Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #4

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Snipped. I don't know much about screen printing, but I do know solvents are used to remove the ink and clean the screens. If a solvent is required, it's not water based.

Also, one article specifies a screen printing component. That could refer to ink, an emulsifier, a solvent, a drying agent, or any materials used in the process. Is there only one article out there or are the several?


Parkie: You've mentioned the deleted rope clue blog several times. Do you have the url for the blog (I want to check Google Cache, Resavr, etc)? What was the rope clue/what was said in the blog? Do you remember what the important comments referred to?

Pass, Well I don`t pass. You all should be behind it all. Channel one tonight; Red Dragon. I love this one.Awesome. xx.
Who was asking after the HE WHO WAITS transcript??? IF you go onto this website, Go down the "index" pain and it is there. Reply to this if you have no luck.

Bowman asked for a link to the actual video, not the transcript.

Pass, Well I don`t pass. You all should be behind it all. Channel one tonight; Red Dragon. I love this one.Awesome. xx.

Can anyone translate this?
I've been watching his facebook page for awhile and he hasn't posted anything since February the 9th.

And this is after posting links to various websites either every day or every second day for the best part of a year.

Not sure why he would suddenly go silent (does anyone have any theories) because I think it is very unusual considering the regularity of his postings before Feb 9th and the fact that his photography business would rely in part on a facebook profile that is active.

The guy creeps me out where are you TT?

Maybe TT is still active but not publicly.

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These articles mention the printing connection (they are all linked in the media thread):

Serial killer squad in printer probe
(Bret Christian, The Post, May 2011)

• Police contacted the former owner of a screen printing business, Lee Partridge, and asked about former employees and about the screen printing process.

• Police asked if any printing components had gone missing and if rope had been left out behind the business, possibly as clothes line.

• Police were interested in locating the former employees and in the items used in the screen printing process which prints coloured dues on to fabric.

Two new clues to serial killer
(Bret Christian, The Post, 05 Dec 2015)

• The killer is linked to screen-printing, the manual process of printing on fabric.

• The Karrakatta victim was tied up with washing line. The line was impregnated with material used in screen printing.

Fresh clue in Claremont serial killer case
(, 15 May 2011)

• All sourced from The Post.

There is a comment on this website from a man who claimed to work at Lee Partridge’s printing business:

He says the detectives took one tool of the trade with them. When did police take the tool? When did P&P (name of the business) close down? Did you leave this comment, Peter Kurten?

(The podcast is no longer available, BTW.)

This is an interesting post he made on a website back in 2012....seems to tie in with Drocs description of him and really what kind of person describes his "respect for working girls" the way he has. Pretty creepy if you ask me it's like he thinks he is a pimp...

Snipped. What is creepy or pimp-y about his comment? TT says most drivers respected working girls when he was a taxi driver. His comment is supporting a movement to stop blaming victims for being raped.

Maybe TT is still active but not publicly.

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Considering he was discussed on WS in early February, and he stopped posting publicly shortly thereafter, this makes sense.
Snipped. What is creepy or pimp-y about his comment? TT says most drivers respected working girls when he was a taxi driver. His comment is supporting a movement to stop blaming victims for being raped.

Considering he was discussed on WS in early February, and he stopped posting publicly shortly thereafter, this makes sense.

I think the comments are in bad taste if I must give my opinion. Ok sure if the article was about "working girls" but prostitutes are never mentioned ONCE in the article and considering that he has been named as a suspected serial killer who was working in cahoots with a prostitute to kill innocent young girls from the streets of Perth then yes it is in very bad taste and just a little creepy.

He was interviewed by Macro in 2011 and he posted that in 2012. He would have had the accusations put against him and his "working girl" accomplice so why would he even go into such a sensitive topic and post a weird reply (and nowhere else on the internet to actually refute these pesky serial killer accusations).

Besides as I said in my last post I have met taxi drivers who drive "working girls" around and if you don't think they want a bit of sex and drug action on the side then you are kidding yourself. Who respects working girls you Sutton? Do you respect the usual stereotype of someone who *advertiser censored*** anything for money to support a drug habit while spreading diseases and wrecking relationships. And if you did would you shout that out to the world.

As I said I knew many from working in Northbridge and while I thought it was "cool" to chat with them I never actually respected them and if you heard the stories that I heard how could you think they respect the men they use for money. I have a sneaking suspicion I know what his respect comment is about and I would hazard a guess that Droc has seen old TT boy in action.....and I believe that Droc could not have lied about Michelle.

One other interesting thing TT admitted to the police was he went home to smoke a joint during work. Well stone the crows a taxi driver doing drugs while driving people around but as a taxi driver "a bad reputation equates to a loss of respect". Man if I was in your taxi I'm pretty sure I could tell if you were stoned and I wouldn't be too happy about that. It sounds like TT loved using his taxi for the perks of the job. Driving around stoned how fun that must have been all while mingling with the "working girls" of Perth.

So anyway its kinda cool that TT has now changed his profile picture. Is that purely a coincidence or does he actually read everything about him that has been plastered all over the internet and wants to give a little sign. I wonder if he posts here or he just reads it from a distance. With the amount written about him of course he must.

