Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #4

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...Where is the PROOF of FACT that JM knew JR ?...

RSBM. He is interviewed on the show as her friend. He describes her as smiling and soft. I don't know what type of proof you require.
RSBM. He is interviewed on the show as her friend. He describes her and smiling and soft. I don't know what type of proof you require.

So now you HAVE verified that you are talking about the man included in the CIA doc --

The PROOF I am talking about is that contributors on WS are implying he is / NAMED as a POI or suspect by police due to the fact he appeared on the CIA doc? Unless that can be provided as FACT then all discussion should stop referring to this man as a POI or suspect. simple simple simple

That is NOW against WS TOS because TOS says that you cannot name or imply a person is a POI or suspect unless they have been so named by law enforcement.

To do so, is defamation.

HE WAS NOT interviewed on the CIA doc as HER FRIEND. He was interviewed because he knew the family. <modsnip>
So now you HAVE verified that you are talking about the man included in the CIA doc --

The PROOF I am talking about is that contributors on WS are implying he is / NAMED as a POI or suspect by police due to the fact he appeared on the CIA doc? Unless that can be provided as FACT then all discussion should stop referring to this man as a POI or suspect. simple simple simple

That is NOW against WS TOS because TOS says that you cannot name or imply a person is a POI or suspect unless they have been so named by law enforcement.

To do so, is defamation.

HE WAS NOT interviewed on the CIA doc as HER FRIEND. He was interviewed because he knew the family. <modsnip>

Very rich coming from the peson who categorically makes the most tedious connections and conclusions on this forum.

The same person who continuously jumps to conclude almost anyone as a POI based on the most obscure evidence.

Why are you so defensive of JM above all others you've pointed your finger at.

Are you JM?
No matter who the martial arts expert is -

I think that they are the best equipped to carry out a blitz attack (inside or outside a car). The fact that this martial arts expert had a close working relationship with SS and had once met JR means he may not have needed to blitz attack them outside the car.

The fact that he told blatant lies during police interviews about how well he knew them is highly suspicious. As is the fact he gave false alibis.

Someone who is a martial arts expert would have the required discipline to not carry out further murders whilst under surveillance.
The offender of these crimes is someone not known to Special Crime Squad, and was not a suspect as part of any Macro task project.

Police are still interviewing suspects to this day, giving structured interviews and gathering DNA samples. They are acting off tip offs given through the crime stoppers network. If suspicious people are reported for a moderately good reason, there is a good chance they may be spoken to by investigators. To be productive, look into businesses in Claremont and neighbouring suburbs which may have had people working for them during that period that match the profile released by Police.

Everytime I hear the word "Judoman", I cringe. He is not a suspect and never was a suspect. SD is a financial consultant and was a family friend to the Rimmers. He did not know Sarah Spiers, and is not the 34 year old student mentioned in the CIA documentary.
The offender of these crimes is someone not known to Special Crime Squad, and was not a suspect as part of any Macro task project.

Police are still interviewing suspects to this day, giving structured interviews and gathering DNA samples. They are acting off tip offs given through the crime stoppers network. If suspicious people are reported for a moderately good reason, there is a good chance they may be spoken to by investigators. To be productive, look into businesses in Claremont and neighbouring suburbs which may have had people working for them during that period that match the profile released by Police.

Maybe the police should release a profile that is more descriptive than someone who cleans their car. You aren't going to notice someone cleaning their car if they are doing it inside a garage or have a driveway hidden from the street view. He probably has a new car now, so unless he is still disappearing people from Perth then you can bet he won't be outside cleaning his car.

No one can remember the businesses that were there because half of them were closed down/demolished to make way for a monstrosity. The time for acting on tip offs was 20 years ago.

Perhaps the investigation would be more fruitful if the focus was shifted onto the people investigating and why the perpetrator hasn't come up once in 20 years and 3000+ POI's.

As it stands, no one knows whether they should be looking for:

Someone who used to drive a white holden commodore 1995/6 model (police won't confirm)
Someone who used to practice screen printing or worked for a screen printing business (police won't confirm)
Someone who may have had access to a panel van in 1995 when Karrakatta rape occured (police won't confirm)
Someone who looked like MM from the back (police won't confirm)
Someone who may have been old enough to also know Julie Cutler (police won't confirm)
Someone who used to drive around Highgate in an ex police vehicle with a rape kit in the back - whose identity may have been lost in intervening years (police won't confirm)
Someone/ a group who have an interest in Wicca/rituals and hang around Yanchep (police won't confirm)

or all of the above
Thanks aim2solve and Billy - time we got back on track.Interestingly, I believe the weekends that SS and JR went missing were long weekends in WA (Australia Day and Queens Birthday). CG went missing near St Patricks day, although this followed a long weekend on 1-3 March (Labour Day). Is it possible that CSK was house- or pet-sitting thus had sole access to a local house?
Thanks aim2solve and Billy - time we got back on track.Interestingly, I believe the weekends that SS and JR went missing were long weekends in WA (Australia Day and Queens Birthday). CG went missing near St Patricks day, although this followed a long weekend on 1-3 March (Labour Day). Is it possible that CSK was house- or pet-sitting thus had sole access to a local house?

