Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #9 *ARREST

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and im not saying brad did do it i just think its suspishos and that police need to look into him just in case
If crimestoppers were uninterested when reporting something wouldn't it be imperative to keep calling back or pursuing it? You hear this so often that people report something and never follow up on it. A lesson can be learned from this. FOLLOW UP. Especially when it's no secret the police/crimestoppers can be inundated or at worst, the police incompetent.
i dont think that was me i only called recently after seeing brad arrested on tv before then i was only joking that he did it i never believed that it was really him
There are 4 types of serial killers in terms of body locations, dumpers, dumpers/concealers, ones who leave the body at the kill site and ones whom leave the body at the kill site but try to conceal.

BRE was an organised killer whom dumped the bodies with little to no effort to conceal them, dumpers generally dump for one reason to put both time and distance between themselves and the victim or as an attempt to hide the fact they are serial killing because they don't want police swarming all over their hunting grounds. I personally don't think BRE visited the physical bodies after dumping but it is possible that he dumped in areas of some significance through work or recreation that could have allowed him to visit the general areas.

This finding BRE Guilty before he has even pleaded, let alone had his case judged in an actual Court of Law, is totally unacceptable (IMO).

And don't even get started with me along the lines of either
- surely BRE would not be charged if he was innocent of some or all of the current charges
- surely the WA Police would not charge BRE after having got into so much strife over PW/LW, and the WA Police's well documented history of corruption and people being charged, and later being found to be totally innocent of the crimes they were charged for.
- surely they would not fake DNA evidence.

Don't even bothering asking me if I think BRE is likely innocent or guilty of some or all of the current charges.

I haven't even seen all of the evidence (and not residing in WA, never will) and am not on the jury, or the judge.
when i new him he did not use the nickname boggy or hoff like people have said we some times call him b-rad or bradical also looking at the mystery man youtube i do not think that is brad he had shorter hair and that man also looks not bulky enough to be him but thats jus what i think
sorry if i do not reply i started reading from thread 5 because was so much but now i caught up i will be reading from the start i will post things if i have some thing to say as i read them
in about 1999/2000 brad and i were sent up to kalgoolie to do some cabling for north star resources i remember a girl going missing while we were there and joking with brad that he had done it because of him opting out of after works drinks he did not find it funny and got angry at me and i just thought it was not his sense of humor at the time i was not serious but for 2 weeks now i have been wondering if maybe he had done it i called crime stoppers but she did not sound to interested in my claim maybe people can figure it out since you did a great job with the rest of the case the girl lived about 3 minutes from where we were staying at the motel she was about 25 it was long ago so i cant be sure

another thing is brad was not 'pedantic' like people say he was he was just a normal guy he did keep to himself a bit but if you talk about footy and car racing he would open up i dont think there was anything weird about i was shocked when i read that the man arrested was him i worked with him for 5 years and did not even suspect anything

how long did you work with him for? was this at the time of the CSK murders?
i dont think that was me i only called recently after seeing brad arrested on tv before then i was only joking that he did it i never believed that it was really him

Let us know when the Police get around to interviewing you. After your above posts today, I'd be extremely surprised if they did not contact you today.

You'd hope that the Police would be able to ascertain, without your help, whether BRE was in Kalgoorlie at the time of the Lisa Govan disappearance.

From information that I assume that the Police they would have asked Telstra to provide about everything that BRE did, and everywhere he went over the last 20 years whilst working for Telstra. A request that they might have made well before he was formally charged.

3blindmice. How do you feel about being called up as a witness for either the prosecution or defence, if BRE is ever charged over the disappearance LG, he pleads not guilty, and it goes to a trial?
This finding BRE Guilty before he has even pleaded, let alone had his case judged in an actual Court of Law, is totally unacceptable (IMO).

And don't even get started with me along the lines of either
- surely BRE would not be charged if he was innocent of some or all of the current charges
- surely the WA Police would not charge BRE after having got into so much strife over PW/LW, and the WA Police's well documented history of corruption and people being charged, and later being found to be totally innocent of the crimes they were charged for.
- surely they would not fake DNA evidence.

Don't even bothering asking me if I think BRE is likely innocent or guilty of some or all of the current charges.

I haven't even seen all of the evidence (and not residing in WA, never will) and am not on the jury, or the judge.

Do I think BRE is guilty? You bet. I'm not a court of law so the assumption of innocence doesn't always have to stand with me. The police matched his DNA to three crime scenes and I don't think if there was a cover up that the police would wait almost 20 years to stitch up an innocent man, especially when they had Mark Dixie on their radar in mid 2000's whom would have made a perfect scapegoat.

