Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #4

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Snipped and BBM. You want to apply electric voltage to a man's nipples based on your suspicions?

Snipped. We don't know all of his charges, but Droc was charged with carnal knowledge. Isn't that related to sexual knowledge of a child by an adult?


The idea of TT (or any former taxi driver) being the CSK is believable. If Droc said he knew a former taxi driver who had a lot of anger toward women, who lied about his whereabouts in the key nights, who took candid photos, I'd be interested. I could even buy into the snuff film aspect.

It's the details that I find difficult to believe. Numerous prostitutes were involved (Michelle, Genevieve, others) and other men were involved. And the motive Droc gave isn't right. So it's a hatred of 'rich little daddy's brats' and a desire for profit?

Also, they would have needed a travel agent with all the going over seas and traveling around required. Idk if y'all have seen TT's social media, but he's more of a 'free spirit' than the organized individual required to pull off the crimes.

In Law in Western Australia, the charge of carnal knowledge is not necessarily related to 'carnal knowledge of a human being' and carnal knowledge with regard to a human being can be committed upon a male or female. see page 39 in the linked document which is an explanation document re the Criminal Code of Western Australia.$file/Criminal+Code.pdf
Snipped and BBM. You want to apply electric voltage to a man's nipples based on your suspicions?

Snipped. We don't know all of his charges, but Droc was charged with carnal knowledge. Isn't that related to sexual knowledge of a child by an adult?


The idea of TT (or any former taxi driver) being the CSK is believable. If Droc said he knew a former taxi driver who had a lot of anger toward women, who lied about his whereabouts in the key nights, who took candid photos, I'd be interested. I could even buy into the snuff film aspect.

It's the details that I find difficult to believe. Numerous prostitutes were involved (Michelle, Genevieve, others) and other men were involved. And the motive Droc gave isn't right. So it's a hatred of 'rich little daddy's brats' and a desire for profit?

Also, they would have needed a travel agent with all the going over seas and traveling around required. Idk if y'all have seen TT's social media, but he's more of a 'free spirit' than the organized individual required to pull off the crimes.

In Australia, you do not require the services of a travel agent to arrange intrastate or overseas travel. Back in the 1990s easypeasy to arrange via telephoning the airlines direct.
gday LM
regarding question 2, arthur greer was charged with the murder of sharon mason a14 yr old schoolgirl in 1986, she was found in 1992 underneath a shed floor behind a shop greer was leasing in mosmanpark which is about 2miles from claremont . there is now speculation this is another stuff up by wa police and greer is innocent

Corrections: Sharon Mason disappeared in February 1983 not 1986. She was found in July 1992 in a location that was adjacent to where a shed had once stood being 600 Stirling Highway in Mosman Park. The shed, and the concrete slab floor had been removed a couple of years after 1983 and major earthworks had taken place in 1987 and again more extensive earthworks prior to her remains being located in 1992, indicating her body could have been buried anywhere and moved around the site.

A side note: The shop which was the location of Pamela Lawrence's murder on 23 May 1994, overlooked the location where Sharon Mason's remains had been found.
I never believed LW was good for the CSK. He is just too different from any serial killer I've ever seen. That's just MO, I have not personally spoken to any serial murderers. He is the exact opposite of the person who could commit these crimes. IMO.

I don't know about JM. I had kind of dismissed him until other posters repeatedly shut the conversation down.

Yes, we all suffer from confirmation bias at times.

In what way is LW 'the exact opposite of the person who could commit these crimes' ?
in 2008 a pyschic task force came to perth with the sole purpose of identifieing the CSK
they put on a show and made a lot of predictions [and a lot of cash] one prediction was the CSK was in to racing cars and speedway, straight away i thought of alfred gerard eravellys the scarborough rapist who is known to be a racing car enthusiast,i my self personally dont believe in all that stuff but if it turns out eravellys is the CSK i might just change my mind

Can you provide any link to information about this psychic show and the psychic's connection of racing cars and speedway as you have described ?
papertrail said:
A side note: The shop which was the location of Pamela Lawrence's murder on 23 May 1994, overlooked the location where Sharon Mason's remains had been found.
This is not true. <modsnip>
oooh everyone's a bit quiet !

