Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #4

DNA Solves
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What does Here we go again mean? No, there is no evidence that JM has a screen printing "link". It is posed as a question. There is no evidence of most things we discuss on the thread.

I had no interest in JM for a long time bc I didn't think he was involved. I certainly didn't care if others discussed him. But I became reinterested in JM as a possible suspect when I felt you were shutting down every conversation that pointed to him.

All MOO, of course.

It is really really strange that because I post things that COMPLETELY RULE HIM OUT (NOT THAT HE WAS EVER RULED IN) then I am accused of 'shutting down'. Sounds to me that people that cannot find anything to FIT their argument are going on the defensive.

He was not from a wealthy family.

Spouse works in a charitable home for the homeless.

Here we go again meant -- here we go again - here we go again - they're trying to twist their facts to fit the story they want to come up with.

OK. So J35 has raised the issue that his spouse is a fashion designer. Her FB page states she was a costume designer at MLC in 2014 - 2014. Schooled at Columbian school from 1978 - 1983. So where is the date she was 1st in Perth ? Where is the data that shows she was into fashion designing in 1996 ? Where is the data that shows her into screen printing in 1996 ?
J35 has done nothing to appear foolhardy or insincere. He or she was helpful and posted how to access the webpages.

I am shocked that a poster who has taken almost two months to post a simple dot-point would make such a claim. You are the person who brought it up numerous times. When you finally do post it, we are now mostly curious about what takes so long to be verified?

It is NOT a simple dotpoint. Let J35 answer for themselves. They appear to be quite insincere to me - game playing like putting the lollies out on the yellow brick road. childish.

Don't speak for others. You are most interested about what takes so long to be verified. Information does when the person that can help me with the verification is in hospital recovering from major heart surgery. Satisfied now.
agreed. Unless ruled out by dna- which we do not know.

This is the best possible link to screen printing that has been presented for any 'poi' discussed on ws too!
I don't see anyone presenting possible screen printing connections for any other 'poi' so by the same logic papertrail applied to jm, we should not discuss any suspect unless they have a possible connection

there is no evidence to rule him in
Margaret Dodd is such a wonderful woman -- so courageous in her fight for justice for her daughter Hayley !

I don't know about Macartney -- have a read of the evidence collected and it was not all about DNA horsman

Most definitely. I hope that the Dodd and Spiers families are one day able to bury their loved ones, with the respect and dignity they deserve.

Interesting reading. Paragraphs 57+ are informative with regards to the use of DNA as evidence in such cases.
Thus why I used 'poi'-- 'poi' from BF that has never been ruled out even on WS.

According to The Post, washing line impregnated with material used in screen printing was used in the Karra rape. I have raised the point (#637) that a DIY screen printer is more likely than a commercial screen printer to use washing line due to the latter using heat press and Dryer machines unless using air cure ink. Someone who design clothes may do screen printing here and there.. they are less likely to fork out for the machines, instead, more likely to use the air dry+ Iron technique (to heat set). If JM's partner did screen printing in 1995 then that is a red flag.

I don't know why you and your behind the scene friends have to keep relying on BF - Bigfooty blog of disasters all the time. A total pile of proverbial on there. Someone who designed clothes also MAYNOT do screen printing. Very very poor argument if you rely on this to pin someone. Very poor indeed. Especially so, because you haven't bothered to do any further followup to see if you could prove a connection to 1996. How incredibly short sighted.
Where is your evidence that rules Eravelly in?
What is his connection to washing line impregnated with screen printing material that links him to Karra Rape?
Where is your evidence that places him in claremont on all three nights
This is a round about argument for which some details can not be found websluething
I have an open mind, and to say my posts on DNA are insincere is rubbish..

In the article that you posted it was said that she apparently met a random man in a taxi and went with him, and then was seen going into an apartment building by another man that morning. That would suggest to me that she had little fear of men. I didn't suggest that she was in a formal relationship with him. More casual, perhaps.

-If the men quoted in your article were reliable in their identification of her that is.

