GUILTY Australia - JS, 32 y.o. man, charged w/ murder of 9 y.o. girl , Mt Wilson, 13 January 2022 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I don’t see it this way

I see it that he was asked to be an unwilling babysitter while mum neglected her / scored .
He didn’t think that was good so tried to knock her out ( after all someone gave him heroin at 12!) or do drugs w her ( a kinda up yours to the caring grandparents that he disliked )
Realised she was dead
Took her outside n shot her thinking he could claim he thought it was a fox etc . Didn’t work . Shot her in the face then thought oh no how do I explain that ?

Tells his mum it was KM
She believes him n tried to cover up

KM suspects it’s him but cos she wants to cling to the love interest doesn’t raise alarm that he has a gun
They are both guilty of destroying that little girl in my opinion

The forensic pathologist thinks that Charlise was still alive when she was shot in the back. Because she had hemorrhaged. People who are shot/stabbed/sustain a wound will hemorrhage if their heart is still pumping blood throughout their body.

Charlise was shot from behind in the pelvis area and again in the face under the right cheek bone, from “right to left, front to back, and upwards”, according to part of an autopsy report read to the jury.

Hemorrhaging suggested she was still alive when she suffered the gunshot to her back, the court was told.

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Just a theory, but here goes...

JS & CM arrive back at Wildenstein after returning from the caravan park. JS gives CM his medication.around dinner time.

CM falls asleep fully clothed.

What ever goes terribly wrong, happens around 6 hours later - 'in the wee hours'. Given CM was not wearing underwear some kind of sexual assault is a possibility and a trigger for what unfolds.

CM runs. She is shot from behind to stop her.
That’s where my mind has gone too. Given the shot in the buttock as we’ve learned about it solidify’s this type of theory for me the most.

Just going back to the scope aspect of the gun. Would a normal scope have night vision?

I always thought in my mind this happened during the night but if the scope had no night vision capability, this all makes sense to have occurred in those wee hours as mentioned, with better the sun coming up and some light for vision.

Did any details about the model of the scope come out in trial?
I don’t see it this way

I see it that he was asked to be an unwilling babysitter while mum neglected her / scored .
He didn’t think that was good so tried to knock her out ( after all someone gave him heroin at 12!) or do drugs w her ( a kinda up yours to the caring grandparents that he disliked )
Realised she was dead
Took her outside n shot her thinking he could claim he thought it was a fox etc . Didn’t work . Shot her in the face then thought oh no how do I explain that ?

Tells his mum it was KM
She believes him n tried to cover up

KM suspects it’s him but cos she wants to cling to the love interest doesn’t raise alarm that he has a gun
They are both guilty of destroying that little girl in my opinion
Interesting theory but it doesn't explain why her undies were missing when she was found.
Entirely agree.

Me too. I've said it before but I think the only reason LE haven't gone to town on her is because she's their best (and only) witness and there's a lack of forensic evidence.

It's not the 1950s any more. No woman should get to say 'he made me do it' and get away with it to this level, when a child is dead. When that same woman already killed her best friend. How many people have to die before KM realises she is the problem. There's dangerous road, dangerous cars, dangerous men everywhere - but what's the common factor? JMO MOO.
Me too. I've said it before but I think the only reason LE haven't gone to town on her is because she's their best (and only) witness and there's a lack of forensic evidence.
I agree. I think they had to weigh their options---their best chance of incarcerating JS is using KM as a witness.

They both deserve to be incarcerated, imo. But He shot a child in the face so he is more of a threat to society than she is at this point, although she didn't seem to learn much from her part in her friends death.
It's not the 1950s any more. No woman should get to say 'he made me do it' and get away with it to this level, when a child is dead. When that same woman already killed her best friend. How many people have to die before KM realises she is the problem. There's dangerous road, dangerous cars, dangerous men everywhere - but what's the common factor? JMO MOO.
I think we are stepping dangerously close to blaming a rape victim for wearing skimpy clothes, or a murdered girl for walking down the dark alley on her way home, or the cheating wife who was murdered by her husband instead of him divorcing her.

We are stepping dangerously close to not assigning full blame for the death to the (alleged) murderer. "The grandparents should never have let Charlise go, the mother should never have let Charlise go with her fiance."

We will never reduce violence from men if we keep doing that. It is a big problem. A female is killed every week by a male in our cultured Western society. I think this year we are close to doubling that figure already. We are the "throw-away" gender.

Thinking about the sentence of murder, I wonder how things will pan out? We have Lyn’s Law that should be used here, so that would mean no parole.


