GUILTY Australia - Lisa Harnum, 30, killed in 15-storey fall, Sydney, 30 July 2011 #3

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Did your friend manage escape successfully and absolutely?
Does he remain in any form a lethal obsession? Or is he goneski? The relationship kaput, finished, no more, dead and buried?
And is it too early to ask if she has found her SELF again? And maybe even a proper meaningful relationship with a normal person?

The toxic individual, who shall remain nameless is gone.
She got clean.... they were still in touch. He had no respect for that because along with money, drugs were a form of control. There were a few slipups along the way, and then she was able to see that him supplying her wasn't "love" - it was desperation to hold on.

She got a bit of her "own" back, by assisting some staff members to leave him - which angered him enough to cut off completely (after a tirade of abusive messages) but not enough to be harmed. Now that I'm looking back, I see just how risky that was at the time.....

She's not the same as she was...... but I think that we all change through experiences. She's stronger. Hasnt had a "good" relationship as yet, but spots similar patterns and personalities and steers clear.

There is a lot of self-image and self worth tied up there, because she is breathtakingly beautiful in an exotic eurasian way - and doesnt see her other attributes as being as great as they are. She has always had far more than beauty going for her, but has never been able to see it.

But she is free. She went back to school this year - doing a bridging course to get into university. I think it will be great for her - to be hanging out with a younger crowd, and doing the fun - silly things like unigames etc that these years robbed her of. She has actually done fantastically in the bridging course..... she's always labelled herself as being dumb, or a ditz, but you should have seen her face when she got a High Distinction for a literature assignment.

So hopefully all of that will start to let her know that she doesnt need to be defined by any single thing, that she can choose who she wants to be.
OK Sleuthers...... I wonder if SG's mobile phone was ever checked ? Where is his mobile phone ? Did he get rid of it before it could be checked. The reason I am curious is because the text messages that were included as evidence seem to have been retrieved from JH's phone or LH's phone or (I suppose), the monitoring system ? There doesn't seem to be any wording in the Judgment that indicates 'texts' or 'calls' made from SG's phone. If SG's mobile phone was checked, couldn't it prove he did call certain numbers etc (eg. to threaten the counsellor) ?

I think the judge took as written that he made the threats .

The women Who love Prisoners
DECEMBER 03, 2013 2:48PM

WHEN Simon Gittany gets his first bag of mail in prison, the convicted murderer might be surprised to find admiring letters from strangers.
For some women, Gittany's incarceration in a maximum-security prison last week has sent his attraction ratio skyrocketing.
These are the women who fall in love with men behind bars and just like Gittany's model girlfriend, Rachelle Louise, many of them are attractive - even drop-dead gorgeous...Psychologist and criminal profiler, Dr Tony Clarke, told prison relationships were often a testament to the manipulative ability of the incarcerated inmate...

The same with Carl Williams. He had a drop dead gorgeous blonde who turned up every day at his court case but then she disappeared.
The toxic individual, who shall remain nameless is gone.
She got clean.... they were still in touch. He had no respect for that because along with money, drugs were a form of control. There were a few slipups along the way, and then she was able to see that him supplying her wasn't "love" - it was desperation to hold on.

She got a bit of her "own" back, by assisting some staff members to leave him - which angered him enough to cut off completely (after a tirade of abusive messages) but not enough to be harmed. Now that I'm looking back, I see just how risky that was at the time.....

She's not the same as she was...... but I think that we all change through experiences. She's stronger. Hasnt had a "good" relationship as yet, but spots similar patterns and personalities and steers clear.

There is a lot of self-image and self worth tied up there, because she is breathtakingly beautiful in an exotic eurasian way - and doesnt see her other attributes as being as great as they are. She has always had far more than beauty going for her, but has never been able to see it.

But she is free. She went back to school this year - doing a bridging course to get into university. I think it will be great for her - to be hanging out with a younger crowd, and doing the fun - silly things like unigames etc that these years robbed her of. She has actually done fantastically in the bridging course..... she's always labelled herself as being dumb, or a ditz, but you should have seen her face when she got a High Distinction for a literature assignment.

So hopefully all of that will start to let her know that she doesnt need to be defined by any single thing, that she can choose who she wants to be.

