GUILTY Australia - Khandalyce Pearce (Wynarka) and Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #11

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Holdom sacked his last legal rep that was assigned to him from the pool of representatives, this happened at his committal , and it caused a bit of delay in the proceedings, as the lawyer refused to consider being an advisor , should that event arise.

Lots can happen in 9 months, Holdom could have an 'accident', he could decide to accept legal assistance, he could maintain his determination to represent himself, a lot of variables.... I am assuming he is still in Silverwater, where he must be feeing very comfy and homey by now... he will be loathe to leave there, I bet.
That update mentions the trial will take 3 months! Poor family, that's going to be brutal. [emoji20]

Does anyone know if he will be tried for Karlie and Khandalyce's murders together in the same trial?
His next appearance will be FEB 9th,.. arraignment , again, where he has the opportunity to state who his legal representatives will be, or will not be...but whatever he states at that event will not alter the date set in the Supreme Court of NSW, August 8th 2018, for him being on trial for Karlie and Khandalyce's murder.
That update mentions the trial will take 3 months! Poor family, that's going to be brutal. [emoji20]

Does anyone know if he will be tried for Karlie and Khandalyce's murders together in the same trial?

If he is determined to represent himself, it could take much longer, and be extremely wearing.. a real horror of a trial if that is the way it going to be.. ......

It is my understanding that he has been charged with both murders, Khandalyce's murder being a consequence of the murder of Karlie, therefore intricately entwined together, and the trial following that concept. That is, both murders at the one trial.
Also, If I might re iterate, by virtue of Justice Jackson setting a trial date , under the circumstances of the accused NOT making a plea one way or the other, the trial goes on AS IF he has pled not guilty, which means Holdom has already discarded any possibility he may have been granted a discount on sentencing should he be found guilty, of the possibility of parole, or a possible shorter term before being given the opportunity to apply for parole.

Refusing to make a plea automatically makes it a not guilty trial , which means no discount .

A bit of a win for NSW, already. .. small, but valuable
Holdom has lost control of about 45% of his trial, which hasn't even begun yet. The tactic of not entering a plea has a finite time line, and his ran out. He can still plead guilty at his next arraignment but he has already put in motion the mighty machinery of a Supreme Court contested trial, and has lost years off the possibility, (remote) of eventual parole.

Because I can see that when he is found guilty , of the murder of Khandalyce, his sentence for that murder will include the terrible phrase, 'life, ( which is standard in NSW for murder) without the possibility of parole'...

No one knows as yet what his motivation for murdering Karlie was, he can make up anything that suits his circumstances, lots of murderers do exactly that, and it is often upheld in law , but where Holdom has damned himself forever, is the purely self serving murder of Khandalyce, her very presence condemning him of the murder of her mother. And he would have known he had to kill Khandalyce the moment Karlie was dead, to save himself. There was no other possible outcome.

And now, he has lost control of the date of his trial. Had he made a plea, he could have claimed to be included in discussion of a date, but his refusal brought the machinery of the law into play, and the judge has the power to not only make a plea for him, and that is always not guilty under those circumstances, Justice Johnson can also consult his own legal diary without consultation with the accused and arbitrarily set a date, which he promptly did. Holdom should have seen that coming, with the end of the legal year looming and the necessity to lay out next years legal program , in the Supreme Court.

Which gives Holdom 9 months to become an expert in medicine, psychology, forensics, Centrelink processes, DNA, Telstra records, the mechanics of strangulation, the makes and models of cars, the techniques of mobile phones, and mobile towers, the retrieval of digital records, the .. you get my drift.

The Police Prosecutor will present an expert for each and every aspect of this case.
LWOP works for me.

