Found Deceased Australia - Melissa Caddick, 49, Sydney, NSW, 12 Nov 2020 #7

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Does anyone else think its slightly bizarre that at the end of last week ASIC were adding more charges and that today they are dropping them???? (as per the media)

Wonder what the "real story" is here???
Something to do with the caveats?

Exposing something that hasn’t been discussed previously ?

I have no idea tbh.
I have two thoughts on this dropping of charges by ASIC.

1. MC has been pronounced legally dead so ASIC cannot charge a dead person.

2. It is not ASIC's remit as it has become a criminal case and the police will take over the charges.
From Facebook

Henry Files
Sue Manning
note it does not say should anything happen to me or I become unable to look after my own finances. No it says immediately this means Adam grimley had POA over Melissa's finances since September 2016 while she did most of this. Just seems a little strange to me have POA over someone and know NOTHING!

Sue Manning
Henry Files
yes that's what I thought and joint bank accounts,
Henry Files
Also says Adam grimley has a service trust business.. was that just Melissa's trust he was paid for? Cause I heard he sold protein shakes.. that's a lot of money for 1 client


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I have already reported these 5 or 6 Facebook posts as I made them in error and have asked for them to be deleted. I am very embarrassed that these Facebook posts ended up here. I had two windows open at the same time and thought they were going to my private messenger where I store ideas to come back to later.
Charges on fraudster Melissa Caddick dropped despite no confirmation the conwoman is dead | Daily Mail Online
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  • ASIC to drop all charges against Eastern Suburbs con artist Melissa Caddick
  • All charges to be dropped on Tuesday at Downing Centre Local Court
  • No confirmation yet on whether Caddick is dead after defrauding $25 million
  • Federal Court case continues next week: liquidator to be appointed
Australia's corporate watchdog is going to drop all charges tomorrow against con artist Melissa Caddick, whose rotting foot was found on a NSW beach last month.

Last week the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) loaded up the 49-year-old Eastern Suburbs fraudster with 38 new charges.

However the ASIC confirmed to Daily Mail Australia that it is planning to drop all charges on Tuesday, and has already withdrawn the warrant for her arrest.

Documents filed last week by ASIC revealed the extent of Caddick's crimes while she ran Maliver, the unlicensed investment firm.
There is also a new article in the SMH with further information on the Edgecliff property....

However, her parents Ted and Barbara Grimley have placed caveats on the Edgecliff penthouse their daughter purchased for $2.55 million in 2016. The Grimleys claim that they gave their daughter $1.1 million from the sale of their Connells Point home to reduce the mortgage on the property. They also had a written agreement with their daughter that they would have a life tenancy.

The court will be asked to determine whether the Grimleys should be treated differently to other investors given that their money was not used to reduce the mortgage but instead went on propping up Ms Caddick’s lifestyle.

Meanwhile, it is understood several investors have taken umbrage at some of the fees charged by Mr Gleeson and Mr Jones up until 15 February, which includes more than $1000 to consider a request to appear on Channel 9’s 60 Minutes.

Criminal charges against Melissa Caddick to be withdrawn (
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There is also a new article in the SMH with further information on the Edgecliff property....

However, her parents Ted and Barbara Grimley have placed caveats on the Edgecliff penthouse their daughter purchased for $2.55 million in 2016. The Grimleys claim that they gave their daughter $1.1 million from the sale of their Connells Point home to reduce the mortgage on the property. They also had a written agreement with their daughter that they would have a life tenancy.

The court will be asked to determine whether the Grimleys should be treated differently to other investors given that their money was not used to reduce the mortgage but instead went on propping up Ms Caddick’s lifestyle.

Meanwhile, it is understood several investors have taken umbrage at some of the fees charged by Mr Gleeson and Mr Jones up until 15 February, which includes more than $1000 to consider a request to appear on Channel 9’s 60 Minutes.

Criminal charges against Melissa Caddick to be withdrawn (
Also an update on the figures ....

Mr Gleeson and Mr Soire from insolvency firm Jones Partners, currently the provisional liquidators, have informed the 64 investors that they believe close to $30 million went into Ms Caddick’s accounts from 2012 to 2020.