That is a mischaracterization of the article, IMO.

Of course she didn't have any fear of men. This was 1996, not 1796. And we've all seen what a great father she had. Why would she be afraid of men?

Obviously you were suggesting a casual relationship--you illustrated it with an account of how your beautiful female friend who had a one night stand and got an STD.

Maybe Sarah was a higher risk victim, because she was trusting of men. She may have befriended an unknown man on a taxi ride. Maybe she did have a one night stand, and that might have put her in a higher risk group. But the way you are throwing shade on the victims is distasteful, IMO.
I don't recall anyone saying "here is our man and here is a definitive link to screen printing"

There was a question asked "Could this be the link......" as part of a discussion.

You have come up with no evidence to rule JM out, None at all! Yet you are still on the LW bandwagon after police have ruled him out. You had a theory of a suspect based off of chickens, and god knows how many other suspects based on coincidence and the smallest of evidence, but when we provide the same for JM you want no part of it.

I am absolutely baffled at how you can be so narrow minded when it comes to JUST him but are open to discussing other potential suspects with even less proof connecting them as a suspect. You won't drop LW after police said he sin't a suspect, but want us to drop JM because of a very very small discrepancy in age.
It is NOT a simple dotpoint. Let J35 answer for themselves. They appear to be quite insincere to me - game playing like putting the lollies out on the yellow brick road. childish.

Don't speak for others. You are most interested about what takes so long to be verified. Information does when the person that can help me with the verification is in hospital recovering from major heart surgery. Satisfied now.

I was not speaking for J35. I was speaking for me. J35 can reply if he or she chooses to do so.

This is a public discussion.

No, I'm not satisfied.
This is an account written online by someone that says she was there on the day that Lalita was murdered. This girl was very lucky she wasn't a victim -- seems the man she saw might have been Macartney and he seems to have used 'I've lost my dog". I wonder if that is how he got the attention of Lalita. Might pop this through to Crimestoppers as it seems legit.

If legit, she did refer to being questioned about what she saw and her parents giving their statements, so it comes across to me that the police would be aware of her story.
It is really really strange that because I post things that COMPLETELY RULE HIM OUT (NOT THAT HE WAS EVER RULED IN) then I am accused of 'shutting down'. Sounds to me that people that cannot find anything to FIT their argument are going on the defensive.

He was not from a wealthy family.

Spouse works in a charitable home for the homeless.

Here we go again meant -- here we go again - here we go again - they're trying to twist their facts to fit the story they want to come up with.

OK. So J35 has raised the issue that his spouse is a fashion designer. Her FB page states she was a costume designer at MLC in 2014 - 2014. Schooled at Columbian school from 1978 - 1983. So where is the date she was 1st in Perth ? Where is the data that shows she was into fashion designing in 1996 ? Where is the data that shows her into screen printing in 1996 ?

Why are you posting things that you believe "completely rule him out"? Just let others have a conversation that you disagree with. IMO.
That is a mischaracterization of the article, IMO.

Of course she didn't have any fear of men. This was 1996, not 1796. And we've all seen what a great father she had. Why would she be afraid of men?

Obviously you were suggesting a casual relationship--you illustrated it with an account of how your beautiful female friend who had a one night stand and got an STD.

Maybe Sarah was a higher risk victim, because she was trusting of men. She may have befriended an unknown man on a taxi ride. Maybe she did have a one night stand, and that might have put her in a higher risk group. But the way you are throwing shade on the victims is distasteful, IMO.

i was referring specifically to the posted article in that it indicates to me how high to set the bar. If SS was trusting and used to spending time with new friends then it sets the bar on the difficulty for her abduction low. If she was extremely street smart and very aware then she would have been a much more difficult target, and the offender would have to be very capable to carry out his tasks.
To me that makes a big difference between a low level, and perhaps opportunistic offender, and someone who was able to plan, wait, and carry out his abductions only when there was minimal risk of getting caught.
Do you understand? The first guy may have accidentally not been caught out of sheer luck and incompetence, the second may still be out there offending somewhere successfully having changed his methods to disguise himself.
Im sorry if I have offended your sensibilities of the victims, however everyone is human, and the Means, Methods, and Opportunities involved with abducting a Sunday school teacher are quite different from those of an average pub girl not adverse to going home with a new dude. I know next to nothing of the victims, but their habits reveal their vulnerabilities, and hence what may have been required to carry out their abductions.
I don't know how many times I must say this -- I am waiting to receive verification information before I post my LW dotpoint.... simple as that.