“Life imprisonment in Australia is a severe sentence for those guilty of heinous crimes, such as murder or aggravated sexual assault. How long this sentence is, however, varies on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the jurisdiction, perpetrators may be required to serve lengthy periods behind bars or even receive a life sentence with no chance of parole – meaning they will spend the rest of their lives in prison.”


Changes in the Australian Legal System

“Life sentences have, for centuries, been known as the maximum penalty for the most heinous of crimes; however, life in prison was not always a life sentence. Before 1999, life in Australia meant an average sentence of 13 years and reductions or commutations to life sentences were still possible pending on evidence against the offender and the quality of work carried out by their criminal defence lawyers.

That being said, a life sentence has now come to mean that offenders serve the rest of their life in prison unless granted special permission from higher authorities.”
"... a life sentence has now come to mean that offenders serve the rest of their life in prison ..."

As it should IMO, otherwise the term 'life' is a misnomer.

However, in some jurisdictions where there is the possibility of parole, not disclosing the whereabouts of the remains of murdered victim(s) takes parole off the table for the convicted person.
I don’t see it this way

I see it that he was asked to be an unwilling babysitter while mum neglected her / scored .
He didn’t think that was good so tried to knock her out ( after all someone gave him heroin at 12!) or do drugs w her ( a kinda up yours to the caring grandparents that he disliked )
Realised she was dead
Took her outside n shot her thinking he could claim he thought it was a fox etc .

The frustrating part about this case is what wasn't allowed to be brought up as evidence.
At the time of his arrest, Justin Stein was found to have 21 videos depicting Child Sexual assault on his phone.

You can join the dots here and becomes pretty clear why he drugged her with a medication that would make her drowsy the first time he had her alone, and why she was found without underwear.

The pathologist didn't mention signs of sexual assault, though there is a limited amount that a corpse can tell, especially after five days in a barrel in the middle of summer.

The rest of the pathology evidence is pretty telling in this case though.

What I suspect (or hope) is that she fought him off at the beginning, and ran. Given that she was shot from some distance away, in the back, it appears as if she was running away.

The first shot entered her pelvic bone. This injury would have left her on the ground disabled and writhing in horrendous pain.

The second shot was to the face. The doctor described gun powder tattooing marks around the gunshot wound, which entered just below the girl’s right cheekbone and subsequently her skull and brain. This shot killed her. Based on the powder marks the pathologist estimated that the end of the muzzle was approximately a rulers length from her face.
A rulers length is about the distance that this rifle's muzzle would comfortably rest if being held by an adult male, pointed almost directly down at a person at ground level,
IE he would need to be standing directly over the girl, so I imagine he looked her in the eyes as he shot her.

That should give you an accurate idea about this person's character.
IMO no sentence is long enough for a crime of this calibre.
Tomorrow now.. I had my fingers crossed that we’d hear something today (Tuesday) but now I’m honestly just hoping that we’ll have a verdict by the end of the week..

I just hope that they weren't thrown by the KM did it red herring and can reach a unanimous decision, no matter how long it takes.
The frustrating part about this case is what wasn't allowed to be brought up as evidence.
At the time of his arrest, Justin Stein was found to have 21 videos depicting Child Sexual assault on his phone.

You can join the dots here and becomes pretty clear why he drugged her with a medication that would make her drowsy the first time he had her alone, and why she was found without underwear.

The pathologist didn't mention signs of sexual assault, though there is a limited amount that a corpse can tell, especially after five days in a barrel in the middle of summer.

The rest of the pathology evidence is pretty telling in this case though.

What I suspect (or hope) is that she fought him off at the beginning, and ran. Given that she was shot from some distance away, in the back, it appears as if she was running away.

The first shot entered her pelvic bone. This injury would have left her on the ground disabled and writhing in horrendous pain.

The second shot was to the face. The doctor described gun powder tattooing marks around the gunshot wound, which entered just below the girl’s right cheekbone and subsequently her skull and brain. This shot killed her. Based on the powder marks the pathologist estimated that the end of the muzzle was approximately a rulers length from her face.
A rulers length is about the distance that this rifle's muzzle would comfortably rest if being held by an adult male, pointed almost directly down at a person at ground level,
IE he would need to be standing directly over the girl, so I imagine he looked her in the eyes as he shot her.

That should give you an accurate idea about this person's character.
IMO no sentence is long enough for a crime of this calibre.
Excellent comment, I think you have it perfectly.
The frustrating part about this case is what wasn't allowed to be brought up as evidence.
At the time of his arrest, Justin Stein was found to have 21 videos depicting Child Sexual assault on his phone.