Anyone on here a guru at researching family trees ? <modsnip>

Found someone 'older' in Cottesloe with surname Williams that used to be a 'master printer - need to trace to see if there is a connection.
reg the master printer
any news on the master printer? i see droc was charged with counterfeiting $50 notes
would printing dye be used in this process?
This is not true.<modsnip>

<modsnip> see attached -- you will see that the Lawrence murder location directly overlooked the 600 Stirling Highway location (rear of) where the Mason remains were found.


  • Lawrence vs Mason locations.JPG
    Lawrence vs Mason locations.JPG
    122.1 KB · Views: 170
reg the master printer
any news on the master printer? i see droc was charged with counterfeiting $50 notes
would printing dye be used in this process?

Tracing family tree re master printer.

Noel Geoffrey Coward's forgery conviction involved pasting notes together no printing in any way involved.
<modsnip>see attached -- you will see that the Lawrence murder location directly overlooked the 600 Stirling Highway location (rear of) where the Mason remains were found.
<modsnip> the back of 600 was fenced off with a paling fence in the 80s. The lane way behind it (at the top of hill directly behind 600 and the liquor store on Stuart St) was over grown with grasses and weeds. Furthermore, Pamela Lawrence's shop was down the hill so didn't over look anything other than the footpath and Glyde St. You might have know this if you were a local.
Hello bartholemeu
I was just reading through the chat and on the 28/11/2015 you said you have spoke to both the guy who claimed he was at the bus stop and the girl who she was a close friend of JR. How can you say they were lying, im sorry i do not recall talking to you in bf.
im the guy from the bus stop.
Hello bartholemeu
I was just reading through the chat and on the 28/11/2015 you said you have spoke to both the guy who claimed he was at the bus stop and the girl who she was a close friend of JR. How can you say they were lying, im sorry i do not recall talking to you in bf.
im the guy from the bus stop.

On the girl who claimed she knew JR

She claimed she went out with Adam Rimmer and that she lived in a house with Adam and Jane
She said she was tight with Jane
She said she went to St Hildas and graduated in 1988
I asked her if she new 2 students from that year. 2 students who were the top of the social tree in that year. Good looking, very wealthy parents, the absolute pinnacle of the who's who of private school girls. The whole school would have known who they were.
She didn't know them.
So she also didn't know Jane Rimmer.


Now, about your story;

You said you were from Balga
You had 2 mates, also from out of area who went with you to Claremont
You went to Conti
You saw CG walk down the hill towards the school (there's no hill)

Then you said you had a dream later that night or a few nights later
You saw CG walking along the Hwy
A man jumps out from some bushes at the front of a school
You describe the old CCGS manual arts building on the corner of Queanslea and Stirling Hwy.
He grabs her with a knife
and you see his face, it's.....
Lance Williams

Then you said Macro were very interested about your dream and interviewed you a number of times.


Sorry, but that's an unlikely story. (modsnip)
z (modsnip)

On the girl who claimed she knew JR

She claimed she went out with Adam Rimmer and that she lived in a house with Adam and Jane
She said she was tight with Jane
She said she went to St Hildas and graduated in 1988
I asked her if she new 2 students from that year. 2 students who were the top of the social tree in that year. Good looking, very wealthy parents, the absolute pinnacle of the who's who of private school girls. The whole school would have known who they were.
She didn't know them.
So she also didn't know Jane Rimmer.


Now, about your story;

You said you were from Balga
You had 2 mates, also from out of area who went with you to Claremont
You went to Conti
You saw CG walk down the hill towards the school (there's no hill)

Then you said you had a dream later that night or a few nights later
You saw CG walking along the Hwy
A man jumps out from some bushes at the front of a school
You describe the old CCGS manual arts building on the corner of Queanslea and Stirling Hwy.
He grabs her with a knife
and you see his face, it's.....

Then you said Macro were very interested about your dream and interviewed you a number of times.


Sorry, but that's an unlikely story. (modsnip)

the dream happen 6 months after not that nigh or the next day. To me that looks like a school and it look to me it was down hill.
marco interviewed me about 3 times before I had the dream.
i would not make up a story like this I do have a heart.
STOP behaving like schoolyard bullies.

