths without my permission.
If there was an accomplice perhaps they contacted the police and tipped them off.
Last time I tried I got abused and degraded for my comments!

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Please do not feel obligated to answer , this is curiosity and not connected to the thread , is your user name connected to L...rid..
Re: no charges for alleged CSK pertaining to 'interference with a corpse'.

Maybe the alleged CSK did interfere with the bodies of victims post mortem. But just maybe police are keeping those extra charges 'hidden' from the public eye for some tactical reason.

Could be as simple as protecting the families and friends of victims by sheltering them from media reports and public reactions to any possible mutilations etc.

Just an idea .....

Edit: another reason would be a tactical move by WAPOL to limit media and public reactions to the arrest and charges, therefore limiting opportunities for public comments on social media to commit subjudice etc and threaten the integrity of court proceedings.

Imagine the outcry from the public if we found out before the trial that maybe CSK (allegedly) dismembered and mutilated his victims.

Just speculation

Edit2: I'm no expert on police business, I'm just providing other possible scenarios
Posts my opinion unless source included. All my original text/images are my personal copyright and can't be reproduced outside of WebSleuths without my permission.

Hi all,

I am a long time "lurker", first time poster. Please forgive me if this post doesn't quote right or doesn't format properly.

Spooks, this particular post of yours compelled me to post for the first time as I completely agree with your idea. Not to discount or discredit any other theories because I think most of the regular posters seem to always have something to add or elaborate on and I have learnt a lot from you all! IMO I believe that the public is being kept in the dark about a lot of things and as frustrating as it is, I support this completely. I just worry about what we may find out after this trial. If the accused is found guilty of three murders, I wonder what else will come out that had to be kept secret for a fair trial (should he plead innocence at the committal hearing).

One case that springs to mind is that of Daniel Morcombe and his convicted killer who I won't name because he doesn't deserve to be named. In this case there was little to no information revealed to the public during the investigations but after reading the book the parents released which was mortifying and heartbreaking and then watching the MSM stories after the killer was sent to prison, it was easy to connect the dots and see how vital it was to keep everything private. I'm not just talking about the police undercover operation but everything before and after was eye opening. The worst for me was finding out about the crimes he had committed before Daniel and how he was free to progress from brutal abductions and child sex crimes to murder and still go years without being caught.

My point is that the truth of the CSK, his motive, what really happened to those poor girls and possibly others is still unknown and the reality is the alleged could have done so much more (or hopefully less) than we could ever speculate. We knew very little about Daniel's killer until after the trial and the truth about him was shocking. What's worse (and relevant in this case) is he got married and had children during his crimes but it didn't stop him.

I am still doing my own research and sleuthing and unfortunately don't have too much to add just yet but I will be putting forward my contribution soon enough.
Last time I tried I got abused and degraded for my comments!

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Oh NBates, I don't remember any degrading or abusive comments given to your posts, not doubting you, I just have the attention span of a gnat sometimes and don't always take in all I've read. If you feel this way I'm so sorry as I know we can take things to heart (hey, I left for a long time because I felt like I was being teased in a nasty way). Nobody knows what someone else has gone through until "you have walked a mile in their moccasins" as the Native Americans say so wisely, and what someone thinks is a funny put down, someone else may find extremely hurtful. If you have been hurt by anyone (myself included here) I think there's a lot of us on here that will join me in saying that we are sorry you were/are hurt. PLEASE keep posting, and if you think someone's being nasty you can either report it to our moderator, or just simply say so in your next post in a respectful way. Mutual respect, I think that's what is missing in this world today and especially on the internet, and it can lead to someone feeling bullied. Come back NBates, we need ya! :stay:
Hi all,

I am a long time "lurker", first time poster. Please forgive me if this post doesn't quote right or doesn't format properly.

Spooks, this particular post of yours compelled me to post for the first time as I completely agree with your idea. Not to discount or discredit any other theories because I think most of the regular posters seem to always have something to add or elaborate on and I have learnt a lot from you all! IMO I believe that the public is being kept in the dark about a lot of things and as frustrating as it is, I support this completely. I just worry about what we may find out after this trial. If the accused is found guilty of three murders, I wonder what else will come out that had to be kept secret for a fair trial (should he plead innocence at the committal hearing).

One case that springs to mind is that of Daniel Morcombe and his convicted killer who I won't name because he doesn't deserve to be named. In this case there was little to no information revealed to the public during the investigations but after reading the book the parents released which was mortifying and heartbreaking and then watching the MSM stories after the killer was sent to prison, it was easy to connect the dots and see how vital it was to keep everything private. I'm not just talking about the police undercover operation but everything before and after was eye opening. The worst for me was finding out about the crimes he had committed before Daniel and how he was free to progress from brutal abductions and child sex crimes to murder and still go years without being caught.

My point is that the truth of the CSK, his motive, what really happened to those poor girls and possibly others is still unknown and the reality is the alleged could have done so much more (or hopefully less) than we could ever speculate. We knew very little about Daniel's killer until after the trial and the truth about him was shocking. What's worse (and relevant in this case) is he got married and had children during his crimes but it didn't stop him.

