GUILTY Australia - Depraved secrets in a country town ..

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Woman at centre of horrific NSW incest case jailed for nine months

The matriarch of a family embroiled in incest and child abuse allegations will spend at least nine months behind bars for trying to snatch her sons out of state care.

Betty Colt, a pseudonym provided by the Children's Court, was one of 40 adults and children living in tents and caravans among horrific squalor on a remote southwestern NSW property in 2012.

Testing revealed 11 of the 12 children, who showed signs of abuse and neglect and were put in state care, had parents who were related or closely related.

Colt was convicted in September of trying to recruit her son to kidnap a younger son from state care and of procuring her children from care.

male that fled to the UK is still 'at large' I 'm guessing?
Let's just hope he has not the time to start up another "family". I am convinced the father is a pedophile, and this whole sorry mess is all about him having children he can easily molest and control in the environment HE created, where sex between family members is encouraged as "normal".

Men like him - the reason I wish we had death penalty for pedos.
OMG I've just stumbled across this case. No words..............shocked!!! :sick:

ON Level 2 of the state’s police headquarters in Parramatta, an unprecedented investigation is nearing its end.

It can today be revealed that Charlie Colt, a man accused of fathering children with his sister and then raping them, is back in Australia after fleeing to England in an attempt to escape the clutches of Yeomans and his detectives.

The Saturday Telegraph can reveal he recently returned to the waiting arms of investigators after the Child Abuse squad received a tip-off from immigration officials.

Detectives interviewed him as an extraordinary brief of evidence takes shape.

Lots more at the link

ON Level 2 of the state’s police headquarters in Parramatta, an unprecedented investigation is nearing its end.

It can today be revealed that Charlie Colt, a man accused of fathering children with his sister and then raping them, is back in Australia after fleeing to England in an attempt to escape the clutches of Yeomans and his detectives.

The Saturday Telegraph can reveal he recently returned to the waiting arms of investigators after the Child Abuse squad received a tip-off from immigration officials.

Detectives interviewed him as an extraordinary brief of evidence takes shape.

Lots more at the link

thanks for the update and the link!

from your link,

''As revealed by The Daily Telegraph earlier, Charlie Colt made his mad dash to Europe in June after police applied for a court order to take DNA evidence from him. He claimed he was researching his family history and vehemently denied the allegations against him and his family members."

bbm: I hope that more will be revealed on that -- of course, he fled to avoid the courts.
"Researching the family tree" takes on a very disturbing tone, coming from that man....I am SO glad he's been apprehended. I wonder how all those poor kids are getting along.

Omg, this poor cop:

“I’ve never seen it before. I’ve never seen something like this before in relation to bringing up children in those conditions,” he said. “I’ve never seen it like this before.”

--- Ya think he's ever seen it before?
Revealed for the first time, Colt family photo album offers glimpse of life inside Australia’s incest clan

November 20, 2014 1:16PM

PHOTOS have been obtained that show, for the first time ever, life inside the sickening Colt incest clan described by senior police as like nothing they have ever seen.

The family snaps, given exclusively to News Corp Australia, show the smiling faces of children who would go on to claim their father and uncle were the same man.

They show glimpses of little girls and boys who would tell caseworkers they suffered regular sexual abuse, and when taken into care were described as malnourished, unhygienic and struggling to speak.
I hate even typing these words.. but when I saw 'animals' my first thought was 'what else they were used for'.

eta: i meant to include this quote from Charlie Colt, from the article linked above:

“For the rest of my life, even if I walk through court tomorrow, I’m going to be called that person that raped that nine-year-old … it makes me feel sick to the stomach, it makes me feel bewildered and I am absolutely disappointed in the justice system.”

Absolutely sickening, listening to unrepentant child molesters and pedophiles as they try to wheedle their way out of consequences for what they do, even when presented with hard evidence of their crimes. I just now finished watching a TV show about a mother molesting her own kids, and it was all "poor me" from her, how everyone's done her wrong.... lies upon lies, repeated over and over as if that's going to make it more believable to others.. or themselves, who knows. Charlie Colt is the same. It's like a requisite mindset, this self-pitying callousness to any life but their own..

Aside from the abysmal damage done to the kids, all the way down the line -- now, thanks to this man and his sick family tree of molesters, there's a bunch of boys and girls, already seasoned child rapists themselves, in the world who wet the bed, torture animals and like to set fires. In ten years, what contribution are *they* going to be making to society? I am literally cold, thinking about it.

This is why we so desperately need to impose 'never to be released' sentences on pedophiles. They're not sorry, never sorry and they cannot be cured. Why this is not recognised by the courts... well, maybe the people moaning about civil liberties and rehab for pedos need to take some responsibility for all the kids raped thanks to their deluded efforts, too.

end rant, cheers, just needed a little vent
‘Incest’ mum Betty Colt jailed for attempted kidnapping of her children

"BETTY Colt, the infamous woman at the centre of Australia’s most shocking incest case has been jailed for 12 months.

She will have to spend nine months in jail before the chance of parole.

Colt, 48, was found guilty in September of trying to kidnap back her children from foster carers. The children had been taken away by authorities after the incest investigation began"
Wow; I'd almost forgotten about this case. It had begun to seem distant, like a bad dream.
Is Charlie Colt in jail now? Surely he was not bailed! When is the trial?

Although they might have been victims themselves, all most of these adults should be charged with incest or sexual assault/abuse and/or child neglect as long as it can be determined that they know right from wrong.

What do you think will happen? What is the law? Why the delay?
I think there is so much inbreeding here that they must be mentally deficient, not so much a paedophile issue. It concerns me greatly that when these children are adults and leave foster care, what will happen, is it too late to expect they will recover and live a normal life or will we see the same thing happen again.
I am amazed these people are out and about. Happy the children are being provided for and treated for what I can only imagine is severe maladjustments. Bless them.
I find this story very sad...don't forget that Charlie is also a victim. Everything began with the grand grand parents, Tim e June, that were brother and sister and get married.
I think Charlie has been also abused. He is not innocent, off course.

In the report I read "A young kangoroo was sleeping on one of the children bed" and it hits me, don't know why!
Wow; I'd almost forgotten about this case. It had begun to seem distant, like a bad dream.

I wish I hadn't clicked on it today. This has sickened me to death. :(

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