Aside from DNA and what ever other evidence WAPOL has the circumstantial evidence us sleithers have uncovered is compelling to say the least, BRE had opportunity and motive.

Is there a chance he is innocent? ofcourse there is, but I doubt it. My gut tells me guilty as sin.
the circumstantial evidence us sleithers have uncovered is compelling to say the least, BRE had opportunity and motive.

Is there a chance he is innocent? ofcourse there is, but I doubt it. My gut tells me guilty as sin.

What compelling circumstantial evidence have sleuthers uncovered that provide possible "motives" for BRE being guilty of any or all of the crimes BRE has been charged with so far?
Just reading about the Lisa Govan case, there seems to be a strong indication bikies were involved, she had been partying with them the night before. If you can remember how long was BRE unaccounted for? I assume he was up and ready for work the next day if you worked Saturdays? she was seen at 7:30 AM you suggested BRE was missing after work which is why you joked around with him, were you working day or night shift?
What compelling circumstantial evidence have sleuthers uncovered that provide possible "motives" for BRE being guilty of any or all of the crimes BRE has been charged with so far?

Fibers from JR matched a car commonly used as a fleet vehicle that BRE had access too, the location of bodies in regards to Telstra infrastructure (which are 2 of the reasons we suspected a Telstra worker was involved way before police) his marriage break up before the attacks/murders took place appear to be the motive for his re-offending (assuming he had stopped after the Huntingdale attack) other vehicles in his possession could match the KK abduction, his residential locations in regards to the attacks. Now I understand looking at just these as evidence of a serial killer you would be hard pressed to make a case even for a kangaroo court but when you throw in the fact his DNA matched then it certainly paints a picture of an organised serial killer.

In the end though it comes down to a matter of opinion, you're free to ignore facts (his DNA being matched is fact) and wait until he is found guilty by a court as I'm free to assume his guilt based on the fact I don't think police are covering this case up.

Aside from the assumption of innocence is there anything to suggest he isn't guilty?

Also keep in mind being found guilty by a judge or jury doesn't prove innocence or guilt either, the verdict is just an opinion based on evidence and you can't get an more compelling evidence than having your DNA splashed over a murder victim, an assault/rape victim and at the location of a home invasion in three seperate crime scenes spanning a 10 years period.
his marriage break up before the attacks/murders took place appear to be the motive for his re-offending ....

His marriage break up?
Facts of which and details about his 1st wife, we know virtually nothing about, apart from an approx. time of occurrence
Is that the best you/we have as a motive?

(his DNA being matched is fact).

So far, we only have that the media is reporting that the Police have told them about DNA matches?

As far as I am aware (I stand to be corrected), we do not have quotes from the "Police" with the name of the Police providing the information.

We do not have information about the DNA verified by the Police themselves. (I stand to be corrected).

I'm not saying that the reports about the DNA are wrong, or that for some reason that any claimed DNA matches are not actual and irrefutable matche.s
And I don't assume that if the media reported incorrect facts, that the Police would always correct them straight away.

Claremont Killings - Man charged [\QUOTE]

Nothing from the Police in the above WA Police Commissioner video about DNA matches.
Just reading about the Lisa Govan case, there seems to be a strong indication bikies were involved, she had been partying with them the night before. If you can remember how long was BRE unaccounted for? I assume he was up and ready for work the next day if you worked Saturdays? she was seen at 7:30 AM you suggested BRE was missing after work which is why you joked around with him, were you working day or night shift?

Partying with bikies does not necessarily mean you will end up dead at the hands of said bikies. If its still unsolved there's a good chance they have nothing to do with it. If she was partying, she may have taken some illicit substance/drank so inhibitions will be lowered. Guess we'll never know.
For the attack to have occurred at CCGS, I am going to say CG was far enough down that she was probably intending to walk home to Mosman Park. If she were hitchhiking that would have been obvious to the men who saw her opposite HJ's, with an active serial killer on the loose in the area, it is utter madness.
If she was waiting for a taxi she would not have gone that far and that is past all the phone booths working or otherwise in Claremont.
From what I am told of people who worked with her she isn't hopping in anyone's car unless they were in the legal fraternity.