And read the RULES! Discussing private messages in the threads is NOT allowed. Nor is bullying other members in pm's.
Did anybody ever come across that Facebook page "I am not the Claremont Serial Killer, I'm A_______ D______. ? It was a few years back.
We should have a special avatar like that for every new member who posts in these threads. Sometimes I wonder just how many CSK's can there possibly be? :facepalm:
Can you provide any link to information about this psychic show and the psychic's connection of racing cars and speedway as you have described ?

Found this link which has the discussion and apparent link to the news article..

trepid said:
09-26-2010 12:12 AM
Re: Sarah Spiers missing 26 January 1996 from Claremont, Perth, Western Australia
There is some interesting comments on that blog Hayalet (granted they were posted in 2006) ... particularly this one:

Linda Bowman
Fri 10 Nov 06 (11:17am)

i am the mother of SALLY ANNE BOWMAN, my 18year old daughter was murdered on 25th september 2005. she was brutally stabbed to death and sexually assaulted. i keep reading about the clairmont murders in perth western australia, but to my knowledge no! D.N.A. has been requested from london on mark dixie, alias shane turner from the australian police, i wish it had so the families in australia of these younge girls who have been murdered there can maybe have some closure if the D.N.A. is a match. The parents in australia need to push this matter with the Australian police A.S.A.P.
I'll have to do some digging, I can't recall whether Mark Dixie was ever officially ruled out by the W.A Police as a suspect with DNA evidence. You would certainly hope that the DNA was in fact requested and tested. I do, however, recall investigators in the U.K stating that if Dixie was responsible for any other heinous crimes, it would almost certainly have been in Australia.

You know, Mark Dixie certainly has a striking resemblance to the unidentified man seen interacting with Jane Rimmer on the CCTV footage.

For what it is worth, he also resembles somewhat the identikit released by a group of psychics at a show held in Perth at the end of September 2009, called the &quot;Psychic Taskforce&quot;, where they discussed aspect of the Claremont cases and offered &quot;psychic insights&quot; into the crimes.

That show was controversial and slammed by both the public and police alike, as self-proclaimed psychics inserting themselves into the investigation have reportedly been disseminating misleading information and causing a great deal of distress to Sarah Spier's family since Sarah disappeared.
See news article here:;ContentID=103303

Still, it is interesting to note the similarities in their identikit to Dixie.

This is the identikit:


This is the e-mail that was circulated around regarding the Psychic Taskforce show that was posted on some other public forum. I hesitate in posting it here because the details contained in it are essentially purely speculation and could well be completely misleading, but it makes for interesting reading nonetheless. Please take it with a grain of salt.

This is from the Pyschic Taskforce show in Perth at end of September with Scott Russell Hill, Deb Malone &amp; Anthony Grzelka â&#8364;&#8220; makes interesting reading

I have just seen the most amazing show.... and have just seen the face of the Claremont serial killer â&#8364;&#8220; if he crosses my path I will know him in a heartbeat!!

The show was by 3 psychics who have done an AMAZING investigation into the Claremont killings. And the information was too incredible not to pass on ..... oh and by the way â&#8364;&#8220; he is planning on striking again very soon so make sure you let as many females know this info as soon as you can.

So.... the killer is about 35 years old now, possibly as old as 40. He has been killing for quite some time â&#8364;&#8220; the Claremont girls were not his only victims. In fact if you remember Julie Cutler and Hayley Dodd then you will already know he was operating well before Claremont. The psychics know where Sarah is located but it is going to be difficult to get her remains as they are underneath limestone in Henderson. This area was redeveloped very soon after he hid her body there â&#8364;&#8220; in fact he knew this would happen as he works in the area. As for his work he is involved with Trucks, mechanics and guess what... there is a serious RAC link to this man. In fact the psychics know who he is â&#8364;&#8220; they know his full name, they know his work history and they know the colour and make of car he used when he took Sarah. And they can link all of these things to the person they have identified. The information is now sitting in the hands of the Police... it will be interesting to see what happens.