Why are you even bothering to post a dotpoint on someone who has been ruled out?
Here's something worthy of discussion / consideration – maybe (or not)!
Pamella Lawrence was Murdered 23 May 1994!
Andrew Mallard was fitted up for it by Police and later conviction quashed as a result.
Pamella Lawrence owned a jewellery shop in Mosman Park (Not far from Claremont) called "Flora Metallica".
One of the CSK victims had a gold plated sunflower / daisy "key ring" that was with her when abducted / murdered & sought by Police & never found!.
"Flora Metallica" Jewellery? What is a "Gold Sun Flower Key Ring" if it is NOT "Flora Metallica"?
It gets weirder.
Andrew Mallard stole a silver chalice from the Iona Church!
Andrew Mallard was 'living' with Rochford (Later found murdered).
Was Andrew Mallard selling the IONA church silverware to Pamela Lawrence of "Flora Metallica" on behalf of the Iona church priest, in exchange for gold plated flower jewellery from Pamela Lawrence Flora Metallica Jewellery shop, which the Priest then "gave" to girls at Iona in exchange for perhaps some form of "sexual favors" - as "bribes" to buy their silence for said sexual favors?
If it wasn't the Iona Priest, then maybe it was say the Gardener?
Did the Iona girls for e.g. "pay" the gardener for their "weed" behind the gardeners shed - with sexual favors and receive weed and jewellery bribes in return for silence?
What's the link between Mallard and Iona? - how'd he get the Silver Iona Church Chalice?.
Ciara Glennon’s mum worked at Iona in the Library or teaching sewing or something, another link to Iona.
Lorrin Whitehead = Also attended Iona in the same 2 year class spread as Sarah Spiers & Ciara Glennon!

Julie Cutler also attended = Iona albeit some years before Spiers & Glennon.
The "link" to all this CSK & "other" (related?) murders appears to be - "Iona"!.
Iona is the KEY to solving the whole CSK and other crimes IMHO.
Did Iona have a white commodore registered to the school - that someone there (priest/gardener) could have used at the time of the CSK Murders?
Was Pamela Lawrence killed to shut her up about stolen church silverware and exchanges of gold plated flower jewellery, that were then later or around that same time (i.e. after her 1994 murder) given to Iona girls by the Priest – who after graduating were then murdered in 1996 & 1997 to erase the “Iona” links?
Another CSK victim from Iona had a Scottish Claddagh broach also never recovered!

(Excerpt from "Australian Story" - February 2004)
SUPERINTENDENT DAVID CAPORN, HEAD MACRO TASK FORCE: I think one of the very tangible ways that this crime could be solved is in the tracing of the particularly significant items of jewellery that are missing in relation to this case.
POLICE RE-ENACTMENT VIDEO – 1997: Ciara has a silver watch and silver earrings - two in the left ear, one in the right - and had a distinctive Claddagh brooch pinned to her jacket.
(End of excerpt)
So there KEEPS coming back, time after time - obvious links to Iona - & other linked murders like Pamela Lawrence for e.g. & Andrew Mallard with the Iona Chalice.
IONA SEEMS to be, “the KEY” that links the CSK crimes...and others, at least 5 or 6 different "links".
IF for e.g. CSK was a priest from the Iona church (Andrew Mallards conviction for stealing Iona Church Silver Chalice for e.g.) Then WHO would know Karrakatta cemetery well enough to take a girl there in 1996 in the dark and rape her without fear of being interrupted / discovered?Wouldn't say a priest who conducts funeral services regularly at Karrakatta cemetery, know the grounds well enough to do that and get away with it?
If it’s NOT the priest but say the Iona School Gardener... MIGHT he not have worked as a gardener at Karrakatta cemetery long enough to know the place well enough from past work history, to conduct the abduction & rape in confidence at the cemetery grounds in the dark?
So perhaps either a Iona priest OR Gardener would make perfect sense as a CSK suspect, since just about everyone else has been ruled out by DNA!

