Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #4

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Thanks Bartholemeus for your reply, good info regarding other cases where police have used this technique.
I am interested as others have said about what private information is being shared, as delbertgrady said earlier maybe we should put everything on the table and discuss it.
YOU (have for months now) continually have claimed that the man that appeared on the CIA documentary talking about Jane, is the man that is later referred to in the CIA documentary as a martial arts practitioner (you referred to what was said in the CIA doc as 'expert') when in fact the word expert was NEVER used.

Therefore you are totally ignoring the fact that in order to support your claim, you need to come up with a valid argument that this man worked closely with Sarah Spiers. By you continually putting your case, it is therefore your argument that JM worked with Sarah Spiers closely. Then provide the proof of that.

Well then when you choose to continually refer to the man that appears on the CIA doc talking about Jane Rimmer as the POI mentioned later in the documentary who was a martial arts practitioner, you choose to ignore the fact that in the description given of this martial arts practitioner, he worked with Sarah Spiers closely. How can you ignore that fact like you do? You really do need to come up with a valid reason / excuse why you choose to ignore this like you do.
Hey Bartholemeus I am looking for the Gerard Bayden Clay example and this was his interview with channel 9 news when his wife was still missing, is this the one you mean? They say it was his only public interview...?
Hey Bartholemeus I am looking for the Gerard Bayden Clay example and this was his interview with channel 9 news when his wife was still missing, is this the one you mean? They say it was his only public interview...?
Did the mention of Baden-Clay's name not jog your memory that it's standard practice for police to parade the suspected husband in front of the media? Do I have to go find more examples for you?
Papertrail you also make some interesting points, so you say that the Martial Arts Practitioner was said to work with Sarah Spiers but there is no evidence that Judoman ever did?
quote o why do you suppose he was chosen to be on that show? end quote

For the fact that Jane Rimmer's father had died in February 2008 -- do you not consider it a possibility that both the man you refer to as JM and Lynda Donovan appeared on the CIA documentary, due to the fact that the Rimmer family and their extended family, would have been in mourning when the documentary was being prepared. I understand that Mr Rimmer was ill for some time prior to his death. He didn't choose to be included in the documentary, I would have thought the production company or police would have made contact with him and Lynda as they needed someone to represent the Rimmer family and to speak about Jane, from their own personal perspective.
Papertrail you also make some interesting points, so you say that the Martial Arts Practitioner was said to work with Sarah Spiers but there is no evidence that Judoman ever did?

If there was evidence he did I would post about it -- simple as that.

The detail released about the martial arts practitioner in the CIA documentary clearly indicated this practitioner worked CLOSELY with Sarah Spiers.

The man people on here refer to as JM, was partly educated at a Japanese university. Look at their values.
In 1996 there used to be a restaurant named Tonic, immediately over the road, in Bay View Terrace, from the Conti. Another perfect spot to watch your intended victim from.
Hey look I never followed the Gerard Baden Clay case very well. This was an interview where the media approached him, it was different to a complete tv special on the case orchestrated by police. I am just trying to validate your post.

I think both you and papertrail have some great valid arguments, it's a shame that both of you seem to not be able to constructively critique each merits without it getting personal. I think this thread could be great but seems to be degrading - it also puts off other members posting ideas because of the aggressive tone and derails discussions.
I mean we all have justice in mind for these girls, we want the killer/s caught, why focus on attacking each other?

I wonder if Clare was into martial arts at all. The photos released in the UK at the time of his trial there, he looked pretty fit.

There is something very interesting going on behind the scenes re the evil guy convicted of the Morecombe murder. Looks as though he has a legal team about to launch a High Court appeal and it has something to do with the way the police obtained the evidence through the inquest not being 'fair' to him.
Paul Clare "cleared of any involvement in Claremont".


Fellow Englishman Paul Clare, who lived in Perth for 20 years, was also jailed in Britain in 2006 after raping a 16-year-old girl.

He was later cleared of any involvement in Claremont, but remains a suspect for a string of sex attacks in Kings Park between 1998 and 1999.

