Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #12

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Exactly! Can we believe a single word that he's said??

Karen went for a walk ...
He didn't leave the house ....
He drove over a bump and it fixed the fuel gauge ....
He turned around (way before Digger's Rest) and went home ...
His finances are absolutely fine ...
His finances are just peachy ...
Oh, and did I mention? There are no problems with his finances, all okay in that department.

It is seriously not hard to see why he quickly stopped talking to the police. How could he ever remember all the lies he has told, and stick to the same story repeatedly?!

The more I think about this case, the more I think it was premeditated. Remember Karen and Borce's cctv at their home conveniently stopped working shortly before Karen's disappearance, which allowed BR an opportunity to leave and come home without being recorded - or that's what he hoped. I also agree with comments made that the police allowed last night's witness to speak to the press, and it's a way to apply pressure on BR, and a way for the police to communicate to BR that we're close - here is your last opportunity to come forward and hand yourself in. MOO
The more I think about this case, the more I think it was premeditated. Remember Karen and Borce's cctv at their home conveniently stopped working shortly before Karen's disappearance, which allowed BR an opportunity to leave and come home without being recorded - or that's what he hoped. I also agree with comments made that the police allowed last night's witness to speak to the press, and it's a way to apply pressure on BR.

“It’s out of the ordinary. It’s a matter of public record that they had an argument and she left the house to go and clear her head,’’ detective inspector Stephen Dennis ..........
“He’s just another person we’ve spoken to ... keep in mind, he says to us he’s the last person to see her leave the house,’’ Inspector Dennis replies.

Locals respect the river’s potential for violence and rarely walk its banks at night, but Mr Ristevski says it was mid-morning in relatively mild weather.

I am inclined to agree.
The more I think about this case the more I think that something went down long before 10:00am on the 29th
As we move through the modern world many of our actions leave behind an electronic footprint; who collects that data and what they do with it have become critical questions for modern society.
Australia's new data retention laws mean phone and internet companies have to save this information for two years: that's every time you call someone, where you call them from, which cell tower your phone pings every time it connects to the internet, and more.
On a mission to find out what that data might reveal, ABC reporter Will Ockenden took a 'surveillance selfie': he got access to his own metadata, and now for the first time you can see what an individual Australian's metadata actually looks like.
Generally speaking, no. Police can’t intercept phone calls unless they have sufficient reason to do so. There are essentially three times when police can do this:

  • When the parties being recorded consent;
  • When police have a warrant; or
  • In an emergency situations
  • Warrants
According to the Surveillance Devices Act, police may be granted surveillance warrants which allow them to listen to your phone calls.
The Surveillance Act was brought in to combat terrorism, murder and drug manufacture but it is clear that this power is no longer limited to pursuing these serious charges.
Under this act, all state police forces can listen into phone calls with warrants, as well as federal bodies such as the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Crime Commission and ICAC.
I was under the impression police could get the actual voice recording of phone phone calls - I can't see anywhere that it's possible-which is a shame as it would expose bullying or DV.

The Details Of What Information The Police Can Suck Out Of Your Phone

  • [*]call activity
    [*]phone book directory information
    [*]stored voicemails and text messages
    [*]photos and videos
  • apps
  • eight different passwords
  • 659 geolocation points, including 227 cell towers and 403 WiFi networks with which the cell phone had previously connected.


  • IMG_1698.JPG
    26.4 KB · Views: 37
I was under the impression police could get the actual voice recording of phone phone calls - I can't see anywhere that it's possible-which is a shame as it would expose bullying or DV.


You're are correct - the police will know the duration of any incoming and outgoing calls, the phone number of the other party for each call & the approximate location of the phone for each call, but they will not have the content of the calls themselves.

That is a shame, but on a more positive note, ALL text message activity will be in the hands of the police - not just stored text messages, as the phone company keeps a record of all text messages, whether they end up stored on a handset or deleted is irrelevant. If Karen was prone to ignore her incoming calls when Borce was angry, he may well have sent some heated texts that provide evidence of domestic violence.

The only recorded phonecalls the police will have will be after Karen's disappearance, if they got a warrant to tap Borce's phone. Given they had a warrant to install a tracking device on his car, it's almost certain they also had/still have his phone tapped.
Thinking back to this article which was written just after news of the phone pings broke...

"Mr Ristevski says staff at the Bella Bleu boutique, which the couple ran at Watergardens shopping centre in Taylors Lakes, rang him later that morning to say Karen had failed to show up for work, leading him to call her frequently on her mobile phone without getting any reply."

I wonder when the 2 hours of the phone being off occured? In another article br says he was out driving from 10.30 to 12pm which is total rubbish if he was spotted at childers rd at around 12pm. I always thoughthe might have turned off his phone at diggers rest which is why he made up the story of turning back there (thinking he is untraceable). But then how did the staff also call him in the morning if his phone is off? Was his phone off during another period of the day? Maybe two trips??

Could be just poor misreporting and it was just later that day rather than morning that the staff called. Although, maybe that was the suspicious activity the childers rd witness saw? Br pacing around on the phone?

Edit just to say this is all just me thinking out loud

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Yes decsimp, the timeline regarding the phone is puzzling indeed. The staff at Bella are ringing in the morning, so maybe phone switched off from 12 to 2🤔 ..... wife missing, desperately wanting to find her or get a call saying she's okay ...... what does he do, switches off phone and takes her car that she needs to get to work ..... I mean, really?

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
Until now I felt that Karen's death was accidental but I've now come to the conclusion that her death was definitely PREMIDATED...

My reasons for this;

BR became Sole Director of Bella Bleu in February 2016...