How hard would it be for WA Police to find out who the priest and gardener were back then at Iona (and any other male staff) and just eliminate at most 3 or 4 guys by DNA?.
Surely THATS worth the effort, given that every other lead seems to have been exhausted - except the OBVIOUS one - a male associated in some way with Iona!.
I reckon it is worthy of a discussion at least, as Iona hasn't been mentioned since the first CSK thread & was forgotten within the first page of that thread and never brought up again since!.
No one disproved it to rule it out – its just been studiously “ignored” in favour of other POI’s and moved on to other theory's - that's now lead no where, in many instances totally ignoring all DNA evidence, that has ruled out a great many POI’s - in a total of now 4 CSK threads (and growing)!.
Why ignore the most obvious link - IONA?
Why not even discuss it?
Why no theories about it or developing scenarios that fit?
Why not discuss it and use known facts to rule aspects it out?
Just today, I was looking thru the MAKO Files WA pedo lists of church perpetrators (they have a specific separate category for these) - there were some convicted in Perth of such crimes around the right time and even one or two who were RC's....
So, why would it be so strange/ impossible/unbelievable if a Priest sworn to celibacy, & working at Iona had his natural urges over take him & make him want to do "naughty things with the little girls under his control" & later kill them to cover his tracks, once they got old enough (18 adults legally) to file charges against him as an adult, once they reached graduated & reached 18?
You have to admit that with the Iona Chalice and Andrew Mallard, and Pamela Lawrence murder, add in the 2 Iona CSK victims and Julie Cutler and then Lorrin Whitehead, the "connections" back to Iona just get stronger and stronger... too strong to ignore, UNLESS the RC Church had someone in either politics (Brian Burke?) or serious crime squad, back then who deliberately diverted any adverse attention away from the clergy, out of a sense of loyalty to religion / church over justice?.
I just think its worthy of serious discussion is all!.
Obviously OMMV (Others Mileage May Vary).
Here's something worthy of discussion / consideration – maybe (or not)!
Pamella Lawrence was Murdered 23 May 1994!

I don't see how this is noteworthy. Are just saying it is in the same time period?

Andrew Mallard was fitted up for it by Police and later conviction quashed as a result.
Pamella Lawrence owned a jewellery shop in Mosman Park (Not far from Claremont) called "Flora Metallica".
One of the CSK victims had a gold plated sunflower / daisy "key ring" that was with her when abducted / murdered & sought by Police & never found!.
"Flora Metallica" Jewellery? What is a "Gold Sun Flower Key Ring" if it is NOT "Flora Metallica"?

Lots of jewelry and key rings are designed to look like flowers. This isn't weird. Ciara had a broach not shaped like a flower.

It gets weirder.
Andrew Mallard stole a silver chalice from the Iona Church!
Andrew Mallard was 'living' with Rochford (Later found murdered).
Was Andrew Mallard selling the IONA church silverware to Pamela Lawrence of "Flora Metallica" on behalf of the Iona church priest, in exchange for gold plated flower jewellery from Pamela Lawrence Flora Metallica Jewellery shop, which the Priest then "gave" to girls at Iona in exchange for perhaps some form of "sexual favors" - as "bribes" to buy their silence for said sexual favors?


If it wasn't the Iona Priest, then maybe it was say the Gardener?
Did the Iona girls for e.g. "pay" the gardener for their "weed" behind the gardeners shed - with sexual favors and receive weed and jewellery bribes in return for silence?


