Found Deceased Australia - Nick Eade, 36, Sydney, 26 Nov 2013

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Wonder why they waited so long before sending out the appeal?

I also agree with a comment made above, querying whether or not it was habitual of him to update his wife on how his work meetings were going ... That last text message he sent sounded odd. Either he was very absorbed in self assessment of how he was going at work or all that detail was a deflection from something else going on.

And it strikes me that he indicates what time he is NOT coming home that evening as opposed to indicating what time he INTENDS to come home...
This is a timeline taken from the Missing FB page -

26 Nov Nick sent a loving text to wife Trish in the afternoon and said he’d be home at 7pm that evening.

30 Nov Reported sighting of Nick at Mullumbimby RSL and Byron Bay area

09 Dec Activity on his account at a Brookvale location, however it remains unconfirmed that it is him using the card - no CCTV to confirm and it could be someone else we are unsure.

10 Dec Nick’s car found in Cremorne, been there for at least a week due to parking tickets. His phone is in the car.


Re sighting at RSL were there cameras there to confirm it was him?


I live in Mullumbimby, its a very small country town just inland from Byron Bay, not that hard to miss people. I was just thinking that this guys face looks soooooo familiar, that maybe he is on TV and not just in production. But perhaps he has a double here in Mullumbimby/Byron? Or maybe I have just seen his face pays to pay attention, will keep my eyes open. I got the shivers when I saw his photo.

Hi Pushka!:seeya: I live near you and I had exactly the same reaction when I saw his picture - I felt like I'd seen him around - his face is very familiar to me. If he isn't on TV, maybe he is hanging up out here in the Northern Rivers? Lots of people do head up here to 'disappear' for a while.....
I really hate these types of missing cases! They make me feel angry and sad as you don't know if it is someone disappearing themselves or foul play! Then I find myself thinking I hope he is ok and just wanted to get away for awhile, then mad cause doing that to loved ones is awful, then I get on the sad again if it is foul play!!! How these families get through these times is so hard to even to begin to understand!!!

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I have the same feelings. One minute wondering if there is foul play, then is he wandering around with amnesia then there is the thought of did he do this deliberately. Has he decided to move on with his life in a different direction. This thought is because he phoned his wife to say he had so much work to do and would be home late and then went and left work early. I feel he had something planned. But that he has kept quiet when he would know that he is reported as missing leads in another direction. Is there something that is stopping him from contacting relatives or has it gone too far that he can't face anyone.
He is an intelligent man with a great job. The question is, why would he throw it all away?
Then I go back to foul play, amnesia etc. It certainly is a hard one to fathom.
Irrespective of where he actually is, one thing is apparent, which is that he was not being upfront with his wife on the afternoon he disappeared, by sending a text indicating he would be at work until later but then in fact leaving work early.

Yes, it does appear he had something planned. Could drugs be involved?? A supposed sighting in Mullumbimby... a 'phantom' ATM withdrawal a few days later in Brookvale...

Could he have been ambushed, esp. with his phone having been left in the car at Cremorne??

The bank account activity sets this one apart from many other missing person cases, where there is more often than not absolutely no bank account activity. It must be one or the other -
1. He has chosen to disappear but accessed the account himself, or
2. Someone else has gotten hold of his wallet/card and did it.
I just -love- Mullumbimby! That whole area..

It's also great for vanishing, if that's what someone wants to do. I 'vanished' into that area myself for a while, in my early 20's. Lovely weather, nice people, simply gorgeous landscape. If it wasn't for the damned paralysis ticks (which found me irresistible, eek..) and lack of money/work, I'd probably still be there, lol.

Sound to me like Nick might have wanted to vanish, too. Either that, or someone's jacked his atm card and whatever, and he's on the side of a road somewhere..

But nah. I presently think he ditched his car and phone to make it look like he was 'missing' and took to the hills. Breakdown.. fugue.. drugs... another woman.. another man..? Who knows why people do things, sometimes. He has a lovely family at home, beautiful daughter and wife.

I hope, for his sake, I'm not wrong.
I'm bumping this one for Nick. Wherever you are Nick, just check in with your family. They're desperate.

Gee willikers... statistics show that about 160 people are reported missing every week in NSW alone and it's supposedly not about who you are or how high your public profile is, but more if you are a minor, or if as an adult, there are concerns about your safety and welfare. But you sort of know it doesn't really work like that and I can almost guarantee if the Prime Minister went missing and even if there weren't any concerns for his personal safety, it would still make National front page news.

