Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Wow that is big Solaris. I wonder will he be in trouble for not turning up?

Hope he has not been 'got at" in some way.



Not sure if he will be in trouble for not showing up today, but if he fails to testify, and he has been subpoenaed, he could be charged with contempt of court.

This article gives a bit more detail.

"Acting Snr Sgt Broekmeulen was called to testify when Timothy Pearson, the man who allegedly helped Mr Rayney bug his wife’s phone in the weeks before her death, failed to appear at court to give evidence as expected.

Mr Pearson has been present on other occasions when he was expected to give evidence but was not called. He was called at 10am today but failed to appear.

The court was briefly adjourned while prosecutors tried to locate Mr Pearson before continuing with other witnesses."

So, it may not be a big deal after all, if he had been "present on other occasions" that may indicate that he was willing to testify.
Prosecution's evidence has many flaws...none of it 100% like DNA so what's the point? How could someone be convicted on evidence that is 'remarkably like' , 'consistent with' or 'similar to'. Not looking forward to more witnesses...even forensic police can't agree on when/how seed pods were removed (how hard is it to take a photograph!) and they were experts on duty. I realise there were hundreds of samples taken - but all circumstantial evidence. Sorry - so frustrated that my feathers are ruffled

This is what I was trying to say the other day in my last post. I wholeheartedly agree TweetyPie, and it has ruffled my feathers as well! Like everyone else on here I want justice for Corryn - and in all honesty with what evidence has come forward and the ambiguity of it all - it seems that this may not happen.
There's nothing wrong with circumstantial evidence, the more of it the better. You just have to be able to make inferences from it and 'remarkably like' and 'consistent with' is good.

The defense are meant to be explaining an alternative theory, but all they can come up with is that the scientists and police didn't do their job right.

Check out the 10.15am entry.

This is big. He is the guy that organised the wire tap on the phones in the Rayney home. Hope they can track him down and when they do, I think his testimony will be very interesting.

Sorry everyone for the fact I have been unable to contribute much recently. Life getting in the way!!

Hopefully the witness not appearing today is just a glitch. At the back of my mind I always had a concern about this witness - I just hope he will present to testify asap and that he has not been subjected to any personal threats.

I will also mention that Judge Martins comments about the number of witnesses was very concerning, surely if witnesses are culled it leaves the door wide open to the possibility of an appeal? Also leaves him wide open to criticism down the track does it not?
There's nothing wrong with circumstantial evidence, the more of it the better. You just have to be able to make inferences from it and 'remarkably like' and 'consistent with' is good.

The defense are meant to be explaining an alternative theory, but all they can come up with is that the scientists and police didn't do their job right.

I understand where you are heading here Palmy - to get a conviction yes the prosecution need to show "consistent with" and the defence need to show the possible consistencies with alternate places/ theories/ possibilities etc all of which is still to come.

Lets hope that 'consistent with' works in favour of the prosecution!
The millions spent on this case better be worth it. I hope LR is going bankrupt with his legal costs.
It is exceptionally quiet on this forum lately.

Come back everybody, I miss you!



Hi GG I think that all the talk of rocks, paint particles and soils has put everyone to sleep - maybe the judge too!!

Hopefully we will have Tim Pearson on the stand next week. That might liven up the discussion a bit more!!

There is a real trade off on a case like this - too little evidence can allow someone to get off a crime, whether it be now or at a later appeal and too much tends to cloud the basic principles

I was thinking the other day about how it must feel to be LR. He must see so many chances that his defence team are missing constantly. He does pass notes to them occasionally and if I recall from my visit to court I think his lawyers tended to quickly consult with him before ending their cross examination of a witness. I don't know if that is standard procedure with the lawyers of the accused - anyone know?
Hi fellow sleuthers

Have any of you over there in Perth attended court lately?

Love to hear from you if so.



Sorry GG I have been too unwell to attend recently. Plus i think the last couple of weeks would have been mind blowingly boring. Expect you will see similar in GBC case down the track!
The millions spent on this case better be worth it. I hope LR is going bankrupt with his legal costs.

I am sure he must be getting mates-rates - plus I wonder how much he is getting pro-bono. This is a career-making case for some of them.
Conviction thrown out by High Court - will be out on bail within the hour.

All because the prosecution changed tack on day 43 of 59 or so.

May or may not be a retrial

I feel sick on behalf of the whistleblower and the families of the lost patients.


Where is that barfing emoticon when you need it?

Conviction thrown out by High Court - will be out on bail within the hour.

All because the prosecution changed tack on day 43 of 59 or so.

May or may not be a retrial

I feel sick on behalf of the whistleblower and the families of the lost patients.


Where is that barfing emoticon when you need it?



Yep, that's a beauty!!


thought the situation itself is infuriating

somebody from Bundaberg was quoted as saying "the justice system does not always assist the victims. In this case it has failed miserably". or something very close to that.


It's stragne that this forum is so quiet, when there is a trial going on, yet the GBC forum is currently very active, while we wait for a committal mention.

Not a criticism folks, (since I have no brilliant observations of my own to add I am hardly in a position to criticise anybody) just an observation of the curious world of websleuthing.



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