Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #20

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Fantastic! WOW Bunnie where have you been with all this imagery in your writing? You should be writing crime novels! So deep - I'm sitting here eating a biscuit with my cup of tea and my mouth wide open (not a pretty sight!) hanging on ever word and peering at the screen, any minute expecting some creepy music to start in the background! You go girl! Keep writing your thoughts and observations of the how you "see" and "feel" this. Turn the page, next chapter please.....
I've been reading these posts for a while lampy and I have to say I find yours and CV's very similar. Are you two related by any chance??
Ahahaa.. That cracked me up Lamp. Im pretty sure that tumbleweed rolled in from couple of pages back when others were having that discussion. Funny how we file things away subconsciously when we're a bit full up at the time.

Edit - ahahahha... hadnt read this when I wrote that

:happydance:Good to see ya NBates, and glad I made ya smile! Yep, things turn us off or turn us on, like a giant switch in our brain just says, Nah, that ain't something I need to take in, or the reverse, now that's something I want to think about. Keep posting, we're listening....
I've been reading these posts for a while lampy and I have to say I find yours and CV's very similar. Are you two related by any chance??

No, not related, that I know. Maybe like-minded, or a sister from another mother perhaps? Got a lot of those.
Now here's a random thought that crossed my mind (like a tumbleweed rolling down a deserted town!):

IF Police have arrested the CSK (yet to be proven in court and totally INNOCENT till proven guilty) could there have been an accomplice (luring, participation in some kind of acts, but not the actual killing?) who may have come forward and been given immunity and complete anonymity due to information given and total co-operation with police? This is just a theory, and I’m not saying this is the case, have no idea of course, just speculation. Stranger things have happened.

It just makes me wonder how police can be so sure that SS has been killed, and confident enough to charge the same accused person with her murder?

"Commissioner O'Callaghan said it would be alleged the man acted alone."
Then the police would be dealing with someone who knows the truth over an extended period, from the time he was young till now. IMO

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Last time I tried I got abused and degraded for my comments!

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I have scrolled back thru the quotes and I think it may be me you are referring to
It is never my intention to abuse or humiliate anyone , I say it how I see it , but intention or not this seems to be the case

There are other forums on this subject that are more informative and people do not take comments personally I shall spend my time in them

I apologize if I offended you
Thanks for your personal experience FF. I believe they had DNA or something similar they were able to clear suspects with "forensic testing" (American sailor etc) in the Victoria Clark sexual assault and murder. See page one of this thread for my post with the quotes reported.
Agree thats about all they were able to do with it at the time IC. Either rule people out or not be able to conclusively rule them out.
Again, from Forensic cop Bryn Jones speaking on Greenough (1993) murders CI episode "we did have a very early DNA analysis capacity but it was limited to only one loci, which essentially it meant it didnt have sufficient discriminatory powers to suggest that the semen belonged to a particular person. It was more used in those days in conjunction with blood grouping to eliminate people or suggest that a person could not be eliminated as the donor".
You know off hand when they cleared them? I just read it the other day and cant remember. Was Masters ever confirmed to be the killer via DNA, they obviously should have tested him or was his confession good enough for them?
I’m certainly no expert, but my thoughts are the CSK, may have started having issues when he reached puberty. Underlying issues fuelled by low self-esteem and always an inability to interact with other male peers.

Obviously something significant happened for the first wife to leave, which perhaps was just prior to the SS abduction. Whatever it was, it had a huge effect on the CSK.

Perhaps something like the loss of a baby or termination, or another man whisked her away.

I’d think, in general, the CSK has a terrible temper and specific things trigger him off – mainly rejection.

It would appear after CG, he calmed down, perhaps some psychiatric help was sought then and he was put on medication.

These are just my thoughts and opinions.

Maybe he left her?? Most comments I’ve read assume that the first wife left him. But maybe it was the other way around?
Fantastic! WOW Bunnie where have you been with all this imagery in your writing? You should be writing crime novels! So deep - I'm sitting here eating a biscuit with my cup of tea and my mouth wide open (not a pretty sight!) hanging on ever word and peering at the screen, any minute expecting some creepy music to start in the background! You go girl! Keep writing your thoughts and observations of the how you "see" and "feel" this. Turn the page, next chapter please.....

Earl Grey tea?

Posts my opinion unless source included. All my original text/images are my personal copyright and can't be reproduced outside of WebSleuths without my permission.
17 February1988 was a Wednesday and likely to have been a stinking hot night. I don’t remember ducted air-conditioning back then, same with window locks and alarm systems.

The media advised the perpetrator entered through an unlocked door. I’d think he would have tried the windows first. Perhaps he was scouting about looking for clothing, and by chance found an unlocked door, taking advantage of the situation – a complete surprise and perhaps not planned.