As most of us already know, adults going missing is not a crime and if you are found, as long as you are not under a CTO (mental health court order) or under guardianship etc, then your privacy is respected as there is no law that you have to disclose your whereabouts to those who reported you missing.

NSW Police Missing Persons Unit provides Operational Support to our police in the field. A Missing Person is defined as, anyone who is reported missing to police, whose whereabouts are unknown, and there are fears for the safety or concern for the welfare of that person.

It is important for people to be aware that being reported missing is not a crime and that it is the aim of the NSW Police Force to ascertain if the missing person is safe and well.
However, I ask because this part seems rather vague in some ways:

If you are located by the Police or a Missing Person's agency and deemed to be 'safe' and you do not want others to know that you have been located..... is there any legal obligation for Police to tell the people who filed the Missing Persons report of you being located, or can you request that you want total privacy and do not want the information that you have been safely located passed on?

How far legally, does personal privacy of a located missing person extend?
.... is there any legal obligation for Police to tell the people who filed the Missing Persons report of you being located, or can you request that you want total privacy and do not want the information that you have been safely located passed on?
I think I may have found the answer. This is an old 60 Minutes live interview with Inspector Jeff Emery, at the time, Commander of the NSW Missing Persons Unit. It's dated 2004 and though it's 9 years old I am almost sure the police information still stands valid.

Jeff Emery: If a person does not want to be found, police respect their privacy and do not release their whereabouts to the family or enquirers. However, the families and next of kin or person reporting them are advised that the person is safe and well and does not wish to be reunited. Police will always respect the privacy of the individual.

So I figure that a located Missing person doesn't have a right to withhold the information that they have been located from those who report that person as being missing. ?

I also ask because in my searches I have come across places where some people say thay want to leave and not ever have their families told that they are located if per chance their family or friends make a Missing Persons report.

I gather then, if Nick is located, if nothing else, that his family who filed the Missing Persons report would be told at least that much even if he still wanted to remain 'missing'. So if you really wanted to fall off the grid totally, you would be hoping that you are one of those people who don't get reported as being a missing person.
Gee willikers... statistics show that about 160 people are reported missing every week in NSW alone and it's supposedly not about who you are or how high your public profile is, but more if you are a minor, or if as an adult, there are concerns about your safety and welfare. But you sort of know it doesn't really work like that and I can almost guarantee if the Prime Minister went missing and even if there weren't any concerns for his personal safety, it would still make National front page news.

Yes was my point exactly (apologies if wasn't clear). I find it very unusual the family had to push for coverage when he worked in media/television. It's almost like his colleagues aren't that concerned - if they were why wouldn't they use their 'power' to get the word out, ASAP. Everyone knows the first 48 hours are the most critical. Jill Meagher is a prime example of someone who worked in the industry and her disappearance was all over MSM from day one. Her colleagues did everything they could to help and get her story out there, which was fantastic. I wish all missing people got the exposure she did. Though I know it is hard given there are so many :(

Thanks for looking into what happens if a missing person does contact police and the process afterwards, very helpful!

From your info it seems like the police have no responsibility to update the public if they are contacted by a missing person who doesn't wish to return home, and rightly so, as you said it's not a crime. So I still wonder if this is the case - perhaps his family has been told he is okay, but no details on where he is now as he requested privacy? To the family, he would still be 'missing' in a way as they don't know what happened to him or where he is... I know if my husband was missing then I was told he had been in contact and was okay... I will still want to locate him regardless of whether he wanted to be found!! Or perhaps he has been in contact, but the police are still in the process of verifying it is him / he is safe and therefore have called off the media but aren't telling the family anything until it's confirmed?

Either way, the delay/hesitation in getting the story out there makes me wonder if his colleagues or police know "something" they aren't releasing which could explain his seemingly random disappearance - even more so now the police have apparently requested no media coverage (against his wife's wishes).

JMO of course!
Folks a couple of reminders...

Only reports from mainstream media are allowed.

We don't discuss facebook comments or comments from anywhere else.

You can provide a link & paraphrase.

To date, there is nothing in media which states Nick had any form of mental health or drug problems. Please discuss only what has been reported in media.
His last text message to his wife described his work day on 26 November in some detail. What stands out for me, amongst other things, is his reference to a 'food meeting' he had at work that day, which he referred to as his best one yet... This was reported in msm. To me, and this is JMO, he kind of sounds quite preoccupied with how he is going at work in his last text message.
And yes, I also wonder whether there is some interrelationship with him working in media and it being so slow to get the media involved re his disappearance...
And the momentum with the media has not been maintained. After a flurry of stories at the end of last week, it's all gone quiet again... Strange.
Folks a couple of reminders...