What's the link between Mallard and Iona? - how'd he get the Silver Iona Church Chalice?.
Ciara Glennon’s mum worked at Iona in the Library or teaching sewing or something, another link to Iona.

Two CSK victims went to Iona. Of course the girls living in this area are going to go to a nice school. The fact that Ciara's mom worked there is meaningless.

Why ignore the most obvious link - IONA?

No one is ignoring it. Posters who feel it is an obvious link can discuss it.

Obviously OMMV (Others Mileage May Vary).

Snipped. A braver soul can reply to the rest of your post.
Here's something worthy of discussion / consideration – maybe (or not)!
Pamella Lawrence was Murdered 23 May 1994!
Andrew Mallard was fitted up for it by Police and later conviction quashed as a result.
Pamella Lawrence owned a jewellery shop in Mosman Park (Not far from Claremont) called "Flora Metallica".
One of the CSK victims had a gold plated sunflower / daisy "key ring" that was with her when abducted / murdered & sought by Police & never found!.
"Flora Metallica" Jewellery? What is a "Gold Sun Flower Key Ring" if it is NOT "Flora Metallica"?
It gets weirder.
Andrew Mallard stole a silver chalice from the Iona Church!
Andrew Mallard was 'living' with Rochford (Later found murdered).
Was Andrew Mallard selling the IONA church silverware to Pamela Lawrence of "Flora Metallica" on behalf of the Iona church priest, in exchange for gold plated flower jewellery from Pamela Lawrence Flora Metallica Jewellery shop, which the Priest then "gave" to girls at Iona in exchange for perhaps some form of "sexual favors" - as "bribes" to buy their silence for said sexual favors?
If it wasn't the Iona Priest, then maybe it was say the Gardener?
Did the Iona girls for e.g. "pay" the gardener for their "weed" behind the gardeners shed - with sexual favors and receive weed and jewellery bribes in return for silence?
What's the link between Mallard and Iona? - how'd he get the Silver Iona Church Chalice?.
Ciara Glennon’s mum worked at Iona in the Library or teaching sewing or something, another link to Iona.
Lorrin Whitehead = Also attended Iona in the same 2 year class spread as Sarah Spiers & Ciara Glennon!

Julie Cutler also attended = Iona albeit some years before Spiers & Glennon.
The "link" to all this CSK & "other" (related?) murders appears to be - "Iona"!.
Iona is the KEY to solving the whole CSK and other crimes IMHO.
Did Iona have a white commodore registered to the school - that someone there (priest/gardener) could have used at the time of the CSK Murders?
Was Pamela Lawrence killed to shut her up about stolen church silverware and exchanges of gold plated flower jewellery, that were then later or around that same time (i.e. after her 1994 murder) given to Iona girls by the Priest – who after graduating were then murdered in 1996 & 1997 to erase the “Iona” links?
Another CSK victim from Iona had a Scottish Claddagh broach also never recovered!

So there KEEPS coming back, time after time - obvious links to Iona - & other linked murders like Pamela Lawrence for e.g. & Andrew Mallard with the Iona Chalice.
IONA SEEMS to be, “the KEY” that links the CSK crimes...and others, at least 5 or 6 different "links".
IF for e.g. CSK was a priest from the Iona church (Andrew Mallards conviction for stealing Iona Church Silver Chalice for e.g.) Then WHO would know Karrakatta cemetery well enough to take a girl there in 1996 in the dark and rape her without fear of being interrupted / discovered?Wouldn't say a priest who conducts funeral services regularly at Karrakatta cemetery, know the grounds well enough to do that and get away with it?
If it’s NOT the priest but say the Iona School Gardener... MIGHT he not have worked as a gardener at Karrakatta cemetery long enough to know the place well enough from past work history, to conduct the abduction & rape in confidence at the cemetery grounds in the dark?
So perhaps either a Iona priest OR Gardener would make perfect sense as a CSK suspect, since just about everyone else has been ruled out by DNA!

