Found Deceased Australia - Elisa Curry, 43, Aireys Inlet, Melbourne, 30 Sept 2017 #1

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Hi everyone

I am a relative newbie. Long time lurker.

I just wanted to make a list of what I think are some of the important points that I don't think have actually been confirmed by MSM yet before they begin to feel like facts on here ;)

Is RB the SAME female neighbour who visited at 10pm to discuss a personal matter? I don't think this is confirmed?
RB is quoted (in quotes) as saying "I saw her on Saturday before I went to work and that's the last time I've seen her." in this article
I think it has been 'assumed' that this sighting was at 10pm but I have yet to see an article that actually says this. Or an article that says RB was the neighbour who was the last person to see Elisa. Has anyone got a link for that?

Was the dog found with or without a leash attached? I don't think its leash status has been mentioned at all in any news article that I have seen. Has anyone got a link?

Was her Facebook account deactivated/deleted around the time of her disappearance on Sat evening? It is being alluded to her deleting it on Sat night but to the best of my knowledge all we know is that by Tue at 10.34am when a WSer searched for Elisa's FB, it was not active, only cached (see below for SS of time we realised it was only available as a cache):

And we know that the most recent cached version of her FB profile on google is dated 4th Sep (SS below with date cached at top):

We also have a sentence in the article below saying "Her mobile phone, which is also missing, was turned off at 10.30pm on Saturday and remains off. It appears her Facebook account was also deleted." - which sort of 'associates' her FB deletion with her phone being turned off on Sat night but it is neither a quote from the police nor attributed to anything, and to me just means that the reporter tried to find her on FB at the time of writing the article& found that her account was no loner active, just like a WSer did on Tuesday
She could have taken her FB down at any point between 4 Sep & last Sat. OR could Police have asked FB to take her account down when it was realised that she was really missing? I think FB accounts of missing persons quite often go offline after their disappearance?

Hope that all makes sense! Be gentle with me just trying out my first post been working on it for half an hour :D


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I think the dog is a big piece of the puzzle in that none of it makes sense. 1/ the dog lived in the area why wouldn't the dog just return home on its own accord 2/why was it found on someone else's property? I would be looking at the person who owns that property even if they are not living or staying there. 3/ The dog could have been deliberately taken by someone in order to get Elise out of the house looking for it.
Only time I do a marathon run is to Dan Murphy's.......sorry don't wish to make light of the situation.

the only time I drink is when I am forcibly reminded of the marathon running husband....
Local update: There are a lot of police in town now. Just saw around 15 in uniform checking in at the motel...police four wheel drives and mini bus and the big diver/search van are here too.

Ohhh keep us updated please

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how does her being labelled an alcoholic, with depression, help in finding her?..

I am baffled by this, perhaps I need coffee..

It doesn't help find her at all, what it does is smear her reputation publicly and permanently - people often believe what they've first heard about someone even if it's not true. who is the smear coming from and why?

On the face of it here's an attractive middle aged woman who seemingly has it all, she is highly educated and her past employment isnt to be sneezed at with research assistant and then at ASIC, has a hubby with a good job, 3 kids possibly in private school and a European car going by her comment in the paper, very nice home in Surrey hills, nice holiday house at Aireys inlet, she is very fit, runs marathons.

Something is very off
An intelligent woman who liked her standing in the community, had a voice on a variety of topics apparently a good friend, enjoyed taking care of her body so likely to have reasonable self esteem one might and leaves on her own accord....nekminute she’s a deeply depressed drunk... she was definitely in someone’s way...sounds like someone’s trying to discredit her...typical abuse behaviour

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why would this info re her alcoholism and her depression be kept a secret until she has been missing for nearly SIX DAYS?>>> huh?>. ..

I don't get it.. there isn't any rationale to it.
It doesn't help find her at all, what it does is smear her reputation publicly and permanently - people often believe what they've first heard about someone even if it's not true. who is the smear coming from and why?

On the face of it here's an attractive middle aged woman who seemingly has it all, she is highly educated and her past employment isnt to be sneezed at with research assistant and then at ASIC, has a hubby with a good job, 3 kids possibly in private school and a European car going by her comment in the paper, very nice home in Surrey hills, nice holiday house at Aireys inlet, she is very fit, runs marathons.

Something is very off

it is almost diabolical, AAS.. it is SO off , even my dog has turned up his little nose at it. It has descended into farce and has now the hint of something so very very peculiar and reprehensible , something almost organised about it.
Maybe that's why the husband said "IF" you (Elisa) are out there please contact the family. Elisa apparently deleted her facebook page i wonder if she had deleted her page on other occasions and this may be a repeat in behaviour??? It all sounds a bit staged to me. Dog missing/facebook page deleted ???
I agree i get a whiff of over staging. She has three children would she not leave them a letter or something???? If she suicided why not just do it at the house - no children present no husband present. Why go out of the house and take the dog??? Not adding up not one bit.
I believe Stilnox.

