Australia Australia - Kylie Blackwood, 42, Pakenham, Vic, 1 Aug 2013

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Not directly but u could say within view

That must have been really distressing to have something so violent happen so close to where you live :hug: And to know her killer is still out there. That would keep me awake and not wanting to be home alone for sure.
That must have been really distressing to have something so violent happen so close to where you live :hug: And to know her killer is still out there. That would keep me awake and not wanting to be home alone for sure.

Me too!! That's very scary.....:scared: I'm already paranoid from all the true-crime books I've read.:facepalm: That would seriously tip me over into full security systems, guard dogs etc.......
That must have been really distressing to have something so violent happen so close to where you live :hug: And to know her killer is still out there. That would keep me awake and not wanting to be home alone for sure.

Crime can hit anywhere,but I feel it wasn't a random attack. But it is scary will defiantly sleep better once solved :)
A lot of random burglars these days are ICE heads who will do the weirdest things.

playing devil's advocate here.

yes I was going to say earlier that a drug addict wouldnt attack her face etc etc but I deleted it (before I posted) as I remembered what that bath-salts man did a few years back (ate that poor guys face). I think with some of these new drugs in particular it is a whole new ballgame and no-one knows what they are capable of when off their face on some of this stuff.

But my gut does tell me that for her to be sitting on the lounge (like she was watching tv) .....I just done know WHAT to think. maybe someone off their nut on drugs would do that, but it seems posed to me and that means a deliberate action. It just is setting alarm bells off in my head.

Admittedly there seems to be a LOT of drug related crimes and drug labs in Pakenham (according to the internet). Maybe someone mistook their house for a drug lab or something?????????
I know they were reportedly looking for 2 different guys in Hoodies, but the one seen in the street was interviewed and "all but ruled out" - where was the other one seen?

7News can reveal that homicide detectives have found and interviewed the mysterious man in the grey striped hoodie.

He was seen lurking outside Kylie Blackwood's Pakenham home on the day she was murdered, and has been all but ruled out as her killer.

The man interviewed by police lives just streets away from Mrs Blackwood, and was found in possession of a grey striped hooded top seen as critical to identifying the killer.

But 7News understands he gave police a credible explanation as to why he was in McCaffrey Rise prior to the murder, and told them he was on a bus when the killing is likely to have happened.

Can someone please clear the above up for me? So if the stripey hooded man the tradie saw hanging round her house is the one the police have ruled out.then there is no one identifiable seen around her property.Only other person witnessed around that area at that time was a man spotted walking down Eagle drive around that time wearing dark jacket and black pants,carrying a brown parcel.Is this correct??
Can someone please clear the above up for me? So if the stripey hooded man the tradie saw hanging round her house is the one the police have ruled out.then there is no one identifiable seen around her property.Only other person witnessed around that area at that time was a man spotted walking down Eagle drive around that time wearing dark jacket and black pants,carrying a brown parcel.Is this correct??

That seems to be correct, Sherlock. You're right. Good pick up!!!

SO confusing, all of this seemingly conflicting info in MSM - we'll probably find another old article in a minute contradicting that :banghead:.

I still think it's intentionally done to keep the perp off guard. JMO.
Just to add to the confusion …. apparently, there were 3 men. Two in stripey tops (one had a reason for being there, one is not identified - one of these two guys hurried away from Kylie's house clutching something. I'm guessing it was the unidentified one) … and then the man in the black jacket with the paper bag.

Early inquiries into Ms Blackwood's death were hampered because two different men wearing striped tops were seen near the home on the day of the murder and police believed they were looking for one man.

The first man was ruled out as a suspect last month and the second has yet to be identified, despite an extensive doorknock.

A new person of interest, the third sought in relation to the investigation, was seen near the Eagle Drive shops wearing black pants and a black hoodie shortly after Ms Blackwood's death.
Witnesses saw him walking along The Avenue from the direction of the Eagle Drive shops, possibly carrying a brown paper bag.

And police are still looking for the main stripey-top man as he is the one that they have just re-issued inquiries about on the route to Main Street, according to pics in recent MSM.
So, the police started building a financial profile on Kylie a couple of months after she was murdered. (No reason to do that if this was a random attack/burglary gone wrong.)

"I'm told police only found out it had existed after they started to build a financial profile on Kylie months later.

"So they only found out about the use of the card and the previous existence of the CCTV footage, now destroyed, quite accidentally.

Publicly, police have not spoken about the motivation for Kylie's murder - privately though, they have always believed this was a crime that came from greed.

"We are exploring the possibility that she either knew her attacker or that her attacker had been, for some unknown reason, following her.
Just to add to the confusion …. apparently, there were 3 men. Two in stripey tops (one had a reason for being there, one is not identified - one of these two guys hurried away from Kylie's house clutching something. I'm guessing it was the unidentified one) … and then the man in the black jacket with the paper bag.

And police are still looking for the main stripey-top man as he is the one that they have just re-issued inquiries about on the route to Main Street, according to pics in recent MSM.

So the guy that was seen leaving Kylie's house clutching something is not the same guy the tradie saw earlier. If this is the case he could have already been in the house waiting, but didn't take anything of value so IMO he wasn't there to rob the house. :scared:

Funny word to use for "random robbery"? It's usually 'motive was robbery', not 'greed', amirite?
So the ATM attempts could have been either stripy hoody man or black jumper man? Why did they release the photo fit of stripy hoody man when this 'leak' happened?
Just to add to the confusion …. apparently, there were 3 men. Two in stripey tops (one had a reason for being there, one is not identified - one of these two guys hurried away from Kylie's house clutching something. I'm guessing it was the unidentified one) … and then the man in the black jacket with the paper bag.

And police are still looking for the main stripey-top man as he is the one that they have just re-issued inquiries about on the route to Main Street, according to pics in recent MSM.

Ay Carumba peeps!! I was more confused than ever over this case so I have been looking over first released news items way back in august 2013...from what I can gather the witness(tradie) reported seeing a man peering intently at house just before noon.Then Kylie came home just after and went inside leaving garage door open.Then witness saw same man reappear 10 to 15 mins after Kylie got home.Then 20 minutes after,he was seen hurrying away down street. The confusing bit is when you start reading news reports after this..all of a sudden one quoted the witness as saying Kylie came back out to put rubbish in bin and apparently the neighbour who went into her when she was found by those poor kids said paramedics didnt turn up until around 4pm...which is very conflicting to how they were seen going past someone just round corner earlier than 4pm....there was a few other added things that weren't in papers earlier too but i won't waffle on...just trying to say that things seem to get added in
Ay Carumba peeps!! I was more confused than ever over this case so I have been looking over first released news items way back in august 2013...from what I can gather the witness(tradie) reported seeing a man peering intently at house just before noon.Then Kylie came home just after and went inside leaving garage door open.Then witness saw same man reappear 10 to 15 mins after Kylie got home.Then 20 minutes after,he was seen hurrying away down street. The confusing bit is when you start reading news reports after this..all of a sudden one quoted the witness as saying Kylie came back out to put rubbish in bin and apparently the neighbour who went into her when she was found by those poor kids said paramedics didnt turn up until around 4pm...which is very conflicting to how they were seen going past someone just round corner earlier than 4pm....there was a few other added things that weren't in papers earlier too but i won't waffle on...just trying to say that things seem to get added in

BBM - :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

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