Found Deceased Australia - Gary Tweddle, 23, Blue Mountains NSW, 16 July 2013 - #3

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(If all the news about drugs and the dealer is correct)

Figtree, I'm guessing he was 'out of it' anyway and might not have had a lot of awareness of time, perhaps the dealers arrival seemed like a distant and improbable dream and perhaps he was in a kind of 'low' and wanted a drug to counter that quickly.

Had he been in a conscious and 'with it' frame of mind, I doubt he would have RUN out of the resort anyway. After all, he had a mobile phone that was working and probably had the dealers number on his phone and could have explained to him that he was on his way and asked him to wait. Why fly out the door? That action in itself draws attention.
If he was going to buy for others, could not one other have driven him to meet the dealer.... why was Gary alone undertaking the task of procurement in a wasted state, potentially jeopardizing the crew?
Were others 'out of it' enough not to want to drive a car or did they all get to the Fairmont by bus/train?
Maybe Gary and the dealer had a misunderstanding about the meeting place.
They all caught a bus up there from Sydney - don't think any of them had cars with them.
Yes, very little is known of the colleagues and their role in this, or their state of mind.
It does kind of seem that Gary was the 'gopher' for the group. Not sure, the others may have known (of) Pambos too - Pambos is from Earlwood in Sydney, so could have been known to the others too.
It may well be that there was a misunderstanding re the meeting place.
As today's msm report says, the 'friends' would have had absolutely no idea what kind of a tragedy was set to unfold on the back of this drug errand. Probably in no form to contemplate the seriousness of the situation even during the 17 min phone call...
So did Gary ever get an answer about where to find drugs locally when he asked?

Did he then go and pursue that lead, when Pambos didn’t show?

I just don’t believe anything those colleagues said now. That 17 minute call was probably ‘he didn’t show’ .. ‘oh man, can you run down to Silks and catch up with that person again’ .. ‘I dunno, maybe’ .. ‘oh go on, it won’t take you long’ .. etc. etc.

And they were said to have tried to ring him numerous times after. Probably wondering when he’d be back with the drugs or their money. Residents on Watkins Rd heard noises ‘sometime between 12 & 2’. Well, now I’m thinking it was closer to 2 .. and that is when the colleagues decided to see if Gary was hanging around outside somewhere, or if they could see him heading back.

Just when did they think he was lost or something bad had happened to him? At 3:30am when they rang Anika?

Grrrr ..

There may have been a meeting arranged with someone else?

I am guessing the colleagues must have had serious concerns about Gary's welfare if they organised to have him reported as missing... these concerns or sense of 'duty of care' would have overridden the possibility of Gary being discovered wandering about and 'in possession' (unless it were established in the 17 minute call that he wasn't 'in possession')
Oh what a hoot, openly listing a drug dealer as your mate... and this lad is supposedly one of the brightest sparks at Oracle.

One thing we can safely say is that the company seems to bear no resemblance to the meaning of their name if this is an example of employees' behaviour.:notgood:
Had I known it was drug related I personally would not have invested so much emotion into this. I still feel terribly sad that a young promising life has been tragically lost BUT I'm also really upset that so many resources and so many people where involved in such a massive search when Gary voluntarily left the Fairmont to source drugs.

I guess one way to see it Indigo, is that in this day and age, when so very many people are on drugs sometimes,- that to withdraw from humanitarian gesturing toward those on drugs is to do so in relation to such a large part of the population.
Hi All,

Where abouts in the media/reports does it mention he had asked a individual at Silks for substances? I can't seem to find it.

In relation to Pambo, as it was a conference(the possibility for bigger business), the drive (1.5-2 hrs) etc:. IMO Pambo could have set a higher price, factored into the sale price, the price petrol and time (in which he may have made more money in the city). IMO Perhaps Gary and those he may have been buying for were desperate enough to offer more than the substances were worth, hence driving out there? Nobody does something for nothing.

It could be that back at the hotel, Gary lost track of time, looked at his watch and thought "oh no", quickly exciting the hotel. Upon waiting for alleged dealer, he may have called Pambo asking where he was? was he close by? Perhaps Pambo was not able to provide as much as Gary would have liked? Perhaps Gary became angry (kicking the bins), could have disrespected the dealer.

IMO if the deal had taken place, perhaps the money was not enough as agreed, there was an argument that got out of hand? Gary may have felt pressure to impress his work mates? or perhaps this runs deeper and involves employees higher up?

If P had met Gary and had a successful deal, and if Gary had not returned in a timely manner, maybe work mates went looking for him? All speculation of course, but could they have met up with Gary? Called him (hence 17 min phone call), where are you? we will come meet you? And if they met him felt cheated, perhaps he had already taken some of the substances which was for sharing? or the dealer took all of their money when they were promised change? Pack mentality which, IMO and all speculation, got out of hand.

Is there any footage of workmates leaving the hotel to look for Gary?
I guess one way to see it Indigo, is that in this day and age, when so very many people are on drugs sometimes,- that to withdraw from humanitarian gesturing toward those on drugs is to do so in relation to such a large part of the population.

