GUILTY Australia - Jill Meagher, 29, Melbourne, 22 Sep 2012 #6

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Malcolm Naden was sentenced today, life with no parole. Hopefully we see tougher sentencing..

I wonder too if suppression orders keep horrible details of crimes from the public, so we never realise how vulnerable we are / have been. I mean how many people knew of AB's horrific rapes even? Not many I would venture, therefore no-one to petition the courts, no community outrage etc until he committed this awful crime. I wonder, do we sweep crime under the carpet too much in Australia?

Although having said that, nor do I condone too much publicity, there must be middle ground, at this stage it's up to the judges and parole boards to do the right thing for the COMMUNITY.
Alli I took a pic of article as iPad won't let me do a link! But it just explains how she fought back etc
I thought he was up on 3 counts of rape so can't understand why he's pleased guilty to 1
Mrs G Norris I agree I think the suppression orders are to protect the family and the public you are absolutely right if the community knew how violent this man was by outlining his horrible life of crime then who knows what may have happened.

Obviously the details are too graphic and I think the family has the right to have them suppressed should they wish to. If that was me I would want the world to know what scum walks the streets and how the parole board got it wrong so very wrong with Bayley. Maybe it's to protect Jill's dignity too which I can understand. My mind keeps ticking as to what, how, etc but we may never know the full details which may be a good thing. I think there have been other crimes that details were never to be released.


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Alli I took a pic of article as iPad won't let me do a link! But it just explains how she fought back etc
I thought he was up on 3 counts of rape so can't understand why he's pleased guilty to 1
Mrs G Norris I agree I think the suppression orders are to protect the family and the public you are absolutely right if the community knew how violent this man was by outlining his horrible life of crime then who knows what may have happened.

Obviously the details are too graphic and I think the family has the right to have them suppressed should they wish to. If that was me I would want the world to know what scum walks the streets and how the parole board got it wrong so very wrong with Bayley. Maybe it's to protect Jill's dignity too which I can understand. My mind keeps ticking as to what, how, etc but we may never know the full details which may be a good thing. I think there have been other crimes that details were never to be released.
Thanks Dons. I saved the image in downloads, then rotated it.
The detectives only have Bayley's word for what happened. Fell to the ground? Yeah, right! He is sadistic, calculating & manipulative rapist who enjoyed inflicting pain on his victims. He probably enjoyed the strangulation. We now know that he had been practicing 'strangulation' on that prostitute (revealed in msm video) in the months beforehand, that he had a fixation with it. It appears he has acted this out with Jill Meagher. He has a tendency to 'blame' his victims. IMHO.
I agree, I don't know if I believe that Jill threatened to call the police or abused him, he is projecting his aggressive attitude onto his victim to justify his violence, classic BPD.
In the following case which is in our news today, the parole board argued against the release of a violent prisoner. Unbelievable,by a court order, he was granted parole anyway!! Prior to his release, he even bragged on his facebook page that he'd "cruise dis parole order"

June 14th, 2013

THIS is the man the Queensland Parole Board argued was too dangerous to be released from prison.

Corrective Services and police sources yesterday confirmed authorities feared the Bandido bikie accused of a violent drug-fuelled rampage was not ready for release into the community.
In the following case which is in our news today, the parole board argued against the release of a violent prisoner. Unbelievable,by a court order, he was granted parole anyway!! Prior to his release, he even bragged on his facebook page that he'd "cruise dis parole order"


These guys get to use FB in jail?! They don't go without much in there, do they?

These guys get to use FB in jail?! They don't go without much in there, do they?

I doubt whether prisoners can use Facebook or the Internet, aside from supervised Internet possibly in a prison library. It may depend on the particular prison and which state it is in. It wouldn't surprise me if some prisoners may have a family member that writes on their Facebook page occasionally while they are in prison.
Derryn Hinch has some posts regarding this case:
This link concerns Derryn's thoughts on the parole board:

The parole board is a disgrace.
Thank Paulie for those links..... gosh the anger is on constant boil when ever I read of AEB history, mind you that history is pure evil & the parole board had it all in front of them!!!
Unlike jurors of a trial where things are suppressed or not aloud as evidence :banghead:

this quote gaaaa horrifing!
He told one victim: 'Did that ******ing hurt? See I can do whatever I want.' The judge said: 'In addition to the violence offered, there is another more disturbing aspect of your conduct: 'That is the deliberate humiliation of your victims'. - See more at:
Does anyone know if the sentence imposed tomorrow on the low life will include the numerous rape charges relating to the 3 other women? There's been practically no mention of the other charges, except for the one Herald-Sun article I mentioned in an earlier post. I can't see how any judge could seriously consider ever releasing a person who has raped 3 women (that we know about) while ON PAROLE and murdered one of them in the process.

On the eve of Bayley's sentencing, I'm hoping J U S T I C E in the true sense of the word is finally served against this abomination, and that this provides at least some relief to all the women ever terrorised by this sadist, and for the numerous others whose lives have been shattered as a consequence of Victoria's inept justice system.
All I can say on this is, I will be highly ashamed for the sysyem and extremely angry if I read tomorrow that his sentence is anything less than life WITHOUT parole. This man deserves to be behind bars until the end of his natural life. There is no chance of rehabilitation in my eyes, he has his chances over and over again and he continued to make a joke out of the judicial system.
All I can say on this is, I will be highly ashamed for the sysyem and extremely angry if I read tomorrow that his sentence is anything less than life WITHOUT parole. This man deserves to be behind bars until the end of his natural life. There is no chance of rehabilitation in my eyes, he has his chances over and over again and he continued to make a joke out of the judicial system.

With you on that CuriousGrace. I'd guess there'd be a lot of pressure right now on those making the decisions to deliver the harshest of sentences possible so as to not to lose the community's faith in the justice system entirely.
I honestly don't think they have any choice but to give him life without the possibility of parole. It would be wonderful if the judge spoke about why he can never be given the chance to leave gaol and why he should die there.
All I can say on this is, I will be highly ashamed for the sysyem and extremely angry if I read tomorrow that his sentence is anything less than life WITHOUT parole. This man deserves to be behind bars until the end of his natural life. There is no chance of rehabilitation in my eyes, he has his chances over and over again and he continued to make a joke out of the judicial system.
Agree CuriousGrace. The Prosecution proposed Life without Parole. There is no doubt about the dangerousness of Bayley to women/girls. Now it is up to the Supreme Court Judge. Hopefully sentencing will reflect the seriousness of Bayley's crimes against civil society, for those 8 identified women (how many unknown?) and specifically the rape and murder of Jill Meagher. IMHO.
Please your honour a stamped NEVER TO BE RELEASED.
Thinking of Tom and Jill's family and sending loads of strength .
Perhaps Bayley would agree to being castrated, given his remorse shown in the police interview, where he suggested the death penalty would be appropriate for himself? Castration may settle him down - but he should still spend the rest of his miserable life in jail, however long that may be....

He could sing soprano in the High Security Wing choir.....

Proper, surgical castration would mitigate his impulses, at least on the sexual side of things, and also to a lesser extent, his overall aggression. But it won't change his personality type. And "chemical castration" is only as good as how long he takes the tablets - hopeless!
:grouphug: Sending extra hugs and strength to Tom and Jill's family today xx

AB may you rot in jail!! :jail:

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