Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #4

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Interesting read fwiw..

Extract from Hansard
[ASSEMBLY - Thursday, 27 November 2008]$FILE/A38 S1 20081127 p631b-640a.pdf

John Quigley states that many WA police are corrupt and will use the media to further their agenda. Tough, but interesting read.


Different topic: regardless of who the martial artist is, does anyone think that the CSK could have stopped killing because of the discipline he learned through his practice?
John Quigley states that many WA police are corrupt and will use the media to further their agenda. Tough, but interesting read.
It's a no-brainer really. Not only are all police forces the world over corrupt, but there has been many documented instance with WA Police. We also know they use media to further their agenda. LW being a prime example. While they will never admit it, it's plain obvious they leaked details to the press.

My question is, how accurate is Mr Quigley on his assertion that a) LW's parents were told he was ruled out in 2008, and b) that they were told he was ruled out over his alibi? Mr Quigley's agenda is to discredit police so there's no guarantee he's not pushing the envelope on the issue. He also claims LW would have a case against police. I'm not convinced this is true which suggests he's being a bit one-sided.

Different topic: regardless of who the martial artist is, does anyone think that the CSK could have stopped killing because of the discipline he learned through his practice?


I think police would have checked;

1. All men who left Perth for interstate or overseas for the 12 months following CG's murder and cross referenced them with background checks. Who is he? Was he here for all 3? Does he have a history? Where was he living?
2. All men who were imprisoned within the 12 months following CG's murder
3. All men who died within the 12 months following CG's murder

I still thinking local guy who is still in Perth.

Why did he stop - family? relationship? got too old? discipline and coveted not being detected over offending again? Achieved his goal, now to his next challenge?

Martial Arts has a large component of self-discipline.
John Quigley states that many WA police are corrupt and will use the media to further their agenda. Tough, but interesting read.


Different topic: regardless of who the martial artist is, does anyone think that the CSK could have stopped killing because of the discipline he learned through his practice?

I disagree Sutton. You say then he was a Martial Arts Person? There is no evidence the CSK was one.
Barth; I recon he shoved off quick smartly.. after the 3rd.
I'm wondering whether CG's didn't go as smoothly as the others? Maybe the close call with the brickie or some other issue gave them enough cause to think they'd pushed their luck far enough?
Not much I can say , I don't see anyone else coming on here , just heaps of rehashing info

I'm just concerned of compromising the case
I disagree Sutton. You say then he was a Martial Arts Person? There is no evidence the CSK was one.

She's not saying that. She saying "is it possible the CSK stopped because they learnt discipline in martial arts?". Meaning "could the CSK be the "martial arts expert" mentioned on CIA and could this be the reason he stopped?"
Not much I can say , I don't see anyone else coming on here , just heaps of rehashing info
Quite correct. Then you came here (again), claimed you had an airtight theory, said you'd post it and then.....

Nada. Delivered nothing but wasted time.

I'm just concerned of compromising the case
Police won't take you seriously?
Got a letter from them which suggests they take you seriously?

Which one is it?

Don't want to blow the whistle because you're afraid of repercussions from those in power responsible?
Don't want to tell your story because you might compromise the case?

Which one is it?

You just seem to be attention seeking "i know who did it but when people ask who I just duck and weave and deliver nothing while tweaking my nipple"
Interesting read fwiw..

Extract from Hansard
[ASSEMBLY - Thursday, 27 November 2008]$FILE/A38 S1 20081127 p631b-640a.pdf

That is some read, I managed to drag myself through it, very interesting. Thanks for posting this.

It is scary to think just how corrupt the WA Police force really is, I had no idea Quigley had challenged the WA Police and pointed these injustices out.

The Rayney case was a disgrace, The Lance Williams case has been a shambles and pretty much sealed the deal on Caporn being an incompetent corrupt idiot pushed through the ranks by a corrupt Force that operates with impunity. And we all know how the Mallard affair ended, probably the most injustice corrupt case in WA for decades.

It is sad to think that by 2008 these accusations were still being made towards WAPOL. I thought that generation of Police officers might have moved on from the tainted reputations formed in the 80's and 90's when we have keystone freelance cops dictating their own form of justice and punishment on innocent WA citizens.

I actually think a lot more highly of Quigley now, he has had a roller coaster career and I think he has come out on top with a very good honest reputation among'st most West Australians. I would love to see him push the issue more today because the Police force needs a good honest shake up and its still the old boys system holding on for power too terrified to relinquish it for fear of persecution for their corrupt crimes over the decades.

From memory I believe I heard Quigley a few years back, or maybe recently saying he wanted a coroner to look at the Claremont Serial killer case, and from memory if you vote for Labour at this election in WA the Labour party will have a coroner look into the Claremont serial killer case, so anyone wanting resolution that sits on the fence at vote time and wants this case solved should maybe think about voting labour at this election especially if they want to tackle more of the cold cases after this one, considering they announced (McGowen) that he would take the case to the coroner. Unless something has changed I believe this is still on the cards..

I think I will vote labour this election. I want a resolution, too many major violent crimes or abductions have happened with no resolution and very little chance of one.

The cases of Gerard Ross and Felicia Wilson are very concerning.. Throw in Sarah McMahon, Julie Cutler, Anne Zappelli and it paints a pretty horrible picture, and a rotten picture of justice in Western Australia.
I disagree Sutton. You say then he was a Martial Arts Person? There is no evidence the CSK was one.
Keep up, it was a question, and yes a martial arts expert / or practitioner would surely be disciplined enough to stop killing.
John Quigley states that many WA police are corrupt and will use the media to further their agenda. Tough, but interesting read.


