Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #1

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I think AR is a liar and an attention seeker, what's the bet he bragged to all his friends he was sleeping with his attractive stepmother when he was living with them, but that was as big a lie then as it is now!

Spot on! This guy is full of ****. His dad had money and a goodlooking wife and Rickard was pissed and probably being a delinquent and got kicked out of home for being a nuisance and taking drugs. Then the vendetta began. As i said pages ago, this is an open book. <modsnip> The incidences of female on male molestation are rare. Plus, Rickard seems to have moved on FINELY, having two children of his own. It's only a seething anger at his dad that has driven this vendetta campgain. <modsnip>
Does anyone know if Sarah Ristevski (the daughter) was friends on facebook with Anthony Rickard (her step-brother)? If they were, and if Sarah posted photos of her 21st, as she most likely would have, then it seems as if the 21st was the catalyst for Rickard's call to Karen about the so-called molestation. It was a clear attempt to extort money, if you ask me. Then Karen goes missing. This is certainly all connected as the timing fits too neatly to be a coincidence. Then he mentions that Karen had plans to leave Borce after Sarah's 21st. I call ******** on that. Rickard is guilty of being involved in Karen's disappearance. I wonder if Karen wanted to meet Rickard behind Borce's back just to talk things through with him, thinking that by talking to him she can calm things down- talk some sense into him- and it seems he has killed her. How devastating. Probably the argument between Borce and Karen was about Karen's insistence on meeting Rickard to chat to him about things to calm it all down, while Borce was insistent that she not meet him, for he is dangerous. This is devastating for Karen, Borce, and Sarah. Rickard is guilty as sin. The cops must just be gathering the evidence before arresting him. No other explanation is currently as plausible.

Your theory sounds very plausible, and it wouldn't surprise me if this is what has happened, all IMO. I hope LE are keeping a good eye on AR.
Spot on! This guy is full of ****. His dad had money and a goodlooking wife and Rickard was pissed and probably being a delinquent and got kicked out of home for being a nuisance and taking drugs. Then the vendetta began. As i said pages ago, this is an open book. <modsnip> The incidences of female on male molestation are rare. Plus, Rickard seems to have moved on FINELY, having two children of his own. It's only a seething anger at his dad that has driven this vendetta campgain. <modsnip>

ita, :(
You know what, this latest claim is just ridiculous. What woman on earth chooses to leave her husband by walking out the back door with a handbag and her phone without even saying goodbye to her daughter, then lets the media run hog wild with her story while she lives god knows where, not even using her phone or bank accounts?

Seriously this is pure horse*****!

I wish we had access to her phone pings though .. I'm sure police are closing in on a suspect. In the meantime media is destroying a young girl already going through hell.
My theory is she left the home drugged and in the boot of a car, cars switched later, and driven to another location. What I don't get is how it is that the stepson only came to the attention of the police a week ago, according to HS, on July 15. That's weird.
You know what, this latest claim is just ridiculous. What woman on earth chooses to leave her husband by walking out the back door with a handbag and her phone without even saying goodbye to her daughter, then lets the media run hog wild with her story while she lives god knows where, not even using her phone or bank accounts?

Seriously this is pure horse*****!

I wish we had access to her phone pings though .. I'm sure police are closing in on a suspect. In the meantime media is destroying a young girl already going through hell.

If Sarah did live at her parents home which i think she did, maybe she had to go to work earlier than her mother so could of said goodbye to her then seeing as from what we have read Karen left the home about 10am. And if Sarah had to be at work earlier then she wouldn't have heard her parents disagreement about financial matters either.
And i agree the poor young lady looks distraught enough already without adding further to the pain she must be feeling. I hope the family has answers soon about what happened to their loved one.
My theory is she left the home drugged and in the boot of a car, cars switched later, and driven to another location. What I don't get is how it is that the stepson only came to the attention of the police a week ago, according to HS, on July 15. That's weird.