I don't know exactly where she lived in Mossie Park but my guess is in the wealthy part. That's a fair hike. I'd suggest she was walked the Hwy in hope it was the best option for getting a cab. Call one from a phone box and you might be waiting a while. Walk the Hwy and sooner or later one will drive past. She also chose not to cut through the back of HJ's to the Hwy which is quicker, rather she walked straight down Bayview Tce to the Hwy. Again I think she thought the quicker she gets to the Hwy the quicker she gets a cab.

I also don't buy into the "these girls would never get into a stranger's car" sentiment. That's not saying they did, but to rule it our based on this is foolish. History shows us young people make risky decisions, especially when under the influence of alcohol.
There are 4 types of serial killers in terms of body locations, dumpers, dumpers/concealers, ones who leave the body at the kill site and ones whom leave the body at the kill site but try to conceal.

BRE was an organised killer whom dumped the bodies with little to no effort to conceal them, dumpers generally dump for one reason to put both time and distance between themselves and the victim or as an attempt to hide the fact they are serial killing because they don't want police swarming all over their hunting grounds. I personally don't think BRE visited the physical bodies after dumping but it is possible that he dumped in areas of some significance through work or recreation that could have allowed him to visit the general areas.
He did actually make a token effort to conceal both girls. JR was at the base of a fence covered in brush. CG was off the beaten track also covered in brush. While he didn't bury them, or cement their feet and drop them off a pier, or hide them down a remote mine shaft, he did make an attempt to conceal them. I speculated earlier that I think his choice of dump site and method of dumping was a balance between;

a. Minimising the amount of time he has a DB in his car in case he is pulled over,
b. Maximising the distance out of the city to increase the time before the bodies are discovered, and
c. Being able to finish up before first light to reduce chance of being seen, and/or being able to get home before first light.

It appears he most likely decided on this after SS. Something about the SS ordeal appears to have made him tweak his dumping MO.

I also don't believe he tampered with the bodies after he dumped them. I wouldn't be surprised if he took drive-bys, worked close to the dump sites, or took his unsuspecting family close by. I'd suggest Macro are interviewing CG and VG and asking them if they ever went close to the dump sites with him and if so, what were the circumstances, and where else did he take them.
Common sense would dictate not to take something that may impair your judgement however you would be greatly suprised at the amount of serial murders taken place while the killer is intoxicated. There is a very interesting research paper I'd suggest a lot of sleuthers on here read "Serial Murder - Pathways for investigation" aside from the fact it is just interesting it gives great insight into how a serial killer operates. everything from victimology to dumping the bodies. A quick google search should bring up a pdf for you to read.

Based from that research "A majority of these offenders (73.9%) also had some type of stressor at some time either prior to their murders or during their series of murders . These were very diversified, with alcohol or drug abuse (23.9%) and legal difficulties (16.7%), being the most prevalent."

We know that the stressor for BRE was marriage/relationship breakdowns, we can also summize from his high school yearbook quote that he was maybe somewhat of a heavy drinker. There never has been any proof whatsoever to suggest BRE took speed and as such is pure conjecture.

I've definitely read that drugs (inc alcohol) are often used by serial killers. My gut feel with this one is BE is a control freak and his head would have been clear (we are already quite sure he is a pedant). Driving all that way DUI would be a massive risk and my guess is he wouldn't have taken such risks.

The whole thing about his yearbook claims - I would only take that with a pinch of salt. Seventeen year old boys often exaggerate their use of drugs and alcohol. I remember at that age hitting the school yard on Monday morning to hear some boys claimed on the weekend they drunk a bottle of jack, smoked an ounce of skunk, <modsnip>. Seventeen year old boys are very immature.
Do I think BRE is guilty? You bet. I'm not a court of law so the assumption of innocence doesn't always have to stand with me. The police matched his DNA to three crime scenes and I don't think if there was a cover up that the police would wait almost 20 years to stitch up an innocent man, especially when they had Mark Dixie on their radar in mid 2000's whom would have made a perfect scapegoat.

Aside from DNA and what ever other evidence WAPOL has the circumstantial evidence us sleithers have uncovered is compelling to say the least, BRE had opportunity and motive.

Is there a chance he is innocent? ofcourse there is, but I doubt it. My gut tells me guilty as sin.
I think it's important that the public maintain an open mind on this and that includes posters on here. Our judicial system is built on the ethos "innocent until proven guilty", and for good reason. It's important that defendants get a fair and unbiased trial and to protect the innocent, it's important not to assume someone is guilty until everything has been considered in a court of law.

My gut feeling is that BE is the CSK and the evidence that Macro/SCS/WAPOL will compile and present will show this beyond reasonable doubt. But like every other citizen he's entitled to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence in the meantime.
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