I am still doing my own research and sleuthing and unfortunately don't have too much to add just yet but I will be putting forward my contribution soon enough.

Yahoooo!! Welcome Marylouise911!!! We just love new posters and your post is terrific! Thank you so much for joining us and I look forward to your next post when you've finished your sleuthing!!! :thewave:

Totally agree with how vile so many of these offenders are and sometimes the full extent of their horrors is never known. Daniel's parents are incredibly brave people and have done much to try and stop these hideous murders of innocents from happening again. Again Welcome and hope you stick around, no more lurking for you now!!! :)

The CSK was a loner. He hunted alone.
He grew up coveting and craving. Robbing clothes lines... he covets what he doesn't have. He may not have been very succesful at all with girls - maybe always the weird friend perhaps? Lots of girls are very good at 'smelling crazy'. This perhaps led to sexual fantasies.. stealing womens clothing excited him... initially was enough to arouse..he perhaps stole a favourite.. the silk kimono with the dna... silk is a pleasurable and reassuring material... very sensory... after a while, stealing clothing is not exciting enough. .. he needs more... he craves more...and he doesn't have that social filter that says no. He covets a girl he has seen...attempts to have intercourse with her to fulfill his fantasies and attempts to rape. Too close for comfort as he is nearly caught. .. but the urges are there and urges overcome fear...this time he plans a bit, thinking he won't do it, just think about it...and think about it, and OBSESS about it until a plan forms... grab a girl. .. put a hood over her, go to Karrakatta cemetery and do what he wants. By this stage he is ready to give in to this urge. One night he cruises like he has found himself doing recently. ... just to look he says to himself. . But then he sees something... someone... someone who piques his interest, pings his radar and he is ģoooone. Takes action and before he knows it he has a problem...
If there was an accomplice perhaps they contacted the police and tipped them off.

Yep, that's what I posted previously. Totally agree with ya CV!

Or just a close friend or relative, like a work colleague or cousin, just twigged to something, or had a nagging doubt about something that might've happened when they hung out all those years ago, and something recently said by the accused or found in the accused possession might've tipped the balance?

But media said the police told them it was the breakthrough with testing the Kimono, not a tip off.

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk

Damm you’re good! Those are the sort of posts we need. We want more posts like that.

Please, Bunnie, please.
Hi Nbates,

It would be such a shame to see you go, please stay. Have you got any information you’d like to share, we’re here to listen. Don’t worry about anyone else Lampformypath and I am here - we'll look after you.
Hi all,

I am a long time "lurker", first time poster. Please forgive me if this post doesn't quote right or doesn't format properly.

Spooks, this particular post of yours compelled me to post for the first time as I completely agree with your idea. Not to discount or discredit any other theories because I think most of the regular posters seem to always have something to add or elaborate on and I have learnt a lot from you all! IMO I believe that the public is being kept in the dark about a lot of things and as frustrating as it is, I support this completely. I just worry about what we may find out after this trial. If the accused is found guilty of three murders, I wonder what else will come out that had to be kept secret for a fair trial (should he plead innocence at the committal hearing).

One case that springs to mind is that of Daniel Morcombe and his convicted killer who I won't name because he doesn't deserve to be named. In this case there was little to no information revealed to the public during the investigations but after reading the book the parents released which was mortifying and heartbreaking and then watching the MSM stories after the killer was sent to prison, it was easy to connect the dots and see how vital it was to keep everything private. I'm not just talking about the police undercover operation but everything before and after was eye opening. The worst for me was finding out about the crimes he had committed before Daniel and how he was free to progress from brutal abductions and child sex crimes to murder and still go years without being caught.

My point is that the truth of the CSK, his motive, what really happened to those poor girls and possibly others is still unknown and the reality is the alleged could have done so much more (or hopefully less) than we could ever speculate. We knew very little about Daniel's killer until after the trial and the truth about him was shocking. What's worse (and relevant in this case) is he got married and had children during his crimes but it didn't stop him.

I am still doing my own research and sleuthing and unfortunately don't have too much to add just yet but I will be putting forward my contribution soon enough.

Hi MaryLouise911 and Welcome.
Thanks for joining!
I always enjoy hearing from new members.

Posts my opinion unless source included. All my original text/images are my personal copyright and can't be reproduced outside of WebSleuths without my permission.

Damm you’re good! Those are the sort of posts we need. We want more posts like that.

Please, Bunnie, please.

So there is a gap from the rape to escalation to murder. I suspect it doesn't mean he was dormant, just undetected or police haven't connected the dots yet. He would have had a cooling off period, a unreal sense of self. Cold power control followed by a unique gut dropping mixture of horror and ecstasy over his feat. Reliving it either through trophies or visits or vicariously through news reports. Perhaps he becomes content with using the repeated thoughts as a sexual arousal tool and for a while it is enough. .. however, at some point he craves again.