I think if he is/has been estranged from the rest of his family that could be why police have only got onto him recently? Maybe a tip off from someone else to look into him in regard to KR's disappearance?
The problem is from what i understand in this case is that no one saw her walking from her family home. At that time of the morning i would think someone would of seen her? Unless it was an isolated area where she walked and someone grabbed her and dragged her into a vehicle without being seen? I am not ruling out foul play by a stranger totally seeing as there has been someone lurking around confronting another woman. I just wish police could break this case.
If AR only came to the attention of the police a week ago - is that because Borce didn't tell them about him? Even if not during his initial report/statement, surely he would tell them at his later interview on Friday 8th July. .

Why wouldn't he disclose this info?
Gee it works out well for whoever killed her that she had a druggy step son who will probably talk himself into the situation.

Female paedophiles are not rare. Less common than male and definitely they get prosecuted a lot less. But not rare. AR's story sounds a lot more believable than BR's.

An ice addict who is ramping up his use, possibly suffering severe mental health issues, likely a CSA survivor, does not make a neat and tidy murderer. No way he would have been able to do this without it being very obvious that he did it.

I just find a lot of the reactions here to AR's story show little knowledge about the long term effects of sexual abuse. To say someone is unbelievable because they have a drug problem - yeah, coz people with normal great lives just develop ice addictions. He may well be lying! But this type of sexual abuse happens a lot more than most laypeople are aware of.
Gee it works out well for whoever killed her that she had a druggy step son who will probably talk himself into the situation.

Female paedophiles are not rare. Less common than male and definitely they get prosecuted a lot less. But not rare. AR's story sounds a lot more believable than BR's.

An ice addict who is ramping up his use, possibly suffering severe mental health issues, likely a CSA survivor, does not make a neat and tidy murderer. No way he would have been able to do this without it being very obvious that he did it.

I just find a lot of the reactions here to AR's story show little knowledge about the long term effects of sexual abuse. To say someone is unbelievable because they have a drug problem - yeah, coz people with normal great lives just develop ice addictions. He may well be lying! But this type of sexual abuse happens a lot more than most laypeople are aware of.

So why was it written in msm that he felt like killing his stepmother, why would he say something so horrible toward a female?
Gee it works out well for whoever killed her that she had a druggy step son who will probably talk himself into the situation.

Female paedophiles are not rare. Less common than male and definitely they get prosecuted a lot less. But not rare. AR's story sounds a lot more believable than BR's.

An ice addict who is ramping up his use, possibly suffering severe mental health issues, likely a CSA survivor, does not make a neat and tidy murderer. No way he would have been able to do this without it being very obvious that he did it.

I just find a lot of the reactions here to AR's story show little knowledge about the long term effects of sexual abuse. To say someone is unbelievable because they have a drug problem - yeah, coz people with normal great lives just develop ice addictions. He may well be lying! But this type of sexual abuse happens a lot more than most laypeople are aware of.
^^^ this, a thousand times this.
Gee it works out well for whoever killed her that she had a druggy step son who will probably talk himself into the situation.

Female paedophiles are not rare. Less common than male and definitely they get prosecuted a lot less. But not rare. AR's story sounds a lot more believable than BR's.

An ice addict who is ramping up his use, possibly suffering severe mental health issues, likely a CSA survivor, does not make a neat and tidy murderer. No way he would have been able to do this without it being very obvious that he did it.

I just find a lot of the reactions here to AR's story show little knowledge about the long term effects of sexual abuse. To say someone is unbelievable because they have a drug problem - yeah, coz people with normal great lives just develop ice addictions. He may well be lying! But this type of sexual abuse happens a lot more than most laypeople are aware of.

I don&#8217;t think most people are saying it&#8217;s unbelievable because of his drug problem, it&#8217;s unbelievable because of what he is saying &#8211; most doesn&#8217;t add up. If it doesn&#8217;t add up because of his drug problems, then yes, you are probably correct in what you say.