How hard would it be for WA Police to find out who the priest and gardener were back then at Iona (and any other male staff) and just eliminate at most 3 or 4 guys by DNA?.
Surely THATS worth the effort, given that every other lead seems to have been exhausted - except the OBVIOUS one - a male associated in some way with Iona!.
I reckon it is worthy of a discussion at least, as Iona hasn't been mentioned since the first CSK thread & was forgotten within the first page of that thread and never brought up again since!.
No one disproved it to rule it out – its just been studiously “ignored” in favour of other POI’s and moved on to other theory's - that's now lead no where, in many instances totally ignoring all DNA evidence, that has ruled out a great many POI’s - in a total of now 4 CSK threads (and growing)!.
Why ignore the most obvious link - IONA?
Why not even discuss it?
Why no theories about it or developing scenarios that fit?
Why not discuss it and use known facts to rule aspects it out?
Just today, I was looking thru the MAKO Files WA pedo lists of church perpetrators (they have a specific separate category for these) - there were some convicted in Perth of such crimes around the right time and even one or two who were RC's....
So, why would it be so strange/ impossible/unbelievable if a Priest sworn to celibacy, & working at Iona had his natural urges over take him & make him want to do "naughty things with the little girls under his control" & later kill them to cover his tracks, once they got old enough (18 adults legally) to file charges against him as an adult, once they reached graduated & reached 18?
You have to admit that with the Iona Chalice and Andrew Mallard, and Pamela Lawrence murder, add in the 2 Iona CSK victims and Julie Cutler and then Lorrin Whitehead, the "connections" back to Iona just get stronger and stronger... too strong to ignore, UNLESS the RC Church had someone in either politics (Brian Burke?) or serious crime squad, back then who deliberately diverted any adverse attention away from the clergy, out of a sense of loyalty to religion / church over justice?.
I just think its worthy of serious discussion is all!.
Obviously OMMV (Others Mileage May Vary).

People often discuss the case as if the Iona links have been thoroughly investigated/exhausted, its hard to know just how much time and effort the Police put into investigating the school. It would make sense to cover for a religion too. I am not too sure if the Police have ever publicly dismissed the links to Iona.

It would be odd if the Pamela Lawrence case was linked due the incompetence of Caporn handling the Malard affair. However nothing would surprise me, even if this is unlikely.

Unfortunately I dont think Whitehead and Cutler are linked. I think its more just a coincidence that they went to the same school and were murdered years apart. People do say Julie Cutler is linked though but I find it unlikely. I think the prime suspect was a boyfriend/former boyfriend. I dont think anyone on here was able to link the 'boyfriend' to any current POI so I doubt it was the Claremont Killer.

He may still have been an opportunist without having received 'sexual' favours from the students. The Gardener /Priest/Iona employee may simply have been 'familiar' with the students, familiar enough to lure one or two victims into the car, maybe the other required a 'blitz' attack, as did Karrakatta, because he did not know this victim, but was lurking waiting for someone anyway, that someone not being from Iona, thus not being familiar to his victim. Could explain the multiple theories and confusion. It could simply be when he met someone from Iona college alone that night he got very lucky.
thought I'd repost the identikit so people can make their own comparisons vs Eravelly's (alleged Scarborough rapist March 1996) photo.

Been thinking about the JR forensic find re vehicle upholstery. Could the vehicle be from the Holden Commodore HSV series - which were also available in the VS Series 1 models ? There is a guy named Brian Eravelly who is a racing car driver and owned a race promotion business. If Alfred Eravelly is a POI in other crimes such as Claremont, could he have preferred to drive a HSV VS Series 1 and not just the run of the mill VS Series 1 ? Could the HSV VS Series 1 have had different seating upholstery - I reckon it could have.

"The VS series of 1995 introduced mild styling tweaks and a new three-spoke alloy wheel design. A value-oriented Manta was established as the base HSV model to broaden appeal."

If the Police have known it was Eravelly all along then it would explain the wait. He was in Malaysia this whole time right?