So things of interest â&#8364;&#8220; this man is not a taxi driver, he actually drove a blue Ford Falcon (canâ&#8364;&#8482;t remember the exact model as I am hopeless with car *****!!) and he definitely knew Sarah â&#8364;&#8220; that is why she got into his car. He was a casual friend of one of Sarahsâ&#8364;&#8482; friends â&#8364;&#8220; that is why she trusted him despite not knowing him really well. The psychics also have the name of this friend and they can use this to verify the information to the Police. He is very clever, cold and calculating â&#8364;&#8220; everything was well planned and he went out knowing exactly what he was going to do and how he would make it happen. He had a plan.

The really important thing that has been uncovered is that Sarah was not the girl sighted at the phone box on Stirling highway â&#8364;&#8220; this is really crucial as the Police have been looking in totally the wrong direction. Basically there are witnesses out there who saw some really significant stuff that night but discounted what they saw because it didnâ&#8364;&#8482;t fit with Sarah being at that phone box at that time. So rather than report what they saw to the police â&#8364;&#8220; they believed their info was not relevant because the Police had Sarah pinned to a position where she never went. She was actually taken from a car park behind Club Bayview â&#8364;&#8220; as was the case with Jane and Ciara. This guy picked these girls because of their hair â&#8364;&#8220; and he has kept their hair as trophies. He interacted with these girls before taking them AND YES he is the man on the CCTV vision that has just recently been released â&#8364;&#8220; and yes he was talking to Jane on that footage.

I had a really good look at an identikit picture of this man. He is of Mediterranean or Italian background. He has dark hair and dark eyes. I felt absolutely sick when I looked at him and as I stared at his picture I could feel the rage and anger and hate â&#8364;&#8220; to the point where I saw his face change to what it would have looked like when he committed these crimes. It was really scary. He is driven by compulsion and he will not stop. So you may ask why has he gone so quiet? Well he has other victims buried very close to Sarah. They were taken before Sarah. But he has in the meantime gotten married and had children. The psychics believe as a result he switched his victims to prostitutes who could disappear without any fanfare. They all agree that his man wants to be famous, he wants his work to be known. He hid Sarah very carefully but was disappointed she was not quickly discovered â&#8364;&#8220; hence he made no effort to hide Jane and Ciara â&#8364;&#8220; it was important to him that they would be found. He is a south of the river person with links to Freo, Kwinana and Henderson and he has a brother, sister and also 2 children of his own. They also believe his compulsion is going to cause him to strike again â&#8364;&#8220; and it wonâ&#8364;&#8482;t be the prostitutes he will be going after. They are hoping if enough people start talking about all this info and if they can get his picture spread around enough it might make him think twice about doing this again. More than anything they are just hoping the Police will act on their information.

Whilst they were careful not to describe anything too graphic to us about what he did to the girls â&#8364;&#8220; he did some pretty bad ***** to them â&#8364;&#8220; and it involved a ritual that had â&#8364;&#339;surgical aspectsâ&#8364; this was important to him, he did it to all the bodies. And the violence escalated with each girl. Sarah was still alive when he took her to Henderson â&#8364;&#8220; she actually tried to make a run for it when they got there â&#8364;&#8220; but to no avail. He is driven by issues with his mother â&#8364;&#8220; whilst she did not physically harm him, she put him down a lot and he suffered mentally at her hands. She did this because of issues with his father. He has an inferiority complex and this is why he goes after the high class girls â&#8364;&#8220; when they reject his offers they are signing their own death certificates.

Personally â&#8364;&#8220; I have no doubt that Sarah is talking from beyond the grave and she has tried to make her efforts known by linking in to high profile media personalities like Scott Russell Hill. She has timed it to coincide with all the latest hype about Claremont â&#8364;&#8220; particularly with the release of that footage not so long ago. I am sure she is telling us there is going to be a lot more bad stuff going down unless they solve this mystery and get this guy locked away. Even if you have no belief in psychics and what they can do â&#8364;&#8220; at least tell your daughters to be on their guard and give them as much info as you can â&#8364;&#8220; it wonâ&#8364;&#8482;t hurt to have this knowledge. I think these psychics have absolutely nailed this case â&#8364;&#8220; they have really detailed information and it will be easy for the Police to validate if it is real or not. Lets hope with a new approach and a bit of help from the other side that this case can be shut â&#8364;&#8220; for once and for all.