How lucky your friend is to have friends like you.
The toxic individual, who shall remain nameless is gone.
She got clean.... they were still in touch. He had no respect for that because along with money, drugs were a form of control. There were a few slipups along the way, and then she was able to see that him supplying her wasn't "love" - it was desperation to hold on.

She got a bit of her "own" back, by assisting some staff members to leave him - which angered him enough to cut off completely (after a tirade of abusive messages) but not enough to be harmed. Now that I'm looking back, I see just how risky that was at the time.....

She's not the same as she was...... but I think that we all change through experiences. She's stronger. Hasnt had a "good" relationship as yet, but spots similar patterns and personalities and steers clear.

There is a lot of self-image and self worth tied up there, because she is breathtakingly beautiful in an exotic eurasian way - and doesnt see her other attributes as being as great as they are. She has always had far more than beauty going for her, but has never been able to see it.

But she is free. She went back to school this year - doing a bridging course to get into university. I think it will be great for her - to be hanging out with a younger crowd, and doing the fun - silly things like unigames etc that these years robbed her of. She has actually done fantastically in the bridging course..... she's always labelled herself as being dumb, or a ditz, but you should have seen her face when she got a High Distinction for a literature assignment.

So hopefully all of that will start to let her know that she doesnt need to be defined by any single thing, that she can choose who she wants to be.

Thank you dear ICU Nurse. I feel like doing somersaults! A miracle has occurred.
BTW Nobody is quite the same after a toxic relationship. Lovely ladies saddled with a jerk such as this, spend a lot of time thinking they are the problem; thinking they need to adjust, thinking they need to re-arrange ie lower their standards, to meet the standards of the scum they have partnered.
(Of course once children enter the equation, some things become set in concrete.)
I am slightly over the moon that one girl has been saved. What she doesn't know right now is that her whole world might be just beginning.
(Someone, a very dear friend said to me once, "You should be excited about what is around the next corner.")
My secret response (nearly 20 years ago) "Poof! Bloody idiot! You wouldn't understand. You don't realize there IS no next corner. I have done my run and poorly."
Gulp! Strangely, There appeared a light in the darkness, AND a corner; and my life hasn't been quite the same since! Tee he!
More strangely, I can't work out why in blue blazes I had been still trying to make excuses for the ex husband (unfortunately father of my children) for all those years even though I despised his narcissistic behaviour.

Ha ha! Those other attributes your friend still has, but can't see just yet, (intestinal fortitude, some call essential guts; being a good start), will stand her in very good stead. Providing she keeps just a twinkle of faith in her self.
BTW What a wonderful thing to have good friends!
Lisa Harnum needed just that. Her family, good friends, faith in her own self restored, (some positive re-enforcement); and, removal from her toxic situation.
Bit of a mystery isn't it as Mark Tedeschi said it was fresh evidence. From that same report...

Today Crown prosecutor Mark Tedeschi QC jumped on fresh evidence that the 40-year-old asked his brother to remove a hidden computer hard disk from the apartment

I wonder why police felt the need to interview Mr James Drivas, and find out more about the supposed workings of the cameras/recording device/hard drive. They would have their own specialists that could give them any general info they needed.

I think Judge Judy has a point, they may have heard something and followed up. And if it was wiring they were following to the ceiling cavity, surely they would have noticed that a lot sooner than "fresh evidence".

I think it is interesting because it may be where Gittany kept his private resources. If he didn't have much of a legitimate income, I'd think he'd be keeping his cash somewhere other than the bank.

And there are those MSM comments about police looking into his financial dealings with those two meth-makers. Maybe the meth-makers told the police something that made them look at the apartment again, that then made them follow up with Anthony, that then led them to interviewing James Drivas about a mysterious hard drive (that may never have been there - because I still don't see why he would hide a hard drive, even after reading James Drivas' explanation of how it all worked)?
Thank you to everyone for the posts and updates post verdict and especially for the's excellent! Is anyone aware of RL visiting SG in prison since he was found guilty? It seems that the romance has cooled?? And no reports of any paid interviews....the mind boggles!
VETERAN western Sydney police detective Kevin Jones will never forget the name and smile of Simon Gittany.

The retired policeman - who asked his real name not be published - still recalls how, while wrestling with Gittany during an arrest in 1994, the criminal bit off a chunk of his ear.

