Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #9 *ARREST

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Incorrect. In Australia, the presumption of innocence is a requirement of the court chair (Registrar, Magistrate, Judge, and Jurors), not of the prosecution, not of the public.

Strictly speaking the presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle of our law, rather than it being a requirement of the court chair.

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Strictly speaking the presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle of our law, rather than it being a requirement of the court chair.

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Subjudicial commentary can derail a successful prosecution. I haven't seen many defence lawyers use it in Australia so far, but Magistrates and Judges have warned off journalists about Subjudicial commentary.

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I agree. My ex used to go out fishing on his own and stay out until the early hours of the morning- and rarely caught anything, either. If I'd been suspicious I'd have thought he was having an affair - but unless I found his behaviour strange or physical evidence like blood, murder would have been the last thing I'd suspect him of.

Exactly, your ex wasn't out assaulting killing anybody. If he was I'm sure you would pick up signs of strange behaviour/demeanour that you wouldn't have normally noticed. Unless your ex had ever killed someone you would never know how he would be as this had never happened to you.
Look the fishing thing has become an annoying distraction and my ultimate point is that I believe he was coming back to an empty house so didn't need to make up any excuses about going fishing. I think quite a few people here agree that MM is the CSK and to my eyes it doesn't look like he has been or going fishing. To conclude highly unlikely the CSK was fishing or using fishing as an excuse on why he was having late/early mornings.
That is a great point. I had just finished reading a detailed FBI report based on 232 serial killers, The ruse/con approach is the most common method of abduction at about 65% with blitz attack in 2nd at about 17.5% based on stats your theory could be true, based on his history that lends more towards blitz, but could have been different styles for different girls.

After a few drinks, I've done a number of things I wouldn't normally do...
Can someone who has the info please give me a list of all the instances of BRE on the electoral roll and where. The conversation of Gay street is getting confusing. I'll put the EROLL information in and then people can debate the lots or house numbers around that information.
Just spoke to the chap from my year through school, that became a Telecom Techie 5 years before Brad. Yes, he's met him. I'm encouraging him to join this site.

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1. The vehicle he used in at least 1 of the crimes has been recovered.

2. He was arrested at the right time . All of his known crimes occured after a break up.
Can you please clarify this. Was it a Telstra fleet vehicle?

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Rather that everyone puncing about back and forth I will shed some light on Frankie's claims.

The building Frankie claims he saw in his dream is an old part of CCGS that has since been demolished and rebuilt. He described it perfectly.

There is no longer a need to go back and forth and speculate what was in his dream.

I notice after all this time Frankie hasn't acknowledged the old building at CCGS. I think it's unlikely someone would have a vivid dream about the CSK, see a prime suspect's face before that person's face was made public, speak to the police about it, and not be aware of what the old CCGS buildings look like.

IMO Frankie is waiting for someone to find an old image of CCGS that matches his description to seemingly give more credibility.

Not to mention the claim about seeing the crime in his dream featuring real places that he'd never seen before. Scientifically impossible.

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a load of cobblers.
hey bartholemeus i had the dream about 6 months after CG went missing. they show me where she went missing in the dream and i took the police to that spot in the dream it was about 200m down the road.
Some posts have been removed.

Please discuss the case and not each other.

Yes that building at CCGS you mentioned was the old Arts department (since gone as you say).

I dispute Frankie could have made out those details of said building from his location at the bus stop in front of HJ's at night, be a stretch in daylight. I realise it was Frankies birthday but no human could see that detail from his given vantage point.
can you get a photo of the CCGS
According to federal electoral rolls dated 8 Nov 1991, 15 May 1991, 20 March 1992 and 29 May 1992 BE was resided at Madora Bay.

The next federal electoral roll dated 21 January 1993 showed him living in Fountain Way, Huntingdale and they continued to do so until and including the electoral roll dated 8 April 1998. He may have rented the property from the new owner after selling in April 1997 or didn't bother to change his registration for a year.

There was only one available electoral roll prior to Nov 1991, dated 19 February 1988, in which he was recorded as being at Gay Street. It was sometime between February 1988 and November 1991 that he moved to Madora Bay.

GROK, here is the electoral roll info I posted previously.

I sat in the State Library all day going through microfiche to get this info and repeatedly came across microfiche out of order and, wadda ya know, they were out of order, became upside down or were otherwise *advertiser censored***d around nearly always at Edwards or G (for the other family). Seems like the sleuth(s) before me was/were pretty casual about leaving the microfiche as they found them.
Perhaps, but I heard the story from a very reliable source. It's a possibility that if BE thought KK was "left for dead", and then discovered she had survived, he needed to adapt for future victims. With that type of injury, he would have much more control over his victims, as well as time (God forbid). I was told it was only JR & CG with those wounds, which could also be another reason why KK was thought to be from a different offender. We won't know for sure until it comes out in court.
Your source is incorrect. Neither girl sustained such injuries.
Disagree. Huntingdale was very downmarket when it was first developed in the late 1980's. There was no Leona freeway and only route to Perth was Spencer Rd, Albany Hwy, Shepperton Rd and Causeway back then. A long route through very salacious neighbourhoods. Nowadays, all those areas are going upmarket as they are now seen to be close to the CBD, but not back then.

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I think this needs a fair bit of qualification! The neighbourhoods that Spencer Road, Albany Highway and Shepperton Road pass through were not 'very salacious'! Not at all by the standards of many suburbs in US cities or even by the standards of some areas in Perth. None were as bad as Koondoola, Balga or Maniana were. They weren't fancy but to say 'very salacious' is misleading. I'd say they were working class - they were largely home to families with low to middle incomes but they weren't hotbeds of crime or extremely rundown.
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