Different topic: regardless of who the martial artist is, does anyone think that the CSK could have stopped killing because of the discipline he learned through his practice?

he probably thrives on the media attention and that is enough to get him through without a need to kill. Especially if he is disciplined. More than likely he will have to kill again though one day, even 10-20 years from now, or maybe he kept doing it with a different MO, probably the more likely scenario, looking for patterns in other states starting straight after the CSK or abductions in rural areas (Patterns or clusters) around that time after the killings in Claremont may reveal where he went, or just a pattern that continues immediately after in his home town of Perth (If he still lives here or lived here and not a tourist/student) might reveal his new killing field.. The problem we have here in WA is the amount of nutcases that were running around in the 80's and especially the 90's into the early 00's, Perth was serial killer city, and if you weren't a serial killer it was fashionable to be a serial rapist, or even a pedophile. Lots and lots of strange disturbed people. Throw in Morey, and Wark and you probably have a whole range of abductions/murders that happened around the time of the CSK but may have nothing at all to do with it, it just muddies those waters a bit when looking for patterns.

Who knows how many serial killers roam the whole of Australia, who knows how many serial killers in waiting with a few to their name but not yet official serial murderers roam around Australia undetected. It is a place where these killers thrive, the desert and bush and harsh climate act as a sanctuary for these criminals. Its horrible to say the least but I am sure a few murders have happened at the hands of some international visitors/workers once they see the conditions Australia has for a potential serial killer to live out his fantasies.
Anyone know who the Joe1orbit character was? he certainly seemed like an avid fan of the CSK. This wasn't you in your early days waving the CSK flag was it, Dr.? -oops I mean Parkie.

He seemed like a strange character, totally obsessed with killers, who was he? does he still post? and is he ?
Does anybody have any images or video stills of taxis in the era of 96 and 97? I'm interested in the style of taxis with no roof mounted equipment, perhaps just a front door logo and other bits and pieces.

I think it's highly likely SS got into what she thought was a taxi.

Did taxis require the special taxi plates back then and what was required to gain them ?
Does anybody have any images or video stills of taxis in the era of 96 and 97? I'm interested in the style of taxis with no roof mounted equipment, perhaps just a front door logo and other bits and pieces.

I think it's highly likely SS got into what she thought was a taxi.

Did taxis require the special taxi plates back then and what was required to gain them ?

Yes they were supposed to wear taxi plates and have an approved meter.

As an aside I once spoke to a woman who got into a taxi in South Perth outside Coco's in Oct 1996. She said she was so drunk she didn't know what she was getting into. All she knew was that it had lights on the roof, and that it could have been a tow truck for all she knew. That doesn't imply anything about tow trucks, but it does say a lot about how drunk and unaware she was.
I have been told that as a Barrister, Mr Quigley used to represent members of the WAPOL through the Police Union back in the late 1980's and early 1990's.

I have been told that he also allegedly represented some prominent names alleged to have links to the criminal community.

I personally have no direct knowledge of any of these matters, and am only recounting hearsay.
John Quigley states that many WA police are corrupt and will use the media to further their agenda. Tough, but interesting read...

...We also know they use media to further their agenda. LW being a prime example...

Snipped. I was also trying to acknowledge police could be using the media to put forth false DNA info.
I'm wondering whether CG's didn't go as smoothly as the others? Maybe the close call with the brickie or some other issue gave them enough cause to think they'd pushed their luck far enough?

Yes. This also might explain CG's head wound or the fact that she was still wearing her clothes when found. (No definitive MSN links to back up those details, just what has been discussed.)

Maybe the killer accidentally killed her too early. Maybe something happened that scared him enough to take a break, at least long enough to change areas. Maybe he only killed the girls who could identify him and then reverted to just raping somewhere else or using a different MO.

I think a person who travelled a good deal for work or school would be a good candidate for these murders. Even someone from the Claremont area who had business in other parts of Australia or overseas.
Anyone know who the Joe1orbit character was? he certainly seemed like an avid fan of the CSK. This wasn't you in your early days waving the CSK flag was it, Dr.? -oops I mean Parkie.

He seemed like a strange character, totally obsessed with killers, who was he? does he still post? and is he ?
Yes I looked into him. He was from the USA & was on Aol online. I was on AOL in 2000 to 2004 but he aint me. We had meetups & some are still fb pals with me. BTW I think it was Jen1orbit@ aol. com now deleted I think.
Jen1orbit and Joe1orbit both exist. Joe posted under Jen's sign-in name in the last post of this conversation:!searchin/alt.true-crime/Perth$20serial$20killer/alt.true-crime/05QO7pyEBzkm

Readers can search Google Groups for Perth serial killer or Claremont killer or "Sarah Spiers" and get some hits that aren't commonly seen. If anyone finds any "new" info, please link it (I haven't searched there in a very long time).
Peter Kurten, are still looking for air photos of CG's site? I have air photos from a number of years across the metro area including 1995. Interestingly, the minor track off Pippindinny rd the CSK used was there in 95 although only lightly used. It looks to have been established or used by a bee keeper and you can see what looks like the bee hives at the end of the track in 95. I'm assuming here that Wapol followed this up because bee hives are still on the track in subsequent years when the track becomes well used by the visitors to the site.
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