GUILTY Australia - Khandalyce Pearce (Wynarka) and Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #11

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Thanks Morrisa for the update, what a frustrating case!

this is going to be a long and tortuous experience, as Holdom will do everything to delay, derail , defray everything.. He has nothing to lose. These are days out for him, see the sunshine, ride in a car, talk to people other than other lags, and guards, watch women in the street .. all the usual stuff. It will be difficult to see him all dolled up in a suit and tie, paid for by you and me, peoples. He gets to be released from the shackles when he takes his position 'at the bar', since he is still going to be representing himself, a guaranteed waste of the courts time, but that's how it is.

The Judge will have the patience of Job, but even that wont be enough. There isn't any provision where the accused has to be represented by a legally trained person, Holdom cant be forced to sit down , shutup and let his legal rep do the work.

He gets to question the witnesses against him , and this makes a horrible experience hideous..

It's going to be a long rough ride. But I honestly believe, in the end, it's goodnight and goodbye Holdom, never to be heard about again until someone shivs him in the shower down at Goulburn Max prison.
this is going to be a long and tortuous experience, as Holdom will do everything to delay, derail , defray everything.. He has nothing to lose. These are days out for him, see the sunshine, ride in a car, talk to people other than other lags, and guards, watch women in the street .. all the usual stuff. It will be difficult to see him all dolled up in a suit and tie, paid for by you and me, peoples. He gets to be released from the shackles when he takes his position 'at the bar', since he is still going to be representing himself, a guaranteed waste of the courts time, but that's how it is.

The Judge will have the patience of Job, but even that wont be enough. There isn't any provision where the accused has to be represented by a legally trained person, Holdom cant be forced to sit down , shutup and let his legal rep do the work.

He gets to question the witnesses against him , and this makes a horrible experience hideous..

It's going to be a long rough ride. But I honestly believe, in the end, it's goodnight and goodbye Holdom, never to be heard about again until someone shivs him in the shower down at Goulburn Max prison.

He's gotta be the boss. If he's going down then he'll make sure he's cemented in history: for the horrendous murders; for the ridiculous court representation/pain; for the 'never to be released' jail sentence; and concluded by the man who was tortured and killed in prison while no one saw anything. The end. Poor girls.
He's gotta be the boss. If he's going down then he'll make sure he's cemented in history: for the horrendous murders; for the ridiculous court representation/pain; for the 'never to be released' jail sentence; and concluded by the man who was tortured and killed in prison while no one saw anything. The end. Poor girls.

For sure, Rich.. and it's for sure and certain that Holdom isn't playing to us, the general public , or the court, or even the police. His main audience is the collection of psychopaths in every prison around Australia, just to let them know who the BiggestBadBoy is, who's top of the tree.

They are his forever audience, he knows this, and is going to assert his position on the totem pole while he can.

He is going to 'dine out' in Supermax somewhere out in the hot brown treeless plain for the rest of his hopefully short and painfilled life on his story.
they always say the man who represents himself is represented by a fool.

this is going to be a long and tortuous experience, as Holdom will do everything to delay, derail , defray everything.. He has nothing to lose. These are days out for him, see the sunshine, ride in a car, talk to people other than other lags, and guards, watch women in the street .. all the usual stuff. It will be difficult to see him all dolled up in a suit and tie, paid for by you and me, peoples. He gets to be released from the shackles when he takes his position 'at the bar', since he is still going to be representing himself, a guaranteed waste of the courts time, but that's how it is.

The Judge will have the patience of Job, but even that wont be enough. There isn't any provision where the accused has to be represented by a legally trained person, Holdom cant be forced to sit down , shutup and let his legal rep do the work.

He gets to question the witnesses against him , and this makes a horrible experience hideous..

It's going to be a long rough ride. But I honestly believe, in the end, it's goodnight and goodbye Holdom, never to be heard about again until someone shivs him in the shower down at Goulburn Max prison.
Abraham Lincoln Had It Right - “He who represents himself has a fool for a client”
Holdom has no interest in the filigree of this trial. He knows he is off back to prison for life, most probably without possibility of parole, because this is NSW , peoples, where truth in sentencing has a bit of a savage edge to it. . Lots of NSW taxpayers money is invested in warehousing these kind of criminals, and NSW taxpayers expect those facilities to be always a full house.

The legal niceties are merely a way to pass the time, and in a small way, for Holdom to reconnect with people , mainly women, from his previous years on the road, on the crackhead circuit, women who seemed to have no qualms about their boyfriend having a woman's dead body on the pics on his phone.. no worries.