Its hard to tell what Nationality he is, he looks whitish for some reason with dark skin, I can see the confusion in race/ethnicity. The Identikit immediately set off the same alarm bells and I was expecting dark features from my memory especially around the eyes and ofcourse when I saw the identikit it was in black and white so I had assumed this prior to seeing Eravelly. He does resemble that Identikit like no other.

If he was in Malaysia they have had to bide their time holding off Inquest after Inquest evaluating and reevaluating the case year after year confirming Eravelly was their man waiting to send him to WA to stand trial for a crime they can guarantee to pin him on whilst they get ready to charge him for CSK amd Karrakatta.

Aviation courses are certs and their are other forms of training looked to be taken for scholorships lasting up to a year or more at Jandakot so if he trained there it would not be unrealistic for Eravelly to have started training in 1995/1996 before staying on for a short term to murder his last victim before dissapearing forever, whilst that wad untill he landed recently to the AFP waiting in Sydney to immediately send Eravelly to WA.
I wonder what the purpose was for showing the Identikit in the latest channel 7 documentary on sunday night, I very much doubt it was accidental, not on a documentary like that, everything is planted in the doco for a reason. Its strategic. It seemed as though they were uncertain of the lower half of the face and didnt want to risk showing it in case they got it wrong/confused the public. Maybe it was intended for 'other' victims/or attempts on victims that never came forward, the face may jolt their memory.

I am not saying the Identikit is Eravelly but in his particular case it would have been difficult to draw the lower half of his face from memory given his features, however quite easy to remember around his upper face/eyes where the victim would have seen the most of the perpetrator. Could explain why only half a face is shown in some circumstances, unless he had something wrapped around his mouth/chin when undertaking the crimes making him less identifiable.
If Eravelly had a rich family (which it looks as though he did) buying a commodore wouldnt have been much issue, some asian students buy BMWs worth 50-60k plus so a commodore would definitely be in reach for an asian student in WA.

I am not so sure on the panel van though? Unless Eravelly did multiple trips to Perth to study for different certificares for his Aviation studies and only raped/killed during these trips, with the murder and rape escalation from Karrakatta, to killing Sarah Spiers then the Scarborough rape before realising he prefered the kill after Sarah and then killing the remaining 2 girls Ciara and Jane. He could have borrowed the panel van, or purchased it during his first visit, or early into his stay in Perth before upgrading or not needing access to that vehicle, especially after the Karrakatta rape.

Then he may have got the hell out of Perth and off to Malaysia where he couldnt be touched, untill now.
i was referring specifically to the posted article in that it indicates to me how high to set the bar. If SS was trusting and used to spending time with new friends then it sets the bar on the difficulty for her abduction low. If she was extremely street smart and very aware then she would have been a much more difficult target, and the offender would have to be very capable to carry out his tasks.
To me that makes a big difference between a low level, and perhaps opportunistic offender, and someone who was able to plan, wait, and carry out his abductions only when there was minimal risk of getting caught.
Do you understand? The first guy may have accidentally not been caught out of sheer luck and incompetence, the second may still be out there offending somewhere successfully having changed his methods to disguise himself.
Im sorry if I have offended your sensibilities of the victims, however everyone is human, and the Means, Methods, and Opportunities involved with abducting a Sunday school teacher are quite different from those of an average pub girl not adverse to going home with a new dude. I know next to nothing of the victims, but their habits reveal their vulnerabilities, and hence what may have been required to carry out their abductions.

You haven't offended my sensibilities of the victim. I don't even know what that means.

Of course I understand--my original post was dedicated to that. If you want to say Sarah may have been at a higher risk bc she went out to clubs frequently or bc she supposedly exited a taxi with a man she did not know, then just say that.

Alluding to Sarah's 'casual' relationships with men or recounting a story about your friend who slept with strangers and got an STD is what I took offense to. Obviously victimology tells a lot about the offender. It is not discussed enough in this case.

I do agree with some of your assessment. All of the girls were involved in high risk behavior. They were alone, on a street, at night.
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