GUILTY Australia - Khandalyce Pearce (Wynarka) and Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #11

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What are we agreeing to disagree about? Do you really think that that man has ever had a worthy thought in his head, ever?

Not that it was the point of my reply, but since you ask. The one worthy thought that man ever had in his head was to plead guilty to the murders of Karlie and Khandalyce. At least it saved NSW taxpayers a lot of unnecessary expense. As far as I can reckon that is his only redeeming feature.
Not that it was the point of my reply, but since you ask. The one worthy thought that man ever had in his head was to plead guilty to the murders of Karlie and Khandalyce. At least it saved NSW taxpayers a lot of unnecessary expense. As far as I can reckon that is his only redeeming feature.
I don't even think that that was a worthy thought. He knew the evidence was totally against him and he had to read of those pages, after all, after grandstanding that he was going to conduct his own defence. He is where he should be and should have been years ago. He is now looking at a parole date.
I don't even think that that was a worthy thought. He knew the evidence was totally against him and he had to read of those pages, after all, after grandstanding that he was going to conduct his own defence. He is where he should be and should have been years ago. He is now looking at a parole date.
I think you've missed the point. I'm certainly pleased he saved a lot of my tax $.
I have a question. What do OP’s think was Holdom’s motivation to write to the journo? Do you think his letter shows any sign of him being remorseful or feeling guilty for murdering Karlie and Khandalyce? Or do you think his motive was more self-serving?
I have a question. What do OP’s think was Holdom’s motivation to write to the journo? Do you think his letter shows any sign of him being remorseful or feeling guilty for murdering Karlie and Khandalyce? Or do you think his motive was more self-serving?

self serving. A lifetime habit. What he wants, and was probably flattered by the journalists request, is a bit of a back rub, a bit of feminine understanding, a bit of masculine propping up. All his life , he's said what was necessary to get him what he wants, why change habits midstream?

And it got him what he wants. His main audience is his fellow convicts, and his main aim at this point is to lay down the foundations of a man of consequence while serving a life sentence. Nothing more. No other motivation. A man of consequence gets an apprentice journalist to publish his apologia, his plea for understanding, his explanation, if you will of what he did. He really believes that is what the letter does.

It's a dog eat dog world in Supermax, and he has to hold some aces going in because he wont get any once he is in there. He is up against the likes of the Murphy Bros, Ivan, Ivan's nephew, de Gruchy, Sef Gonzales, who has whinging down to a fine art, all sorts of old hands..

good luck, Holdom You'll need it.
I think you've missed the point. I'm certainly pleased he saved a lot of my tax $.
I have missed no points. Do you really believe that he was thinking of us taxpayers when he decided to plead guilty? He really thought about it and came to the conclusion that it would be unfair to taxpayers to fund his defence?
Nah, he just didn't want to read all those thousands of pages and took the easy way out as he has all his life.
It wasn't his fault, it was all those pages fault.
self serving. A lifetime habit. What he wants, and was probably flattered by the journalists request, is a bit of a back rub, a bit of feminine understanding, a bit of masculine propping up. All his life , he's said what was necessary to get him what he wants, why change habits midstream?

And it got him what he wants. His main audience is his fellow convicts, and his main aim at this point is to lay down the foundations of a man of consequence while serving a life sentence. Nothing more. No other motivation. A man of consequence gets an apprentice journalist to publish his apologia, his plea for understanding, his explanation, if you will of what he did. He really believes that is what the letter does.

It's a dog eat dog world in Supermax, and he has to hold some aces going in because he wont get any once he is in there. He is up against the likes of the Murphy Bros, Ivan, Ivan's nephew, de Gruchy, Sef Gonzales, who has whinging down to a fine art, all sorts of old hands..

good luck, Holdom You'll need it.

Thanks for your thoughts, Troop. What then do you think was the motivation for his guilty plea? Some hope that he’ll have his sentence reduced?

As you said, Troops, good luck with that too, Holdom. I see a lonely existence in a sparsely appointed cell on your horizon for many, many years. Hopefully for the term of your natural life.
Thanks for your thoughts, Troop. What then do you think was the motivation for his guilty plea? Some hope that he’ll have his sentence reduced?

As you said, Troops, good luck with that too, Holdom. I see a lonely existence in a sparsely appointed cell on your horizon for many, many years. Hopefully for the term of your natural life.

he is 40 something. a guilty plea knocks off a certain percentage of the statutory sentence meted out for murder. In NSW it is life, what's up for grabs is the amount of time served before parole can be applied for.

This is all Holdom has left. The slight, extremely slight chance of parole, and since the general time given to serve WITH A GUILTY plea before parole can even be applied for is around 28 years, Holdom is looking at around 70. . 75. And from where he is now, that probably looks doable.

However, his is a double life sentence, and one of those is for a child, a child of 3 , and a longer time to serve before parole would even be considered, and his crime is so hideous, he is definitely in the running for those Never To Be Released labels …

It's the last gamble Holdom, a lifetime committed gambler is able to make.
he is 40 something. a guilty plea knocks off a certain percentage of the statutory sentence meted out for murder. In NSW it is life, what's up for grabs is the amount of time served before parole can be applied for.

This is all Holdom has left. The slight, extremely slight chance of parole, and since the general time given to serve WITH A GUILTY plea before parole can even be applied for is around 28 years, Holdom is looking at around 70. . 75. And from where he is now, that probably looks doable.

However, his is a double life sentence, and one of those is for a child, a child of 3 , and a longer time to serve before parole would even be considered, and his crime is so hideous, he is definitely in the running for those Never To Be Released labels …

It's the last gamble Holdom, a lifetime committed gambler is able to make.

Thanks again. If I was him, I wouldn’t be placing any bets on getting out ever.
Thanks again. If I was him, I wouldn’t be placing any bets on getting out ever.
He has more chance of getting out by pleading guilty than getting out by not guilty but being convicted. That is why he pleaded guilty. No other reason.
Thanks again. If I was him, I wouldn’t be placing any bets on getting out ever.

he will make a life for himself in prison . He'll be among his peer group, and I don't think the lack of women will faze him much. Some extraordinarily large women will write to him!... probably visit him.
I have at times wondered whether the argument in Charnwood between him and Karlie prior to before they took off in her car, (to Belanglo) was in relation to Karlie becoming aware of abuse towards her daughter.

I would not be surprised if he has abused Passmore's children, too. Disgusting man that he is.
I would not be surprised if he has abused Passmore's children, too. Disgusting man that he is.
I think one of the attractions these women had for Holdom was their girl children. Of whatever age, so long as it was under 10. Yes, the women were nice to have, they cook, they clean, they pay bills sometimes, but sometimes a man gets lucky and he gets to babysit these unrelated kids.... so much less effort that trying to drag kids off the street.
I'm sure if she's offered a six pack of beer in a plastic bag she might be persuaded to give an interview in a park...

I still cannot understand what that meeting in such a public place was all about!!!!

remind me about that FF!,. was that when she had her small child riding shotgun on the wheelchair, and the nutso boyfriend trying to wheel at speed?

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