The latest drip-feed video of BR in S.E Asia with mention of HIM over there on buying trip for clothes in March 2016...only a month after he took over Bella Bleu...also he made mention of a good place to hide a body...So here he is already planning Karen's death in March 2016

We were lead to believe that Karen did all the buying for Bella Bleu shops...

I feel that very little of BR's evidence rings true (too many inconsistencies in his story)...The strongest evidence can be the phone pings and cctv footage...

He deliberately disconnected the cctv camera at Avondale Heights home to hide the evidence...

Why did he take Karen's car when she needed it for work on the morning of 29th June...

I really believe that he murdered Karen because HE wanted FULL CONTROL OF EVERYTHING...

Karen's world was falling apart after all her years of hard work... (caveat over Avondale home, loss of one Bella Bleu shop, fear of losing second Bella Bleu shop, BR and Sarah reducing prices on stock on two occasions within the month before Karen was killed...
The rag trade can be a very hard cold existance!

IMO The $850 cash in Karen's possession was shop takings...She told BR that she was leaving him but she couldn't get away from him and he killed her...

Also there could be Life Insurance Policies that Karen he thought his financial woes would be over and he could start afresh with full control over everything that once was Karen's...

I don't know how Sarah fits into all of this...
What a nightmare!...MOO :notgood:.
Better bunker down for a while Emirates, stock up on Estée Lauder it could take a while if GBC paper trail is anything to go by.-----

"Magistrate flabbergasted at Baden-Clay delay."
"I can't believe for any minute that it would take five months for an investigative accountant to look into the affairs of one defendant."

Off topic trust me i have enough to last a holocaust. One of our pilots removed my make up bag from my overnight luggage and used it as an aircraft wheel chock for a laugh.
The more I think about this case, the more I think it was premeditated. Remember Karen and Borce's cctv at their home conveniently stopped working shortly before Karen's disappearance, which allowed BR an opportunity to leave and come home without being recorded - or that's what he hoped. I also agree with comments made that the police allowed last night's witness to speak to the press, and it's a way to apply pressure on BR, and a way for the police to communicate to BR that we're close - here is your last opportunity to come forward and hand yourself in. MOO
After walking behind the back of the house many, many times you would have to be nuts not to have security, there is acres of bushy scrubland for miles. Knowing the area i wouldnt venture into the back yard of a night.
Off topic trust me i have enough to last a holocaust. One of our pilots removed my make up bag from my overnight luggage and used it as an aircraft wheel chock for a laugh.

emirates 1957.
I enjoy the 'off topic' banter between sleuthers, amongst our serious entries.
We learn a little, about each others characters, bringing some giggles, into our discussions.

I am looking forward to the enjoyment we will express when an arrest is made. :happydance:

Why is everyone talking about....other members, PM's and a twitter account that's not an approved source?

Time to freshen up on The Rules
emirates 1957.
I enjoy the 'off topic' banter between sleuthers, amongst our serious entries.
We learn a little, about each others characters, bringing some giggles, into our discussions.

I am looking forward to the enjoyment we will express when an arrest is made. :happydance:

The enjoyment doesn't come with the arrest - it comes with the Guilty Verdict after the trial.

But I'll be happy for an arrest.
Yes decsimp, the timeline regarding the phone is puzzling indeed. The staff at Bella are ringing in the morning, so maybe phone switched off from 12 to 2樂 ..... wife missing, desperately wanting to find her or get a call saying she's okay ...... what does he do, switches off phone and takes her car that she needs to get to work ..... I mean, really?

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It just doesn't make any sense does it.

If it quacks like a duck ....

New article up in the Herald Sun titled Borce Ristevski can't explain movements for almost 100 minutes on day Karen vanished.

"THE husband of murdered woman Karen Ristevski cannot explain to police what he was doing for almost 100 minutes on the day she vanished.

The Herald Sun can reveal detectives have been trying to pin down Borce Ristevski’s movements on June 29 last year, the day he said his wife went missing.

He told police he took his wife’s car for a drive on the Calder Freeway that day. But when pressed by *detectives, Mr Ristevski could not *account for his actions for a period of just under an hour and 40 minutes.

We can also reveal that the couple’s daughter, Sarah, was spoken to by missing persons squad detectives around the same time as her father."

More information released by police. Again I see this as a pressure tactic on BR. Reinforcing his lack of credibility and raising further questions about his whereabouts. Working in media, this is what I feel is transpiring at the moment - or at least I hope.
Yes decsimp, the timeline regarding the phone is puzzling indeed. The staff at Bella are ringing in the morning, so maybe phone switched off from 12 to 2樂 ..... wife missing, desperately wanting to find her or get a call saying she's okay ...... what does he do, switches off phone and takes her car that she needs to get to work ..... I mean, really?

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk

We know this isn't true but what a disrespectful thing & I wonder IF that he would do things like this just to antagonise Karen.

In fact NOBODY would DARE do that to me especially if I was wild enough to 'go for a walk to calm down or clear my head'. If any fool did do something so stupidly agrivating everyone in the house would scatter to find safety helmets.

Our cops know he's full of it.
What an idiot!

Rant over.
During an interview last July, Mr Ristevski told police his wife walked out of their Avondale Heights home on June 29 after an argument. Sarah, their only child, was the last person to see Mrs Ristevski before that row.
Sarah, now 22, was present at the family home earlier in the morning before leaving, police have been told.
The Herald Sun understands police believe they were close to making a key breakthrough in the case during the interview with Mr Ristevski.
The interview, which took place not long after 47-year-old Mrs *Ristevski was reported missing, came to an abrupt end when he refused to *answer any more questions.

Thanx positvevibes
We can also reveal that the couple’s daughter, Sarah, was spoken to by missing persons squad detectives around the same time as her father.
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