Then, with Gittany's mouth still dripping blood, how he used his younger sister as a human shield while taunting the detective and punching him in the face.

"Look at you now, you stupid c ... ," Gittany, then 20, spat at the officer, grinning through his red-stained lips.

"I might go to jail for this or I might get off, but I don't give a f . . k what happens because your f . . kin' ear will be like that for the rest of your life, you c ... "


- See more at:
VETERAN western Sydney police detective Kevin Jones will never forget the name and smile of Simon Gittany.

<respectfully snipped>

OMG!Thanks for posting that information Ladybird1. Poor Lisa.It seems that he has emerged as an anti-social and manipulative character from adolescence; he has shown disregard for others; he tends to use others for his own gain. He has shown contempt for the Law and has attempted to manipulate the Law to his own advantage. He most likely kept his 'stash' hidden in the ceiling space, had cameras monitoring LH and her where about in the unit, so that he could access his 'stash' without her knowledge.
While serving three years' periodic detention for drug trafficking, Gittany and another inmate attempted to secure their early release by injecting themselves with a syringe of hepatitis C-infected blood they had smuggled into their cell.

They planned to argue that the syringe was found in their bedding at Silverwater jail, and that the ordeal was so traumatic they should be discharged on medical and humanitarian grounds, Fairfax Media reported at the time.

But their ruse came to an end at Auburn Hospital when prison guards revealed their scam, inspired by hypomanic Sydney stockbroker Rene Rivkin, had been monitored from the beginning.

The stupidity astounds me. Periodic detention means you still have a life. Means you can still hold onto a job - unless, you know, Friday and Saturday nights are you largest in terms of clientelle............

Facepalm. Yeah. Lets inject ourselves with Hep C so we get out!

I really have no words.

No wonder he was so smug and though he would get off. It seems he has been able to fool everyone for a long time but his so called charisma did not work this time. He certainly has some psychiatric illness that gives him a feeling of invisibility . He obviously thought he could commit any crime he liked and go to confession and all would be forgiven. He played the game by getting the clergy to support him and doing volunteer work . This probably only lasted until his court case. He certainly didn't practise the Catholic religion. Living with girlfriend and not married. Robbery and assault and then murder. In my opinion he is a psychopath who believes he can do what ever he wants without impunity.
Unfortunately Australia does not build new prisons and most are over crowded. With new changes in the laws in Victoria no suspended sentences, no early parole ,there are reports of prisoner unrest and potential for riots within the gaols. They need to build new prisons. A stop gap solution to this is the
Report that they want to house prisoners in shipping containers and to keep track of them by fitting ankle tracking systems.
Thanks for the article Ladybird1.

Simon Gittany has already had enough chances.

Source: Mr Gittany's sister Barbara blew a kiss to her brother and said: "God bless you Simon".
Yes, with a Life sentence.

because I still don't see why he would hide a hard drive, even after reading James Drivas' explanation of how it all worked)?

Snipped by me - A legitimate reason would be, if a burglar broke in and stole property, including all the computer equipment in the study room, he would have a recording of the burglary on the 'hidden' hard drive. IMO :groucho:
Another thing stood out in the article from the Australian was the manner in which SG used his religious façade as a tool to buy leniency for himself.
Something tells me this is a vitally important clue as to his manipulative machinations. He knows he can use this so called "conversion" to his own advantage.
"It could be the product of a deliberate and conscious effort to fabricate a case for leniency ..." said about 1994.
Well it was, and Lisa Harnum paid.
Snipped by me - A legitimate reason would be, if a burglar broke in and stole property, including all the computer equipment in the study room, he would have a recording of the burglary on the 'hidden' hard drive. IMO :groucho:

Yes! And maybe he could capture footage of Santa Claus leaving gifts too, if Santa didn’t know there was a 2nd hard drive recording his movements!


The Simon Gittany trial should be a wake up call for abusive men by Louise Taylor, December 2, 2013.
Women already know when they're in an abusive relationship &#8211; and leaving their perpetrators is highly dangerous. It is abusers and their support networks who need to be urgently targeted...

The behaviour exhibited by Gittany during the murder trial is typical of men who abuse, manipulate, control and assault their female partners. Speak to any woman who has been subject to an intimate relationship characterised by violence, and she will undoubtedly reveal to you shades of Gittany in what she has suffered...