Yes it was stillnox and he WAS taking it during his training. Anyway it's irrelevant. I only was making a comparison on athletes and substance abuse. Certainly not saying she was an alcoholic or drug addict .
Hi everyone

I am a relative newbie. Long time lurker.

I just wanted to make a list of what I think are some of the important points that I don't think have actually been confirmed by MSM yet before they begin to feel like facts on here ;)

Is RB the SAME female neighbour who visited at 10pm to discuss a personal matter? I don't think this is confirmed?
RB is quoted (in quotes) as saying "I saw her on Saturday before I went to work and that's the last time I've seen her." in this article
I think it has been 'assumed' that this sighting was at 10pm but I have yet to see an article that actually says this. Or an article that says RB was the neighbour who was the last person to see Elisa. Has anyone got a link for that?

Was the dog found with or without a leash attached? I don't think its leash status has been mentioned at all in any news article that I have seen. Has anyone got a link?

Was her Facebook account deactivated/deleted around the time of her disappearance on Sat evening? It is being alluded to her deleting it on Sat night but to the best of my knowledge all we know is that by Tue at 10.34am when a WSer searched for Elisa's FB, it was not active, only cached (see below for SS of time we realised it was only available as a cache):

And we know that the most recent cached version of her FB profile on google is dated 4th Sep (SS below with date cached at top):

We also have a sentence in the article below saying "Her mobile phone, which is also missing, was turned off at 10.30pm on Saturday and remains off. It appears her Facebook account was also deleted." - which sort of 'associates' her FB deletion with her phone being turned off on Sat night but it is neither a quote from the police nor attributed to anything, and to me just means that the reporter tried to find her on FB at the time of writing the article& found that her account was no loner active, just like a WSer did on Tuesday
She could have taken her FB down at any point between 4 Sep & last Sat. OR could Police have asked FB to take her account down when it was realised that she was really missing? I think FB accounts of missing persons quite often go offline after their disappearance?

Hope that all makes sense! Be gentle with me just trying out my first post been working on it for half an hour :D

As far as the neighbours go I've just decided to not try and aquaint them to which ones are associated with which event.

I think there are 2 possibly 3 sets of neighbours being discussed.

RB (neighbour A) who may have been the neighbour that watched the game during the day with Elisa but that could be a different one. (Neighbour B)

Neighbours C. (Husband and wife) who visited after the GF.

These are my assumptions and in no way confirmed.

I need to go back and find the post about the dog leash.

Maybe that's why the husband said "IF" you (Elisa) are out there please contact the family. Elisa apparently deleted her facebook page i wonder if she had deleted her page on other occasions and this may be a repeat in behaviour??? It all sounds a bit staged to me. Dog missing/facebook page deleted ???

Elisa may not be the one who deleted her Facebook, someone else could have done that.
So phone is missing - but switched off.
She usually wears her fitbit when she runs - but it was left home.
Dog was found wandering, with a leash attached.

Re: the neighbours. What if she was already in bed when the neighbour came back over - so the house was dark, she took time to answer the door, she was in PJs and clearly "was in bed". Neighbour has come back over to discuss something - maybe a "female issue" or a problem with her (neigbours) husband (like maybe, now my husband is asleep I'll nip back over to Elisa's place to cry on her shoulder about how awful he is). She had a quick chat and then she left and Elisa said "I'm going back to bed". That would make sense then for her to tell police "she was in bed when I saw her last".

And I agree I think sometimes the wording used by journalists can muddy the situation - I wish they'd just report verbatim what people say and not describe it in their own words.

Dog leash comment, no link provided.
the only time I drink is when I am forcibly reminded of the marathon running husband....

Again do not wish to make light of the subject....currently having a G and T with my daughter who is visiting with her Golden Retriever who is on Prozac (quite a common prescription for dogs). Not buying the "flyer info". I'm hearing you Trooper.
Stilnox - oh!! many people have done some strange things on that stuff. Sleep walking is high up there on the list and some have died or been in very risky situations while taking it :(
why would this info re her alcoholism and her depression be kept a secret until she has been missing for nearly SIX DAYS?>>> huh?>. ..

I don't get it.. there isn't any rationale to it.

Strange as all get out... the flyer is brutal don’t you think?

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The neighbour said the last time she saw Elisa- she was in bed. One explanation could be that Elisa was comfortable enough to chat to her neighbor while in bed and the neighbour saw herself out.
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