GUILTY Australia - Jamie Gao, 20, murdered, Padstow, NSW, 20 May 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I can't find any real info on Mick's Meats either - it's mentioned but in different suburbs.

When you look at the Video of Jamie getting into the car (in Arab Rd) it seems like houses across the road in the Video - unless my eyes are bad.


But in Maps it's all business units.

Am I not seeing it correctly?

ETA: Have corrected my previous reply to/in this post - info and pics downstream a little further ....
Couldnt find the matching building - Katie found it - :)

Got a feeling the storage unit will be found to have been rented by McNamara .. Just a vibe .. They were probably his chairs in there, and wasn't the surf board cover from the surf board taken from his house? This has to be either completely unplanned or the most incompetent crime in history .. Any chance he or Rogerson just lost it and this wasn't planned?
I don't know if this link will work, but I think this is the building (Mick's Meats) on google maps street view:,151.036399,3a,37.5y,318.64h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1seNS0cDGwbL2A6q7djgwnHQ!2e0!6m1!1e1

There's a cow print pattern painted on the building - same as the image of Mick's meats in this article:

This is also the view across the road from Mick's Meats (I think this is what the CCTV shows):,151.036224,3a,75y,180h,91.11t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1swyCXPiWsX57fjxQPUU7ItA!2e0

The image looks quite different to the CCTV, but there are a few things that match
- the large green tree behind the 'For Sale' sign,
- the white gate with the low brick wall and hedge next to it
- the tall building with the green roof panel at the right of each image
- the silver metal bike hoop (I think that's what it is?) near the tree

(...although the CCTV is quite grainy and the google map images over a year old, so it's hard to compare properly)
Gao’s car was found by police around the corner on Stuart St after two Asian men who arrived with Gao returned hours after he went missing and moved it.

His mobile phone, keys and wallet were also found nearby.

The phone has since been examined for evidence.


Did Jamie leave his phone ,wallet and keys in his car and those who moved his car left them where they were found?
On the same day, at 1:40pm, is reporting Mr Gao met two men near a McDonald's in Padstow, and was spotted getting into a white car with them. This would be the last time Gao would be seen again.

The McD's is on the industrial side of Arab Road (on the corner) - it's a 6 lane highway to the residential side, and no Mick's Meat in sight or where it could possibly be since the maps were made.


  • Arab Rd McDonalds.jpg
    Arab Rd McDonalds.jpg
    78.1 KB · Views: 16
Gao’s car was found by police around the corner on Stuart St after two Asian men who arrived with Gao returned hours after he went missing and moved it.

His mobile phone, keys and wallet were also found nearby.

The phone has since been examined for evidence.


Did Jamie leave his phone ,wallet and keys in his car and those who moved his car left them where they were found?

Stuart St is the other end of Arab Road
The McD's is on the industrial side of Arab Road (on the corner) - it's a 6 lane highway to the residential side, and no Mick's Meat in sight or where it could possibly be since the maps were made.

Padstow food service is just up the road. I posted the link before thinking that may have been Micks but deleted it :blushing:

Ill get the hang of this sleuthing one day :floorlaugh:
Got a feeling the storage unit will be found to have been rented by McNamara .. Just a vibe .. They were probably his chairs in there, and wasn't the surf board cover from the surf board taken from his house? This has to be either completely unplanned or the most incompetent crime in history .. Any chance he or Rogerson just lost it and this wasn't planned?

yes, I'd agree with you on that.
That's very interesting actually - how premeditated was this.

What happened to the 3million$ worth of amph? Or has my memory gone... was it reported that the bag was recovered.


Arab Road is flat as a tack - the picture of the screenshot in the CCTV of the car and the men, is on a road with a slight incline. I don't think this is Arab Road.
Also, the width of footpath, and lack of footpath is inconsistent with Arab Road.
Might be wrong - will keep looking...
yes, I'd agree with you on that.
That's very interesting actually - how premeditated was this.

What happened to the 3million$ worth of amph? Or has my memory gone... was it reported that the bag was recovered.



Yes I think it was found in McNamara's car? On phone so can't link article, but if memory serves it was mentioned at the time of his arrest.
I don't know if this link will work, but I think this is the building (Mick's Meats) on google maps street view.,151.036399,3a,37.5y,318.64h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1seNS0cDGwbL2A6q7djgwnHQ!2e0!6m1!1e1

If the link doesn't work, search for "Padstow Food service Distributors" (2a Arab street) and click to the right about 4 times.

There's a cow print pattern painted on the building - same as the image of Mick's meats in this article:

The Google street view images are dated from Jan 2013, so perhaps it's a new business.

That's it - good find Katie - it doesn't have the signs on Maps.

But it's not near the houses that are in the video, and it's halfway up the road (the other way) from McDonalds. If he parked on the 'residential' side of Arab Rd he wouldn't be anywhere near Micks Meats, so I wonder what their CCTV shows?
That's it - good find Katie - it doesn't have the signs on Maps.