Not wanting to change this email, I have made some notes of discrepancies &amp; inclusions. It was a full on day with a lot of information to intake.

1- Sarah was not taken from behind club bayview. This is where he was parked and saw Sarah initially (also his 'stalking ground'). He offered her a lift there and she said she was ok.. She then walked off down Bay View Terrace and fumbled through her bag for keys - think about when you do it- she got a bit frustrated and made a slight scene that someone would have seen. This was in front of a Cafe (now offices). Someone would have seen but not said anything because at the time the police said she was somewhere else! He pulled up to her here and she got in there!! She's told Scott Russell Hill 'I wasn't supposed to get in the car' but she did, but it wasn't an obvious struggle, cos she knew him.. He then drove her to down towards Peppermint Grove, where she was going to stay with friends, but then he struck.

2- The psychics, although drawn to the site at Henderson do not necessarily believe she is there but one of the bodies of his other victims are. He did take her there though! They were also drawn to the area as they believe his has strong connections to the place- he either by work or his home. He also has connection to Limestone - crushed Limestone! His route to this destination was straight down Cockburn Road (you could travel from Freo straight to Kwinana at this time).

3- A group of guys, likely from the South Freo Football club where out that night, drunk &amp; mucking around, and one of these boys did an army roll over a car - This was his car!

4- He likes to drive long distances (the Hayley Dodd connection)

5- The car was done up, lowered body kit etc. So he's into his cars. He is also into racing/speedway (hence the Kwinana/Henderson connections as well)..

6- He is good looking, but extremely violent. He would be violent to his wife &amp; kids - hence the family break-up which is about to happen, this divorce/seperation will give him the freedom to re-commence his killings!!

7- We were not told about the RAC connection at our show.

Make of that what you will...

Also the identikit they produced..

Who do you think the identikit looks most like?

the dream happen 6 months after not that nigh or the next day. To me that looks like a school and it look to me it was down hill.
marco interviewed me about 3 times before I had the dream.
i would not make up a story like this I do have a heart.

If you were the guy at the bus stop do you think CG knew who was in the car, like she was meeting someone? Or was familiar with someone? Or do you think it may have been a female passenger that lowered her defences and tempted her to lean down towards the car?

How close was she to the passenger window? Was she touching the car with her arm/ leaning in?

How many details were you required to give Police? Did you feel they adequatly heard you out or rushed you for answers not allowing you to fully explain the sitiation and what you saw?

It would be great if you could share some insight with us...

the dream happen 6 months after not that nigh or the next day. To me that looks like a school and it look to me it was down hill.
marco interviewed me about 3 times before I had the dream.
i would not make up a story like this I do have a heart.

Could you also share with us whether you actually think CG got in the car there and then, or did you think she kept on walking? and if so do you honestly believe it may have been the same car that abducted her/lured her into the vehicle further down the road?
We should have a special avatar like that for every new member who posts in these threads. Sometimes I wonder just how many CSK's can there possibly be? :facepalm:

Are we allowed to post the name? I dont know it but am curious as to who it was.
This is starting to get like the BF thread all over again, Don't let it go down that track people!

Macro have stated that they don't have the resources to track down everyone whom had a car matching the fibers they found at one of the scenes.. Cross checking everyone that owned that vehicle type against residents of WA should narrow the field a lot (of course the killer may have come from interstate but logic dictates that you start here) this is one of their strongest leads in the entire case, why wouldn't you go above and beyond to follow through with it. I mean the amount they sunk into LW was a crazy figure, surely they could complete these vehicle owner/dna checks for a small portion of that amount.

It doesn't matter what suspect we follow, what lead we investigate and what theory has been put forward the police have failed in every way on countless occasions, the review teams were never permitted to review the entire case, each team over the years has been given a small portion to conduct their investigation & review on, how can you expect someone to know the full story from "one chapter of a book?"

I'm wondering if the police are covering something up because this level of incompetency by the police reminds me of one of those Naked Gun movies with Leslie Nielsen.
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