Australia AUSTRALIA - Perth missing/murdered SK victims

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Possible suspects in the following missing persons/murders


PAULINE WALTER 1980- Unknown suspects (Headless body found in a ditch in Forrestdale)


Sohan Hayes was just five when he was shunted off by his parents to the Rajneeshee commune called Shanti-Sedan in the outskirts of Forrestdale in the early 1980s.
He still has vivid memories of wild meditation sessions where people screamed, convulsed and rolled around on the ground to reach a place of inner peace.

Just as quickly as the movement arose, it disappeared from Fremantle after Sannyasins lost "faith" amidst claims of corruption and murder...

Avi quit the cult in 1985 shortly after the Bhagwan's chief assistant Ma Sheela came to Fremantle.She became famous for pronouncing "tough titties" in a 60 Minutes interview in 1985 when it was suggested the Orange People were not welcome in Pemberton.
Sheela herself quit the commune shortly after cryptically saying "God's secretary is not easy." She was later sentenced to four and a half years in prison after pleading guilty to charges of attempted murder, assault, arson, electronic eavesdropping, immigration fraud and conspiracy.
"I didn't like her," Avi said.
"They way she treated people I didn't like. So when she came to Freo I decided I was out."
A Det Sgt Silich is listed by McIntyre in Hansard as working on Perth Mint Swindle case.

Robert George Silich says amongst other tenures that he was in the Company Fraud Squad, when giving his work history to the Police Royal Commission.

Therefore, He probably worked on the Leopold Nickel case.

His son, Vernon Silich, a former Taxi Driver, was a notorious, Bikie, Criminal and Murderer.

Did Vernon overhear stories of his father's cases when he was a young lad?

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View attachment S030219.pdf

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A Det Sgt Silich is listed by McIntyre in Hansard as working on Perth Mint Swindle case.

Robert George Silich says amongst other tenures that he was in the Company Fraud Squad, when giving his work history to the Police Royal Commission.

Therefore, He probably worked on the Leopold Nickel case.

His son, Vernon Silich, a former Taxi Driver, was a notorious, Bikie, Criminal and Murderer.

Did Vernon overhear stories of his father's cases when he was a young lad?

View attachment 126392
View attachment 126393

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Did Vernon's imagination get away from him, about the Leopold Nickel case?
Did he imagine sequestered wealth that didn't exist?
Did he fancy that he could obtain some of that which he imagined, through force, or ransom?
Or did someone else think so, after he told embellished stories of a "great big Nickel swindle back in the 70's"?
Did his father connect the dots over what happened in Cottesloe in 1988 and threaten to go to the police?

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Did Vernon's imagination get away from him, about the Leopold Nickel case?
Did he imagine sequestered wealth that didn't exist?
Did he fancy that he could obtain some of that which he imagined, through force, or ransom?
Or did someone else think so, after he told embellished stories of a "great big Nickel swindle back in the 70's"?
Did his father connect the dots over what happened in Cottesloe in 1988 and threaten to go to the police?

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Article in the West's gossip column, showing the the case has never been out of the spotlight for some.

Article that talks about how much money was made

Article that details that Brian had shares under various different family members names

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Funny thing is, that every time I google Julie Cutler in Google, I kept coming across another Julie Cutler. 1 that runs activities at the Grove Library opposite the Albion Hotel on Stirling Hwy. Wasn't till I searched the West archives that I discovered it was the aunty of the Julie Cutler that disappeared in 1988 by reading the obituaries. How's that? Exactly the same name, not far from where the road stalker tried to run the Fiat off the road.

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So, was Julie Cutler's disappearance, a case of mistaken identity?

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Clearer views of Cottesloe Beach are now on Google Earth.

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Clearer views of Cottesloe Beach are now on Google Earth.

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Nice clear image PD . You can see the middle reef clearly, as usual .
The area where JC'S car was found close by.

Weather maps with frontal activity responsible for swell up to 3 metres ,
early morning on the 20th june .
( Image care of IC )


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Poor Shirley. RIP

Posts my opinion unless source included. All my original text/images are my personal copyright and can't be reproduced outside of WebSleuths without my permission.
Excerpt from

(Mr Healy giving evidence)>
A witness at the inquest into the execution-style killing of Shirley Finn says former police minister Ray O'Connor told him the rifle used had been stolen from police custody by head of the Vice Squad, Bernie Johnson.Coroner Barry King is investigating the murder of the Perth brothel madam 42 years ago.
The testimony came from Maxwell Healy, who said he was told about the gun while imprisoned with Ray O'Connor, who was convicted of fraud following the WA Inc. scandal and jailed in 1995.
excerpt 2. The Zanzibar (Remember the Tudori brothers from earlier in this thread)
Mr Healy said he had seen Ms Finn at the Zanzibar two weeks before the murder, when she slapped Mr Johnson across the face.
Some months later, Mr Healy said he was back at the Zanzibar when he saw Mr Johnson clowning around with a prostitute who then gave him a light slap on the face.
He said he went up to the women after Mr Johnson had left and made a 'smart-arse' comment he went on to regret.
"I said to her the last *advertiser censored* that slapped Bernie on the face ended up with a bullet in her head," he told the court.
Mr Healy testified that Zanzibar owner Burt Tudori called him and invited him to the club that weekend.
He said when he arrived Mr Tudori asked him outside to see something and it was then he was attacked in the alleyway.
"I half turned around and it was Bernie Johnson and some big guy laying into me," he said.
He told the court he remembers Mr Johnson saying to him, "I told you to keep your big mouth shut on what you saw. You won't be mouthing off anymore".
Mr Healy said he believed they intended to kill him and would have, had it not been for Laurie Tudori coming outside and telling them to stop.
You might want to go back in this thread and re-read some of the articles about the Zanzibar nightclub
Michael Joseph Regan gave evidence at the inquest into Ms Finn's death via telephone on Friday due to ill health.

He said when he was a junior officer he used to drive all of the top detectives around, including Mr Johnson and Mick Reed, who led the investigation into Ms Finn's death.

Mr Regan implied Mr Johnson was at the helm of the "small gang" and said he was so threatening he made Roger Rogerson — a notorious NSW police figure later convicted of murder — look like a "boy scout".

"Everyone was frightened of him," he said. "Ray O'Connor was frightened of him. He was a madman."

Mr Regan said he only saw Ms Finn once, a few weeks before her death, while with Mr Johnson at Gloucester Park.

He said Mr Johnson went up and spoke to her.

"We all knew he was going to kill her," he said. "They wanted her killed."

When asked who "they" were he said: "O'Connor, everyone".

"She had no hope. No hope."

Mr Regan told the court he used to wait while a lot of the detectives went and played cards.

He said they had "so much money in those days" and "all their money came from the brothels".

Mr Regan's evidence was cut short when he became too ill to continue.

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Who are the key players?

Bernie Johnson — Former Vice Squad chief

Don Hancock — Former CIB chief

Arthur Stanley 'Neddy' Smith — Convicted murderer

Ray O'Connor — Former premier

Owen Leitch — Former police commissioner
You can add Bert and Laurie Tudori, Zanzibar Nightclub.
Neddy Smith, underworld hitman.
I'm waiting for Spike Daniels, former head of Firearms branch at the time, to be mentioned and maybe a few others ;)

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