But it's not near the houses that are in the video, and it's halfway up the road (the other way) from McDonalds. If he parked on the 'residential' side of Arab Rd he wouldn't be anywhere near Micks Meats, so I wonder what their CCTV shows?

Jumping off Katies post as well here...

The cow building is Micks Meats

I think the address is 2C Arab Road Padstow

In Google Street Map it looks like this - picture taken Jan 2013


It now looks like this:


The sign out the front of the building on the grass says 'OPEN'
This is the same verge as the Google Street Map


This is the view from Micks Meats on the opposite side of the Arab street - Google street View Jan 2013


This is the CCTV footage clip


The business must have opened after Jan 2013.
There are no security cameras on the outside of the building that I can see from the Jan 2013 Google Street View (though they mnaybe inside the building.
(Hope this is the right order)

A - Micks Meats -
B - Stewart St
C - McDonalds
D - Self Storage Units


Kidnapping and assault: Gao's murky past revealed

Slain university student Jamie Gao faced court on kidnapping and assault charges a week before he was allegedly shot dead by two former detectives during a botched multimillion-dollar drug deal

But Fairfax Media can reveal a week before he disappeared, Mr Gao was in the Downing Centre Local Court accused of kidnapping a young man with two others at Carlton in Sydney's south.
Kidnapping and assault: Gao's murky past revealed

Slain university student Jamie Gao faced court on kidnapping and assault charges a week before he was allegedly shot dead by two former detectives during a botched multimillion-dollar drug deal

But Fairfax Media can reveal a week before he disappeared, Mr Gao was in the Downing Centre Local Court accused of kidnapping a young man with two others at Carlton in Sydney's south.

Thanks for the late night link - they'll get you.

From the article:
Police have also not yet recovered the gun used to shoot Mr Gao but say they are not seeking anyone else in relation to his death.
I wonder if the gun was also dumped on the way out to sea from the boat.

I wondered if Rogerson and McNamara knew of the previous recent charges that Gao had faced. If RR and McNamara had not been caught - they may also not have been suspected, seeing that Gao was involved with other criminal activity.

Mr Rogerson was reportedly being held in Silverwater jail on Wednesday but had been denied protective custody due to this area being over populated.
Cant wait to hear what his lawyer has to say about that.

An only child, Mr Gao lived in a million-dollar house in Hurstville with his mother, Katherine Gao, who runs a small business in nearby Rockdale.

Read more:

Idk about you, but in my neighbourhood, small business owners don't have million dollar houses.

Anyway, it does seem like Jamie was leading a double life: student by day, gangsta after homework.

Hard for his mum. :( That, on top of him missing, found murdered.
Gao’s car was found by police around the corner on Stuart St after two Asian men who arrived with Gao returned hours after he went missing and moved it.

His mobile phone, keys and wallet were also found nearby.

The phone has since been examined for evidence.


Did Jamie leave his phone ,wallet and keys in his car and those who moved his car left them where they were found?

That's very unusual, you'd expect he'd have had them on him, if so then that means they were given the phone, keys, wallet by McNamara & Rogerson, these two Asian guys either set him up, or at the very least are accessories after the fact. OK so say he was a police informant, was this whole thing a set up to bump him off?

Oh hello .. re: kidnapping articles above .. OK so what do you do if you want to get off serious charges, you give the police a little something on someone else.

Regarding the million dollar house, in Sydney everyone who lives in a house lives in a million dollar house, that's just how much they're worth now .. so that's not really unusual.
.. why would they come back, just to move his car I wonder.

.. the only reason would be because McNamara & Rogerson told them to right? Move the car, dump the keys nearby, make it look like he was kidnapped off the street?

Must say, had a chuckle about the denial of protective custody, the area was full hey? It'd be such a shame if Rogerson had a hard time in prison, what, being an ex detective who believed in the hit first, ask questions later rule, and wasn't above taking drugs off the people he was arresting and selling them on himself .. geez I hope there's nobody in there that remembers him from the old days, that would just be too bad :facepalm:
Plastic floor covering a key part of police evidence in Jamie Gao murder case

POLICE believe there is evidence the floor of unit 803 was covered in plastic before the alleged murder of Jamie Gao by ex-detectives Roger Rogerson and Glen McNamara.


The Daily Telegraph can also *reveal the two former detectives were deeply involved in Sydney's debt *collection circles.


“In light of the incorrect assertions in the media in relation to Mr Gao and growing public speculation, I am taking the unusual step of confirming that Mr Gao was not an informant for the Australian Crime Commission,” the statement said.

^^ yeah I bet, nobody wants to spook all the other informants ..

Planned hit.

Not rented by McNamara or Rogerson.

Killers in a time warp.

Jamie a low level drug dealer, may have had some valuable information to pass on to help him with the kidnapping charges, and even if he didn't, the appearance that he would could be enough to mark him for death if the information he had was good enough.

So if they planned this well enough to cover the storage unit in plastic, then they really are living in a time warp .. worst planned crime in history.

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