The behaviour exhibited by not many abusers give you a backhander on the first date, or want to monitor your text messages after the second one. These men generally don&#8217;t display their abusive behaviour from the get go. They use stealth. They use charm. They use manipulation. And once you&#8217;re sucked in, it is so very, very hard to get out.
Thanks for the article Ladybird1.

Simon Gittany has already had enough chances.

....Yes, and now the Judge has a good 2 months to ponder over all of those chances he was given, of how much of a menace he has been to the community prior to the vicious crime he committed on LH.

I wonder what submissions his defense will present for leniency ? I can't think of any that wouldn't make the general public sick to the stomach to hear. :sick:
....Yes, and now the Judge has a good 2 months to ponder over all of those chances he was given, of how much of a menace he has been to the community prior to the vicious crime he committed on LH.

I wonder what submissions his defense will present for leniency ? I can't think of any that wouldn't make the general public sick to the stomach to hear. :sick:

Yes - I bet his legal team are scratching their heads about how to make this guy look good in any light. No one can believe SG and his representation. His life has been a lie, a scam, and a con. He's dangerous because he still possibly believes there is a way out of this - and that all he has to do is think of it (which would involve lies, a scam, a con, a threat, a payoff) :facepalm:
He has no respect for the law, let alone human life and the suffering he causes.

I bet he still thinks he will get off lightly.

Snipped by me - A legitimate reason would be, if a burglar broke in and stole property, including all the computer equipment in the study room, he would have a recording of the burglary on the 'hidden' hard drive. IMO :groucho:

I can sort of get this and also sort of not.

My husband is a super-geek.

His computer is worth about $5k - and we alsways HAVE to have the latest gadgets *sigh*

We don't live in a secure apartment building - in fact our area is a real socioeconomic mix - a new development as well as weatherboard run down places. House prices range from $279k to $800k - and there is definately a criminal element in our area.

Do we install security cameras? No. We lock our door, pay contents insurance and have a little bit of faith in humanity.

To me, the whole installation of cameras means that there was something being stored there that a $50 a month insurance policy wouldn't replace.

Cash... substances?

And a deep distrust of the people in your life - after all, it is a secure building. Access to each floor is restricted with swipe cards and being buzzed in only allows elevator access to that specific floor.

Now a computer may be stolen if there was fear that the computer contained footage of another theft.... but I really cant see how cameras to protect a PC is necessarily warranted.

Or maybe I'm just too trusting?

On a side note...... I finally got around to being verified... so I don't need to dance around with my words if anything comes up that I can give input to. Yay! (thanks Marly for letting me know!)
I can sort of get this and also sort of not.

My husband is a super-geek.

His computer is worth about $5k - and we alsways HAVE to have the latest gadgets *sigh*

We don't live in a secure apartment building - in fact our area is a real socioeconomic mix - a new development as well as weatherboard run down places. House prices range from $279k to $800k - and there is definately a criminal element in our area.

Do we install security cameras? No. We lock our door, pay contents insurance and have a little bit of faith in humanity.

To me, the whole installation of cameras means that there was something being stored there that a $50 a month insurance policy wouldn't replace.

Cash... substances?

And a deep distrust of the people in your life - after all, it is a secure building. Access to each floor is restricted with swipe cards and being buzzed in only allows elevator access to that specific floor.

Now a computer may be stolen if there was fear that the computer contained footage of another theft.... but I really cant see how cameras to protect a PC is necessarily warranted.

Or maybe I'm just too trusting?

On a side note...... I finally got around to being verified... so I don't need to dance around with my words if anything comes up that I can give input to. Yay! (thanks Marly for letting me know!)

Yay for getting verified!

Perhaps the camera's were just installed so he could watch Lisa? But she thought they were there for some other reason.

To protect anything illegal is possible. Not something you claim on insurance or report to the police.

I get the sense SG is a control freak and always suspects he's being taken advantage of. I think you hit the nail on the head with having a deep distrust of people. Paranoid narcissist? It could be something as pathetic as checking to see the cleaner was working the he hours he paid for. I can imagine he'd love the power trip of confronting the cleaner about why he/she left 20 minutes early.
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