I think you will find that there is a great deal of knowledge about CSA in this thread, just because people don&#8217;t sprout it all over the place doesn&#8217;t mean they don&#8217;t know about it.

It&#8217;s very difficult to say this without looking like a jerk, but not everyone that reports CSA is actually abused either. There are many many reports that end up being false, to just believe without any proof/confirmation is also unbelievable and shows very little knowledge.

Reactions are individual and shouldn't be ridiculed.
I think if he is/has been estranged from the rest of his family that could be why police have only got onto him recently? Maybe a tip off from someone else to look into him in regard to KR's disappearance?
The problem is from what i understand in this case is that no one saw her walking from her family home. At that time of the morning i would think someone would of seen her? Unless it was an isolated area where she walked and someone grabbed her and dragged her into a vehicle without being seen? I am not ruling out foul play by a stranger totally seeing as there has been someone lurking around confronting another woman. I just wish police could break this case.

I have driven past her home several times during the week and on the weekend. I'm embarrassed to say I even took my big fat british bulldog for a shuffle around Oakley Drive hoping that somebody might have been in the front yard/street and struck up conversation, as they do when you have an animal that looks somewhat like a cement mixer on legs. Whilst a populated area with enormous homes I did not see one person walking along the street. All the curtains are down and the lights are out at KR's house. A large house adjacent to them is still in the building stage - however again nobody was outside.
I have driven past her home several times during the week and on the weekend. I'm embarrassed to say I even took my big fat british bulldog for a shuffle around Oakley Drive hoping that somebody might have been in the front yard/street and struck up conversation, as they do when you have an animal that looks somewhat like a cement mixer on legs. Whilst a populated area with enormous homes I did not see one person walking along the street. All the curtains are down and the lights are out at KR's house. A large house adjacent to them is still in the building stage - however again nobody was outside.

Hopefully the adjacent building site has been very thoroughly searched by police.

Hopefully, the adjacent building site has been very thoroughly searched by police.
You would certainly hope so. I walked past around 1000 Friday morning - just to get a feel for the area, at that particular time. The catch up today with friends from Avondale Heights consisted of local business owners together with young ladies who went to the same school as Sarah...unfortunately to no avail.
I have driven past her home several times during the week and on the weekend. I'm embarrassed to say I even took my big fat british bulldog for a shuffle around Oakley Drive hoping that somebody might have been in the front yard/street and struck up conversation, as they do when you have an animal that looks somewhat like a cement mixer on legs. Whilst a populated area with enormous homes I did not see one person walking along the street. All the curtains are down and the lights are out at KR's house. A large house adjacent to them is still in the building stage - however again nobody was outside.

Thankyou for your post and description of the area. Sounds like a fairly new subdivision, and big new houses there. Love the description of your cement mixer on legs, :)
Maybe KR's family are staying elsewhere right now?
Gee it works out well for whoever killed her that she had a druggy step son who will probably talk himself into the situation.

Female paedophiles are not rare. Less common than male and definitely they get prosecuted a lot less. But not rare. AR's story sounds a lot more believable than BR's.

An ice addict who is ramping up his use, possibly suffering severe mental health issues, likely a CSA survivor, does not make a neat and tidy murderer. No way he would have been able to do this without it being very obvious that he did it.

I just find a lot of the reactions here to AR's story show little knowledge about the long term effects of sexual abuse. To say someone is unbelievable because they have a drug problem - yeah, coz people with normal great lives just develop ice addictions. He may well be lying! But this type of sexual abuse happens a lot more than most laypeople are aware of.

I believed him at first, but as he kept talking he overdid it and it became unbelievable .. that didn't take long. It's his own lack of credibility that makes people disbelieve him. Also even the people who claim to know him who have believed this story said he makes things up, they said that openly on Facebook last week .. So if the people in his own life think he's largely full of it, why should he be believed without proof now?
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