Over that period $7 million was returned to investors, leaving $23 million owing to her clients.
There is also a new article in the SMH with further information on the Edgecliff property....

However, her parents Ted and Barbara Grimley have placed caveats on the Edgecliff penthouse their daughter purchased for $2.55 million in 2016. The Grimleys claim that they gave their daughter $1.1 million from the sale of their Connells Point home to reduce the mortgage on the property. They also had a written agreement with their daughter that they would have a life tenancy.

The court will be asked to determine whether the Grimleys should be treated differently to other investors given that their money was not used to reduce the mortgage but instead went on propping up Ms Caddick’s lifestyle.

Meanwhile, it is understood several investors have taken umbrage at some of the fees charged by Mr Gleeson and Mr Jones up until 15 February, which includes more than $1000 to consider a request to appear on Channel 9’s 60 Minutes.

Criminal charges against Melissa Caddick to be withdrawn (

'They also had a written agreement with their daughter that they would have a life tenancy.'

And had Melissa lived to a ripe old age, outliving them, sure. .. dependent on no one ever finding out the scam, as well.

A non living Melissa has no gift of life tenancy to give, that is the situation. Complicated by the indisputable situation where by the unit was paid for with stolen money ( that must be returned ) and one assumes that the Elder Grimley's don't have the wherewithal to stump up for the residue of the mortgage, even supposing some court allows them equity of the million $ they say they threw in the pot for the unit.

Which doesn't seem likely, if all they have is a paper of Melissa giving them life long tenancy. That doesn't sound like they have paper stating they put in $1.5 million dollars. Which,, again, I happen to think they probably did, but Melissa was not kind enough to put them on the title. .

Meanwhile, it is understood several investors have taken umbrage at some of the fees charged by Mr Gleeson and Mr Jones up until 15 February, which includes more than $1000 to consider a request to appear on Channel 9’s 60 Minutes.

This outcome is as predictable as the sun rising in the east. No client is ever going to be happy with the fees charged, and I am assuming that Jones Partners went into it not on a no win no fee basis, ( only a really silly barrister would do that in this particular case ) but on a base fee arrangement. Nor would Jones Partners have taken it on on a percentage of the ruling of the court, either, that way lies bankruptcy.

This case would have taken up acres of Jones Part. time, plus quite a few lawyers cutting their teeth, not to mention paralegals, secretaries, networking , data research, no picnic.

Umbrage , when one's clients are already in a high state of umbrage is always going to be the status quo. .

The thing is, if, as a class action event these clients decide to fire Jones and hire someone else, it's back on the merry go round of hideous fees , except doubled , now.

None of this was /is ever going to bring comfort or solace or justice, or closure. Not now, not ever. This is the legacy of long term embezzlement.
And had Melissa lived to a ripe old age, outliving them, sure. .. dependent on no one ever finding out the scam, as well.

A non living Melissa has no gift of life tenancy to give, that is the situation. Complicated by the indisputable situation where by the unit was paid for with stolen money ( that must be returned ) and one assumes that the Elder Grimley's don't have the wherewithal to stump up for the residue of the mortgage, even supposing some court allows them equity of the million $ they say they threw in the pot for the unit.

Which doesn't seem likely, if all they have is a paper of Melissa giving them life long tenancy. That doesn't sound like they have paper stating they put in $1.5 million dollars. Which,, again, I happen to think they probably did, but Melissa was not kind enough to put them on the title. .

Agree Troop this is most likely the reality of situation for MC's parents, it is very sad for them, and add to that, the grief. they have lost their daughter..... but it is also a sad state of affairs for MC's Investors ......

I have also wondered if this is part of Kubler Ross' 5 Stages of Grieving, and they are at the "bargaining" phase....
Does anyone else think its slightly bizarre that at the end of last week ASIC were adding more charges and that today they are dropping them???? (as per the media)

Wonder what the "real story" is here???

My guess is that ASIC raised the charges, but the police have to enforce them. And the police have said that they can't arrest Melissa as they strongly believe she is deceased. It is a pointless venture.

I don't think there is anything more to it than that.