Fair enough. But I'm far from impressed that searchers and Police Rescue risked their lives, not only in the search but the retrieval of the body.:twocents:
I admittedly haven't read all the links and articles to date, so could someone point me to the article which states Gary was asking around to know where he could source drugs locally? TIA
The police were smart to not reveal any drug connection during the search. I felt that many people in Leura would be less cooperative of having their properties searched, reporting information, or helping themselves if they knew that. From the responses I've seen locally this weekend, they were correct. Public sympathy zapped right out of many people with the mention of cocaine.

Personally I feel that Gary was a young man who made bad decisions, but that doesn't diminish his worth or his right to be searched for and found.

I always felt that he had left to score drugs. It does shock me it was cocaine, but I'm sheltered. The whole story is a tragedy. It is hard to imagine how he got lost in the bush, if he wasnt driven to sublimr pt, unless he was so wasted he had no idea what was going on or which way to head.
I admittedly haven't read all the links and articles to date, so could someone point me to the article which states Gary was asking around to know where he could source drugs locally? TIA

I believe social media is the source of the “asked locally” rumours, Orgona. It was mentioned by locals there quite strongly many times early on in the piece. I think the rumours were also mentioned by locals on this thread. Not just that he was ‘on drugs’, but that he was trying to source them. So I guess everyone needs to take that info for what they will.

I think that is when we started speculating, way back in Thread 1 or 2, whether he may have been asking at Silks or the Fairmont or perhaps somewhere else that he went during the afternoon, like perhaps a local pub.

(I remember because, as you know, I am one of the ones who strongly resisted that drugs made Gary end up over a cliff ... still am resisting that they caused him to put himself over a cliff actually :) )
I believe social media is the source of the “asked locally” rumours, Orgona. It was mentioned by locals there quite strongly many times early on in the piece. I think the rumours were also mentioned by locals on this thread. Not just that he was ‘on drugs’, but that he was trying to source them. So I guess everyone needs to take that info for what they will.

I think that is when we started speculating, way back in Thread 1 or 2, whether he may have been asking at Silks or the Fairmont or perhaps somewhere else that he went during the afternoon, like perhaps a local pub.

(I remember because, as you know, I am one of the ones who strongly resisted that drugs made Gary end up over a cliff ... still am resisting that they caused him to put himself over a cliff actually :) )

Thanks SouthAussie
There is a few YouTube videos of chris Pambos talking about marketing. I'm assuming its the same guy. He looks much older in the smh pic though.I don't think his interest in marketing (marketing things other than drugs) was a total sham. I can imagine they could have had quite a bit in common. He doesn't send of a seedy, shady vibe either. A real peer of Gary's it seems without further facts. IMO
its very possible pambos and gary were friends, both young, fit, ambitious go getters. pambos looks athletic, maybe they went to the same bootcamp or gym?
he may have given gary a blue mountains contact to meet if he couldnt get there and thats why gary was out flagging down cars?
or gary may have met up with someone he had met earlier as a last resort and driven with them to sublime point carpark for a party, maybe there were a group of them, and he didnt know any of them?
still wonder if he argued with someone before he flew out the door and still wonder if he was upset during the meal due to his reported quietness?
I agree that Gary must have had an exact time or a phone call saying that Pambos was close to run out of the resort the way he did. So then why didn't Pambos connect with him?? There is still more the police aren't saying and with reasons we don't understand.
this time frame probably comes from phone records, 10pm when gary rang pambos to arrange a buy, then 2pm when one of them rang the other trying to find the other? it doesnt say pambos didnt actually drive up just that they never met? so i wonder what happened at 2am?

He tried to meet Tweddle sometime between 10pm on July 15 and 2am on July 16 but the pair lost contact. They never met.

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Just a few of my thoughts....
No dealer is going to drive all the way up here from the city to deliver drugs unless he was a good friend or there was something decent in it for him.
I still believe the local "rumours" regarding Gary asking locals about where to get something, it all fits now and I'm sure most young people in the same situation would have tried asking a few locals first before dragging his dealer up here late at night.
I think its likely CP was being watched very closely following Garys disappearance, which may have led to his drug arrest.
I can't help but wonder if CP contacted the police when he found out Gary was missing or did the police contact him. I can't really see too many drug dealers contacting the police to say " I was supposed to meet this guy in the blue mountains to sell him x amount of cocaine but he never showed up and now he's missing...." But then again if they were friends then that's exactly what he might have done, I doubt we will ever find out all the finer details regarding Garys death.
It's a shame this latest piece of the puzzle still doesn't really shed any light on how Gary ended up where he did:(

All above IMOO
Could Gary have had a fatal cocaine reaction ? Has it been known to cause cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest?
I actually wonder how much of the info has been held back by request of Oracle? A few calls and letters from their legal department maybe? Of course I'm also aware that the police hold stuff back for their own reasons too.

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