C'mon TT come on here and refute these accusations. I had my own service business for a few years and if my name was all over the internet linked with being a serial killer then I am pretty sure that would hurt my business. Especially being a photographer....lets just say i am getting married next month and I am looking for a photographer. The first thing I would do is check both your business and your names reputation on the internet.

And if the choice came down to hiring a guy who isn't suspected of being a serial killer or one that had then I know who I would choose to mingle with my could say such easily locatable accusations would cost you ALOT of business so surely that's worth trying to clear up once and for all.

Unless of course there is truth in it and geez 20 years has gone by now and thanks to incompetence and corruption I'm somehow a free man so why not just let sleeping dogs lie.
I don't have any judgements towards people who work in the sex industry. I respect people because of who they are.

TT doesn't owe anyone here an explanation for accusations made by Droc or for leading an alternative lifestyle.

Other posters consider TT a strong suspect, but they've never put him on blast the way you just did. It sounds like a personal vendetta.
Yes because I think TT is the person responsible and he is quite literally getting away with murder.

Until anybody lets it known that someone else is responsible for killing these three innocent girls then i'll change my opinion and go easy on poor alternative TT over the internet.

He should have alot to answer to but unfortunately the police ignored him because they have been proven to be corrupt and useless.

"As of early April this matter will go before the ACC - as it did with the former ACC that proved to be dysfunctional and where charges of corruption were brought against one person before it was scuttled so as not to be further scrutinised."

does anybody know what happened with the above quote re the ACC from Droc?
Yes because I think TT is the person responsible and he is quite literally getting away with murder.

Until anybody lets it known that someone else is responsible for killing these three innocent girls then i'll change my opinion and go easy on poor alternative TT over the internet.
Are you able to put forward a case why you think TT is the CSK? I haven't ruled him out and he's a bit of an unknown quantity for me, but he's not near the top of my list at the moment.

What is it that has him POI #1 for you?
I think the comments are in bad taste if I must give my opinion. Ok sure if the article was about "working girls" but prostitutes are never mentioned ONCE in the article and considering that he has been named as a suspected serial killer who was working in cahoots with a prostitute to kill innocent young girls from the streets of Perth then yes it is in very bad taste and just a little creepy.

He was interviewed by Macro in 2011 and he posted that in 2012. He would have had the accusations put against him and his "working girl" accomplice so why would he even go into such a sensitive topic and post a weird reply (and nowhere else on the internet to actually refute these pesky serial killer accusations).

Besides as I said in my last post I have met taxi drivers who drive "working girls" around and if you don't think they want a bit of sex and drug action on the side then you are kidding yourself. Who respects working girls you Sutton? Do you respect the usual stereotype of someone who *advertiser censored*** anything for money to support a drug habit while spreading diseases and wrecking relationships. And if you did would you shout that out to the world.

As I said I knew many from working in Northbridge and while I thought it was "cool" to chat with them I never actually respected them and if you heard the stories that I heard how could you think they respect the men they use for money. I have a sneaking suspicion I know what his respect comment is about and I would hazard a guess that Droc has seen old TT boy in action.....and I believe that Droc could not have lied about Michelle.

One other interesting thing TT admitted to the police was he went home to smoke a joint during work. Well stone the crows a taxi driver doing drugs while driving people around but as a taxi driver "a bad reputation equates to a loss of respect". Man if I was in your taxi I'm pretty sure I could tell if you were stoned and I wouldn't be too happy about that. It sounds like TT loved using his taxi for the perks of the job. Driving around stoned how fun that must have been all while mingling with the "working girls" of Perth.

So anyway its kinda cool that TT has now changed his profile picture. Is that purely a coincidence or does he actually read everything about him that has been plastered all over the internet and wants to give a little sign. I wonder if he posts here or he just reads it from a distance. With the amount written about him of course he must.

C'mon TT come on here and refute these accusations. I had my own service business for a few years and if my name was all over the internet linked with being a serial killer then I am pretty sure that would hurt my business. Especially being a photographer....lets just say i am getting married next month and I am looking for a photographer. The first thing I would do is check both your business and your names reputation on the internet.

And if the choice came down to hiring a guy who isn't suspected of being a serial killer or one that had then I know who I would choose to mingle with my could say such easily locatable accusations would cost you ALOT of business so surely that's worth trying to clear up once and for all.

Unless of course there is truth in it and geez 20 years has gone by now and thanks to incompetence and corruption I'm somehow a free man so why not just let sleeping dogs lie.

I know what you did,
prostutution is a vital service in the community.

How many any thousand of other women (and daughters, children, men)would be raped and probably a lot murdered too if the option of seeing a prostitute was not available?

Sex is a necessary bodily function and natural. No every one has a partner, or a willing partner(some married couples have one person refusing sex for years on end)
It it can also help some relationships eg when one person has a medical condition which makes them unable to have sex.

if in 2o years I have a medical or psychological condition that stops me from having sex, I would rather my spouse go to a prostitute than have an affair and ruin my marriage.

please try to be a little more open minded and realise that everyone and every job has a place in this world.
Yeah true Delbertgrady I was maybe being a bit over the top.