So their parade thru the trial will be of minor interest, as for the most part, their appearance in court is par for the course.. it's like a second home, really. Of interest to me is the wheelchair accomplice, whose culpability is on a par with Holdom's , in my view, but we'll see. Because who ever rang Kharli's mother, pretending to be her, is bound straight for hell, and will, I hope , be paraded around in the witness stand. I hope, but I know things go agley in these matters.

A very great deal of taxpayers money is involved in this trial, as most of the witnesses , even for the prosecution are of the kind your average Police prosecutor has to hold his nose while standing next to, and most of them will need their own legal reps as well, so close to the wind do they sail in legal non observance.

Then, there is the dearth of brain cells , the ones used for recall that are the result of lots of alcohol, ice, crystal meth, hash, flakka and god alone knows what else they shoot up, snort, eat, sniff, spray and ingest. A mish mash of mumbled meandering nonsense mostly.

But in the end.. months, months down the track, into next year.. away he goes.
this is going to be a long and tortuous experience, as Holdom will do everything to delay, derail , defray everything.. He has nothing to lose. These are days out for him, see the sunshine, ride in a car, talk to people other than other lags, and guards, watch women in the street .. all the usual stuff. It will be difficult to see him all dolled up in a suit and tie, paid for by you and me, peoples. He gets to be released from the shackles when he takes his position 'at the bar', since he is still going to be representing himself, a guaranteed waste of the courts time, but that's how it is.

The Judge will have the patience of Job, but even that wont be enough. There isn't any provision where the accused has to be represented by a legally trained person, Holdom cant be forced to sit down , shutup and let his legal rep do the work.

He gets to question the witnesses against him , and this makes a horrible experience hideous..

It's going to be a long rough ride. But I honestly believe, in the end, it's goodnight and goodbye Holdom, never to be heard about again until someone shivs him in the shower down at Goulburn Max prison.

To have an impression of a murderer representing himself at court you may read here:
Laura Babcock Murder Trial 10.27.17 - Day 5
I'm playing catch-up on here - I've been AWOL. If I am reading this correctly the assumptions are that the witness that viewed the photos of a dead Karlie and knew Khandalyce was dead, and only told police after his arrest... is Hazel.... why in the hell is she not in jail? And even if it isn't Hazel - why is this person not a co-accused????
I'm playing catch-up on here - I've been AWOL. If I am reading this correctly the assumptions are that the witness that viewed the photos of a dead Karlie and knew Khandalyce was dead, and only told police after his arrest... is Hazel.... why in the hell is she not in jail? And even if it isn't Hazel - why is this person not a co-accused????

HP may be one of two witnesses that provided an induced statement. IDK, she's in there amongst the five.
Crown prosecutor Victoria Engel told a committal hearing there were five witnesses who would give evidence against Holdom and asked that their identities be suppressed to protect their safety.
“Witness one and two have made statements implicating the accused in the murders,” Ms Engel told the court
“Witness five allegedly received an admission by the accused that he had killed the two persons but he didn’t report that.”
Ms Engel also said two of the witnesses (numbered two and three) were induced to make a statement to police.
Thanks Symbah. I was trying to find the induced statement link.
Yes Wolfinator, I think we have all been shaking our heads!
Holdom due back in court on Friday for another arraignment. Hopefully we'll hear some more then. :waiting:
Thanks Symbah. I was trying to find the induced statement link.
Yes Wolfinator, I think we have all been shaking our heads!
Holdom due back in court on Friday for another arraignment. Hopefully we'll hear some more then. :waiting:

induced statements.. what a rort.. on the other hand, it is highly likely that these ' witnesses' already knew how Holdom would conduct his trial, that is, he himself would take the high road, assuming the role of his own legal representative.. Being questioned by the person you have accused would be an unpleasant experience.
And there would be the weighing up of , should Holdom win his case.. and I don't laugh at this idea, it isn't impossible, ,.. improbable, maybe, but not impossible, their lives wouldn't be worth a stale crumpet. Police promises of protection notwithstanding.

Knowing that Holdom is playing to the crowd back in SuperMax, there will be no limits in what he will propose as an alternative to that which he is accused of.. No limits at all. I don't put collusion with the witnesses beyond his capacities either. They all used to be friends, and none of them appeared to be in the slightest bit shocked or concerned at the death of a young girl and her little daughter.. on the contrary, it appeared to be ordinary, and useful in profiting from it. ..
Holdom's sister is , I believe , one of the witnesses, of the induced type.. She was the one holding the suitcases with Khandalyce's birth certificate in it. Karlie's old bankbooks etc.. .... I am interested in how that exchange between brother and sister goes.. .
Dammit! Abc news radio reported something on the 1pm news, but I came in at the end of it. Hopefully they have set a trial date!
Nothing mentioned on the 2pm news. I give up!
Hoping there is news soon! This has been going on too long.

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