Okay, I typed this wonderful message the other day, but it decided not to post it
so here's hoping you get this one! Might copy it before I post just incase
My children attend the school Novy's children do. In fact, just saw them at school on Friday. Broke my heart more than words can describe. I understand children need structure/normality but still, their mother is missing for gods sake. How they can be told to function is just unheard of. They are apparently now with Foster Carers/Dept. of Child Safety. Even more a reason to break my heart.
I never knew Novy. However, a handful of the mothers I know at the school do/did
They have spoken of Novy as a wonderful, wonderful woman. Full of life. Everyone that knew her, loved her. She lived for her children. They meant the world to her.
The mothers/friends of Novy I have spoken to have stated their 'gut' feeling about Mr Chardon. He was strange. Not one that you would wish to hold a conversation with. He was arrogant and well, in their words, just plain weird.
When Novy disappeared, one friend in particular, was the last known witness to see her on Wednesday. This friend assures me Novy was in a normal/great mood. <modsnip> She was more than excited and pumped about her new business.
A few things that have stuck in my mind since having conversations with Novy's friends from the school
1. Mr Chardon was a very strange man that made most feel uncomfortable around him.
2. He was often very rude to Novy in front of others.
3. He had his daughters heavily involved in their business. <modsnip> Just a personal opinion but I wonder whether the notice that Novy was giving about the divorce was enough for 'certain people' to question how much they stood to lose ... just a thought.
Overall from what I can gather of some genuine women who have Novy and her children at their forefront of their concerns, is that Novy was in a great place. She had feared her husband for years but now could finally see herself in a great spot with her business etc. They all assure me Novy's love for her children was right up there with the best of us.
Apparently, I have been told, that one of Novy's step-daughters has now gone overseas since her interview this week. <modsnip>.
All the meantime as I write this, two beautiful, innocent children have gone to sleep wondering where their loving mother is. Not a kiss to be had nor a mummy's hug to be held.
My heart breaks :'(