I find it fascinating (and entertaining) when narcissistic people who think they are smarter than everyone else do ridiculously idiotic things. Self-representation is such a moronic decision, and it speaks volumes, IMO. Good luck with that, *advertiser censored*!
I am trying to think what a narcissist would do/how they would behave in prison. In real life they always act grandiose, tell lies and try to impress people they think are important. In prison - that won’t work. The other prisoners already know what he is alleged to have done.
I am thinking he will behave like the wronged man. “Someone else did it your honour” ....possibly will try to pedal this one in prison to any one who will listen.
His defence could be that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Waiting outside the trees in Belanglo, while the accomplice killed Karlie. “I didn’t know he was going to kill her. I just thought he was going to scare her so she would get us some money - we knew she had money. “ and “I was running back to Adelaide with Khandalyce to keep her safe because I knew he would come after me, and that he would want her dead too. He caught up to us and he killed her in my hotel room and he said the same will happen to you if you talk, and I know where your sister lives” and he left....,all I did was put her body in the suitcase and leave it at Wynarka. And the photos -
“ I kept them as evidence but I didn’t realise I was going to be accused of the crime! “ And the money - “I couldn’t work, I had to look after Hazel and I needed to stay under the radar in case he changed his mind and decided to come and kill me anyway.”
All he has to do is put doubt in the jurors mind. The mysterious other man did it all.


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Interesting... somebody else did it.

I think the post-mortem Centrelink payments and banking time/date stamps and was it a phone call or text or letter to Kharlie's mama and GFs bank cameo appearance that will be difficult to defend. I think he will throw her under the bus. But the actual murder of Kharlie would be difficult to pin on her. Khandalyce maybe... except for that motel and the receipt and wasn't there a linen from the motel in the suitcase?

Have we determined if he is a psycopath? I realize it's a PD with a spectrum but I am going to go out on a limb here and guess he may be on the spectrum.

Justice is coming, and man, is she pi$$ed!
LWOP works for me.

I find it fascinating (and entertaining) when narcissistic people who think they are smarter than everyone else do ridiculously idiotic things. Self-representation is such a moronic decision, and it speaks volumes, IMO. Good luck with that, *advertiser censored*!

Yes watergirl, you reminded me of Bundy and several others who sacked their silks because they, in their arrogance, thought they would do a better job. Baden-Clod was advised NOT to get onto the stand, he did and he muffed it with his narcissistic ramblings.

This Holdom slithered freely of too many years. He’s thinking he’s too smart for these educated lawyers.

What a horrid thing he did. A noose or a Rottweiler would look good around his neck IMO.

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Yes watergirl, you reminded me of Bundy and several others who sacked their silks because they, in their arrogance, thought they would do a better job. Baden-Clod was advised NOT to get onto the stand, he did and he muffed it with his narcissistic ramblings.

This Holdom slithered freely of too many years. He’s thinking he’s too smart for these educated lawyers.

What a horrid thing he did. A noose or a Rottweiler would look good around his neck IMO.

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You’ve got it in one, tgy.

btw Fashion tip for DH:
I vote for the Rottie. Dobies would work just as well. Nice one, Bo. Lol
I vote for the Rottie. Dobies would work just as well. Nice one, Bo. Lol

Thank my Dad. He used to say that if someone was pissing him off :D

Never underestimate a Dobie. One of ours flipped and bailed my Dad up against our back fence.
I have had so many big working dog breeds in my life as part of my family. I [emoji173] Dobies.

I rescued an older Rottie/ Dobie mix once. Sweetest. Dog. Ever.
Thank my Dad. He used to say that if someone was pissing him off :D

Never underestimate a Dobie. One of ours flipped and bailed my Dad up against our back fence.

Yep I know that saying well......

Q. D’ya know what would look good on you?
A. A Rottweiler.

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Holdom could not have pulled this off alone. The other women should be alongside him when he’s sentenced to life, no parole, hard labour in a viper pit.

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Holdom could not have pulled this off alone. The other women should be alongside him when he’s sentenced to life, no parole, hard labour in a viper pit.

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I guess if they can made to testify against him, they will probably get a deal.

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Holdom could not have pulled this off alone. The other women should be alongside him when he’s sentenced to life, no parole, hard labour in a viper pit.

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We don't have 'hard labor in a viper pit' for punishment in the US. Dammit!

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