Australia - JS, 32 y.o. man, charged w/ murder of 9 y.o. girl , Mt Wilson, 13 January 2022 #2

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New article here about back to school and other family members..

Deputy Mayor Reece Byrnes arrived at the school to pay tribute to CM and her friends.

'It's a sad day, and this school returns with one less friend, one less special little human. It's a tragic day for her friends, the school community and her teachers who had watched her grow up,' he said.

Out of the mouths of babes.....

When she was still missing, the boy, who was in CM’s class, told his mum ‘she wouldn’t have went off by herself, she’s too smart for that’.

C M's family hit with child cancer tragedy as her friends return to school | Daily Mail Online
NSW has point to point camera's on the road for truck driving rest times and speeding enforcement, I'm not family with the Blue Mountains region, but I'm pretty certain that if JS had used any trucking route, that some recording of CCTV would have been available to them.
Sorry, my point was, there are lots of cameras around but the footage may not be of any use due to the quality. It depends on their purpose.
The pics the media have been given may just be the best ones at certain locations.
Blurry pics of a red ute towing a boat where the plates are not clear are probably not enough to use as proof. And probably not going to get the clicks or comments the media want either I daresay.
Here is a pic of JS Snr, holding a cartridge that was found during a neighbourhood dispute back in 2014, at Wildenstein. I wondered if most of the property owners had guns, as the neighbour was able to argue against JS Snr's request for an AVO, to be allowed to use his gun, to control vermin, and he also used it to kill/scare birds away from his fruit trees. I believe that a "small calibre firearm" uses cartridges similar to the one in this pic.

I wonder if the Wildenstein property also had a gun, for similar reasons. Perhaps to control rabbits, foxes, etc. I wonder how secure it may have been stored?

View attachment 332103
JS Snr with shotgun pellets he found in his Mt Wilson backyard.

Gun owner ruffles feathers at Mt Wilson

Small calibre firearms hold bullets not cartridges, and in the pic, that's a cartridge that comes from a shotgun, one barrel or two. Shotguns are the preferred firearm for rural properties, they spray pellets, deadly at close range because the target takes the whole pellet, but more effective at long range, the pellets spread and more chance hitting its target, and easier for a human to survive.

While a small calibre firearm either hits its target or it misses, there isn't a spray effect. Obviously, deadly at close range, at long range, there will hardly be any blood spatter. jmo
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IIRC it was mentioned (in the first thread we had, which is now taken down) that there was a witness(es) to the dumping of the barrel.

I'm not sure if anyone else remembers that. I am not finding a link at the moment.
I remember reading that too, early on but can't find it.

A couple of things I'm thinking about, did the accused intend on returning to the site he allegedly dumped the barrel, either by himself or with help? He might have thought with police tied up searching for CM around the W estate, he could easily return and push/roll the barrel into the river. Police probably made him aware he was a POI after he gave two versions of events.

Also, are the police absolutely sure the murder happened at the W estate? If this was an execution, the accused might have allegedly taken CM to another area where there a firetrails deep into the bush. Or, if it was an accident, it still fits he could have allegedly taken her to a remote area to shoot birds or killed a snake when she was hit?

But the barrel was too heavy for him to shift, forcing him to allegedly abandon it on the river bank where investigators would make the grim discovery.

This was an interesting theory for the police to make publicly or was it made by the journalist? When I first read it, I thought the accused had confessed. Were there drag marks in the sandy dirt? Was it too heavy for a single person to move when it was discovered? But a.f.a.i.k, the accused hasn't spoken, so there may be more to it than the barrel was too heavy. Was he interrupted by a person entering the area, heard them or saw headlights of a vehicle? This might be where the witness comes into being, without knowing what it was they were witnessing.

I remember reading that too, early on but can't find it.

I also remember reading that information... I can't find those exact words but have found this article that indicates a possible witness....

How police tracked down schoolgirl's alleged barrel killer after he talked about buying sandbags and was seen driving to a river - as detectives reveal why they can't speak to her mother

Police had already scoured the Colo and Hawkesbury Rivers after information that a boat was used in the hours after she vanished, but returned to the scene following new information on Tuesday

It also seems the Police were "told" about the boat by someone, as well ....

Detectives waiting to speak to mother of schoolgirl killed in Blue Mountains | Daily Mail Online
I've just listened to the January 25 press conference by Detective Superintendent Doherty again - the one in which COD was revealed.

I've made a transcript and I'm just waiting to hear back from the mods about whether it's acceptable to post (I already unwittingly broke the rules once and I don't want to do it again!) but a few interesting things leapt out at me that I'd either forgotten or not noticed.

Firstly, and this may answer the question above by @PrimeSuspect, police are confident that JS and CM were at the Mount Wilson property together on the Tuesday night and that the murder took place there. Interestingly, they're not appealing for information about this period, but the period of time in which [JS] drove around with the body:

"The movements on the Tuesday is [sic] that he’s on the property at Mount Wilson with [CM]. And that’s his movements. That’s where he was, there. What we’re appealing for is movements on the Thursday night, early hours of Friday morning, that’s really relevant for us."