I often think the Cutler disappearance showed signs of young, panicked and inexperienced dumping of evidence... and may be a missing piece of the puzzle.

Moving on. ..
His urges escalate again. His fantasies become more sophisticated. After tasting taken goods, he is no longer satisfied by stealing clothes and quick opportunistic grabbings. He mentally relives the thrill of TAKING. The POWER over another, some stranger he had no attachment to. Someone who does everything he says because HE SAYS SO. It gives him a sense of power he currently does not have either in his work or private life or both. Again his urge grows. He goes back to where he had glory and success. And those women there are class. They are perceived to be better. They are quality. They are like silk kimonos to him. He drives, just to look. And look. He may go to the pubs there, just to look. To smell. To mix, to brush against ever so slighly. Again, he is not successful. The weird friend... he starts to fantasize about these rich girls, these "*****es" who are silk.. he wants... he covets and eventually he is driven to take. He sees them leaving every weekend. . Walking carefree and entitled. .. and again he fantasizes how easy it would be. ..tipsy girls... no fears. . Feel safe..waiting for them... comes up behind. .quietly..then bam! Takes what he wants. ..he covets and by now he NEEDs. Again he goes out, thinking he will just look. ..just think, maybe take some tools, but not really do it, not freshly go through with it. ..then he sees her and he finds himself in the middle of his fantasy.
Now here's a random thought that crossed my mind (like a tumbleweed rolling down a deserted town!): could there have been an accomplice (luring, participation in some kind of acts, but not the actual killing?)
Ahahaa.. That cracked me up Lamp. Im pretty sure that tumbleweed rolled in from couple of pages back when others were having that discussion. Funny how we file things away subconsciously when we're a bit full up at the time.

Edit - ahahahha... hadnt read this when I wrote that

lampformypath said:
I just have the attention span of a gnat sometimes and don't always take in all I've read.
What would be interesting to know is when or if BRE took long service leave , he was certainly entitled to it and maybe more than once
I don't want to know when he was entitled to long service , that is easy enough to figure out , but when [ if ] he took it ... he would have had lots of time on his hands then

He would be due 3 months LSL on his 10th year anniversary back in those days.

There was an amending Act in 1991, in respect of Telecom becoming Telstra, but it didn't affect the accrual periods.

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk

The quote dropped of my reply. Now sorted.

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk
Ugh I can only assume you are an unemployed virgin, this is nothing but gross fan fiction, FFS
So there is a gap from the rape to escalation to murder. I suspect it doesn't mean he was dormant, just undetected or police haven't connected the dots yet. He would have had a cooling off period, a unreal sense of self. Cold power control followed by a unique gut dropping mixture of horror and ecstasy over his feat. Reliving it either through trophies or visits or vicariously through news reports. Perhaps he becomes content with using the repeated thoughts as a sexual arousal tool and for a while it is enough. .. however, at some point he craves again.

I often think the Cutler disappearance showed signs of young, panicked and inexperienced dumping of evidence... and may be a missing piece of the puzzle.

Moving on. ..
His urges escalate again. His fantasies become more sophisticated. After tasting taken goods, he is no longer satisfied by stealing clothes and quick opportunistic grabbings. He mentally relives the thrill of TAKING. The POWER over another, some stranger he had no attachment to. Someone who does everything he says because HE SAYS SO. It gives him a sense of power he currently does not have either in his work or private life or both. Again his urge grows. He goes back to where he had glory and success. And those women there are class. They are perceived to be better. They are quality. They are like silk kimonos to him. He drives, just to look. And look. He may go to the pubs there, just to look. To smell. To mix, to brush against ever so slighly. Again, he is not successful. The weird friend... he starts to fantasize about these rich girls, these "*****es" who are silk.. he wants... he covets and eventually he is driven to take. He sees them leaving every weekend. . Walking carefree and entitled. .. and again he fantasizes how easy it would be. ..tipsy girls... no fears. . Feel safe..waiting for them... comes up behind. .quietly..then bam! Takes what he wants. ..he covets and by now he NEEDs. Again he goes out, thinking he will just look. ..just think, maybe take some tools, but not really do it, not freshly go through with it. ..then he sees her and he finds himself in the middle of his fantasy.

Fantastic! WOW Bunnie where have you been with all this imagery in your writing? You should be writing crime novels! So deep - I'm sitting here eating a biscuit with my cup of tea and my mouth wide open (not a pretty sight!) hanging on ever word and peering at the screen, any minute expecting some creepy music to start in the background! You go girl! Keep writing your thoughts and observations of the how you "see" and "feel" this. Turn the page, next chapter please.....
I've said this previously but in 1988 1989 the police were taking DNA samples , I know because they took mine , mouth swab , I had to give permission

I have no idea when they started using DNA in court cases , but they took them then , this was in WA
Thanks for your personal experience FF. I believe they had DNA or something similar they were able to clear suspects with "forensic testing" (American sailor etc) in the Victoria Clark sexual assault and murder. See page one of this thread for my post with the quotes reported.
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