Basilisk that is a good theory, except WA celebrate Queens birthday later in the year

Mon Jun 10 1996 Queen's Birthday Common State holiday All except WA
Mon Sep 30 1996 Queen's Birthday Common State holiday Western Australia
Not sure if anyone remembers.

This came out two or three weeks before Commodore article

Cops seek info on student
Police seeking the Claremont serial killer want information about a student who worked in hospitality around the time of the murders.
Last month, police questioned a woman who had lived in a Federation house in Stirling Highway, Claremont in the mid 90s.She shared the house with her sister and four other people.She said the man the police were interested in had lived in the share house for about three months after the &#64257;rst victim, Sarah Spiers, went missing in January 1996.During the initial investigation into the murders, a house resident had contacted police about the man because he thought he was suspicious.&#8220;They asked us if we could remember any-thing about the guy,&#8221; the woman said.&#8220;All we could remember was his first name and sketchy details: he drove a Com-modore, he was a student and worked in hospitality.&#8220;The police said they couldn&#8217;t rule him out and he was still on their list.&#8221;The woman said that in 1996 they had adver-tised in the local paper for a short-term tenant."He responded and my sister met him,&#8221; she said.The woman was sorry neither she nor her former housemates could remember much.&#8220;The police tried hard to jog our memories,&#8221; she said.She said a housemate had reported the man to police because he was creepy.&#8220;I would come home from work late and he would be outside looking in my window,&#8221; she said. She said police told her there were still a few people they wanted to investigate so they could be eliminated from their inquiries.&#8220;They were very, very de&#64257;nite they weren&#8217;t homing in on this person [the man at the house],&#8221; she said.A WA Police spokeswoman said Operation Macro remained an active investigation for the special crime squad.&#8220;Maintaining the operational integrity of this investigation is paramount,&#8221; she said.

and this quote from Parkie halfway through last year

11-06-2015, 08:17 AM
Ok, have just caught up on the last 3 pages. Claremont Ghost posted on the CIA docu. His page on You Tube had 7 or 8 vids. One was him following a paddy wagon. One was by the Left bank Pub in Freo (so I was told) One was an old federation or similar house with Big Geranium bushes out front. Looked like G`s. Another was taken out Henderson way looking out to Garden island. Another was out in bushland with a lot of tar cracks in the ashphalt showing. It wasn`t an ashphalt road it was a tar sealed road that formed tar cracks over time. Lots of them. Like on a hot summers day. Another vid had a noise in the background. Vey loud too. Similar to the cement pump station in Naval Base. That company is out Hogg Rd Naval Base & you turn left onto Sutton Rd till you reach the company. Interesting road that... Sutton. I just say that due to a Bloggers name. And he isn`t me. I was drawn to that search area about 10 yrs ago. But sand dunes don`t inspire me. They are a pain to walk on. Anyways on the video there was a horn sound every few mins above the loud noise. Hogg & Sutton Roads have spooked me for yonks. But then again it`s like that whenever we pass a bush lake. We always think someone is in that lake.

Parkie - you are the only one that remembers Claremont ghost vids. I saw them once or twice, but don't remember details besides that they were filmed in black and white. Certainly not in as much detail to remember that they contained footage of a federation house with big geranium bushes out front (especially given videos were filmed at night - good spotting).

Maybe you can do a google street view down Stirling Hwy in Claremont and see if there are any houses that match? I'm currently doing this. But figure you will be better as you remember the video and it's contents in
"Mon Jun 10 1996 Queen's Birthday Common State holiday All except WA"

Billy you are correct - obviously I am an "eastern stater"! Weekend prior 1-3 June was WA Foundation Day (the reason QB holiday was moved), so maybe it still holds up. Plenty of busy people take leave when there are public holidays to stretch their breaks...
Yes Billy. The bush was on the left. It might not be a geranium but a bush in the Geranium family that most houses of that era had. The Police should have copied Claremont Ghosts videos. Re the bush I know it when I see it. Flowery all over, white & blues.
Bessie, this #4 thread does not appear in the Google search engine. Is there any way to make this active thread more visible in that medium as to attract new posters and readers?
Yes Billy. The bush was on the left. It might not be a geranium but a bush in the Geranium family that most houses of that era had. The Police should have copied Claremont Ghosts videos. Re the bush I know it when I see it. Flowery all over, white & blues.

Sounds like an Hydrangea - these are blue when the soil is acidic (red if alkaline).
not sure if trolling...

but the vids were black and white. similar to night vision.

you would not be able to differentiate the colours of flowers at night. surprised you can even remember what side of the federation house the bush/es were on.

Parkie - google map/street view down Stirling Hwy and tell us if you recognise any of the federation houses in Claremont. If you don't at least try this then you obviously aren't here for constructive purposes.
It is making the time Billy. Will try but I am reas busy.
after a bit of research, 'unknown suspect' and CIA martial arts expert are firm favourites. It's a shame that all the discussion has gone underground.
after a bit of research, 'unknown suspect' and CIA martial arts expert are firm favourites. It's a shame that all the discussion has gone underground.

It's not as much a shame as much as it's odd. Everyone here seems reluctant to discuss JM openly, yet there's a lot of discussion in private threads.
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