But still the "working girls" aren't doing it for the reasons you describe. And there are such places as regulated brothels where this business is supposed to be. Street walking is technically illegal and for a good reason as it really is a bad business model for society on a lot of levels.

And brothels in general have drivers employed by the establishment (I do know a bit about the industry) whereas taxi drivers, from my experience, drove around the lone operators and hence (especially back in the lazy late 1990's) they could get away with a lot without fear of repercussion.

TT's talk of respect for "working girls" is imo in bad taste and directed at women like Michelle (if Droc's description is accurate what a piece of work she was) who were drug using street crawlers.
Thanks for considering what I wrote.
Of course it's for the money, the reason most of us work.
drugs are evil and could destroy anyone's life, even yours. direct your disrespect or disgust to the drug dealers. Your right, many street walkers may be doing it to finance their addictions. It so sad.
Just it sounds(a little) like you would have a lot to talk about with DM or with so many serial killers...
Just it sounds(a little) like you would have a lot to talk about with DM or with so many serial killers...

Hey Delbert who's DM...I didn't understand the last lines meaning.

I know its off topic and I don't know why I'm getting into in it but its not like I am really disrespectful and disgusted by prostitutes as much as you think, I was more just trying to prove my point to Sutton that I thought TT's post was creepy and in bad taste AFTER he has been accused in the public forum of killing girls with a known I am going to assume what he means by his facebook comment is dodgy because I think it is.

I was very friendly with a number of the street girls back in the day...hanging out at Russell square after work and chatting to them when they came in for food etc etc and it was all very sad as you say....but they are very clued up as well which you would expect.

I am certain I knew Lisa Brown but she was killed after I left and the photo they have on the missing persons register have her when she wasn't wearing make-up and I just can't remember if it was her or not...I'm pretty sure it was but I only saw her when she had the **** caked on and I saw the media release too much later to remember names.

So assuming it was her she was a real mess but very friendly and attractive (and unfortunately very young and innocent in her demeanor). She used to come in and not know where she was. once she was in the toilet for about an hour and I got worried and went banging on the door. She came out about 10 minutes later doped up to the eyeballs saying "whats going on someone was trying to break into the toilet"....."well duh yeah that was me I was hoping you were alive".

And if you think I full on hate prostitutes this should change your mind. She used to leave her handbag behind the counter from time to time and this one day the lady manager was with me, she saw it there, asked me who's it was and went and threw it in the dumpster out the back....I had to go and fish it out later but yeah I felt sorry for her she had a very hard life compared to some of the others who were just too professional to feel sorry for.

So back on topic now ppl.
These articles mention the printing connection (they are all linked in the media thread):

Serial killer squad in printer probe
(Bret Christian, The Post, May 2011)

• Police contacted the former owner of a screen printing business, Lee Partridge, and asked about former employees and about the screen printing process.

• Police asked if any printing components had gone missing and if rope had been left out behind the business, possibly as clothes line.

• Police were interested in locating the former employees and in the items used in the screen printing process which prints coloured dues on to fabric.

Two new clues to serial killer
(Bret Christian, The Post, 05 Dec 2015)

• The killer is linked to screen-printing, the manual process of printing on fabric.

• The Karrakatta victim was tied up with washing line. The line was impregnated with material used in screen printing.

Fresh clue in Claremont serial killer case
(, 15 May 2011)

• All sourced from The Post.

There is a comment on this website from a man who claimed to work at Lee Partridge’s printing business:

He says the detectives took one tool of the trade with them. When did police take the tool? When did P&P (name of the business) close down? Did you leave this comment, Peter Kurten?

(The podcast is no longer available, BTW.)

Hi Sutton,

I've seen that comment before and I'm glad I've been able to find it again.

He doesn't say he works for P&P print or Lee Partridge's business. I have checked out the business he is referring to and it was situated at the very north end of Pearse Street.

I believe,because it was a relatively small industry back in the mid 90s, that the screen printing link is the most salient clue we have.
An interesting fact that about David Birnie's abduction in Claremont:

The second killing took place two weeks later when they abducted 15-year-old Susannah Candy as she hitchhiked along Stirling Highway in Claremont. An outstanding student at the Hollywood High School, Candy lived at home in Nedlands with her parents, two brothers and a sister.
The Birnies had been cruising for hours looking for a victim when they spotted Candy. Within seconds of being in the car she had a knife at her throat and her hands were bound. She was taken back to the Willagee house where she was gagged, chained to the bed and raped.
Hi Sutton,

I've seen that comment before and I'm glad I've been able to find it again.

He doesn't say he works for P&P print or Lee Partridge's business. I have checked out the business he is referring to and it was situated at the very north end of Pearse Street.

I believe,because it was a relatively small industry back in the mid 90s, that the screen printing link is the most salient clue we have.

You are right--he says Nth Freemantle. I wonder what 'took of the trade' the poster is referring to?

It is a good clue, but police asked Lee Partridge if they ever left rope behind the the building. So were they thinking it could have been stolen by someone bit associated with the business?
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