That might be why he bungled the attack. He took a huge chance with the parent’s being home too. A unit isn’t a big abode I’m surprised the parents didn’t wake up beforehand.

If he was coming home from somewhere, perhaps he was cutting through the block en route home to Gay St. As PD mentioned if the unit/house was new there probably weren’t any fences around the perimeter.,+Gosnells+WA+6110/Gay+St,+Huntingdale+WA+6110/@-32.0783038,115.9538892,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x2a3295900829360d:0xd13fca3d9aa73d67!2m2!1d115.9822527!2d-32.0669573!1m5!1m1!1s0x2a3295c4592423c9:0xfc7005add1b956e2!2m2!1d115.9617692!2d-32.0885278!3e2

Her parents were home? hmm i've read articles that the parents were away and always thought that the brother being the same age as the Huntingdale victim he might of been privvy to this and it wasn't random.

I have scrolled back thru the quotes and I think it may be me you are referring to
It is never my intention to abuse or humiliate anyone , I say it how I see it , but intention or not this seems to be the case

There are other forums on this subject that are more informative and people do not take comments personally I shall spend my time in them

I apologize if I offended you

Hold that cab , I'm coming with you
<modsnip - removed deleted quote>
Hi Annalise - I don't think it strange he married quite young. As an adult I have found out that certain adults thats were in my 'circle' as a child, were not the people I thought they were. The upstanding Mr & Mrs so and so were into threesomes, was apparently quite common knowledge (obviously not to us kids) and another Mrs so and so (who lived up the road and took me to school sometimes ), took up with her neighbour, kicked her husband out and they then joined in. Mr so and so just liked listening at the door, etc. YIKES I would never have dreamed this. Very shocking.
So no disrepect mean't to anyone, but because of this, but I know sometimes people marry young because this certain person will give then what they want/need.
I also believe the CSK who ever he is, is very sneaky and coniving, not neccessarily overly smart, but smart enough and that everything was planned. He lurked untill he found the perfect oppertunity and he was sneaky enough not to lurk the same way and bring suspicion upon himself. Once he had them he knew what he was going to do and where he was going to take them.
I also think he was a suspect/person of interest/questioned in the HH assault, apparently the victim was in his brothers year, so he probably knew they kept the back door unlocked. A few questions here, a few questions there (to his unsuspecting brother) and he has the required info. This would put him on WAPO list.
Why he chose Claremont- If you look at his wife & ex-partner, one was a legal secretary or similar and the other was French and her family owned a resturant. Quite 'upper class' you might say, so Claremont girls would be 'his type'.
I also think some one close to him 'twigged', reported him and when WAPO finally decided to look outside their box, they went back through their files, his name came up as a POI. All they needed was some familiar DNA and whammo got him.
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Stay tuned , Fabio is bound to make an appearance soon
Nah... he doesn't fit the FBI profile.

And for those poking fun at what i wrote, it's how i see his mind operating. Most peopke don't wake up and make to do list that reads
Feed dog
Do laundry
Kill random girl
Vacuum house

They are motivated by something. My head always goes to the 'why' before the 'what' because then the possible circumstances are vastly different including victim numbers, types, and possible crime scenes.
Maybe he left her?? Most comments I&#8217;ve read assume that the first wife left him. But maybe it was the other way around?
BRE stayed in the Fountain Way home, possibly until it was sold/settled - April 1997. Unless he asked her to go.
Cropped for subject clarity -
I also believe the CSK who ever he is, is very sneaky and coniving, not neccessarily overly smart, but smart enough and that everything was planned.
Quite a while ago I found an online profile of the Accused, BRE which apart from having a very nice photo of him and CG, showed that he had taken an online IQ test - his result was 139. Sorry I do not have link now.

BRE would therefore come into the top of below range (note 140 is genius or almost genius):

[FONT=&amp]120 - 139 : [/FONT][FONT=&amp]With an IQ of 120 to 139, it means you have very superior intelligence and your intelligence is better than most. A superior intelligence means that your intelligence is better than most people but not as high as those with an IQ of 140.


If this test is correct BRE is therefore extremely smart, which would be one of the reasons, among others, that he alluded capture for so long.

JMO and subject to the Accused being responsible for the crimes he is charged with.
Any ideas on why it appears, he stopped Bunnie?

So there is a gap from the rape to escalation to murder. I suspect it doesn't mean he was dormant, just undetected or police haven't connected the dots yet. He would have had a cooling off period, a unreal sense of self. Cold power control followed by a unique gut dropping mixture of horror and ecstasy over his feat. Reliving it either through trophies or visits or vicariously through news reports. Perhaps he becomes content with using the repeated thoughts as a sexual arousal tool and for a while it is enough. .. however, at some point he craves again.