Only reports from mainstream media are allowed.

We don't discuss facebook comments or comments from anywhere else.

You can provide a link & paraphrase.

To date, there is nothing in media which states Nick had any form of mental health or drug problems. Please discuss only what has been reported in media.

Question so I know for next time as my post was deleted. You say no discussion about facebook comments but then say you can provide a link and paraphrase. So I could say something like 'check out what they are saying re nick eade here' and link to the fb? I'm just confused as what I posted came from a direct update post on the missing person fb page and not from a comment on there.
Question so I know for next time as my post was deleted. You say no discussion about facebook comments but then say you can provide a link and paraphrase. So I could say something like 'check out what they are saying re nick eade here' and link to the fb? I'm just confused as what I posted came from a direct update post on the missing person fb page and not from a comment on there.

Yes it's fine to say "check this out" or paraphrase. The link to the page has to be provided. But that's where it ends, no further discussion is allowed.

More details about Social Media are on the following link...

Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Folks a couple of reminders...

Only reports from mainstream media are allowed.

We don't discuss facebook comments or comments from anywhere else.

You can provide a link & paraphrase.

To date, there is nothing in media which states Nick had any form of mental health or drug problems. Please discuss only what has been reported in media.

It gets so confusing sometimes. Thing is, I have seen on occassion where mainstream media news quotes from Facebook posts, (especially the Missing Person's Facebook site) for their news articles. Can we use those Facebook post quotes too if they appear in mainstream media?

Sorry to do this, but Trish, Nick's wife does make mention in mainstream media that though he has no history of depression, that the possibility of something like mental issues may be what has happened and could explain his disappearance. But she does say that she doesn't know nor has the answers. I figure that is easier for her than to be thinking that he may have met with foul play... So I'm not sure how far we are permitted to take her comments... ?

Nothing is making sense. I don&#8217;t know if he&#8217;s had a mid-life crisis, a meltdown, depression, I wish I had the answers. I wish I knew.

'I pray that we find him, and I really pray that that&#8217;s the worst-case scenario, that there is something mentally going on and he&#8217;s scared and ashamed or lost within himself. I&#8217;m hoping that that&#8217;s the case and that someone&#8217;s looking after him, and that he knows that we love him and that no matter what happens that we&#8217;re here for him, we always are, and that&#8217;s what I&#8217;m holding on to,&#8217;' she said.

Read more:
In Victoria, its the same as that news report. The reporting person/family are told that the missing person is safe, but not their location. I'm surprised by the lack of media attention too. If the family wants media attention, they're supposed to get it :/
From your info it seems like the police have no responsibility to update the public if they are contacted by a missing person who doesn't wish to return home, and rightly so, as you said it's not a crime. So I still wonder if this is the case - perhaps his family has been told he is okay, but no details on where he is now as he requested privacy? To the family, he would still be 'missing' in a way as they don't know what happened to him or where he is... I know if my husband was missing then I was told he had been in contact and was okay... I will still want to locate him regardless of whether he wanted to be found!! Or perhaps he has been in contact, but the police are still in the process of verifying it is him / he is safe and therefore have called off the media but aren't telling the family anything until it's confirmed?
It's a can of worms and what I have found is that there is recommendation that families of missing people seek councilling especially of the possibility that the outcome may not turn out as they hope. Could be a victim of a crime or some sort of foul play or if the person is found and then that person wants no contact nor wants family to know where they are located. Or the possibility of living the rest of your life never knowing.

Even minors who go missing and are under 17, though their parents get informed that they have been found, can request no contact once located. But if they have no safe place to stay as an alternative, then they come under the Child Protection act.

It can be a gruelling situation. Family wants to know where the missing person is located and make contact and gets upset and more hurt than ever when the located person wants nothing to do with them. And sometimes the missing person who doesn't want family to know that they are found safe nor where they are located, can resent being found and having their family told that they are found safe, thus causing them more grief.

After what I have read and found out the last few days, I honestly, more than ever hope that Nick gets located and that it turns out well for him and his family and friends. And whist a person is listed as missing, as Nick is, there is always that terrible thought in background that he could be a victim of foul play.

Very emotional stuff for everyone involved. I know what it's like to have family (and a friend too) missing, but I never really thought about it this deeply at the time because they ended back home even if it did take a few years in one case, but I was too young at that time to realise the full implications. Explains my bizarre fascination for the missing, yet at the same time, inspite of having a great family and good friends, I have a 'secret' yearning to be able to disappear myself. This has done my head in for the night!

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