You can join the dots here and becomes pretty clear why he drugged her with a medication that would make her drowsy the first time he had her alone, and why she was found without underwear.

The pathologist didn't mention signs of sexual assault, though there is a limited amount that a corpse can tell, especially after five days in a barrel in the middle of summer.

The rest of the pathology evidence is pretty telling in this case though.

What I suspect (or hope) is that she fought him off at the beginning, and ran. Given that she was shot from some distance away, in the back, it appears as if she was running away.

The first shot entered her pelvic bone. This injury would have left her on the ground disabled and writhing in horrendous pain.

The second shot was to the face. The doctor described gun powder tattooing marks around the gunshot wound, which entered just below the girl’s right cheekbone and subsequently her skull and brain. This shot killed her. Based on the powder marks the pathologist estimated that the end of the muzzle was approximately a rulers length from her face.
A rulers length is about the distance that this rifle's muzzle would comfortably rest if being held by an adult male, pointed almost directly down at a person at ground level,
IE he would need to be standing directly over the girl, so I imagine he looked her in the eyes as he shot her.

That should give you an accurate idea about this person's character.
IMO no sentence is long enough for a crime of this calibre.

If JS had these 21 video / image files on his phone, are they related to KM accusing him of 'cheating' that she discovered I wonder? If she had discovered he had been doing things on his phone then would she not have also found and known about his criminal content files? Has there been any explanation of this presented?
If JS had these 21 video / image files on his phone, are they related to KM accusing him of 'cheating' that she discovered I wonder? If she had discovered he had been doing things on his phone then would she not have also found and known about his criminal content files? Has there been any explanation of this presented?

Oh man, opening up a kettle of fish with that comment.

The reason that Kallista was suspicious about Stein cheating was what had happened during that day on the 12th January. Stein had claimed that Charlise had woken up vomiting and was being cared for by some random auction broker that Ms Stein knew.
Stein drove to the caravan park where Kallista was staying to collect her, and the two of them travelled down to Sydney to buy drugs. They then went to a public park to "shoot up meth" and afterwards had sex. Around that time Kallista made two internet searches on her phone:

After the couple had sex in Centennial Park, Mutten searched “blood coming from penis after sex” and “blood coming out of penis after ejaculation”.
She would then accuse Stein of cheating on her and contracting the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhoea, also known as “the clap”, the jury heard. (from this article)

Late that evening the pair returned to the Mt Wilson property. That night she waited until Stein fell asleep and searched his phone for evidence that he was cheating. She found dating apps and messages consistent with that suspicion All this while, I might add, Charlise has been missing (and was in fact already dead).
She found dating apps and messages consistent with that suspicion

I suspect this was not one of the usual dating apps ... it has been described as an "adult" dating app.

And while these apps are meant for the over-18 crowd, there are no juvenile dating apps (that I have heard of) - so I am presuming that the police used the word "adult" to describe them in the same way in which they might describe "adult" movies and videos. X-rated.


Crown Prosecutor Ken McKay SC said detectives obtained data from Mr Stein's phone, which showed he had used an adult dating app between the night of January 11 and the morning of January 12.

Oh man, opening up a kettle of fish with that comment.

The reason that Kallista was suspicious about Stein cheating was what had happened during that day on the 12th January. Stein had claimed that Charlise had woken up vomiting and was being cared for by some random auction broker that Ms Stein knew.
Stein drove to the caravan park where Kallista was staying to collect her, and the two of them travelled down to Sydney to buy drugs. They then went to a public park to "shoot up meth" and afterwards had sex. Around that time Kallista made two internet searches on her phone:

After the couple had sex in Centennial Park, Mutten searched “blood coming from penis after sex” and “blood coming out of penis after ejaculation”.
She would then accuse Stein of cheating on her and contracting the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhoea, also known as “the clap”, the jury heard. (from this article)

Late that evening the pair returned to the Mt Wilson property. That night she waited until Stein fell asleep and searched his phone for evidence that he was cheating. She found dating apps and messages consistent with that suspicion All this while, I might add, Charlise has been missing (and was in fact already dead).

Thanks for this reply and the clarification. It's all so sickening and is terrifying that he was unusually bleeding and what that possibly implies. Did anyone ever confirm whether or not JS did or didn't have 'the clap' or suchlike?

If she found his dating apps and messages then I guess she could have seen other stuff. I wish that had been introduced as fact into the court case.

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