The fraud case will go ahead, regardless. So that the investors can achieve some return.
Once the coroner declares Melissa deceased, Melissa's will can be probated by her executor (Adam) ... if there is anything left of her estate by then, which I doubt.
Once the coroner declares Melissa deceased, Melissa's will can be probated by her executor (Adam) ... if there is anything left of her estate by then, which I doubt.

Hi SA, can you please give me the link that states Adam is MC's executor, as I seem to have missed that.... I thought she may have had more than one executor......

One would think that by now, ASIC and the NSW Police would have "their ducks in row" regrading the charges .....
Hi SA, can you please give me the link that states Adam is MC's executor, as I seem to have missed that.... I thought she may have had more than one executor......

It is in the SMH article that you just linked a couple of posts ago (#127).

"Investors have been informed that her brother Adam, who is the executor of her will, will not challenge the sale of the Dover Heights home purchased by Ms Caddick in 2014."
Hi SA, can you please give me the link that states Adam is MC's executor, as I seem to have missed that.... I thought she may have had more than one executor......

One would think that by now, ASIC and the NSW Police would have "their ducks in row" regrading the charges .....
Oh don't worry SA I have found it... it was in Todays SMH article above ...

Edit to add - obvious "snap" SA ..... ha ha
The court listing for Tue 30 March 2021, case number 2021/00050389, says it's a "Mention (Commonwealth)", and I think that's because the alleged offences are crimes under Commonwealth law (the Corporations Act). The case would be prosecuted by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP), who I think would have been assisted by the Australian Federal Police who were assisting ASIC.

The investigation into Melissa's disappearance and possible death is something different, IMO, a separate investigation by a separate police force - NSW Police Force - and if there's a crime to be prosecuted that would probably involve the NSW DPP, not the CDPP.

MOO, though! Someone please correct if necessary.

Steps in Prosecution, Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
Brief Assessment/Decision to Charge
"The decision whether or not to prosecute is the most important step in the prosecution process. A prosecution will be instituted when there are:
- reasonable prospects of securing a conviction; and
- the public interest requires a prosecution."

How we differ from State DPPs
"The role of the CDPP is to prosecute offences against Commonwealth law and in some circumstances confiscate the proceeds of crime."
Meanwhile, it is understood several investors have taken umbrage at some of the fees charged by Mr Gleeson and Mr Jones up until 15 February, which includes more than $1000 to consider a request to appear on Channel 9’s 60 Minutes.

Criminal charges against Melissa Caddick to be withdrawn (

edited by me for emphasis. ..

Because Mr Gleeson, and Mr Jones are the Receivers.. ( appointed by the court ) .. it is their job to go down every dark alley and twisted lane in their court appointed task of gathering every single debtor Melissa has collected in her life. Going on 60 mins would require quite a bit of discussion , at $700 per 30 mins, ( just for Mr Gleeson ) ..

Once a person, or an entity, like a company or organisation is placed in the hands of the receiver it is very close to the end game. It is then a matter for debtors to claw back what they feel they are owed, and not a matter of the Receiver dispersing monies at whim and at will.

Of course, the poor investors also have to fork out for , say, Dom Calabrio as well.. and the other firm , Bridges, ...if they are joined up in a class action. They actually pay at both rough ends of the pineapple, this is the fate of those caught up in these kind of events.. lose your money, pay for a receiver to work out exactly who lost what, ( because the Receivers fee is paid out of the remnants on the estate. .... like the funeral director , they get first dibs on the money pool ) .. and pay for a barrister to argue your point in court to get back 2 or 3 cents in the dollar.

And Melissa would have known this procedure was the inevitable outcome of her house of cards collapsing. She was business-wise, she probably knew quite a few people who had wound up in the hands of the Receiver during her association with the financial services industry. Certainly she would have heard about a few.
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Kate McClymont
The Melissa Caddick matter is being heard in tiny courtroom 5.5 in the Downing Centre. Only half the seats are available due to Covid concerns so about 20 lawyers, defendants and journos are all crammed together in the doorway.
ASIC has formally sought to withdraw the criminal charges against Melissa Caddick due to reports she is deceased “but if she does reappear we will seek to refuse those charges”.
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