They have footage from 13 January at 5:53pm - 14 January at 2:46am, so that's the nine-hour period they're especially interested in.

Secondly, they have no indication that anyone else was present at the Mount Wilson property at the time of the murder or that anyone else was involved in the disposal of the body. This seems to rule out suggestions that there might have been a second person in the vehicle:

"...the evidence all suggests that [JS] is the only person responsible for the murder, placing [CM] in the barrel and disposing of the barrel on the banks of the Colo River."

Thirdly, police seem very confident that they have enough evidence to justify the charges, though DS Doherty wouldn't elaborate:

"not long after [CM]’s remains were found [JS] was...arrested and charged, in a fairly short amount of time."

So it's possible that while the tabloids are printing articles about how police lack key pieces of evidence, and the reference to "gaps in the timeline" sounds a bit worrying, they do in fact have a lot more evidence than the public is aware of.

Fourthly, JS is not believed to be a registered gun owner.

Editing to add link:
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Firstly, and this may answer the question above by @PrimeSuspect, police are confident that JS and CM were at the Mount Wilson property together on the Tuesday night and that the murder took place there. Interestingly, they're not appealing for information about this period, but the period of time in which [JS] drove around with the body:
The other interesting part of this, is, that Police are not asking about the Wednesday??

What happened that entire day / night after the alleged murder???

Does JS have an alibi at the estate for that entire day???
Is that why the trip to conceal CM's body didn't occur until Thursday???

All imo
So it's possible that while the tabloids are printing articles about how police lack key pieces of evidence, and the reference to "gaps in the timeline" sounds a bit worrying, they do in fact have a lot more evidence than the public is aware of.
The Police must have more evidence ...... as nothing so far seems to be enough for an actual "murder conviction" .....imo

Yes Police seem to have plenty of evidence for "concealing and moving a body" and yet that is the time period they are asking about .....?? Are they looking for an accomplice??
If he had to work though, why would he have CM, in most circumstances it's not feasible to bring children to work with you. So why would KM send her off with him if he was scheduled to do so IMO

Did KM have to work somewhere close to the caravan park? Was JS her childcare/support?

Was someone suspected of having Covid? Were they trying to isolate from one another? It's impossible to isolate in a caravan. How many days to get test results in NSW at that time? It was 3-5 days to get test results here in in QLD at the time CM went missing.

KM is pregnant and Covid is a concern for this group.

Just thoughts
Did KM have to work somewhere close to the caravan park? Was JS her childcare/support?

Was someone suspected of having Covid? Were they trying to isolate from one another? It's impossible to isolate in a caravan. How many days to get test results in NSW at that time? It was 3-5 days to get test results here in in QLD at the time CM went missing.

KM is pregnant and Covid is a concern for this group.

Just thoughts

One would think that if KM was working that CM's legal guardians might not have allowed CM to visit, at that time.
"They have footage from 13 January at 5:53pm - 14 January at 2:46am, so that's the nine-hour period they're especially interested in."

So all of Wednesday 12th January - ???
And pretty much all of 13th January - up until 5.53pm??
So there is also gaps in the 13 January 5.53pm to 14th January 2.46pm.

If CM died Tues 11th Jan - after 7pm - JS had all wednesday and all Thursday up to 5.53Pm doing what??

The CCTV footage starts Thursday 5.53Pm - which ties in with his initial statement he last saw CM Thursday 4.00Pm on the Verandah - and then went fishing maybe?? as explanation of why the use of the boat to police??

So did he have a Alabi for this time period prior to 13th Jan 5.53pm. MOO
So there is also gaps in the 13 January 5.53pm to 14th January 2.46pm.

If CM died Tues 11th Jan - after 7pm - JS had all wednesday and all Thursday up to 5.53Pm doing what??

The CCTV footage starts Thursday 5.53Pm - which ties in with his initial statement he last saw CM Thursday 4.00Pm on the Verandah - and then went fishing maybe?? as explanation of why the use of the boat to police??

So did he have a Alabi for this time period prior to 13th Jan 5.53pm. MOO
It's interesting how the accused weaves in an element of 'truth' in his version of events, he most likely, allegedly, saw CM for the last time either on the verandah or nearby but not alive, and in a barrel, before he loaded it up onto his red ute. Awful to apprehend for us but easy for him to respond to questioning without faltering.
I was thinking about the Mt Wilson property. I'm not familiar with the venue other than msm, but is their automated gates at the property? Maybe they are connected to security or keep a log of when opened and closed etc. So IMO maybe the Tuesday time is last verified contact or sighting of CM, the Wednesday was the first unable to make contact with CM time. Then LE know due to gate logs he didn't leave the property on Wednesday, hence not looking for public footage etc. All my speculation IMO
The front gates at Wildenstein.... not sure if they are automated. In this picture, they are being jammed open with star stakes, so perhaps not automated? Rather cool number plates on the Police car..... See Ya!

Wildenstein gates
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