I often think the Cutler disappearance showed signs of young, panicked and inexperienced dumping of evidence... and may be a missing piece of the puzzle.

Moving on. ..
His urges escalate again. His fantasies become more sophisticated. After tasting taken goods, he is no longer satisfied by stealing clothes and quick opportunistic grabbings. He mentally relives the thrill of TAKING. The POWER over another, some stranger he had no attachment to. Someone who does everything he says because HE SAYS SO. It gives him a sense of power he currently does not have either in his work or private life or both. Again his urge grows. He goes back to where he had glory and success. And those women there are class. They are perceived to be better. They are quality. They are like silk kimonos to him. He drives, just to look. And look. He may go to the pubs there, just to look. To smell. To mix, to brush against ever so slighly. Again, he is not successful. The weird friend... he starts to fantasize about these rich girls, these "*****es" who are silk.. he wants... he covets and eventually he is driven to take. He sees them leaving every weekend. . Walking carefree and entitled. .. and again he fantasizes how easy it would be. ..tipsy girls... no fears. . Feel safe..waiting for them... comes up behind. .quietly..then bam! Takes what he wants. ..he covets and by now he NEEDs. Again he goes out, thinking he will just look. ..just think, maybe take some tools, but not really do it, not freshly go through with it. ..then he sees her and he finds himself in the middle of his fantasy.

I have scrolled back thru the quotes and I think it may be me you are referring to
It is never my intention to abuse or humiliate anyone , I say it how I see it , but intention or not this seems to be the case

There are other forums on this subject that are more informative and people do not take comments personally I shall spend my time in them

I apologize if I offended you

:candle: It's getting very dark in here (oh damn I just tripped over my tongue!)...let me shed some light, that's what lamps are for and we are all lamps for someone at some stage of our lives! FF don't leave, please!! You know after doing the foster work, raising my own children and helping with grandchildren, and just living a LONG time on this earth I have learned that we're all just big kids. We all carry hurts and scars, bruises and wounds from the past, sometimes from long ago, and we all try to hide them, "get over them", we're adults now for heavens sake! At least that's what we tell ourselves. This forum is emotive and sometimes very raw when people share their sad stories, and there's many who drift in and out just read and ponder and never post as they have been victims of some horrible crimes in the past and this site is too hard for them, and that's OK. We are ALL learning so much here about each other (and about ourselves!) as we talk about this monster that is the CSK, and for some it's a VERY brave act to even post a message at all, that's how fragile they feel. FF I thank you for having the courage to look back at the posts and examine that it might have been you who offended (I don't know, could have been me or anyone for all I know) and for saying you are truly sorry if you have hurt someone. That's a BIG thing to do, but let me get this, you think you offended someone, so you said sorry, but you're leaving because you are offended that they were offended? Now even I can't follow that, and I wrote it!!! Stay, learn, grow, challenge yourself, that's how we all become better human beings, AND encourage others to be likewise! :loveyou:Here endeth the lesson!!
:candle: It's getting very dark in here (oh damn I just tripped over my tongue!)...let me shed some light, that's what lamps are for and we are all lamps for someone at some stage of our lives! FF don't leave, please!! You know after doing the foster work, raising my own children and helping with grandchildren, and just living a LONG time on this earth I have learned that we're all just big kids. We all carry hurts and scars, bruises and wounds from the past, sometimes from long ago, and we all try to hide them, "get over them", we're adults now for heavens sake! At least that's what we tell ourselves. This forum is emotive and sometimes very raw when people share their sad stories, and there's many who drift in and out just read and ponder and never post as they have been victims of some horrible crimes in the past and this site is too hard for them, and that's OK. We are ALL learning so much here about each other (and about ourselves!) as we talk about this monster that is the CSK, and for some it's a VERY brave act to even post a message at all, that's how fragile they feel. FF I thank you for having the courage to look back at the posts and examine that it might have been you who offended (I don't know, could have been me or anyone for all I know) and for saying you are truly sorry if you have hurt someone. That's a BIG thing to do, but let me get this, you think you offended someone, so you said sorry, but you're leaving because you are offended that they were offended? Now even I can't follow that, and I wrote it!!! Stay, learn, grow, challenge yourself, that's how we all become better human beings, AND encourage others to be likewise! :loveyou:Here endeth the lesson!!
Lamp, I know you mean well,

However with respect, this site is for sleuthing the Claremont Serial Killer, not an 'Agony Aunt' site - could you possibly stay on topic.

I might have to catch that cab soon too if this type of posting continues.
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