Glare of suspicion burnt several innocent men
January 27, 2016:
quote o why do you suppose he was chosen to be on that show? end quote

For the fact that Jane Rimmer's father had died in February 2008 -- do you not consider it a possibility that both the man you refer to as JM and Lynda Donovan appeared on the CIA documentary, due to the fact that the Rimmer family and their extended family, would have been in mourning when the documentary was being prepared. I understand that Mr Rimmer was ill for some time prior to his death. He didn't choose to be included in the documentary, I would have thought the production company or police would have made contact with him and Lynda as they needed someone to represent the Rimmer family and to speak about Jane, from their own personal perspective.
Right, so you're saying close family friend. Real close family friend.

So he must have been tight with Jane. Why no reference to it on his FB? Why the photo of the Conti on FB a couple of days before the 20th anniversary with the caption "this is where it all began"?

I'm not ruling out him being a very close family confidant (so close they got him to appear on CIA video) or that his FB post was entirely innocent but what are the chances? No condolences or sincere words, just some words that outwardly look pretty inappropriate if in fact he was a close family friend.

Everyone else is following the percentages with an open mind. If new info comes to light then people change accordingly. Clearly you're on a complete different page to nearly everyone else here.
Hey look I never followed the Gerard Baden Clay case very well. This was an interview where the media approached him, it was different to a complete tv special on the case orchestrated by police. I am just trying to validate your post.

I think both you and papertrail have some great valid arguments, it's a shame that both of you seem to not be able to constructively critique each merits without it getting personal. I think this thread could be great but seems to be degrading - it also puts off other members posting ideas because of the aggressive tone and derails discussions.
I mean we all have justice in mind for these girls, we want the killer/s caught, why focus on attacking each other?

I am not the one getting personal. I am always having personal comments thrown at me by a couple of posters on here. I do not focus on attacking anyone, I wouldn't waste my time. I just can't see any valid argument that has been discussed regarding the man who appeared on the CIA documentary, and continually being referred to on here as JM, as being the POI martial arts practitioner referred to in that documentary. It's really simple.

There is no derailing going on from me.
Sorry papertrail I didn't realize that you are being attacked when you are just putting forth alternative views and evidence.
Everyone deserves to be able to post their views in a constructive way here without being attacked.
Right, so you're saying close family friend. Real close family friend.

So he must have been tight with Jane. Why no reference to it on his FB? Why the photo of the Conti on FB a couple of days before the 20th anniversary with the caption "this is where it all began"?

I'm not ruling out him being a very close family confidant (so close they got him to appear on CIA video) or that his FB post was entirely innocent but what are the chances? No condolences or sincere words, just some words that outwardly look pretty inappropriate if in fact he was a close family friend.

Everyone else is following the percentages with an open mind. If new info comes to light then people change accordingly. Clearly you're on a complete different page to nearly everyone else here.

I'm proud of the stance that I have taken. If people want to go with the flow together, then so be it. But keep in mind only dead fish go with the flow.

There is no evidence he was 'tight with Jane' as you put it. I would consider that perhaps he was close to Mr Rimmer due to the fact that Mr Rimmer worked in the insurance industry and that industry is well known to have tight connections to finance. Or perhaps he was close to Jane's sister or brother. The sister obtained a UWA uni degree.

Why don't you make contact with him via his FB page and ask why he posted the photo and caption. I am sure it was 'totally innocent'. In fact, if you check the history of the Conti building you may find some interesting facts about the foundation of Claremont township. And there is a strong vibe going on the background of Claremont ratepayers vs council's opinions on development.

I don't go with 'chances' or 'percentage' talk at all, never have and never will.

I am sure there were personal heartfelt condolences behind the scenes; in such tragic circumstances I don't think it would be appropriate to post condolences on a FB page if I personally knew a person that had been murdered in such circumstances -- in my opinion it would be really tacky.
That's all very convenient I guess.

Your comment just shows you where your mind is -- it is not on trying to develop sensible and mature discussion. All you want to do is hone in on people's personal circumstances.

There is NO convenience.
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