Australia Australia - Prabhdeep Srawn, 25, Canadian, Snowy Mtns, NSW, 13 May 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That video link in Part 2 was great fun!
The upbeat music was oddly appropriate in that , it makes one feel optimistic that Prahbdeep will be located soon!
Its Missing Persons Week here in Australia, a week which highlights the plight of Missing Persons and their families when a loved one, family member or friend go missing and don't return.

Thinking of Prabhdeep Srawn and his family this week.
September 2014 and there is no updates or news of recent.

This msm picture was taken in 2013.
I am still hopeful one day soon the family will have some answers.
It is spring now here in Australia - in a few months time, the weather will be better, and hopefully more people will be trekking in the Mountains after the snow has subsided and melted. Its never to late to look and bring the Missing home.

Thinking of Prabhdeep Srawn and his family.


(2013) Sister of missing man, Prabhdeep Srawn, Mandeep, at Lake Jindabyne. Photo: Rohan Thomson

Read more: Canberra Times (2013 article)
Just adding a photo of Prabhdeep Srawn I hadn't seen before to our collection on the thread.

Kaz Novak,The Hamilton Spectator (2013)
Prabhdeep Srawn hauls in a load of donated food in Hamilton in this 2010 file photo.
Adding an article related to the technology (cyber drone) which was used to help search for Prabhdeep...

Young WA inventor gets the nod from NASA
Sep 09, 2014
(additional video at link)

Josh has travelled all over the world showcasing the CyberQuad, which has been used for aerial inspection, to assess offshore mining sites and aid in disaster response, such as the Hazelwood brown-coal mine fire in Victoria and the search for Canadian hiker Prabhdeep Srawn, who went missing on Mount Kosciuszko.
Still in our thoughts.
For Prabh and his family.
Must have overlooked this lengthy article..
May 18, 2014

"It seems so bizarre to believe some of the suspicions that people have about Prabh trying to disappear himself. You’d think people might get the impression that was his plan, but I got no indication from any of the interactions I had with Prabh that there was anything weird going on.

“I would almost lean towards him being kidnapped or something crazy like that. He went to New Zealand by himself and made a million friends and travelled around with them. He randomly bumped into people and became friends.

“I don’t see it as too far-fetched that he bumped into someone and was hanging out with them and it turned out that they were not a nice person.
I don’t want to think about that, but I can’t imagine he straight up disappeared on his own and left everyone in the lurch.”

Jindabyne local and experienced backcountry skier Andrew Barnes has spent years exploring the main range and the area where Srawn is believed to have gone missing.

I contact him to ask him about the terrain, and the likelihood of anyone going into the western falls area by accident while hiking on the main trail when he says something that stops me in my tracks.

“You know, I was skiing the weekend after that guy went missing [but before he was reported as lost] and got whited out down the bottom of Little Austria [a steep area off the main range trail favoured by backcountry skiers]. I could have sworn I heard someone calling out way away. I’ve always wondered if it was him.”

Read more:
I do keep an eye out on the NSW Coroners weblink in case there is any news - nothing as yet.

With the holidays upon us...
Just sending out thoughts and prayers for Prabh's family, and to those that are missing loved ones at this time of the year.
Im not sure if I posted anything regarding this - I dont think so...

On May 18th 2013 at Buckenderra in NSW - there was a slight earth quake.
The distance between Mt Kosciouszko and Buckenderra is about 25-30kms -
The quake was not large - but I am wondering if there had been reported any landslides or rockfalls in the area or surrounds during that time?
Maybe the Park Rangers would know? Landowners?
I think they were searching at one time in that Easterly direction.
It was 5 days after Prabh disappeared, but if he was lost it would take 5 days to walk that far in the bush.
I was thinking if he was in that area he may have been caught or had an accident because of it.

Just a broad thought.

Mt Kosciuszko to Buckenderra Region 20 to 30 kms.JPG

Buckenderra Zone.JPG
It is two years ago today that Prabhdeep Srawn went for a day hike in the Snowy Mountains to Mount Kosciusko - it would be the last day that anyone heard from Prabhdeep.
As bad weather set in during the afternoon and visibility became poor and temperatures plummeted, its not known what happened to Prabh, which direction on the Mountain track he took or what happened to him for him not to be found.

Thinking of his family and friends today, hoping that there will be a time when news will come to light as to what happened.
For today, my thoughts are with them.

It is two years ago today that Prabhdeep Srawn went for a day hike in the Snowy Mountains to Mount Kosciusko - it would be the last day that anyone heard from Prabhdeep.
As bad weather set in during the afternoon and visibility became poor and temperatures plummeted, its not known what happened to Prabh, which direction on the Mountain track he took or what happened to him for him not to be found.

Thinking of his family and friends today, hoping that there will be a time when news will come to light as to what happened.
For today, my thoughts are with them.

View attachment 74658

I admire you Fig Tree for your continued support for Prabhdeep - you continue to advocate for him when others have moved on.
Some news from the Coroners Office came through in the past week.

The full Findings Report is available at this Link below:

Coroners Office NSW -
Inquest into the disappearance and suspected death of Prabhdeep SRAWN

Some extracts from the Report:

Inquest: Inquest into the disappearance and suspected death of Prabhdeep SRAWN
Hearing dates: 26-28 May 2015
Cooma Local Court
Date of findings: June 26 2015
Place of findings: State Coroners Court, Glebe
Findings of: Magistrate Harriet Grahame, Coroner
Catchwords: Coronial Law- Missing Person -Search and Rescue Operation
File number: 2014/104412
Representation: Sgt Paul Bush – Coronial Law Advocate – Advocate assisting
the Coroner Mr McDonald, solicitor- Representing the NSW National Parks
and Wildlife Service

Coroners Findings:
 On the balance of probabilities, I find that Prabhdeep Srawn is dead.
He died on or in the days shortly after 14 May 2013 .

 I am unable to determine the exact place of his death, however it occurred in the area of Kosciuszko
National Park.

 The exact cause of death remains unknown. However,on the balance, it appears that Prabhdeep’s death
occurred by misadventure of some kind.

That the National Parks and Wildlife Service consider implementing better systems so that its website can
be updated and corrected in a timely manner.
 That the National Parks and Wildlife Service consider reviewing and expanding its educational material
aimed at bushwalkers, both on its website and more broadly, especially in relation to the potential dangers
found in the Australian Alpine conditions.
 That the National Parks and Wildlife Service and NSW Police immediately investigate and consider
implementing a web based trip intention lodgement system.
 That the National Parks and Wildlife Service consider ways of expanding and publicising its PLB loan
system in the Kosciuszko National Park.

Extracts from the Report - (My Bolds)
Page 17:
62. No physical evidence has been found in the area it is believed Prabh was bushwalking in despite an extensive land and air search.

63. Extensive inquiries made by police (56) indicate that there has been no subsequent administrative activity which might indicate Prabh is still alive.
There is for example no recorded movement out of the country, no relevant bank activity, no traffic or police records or anything of that nature.
There have been no credible sightings.

64. More importantly, Prabh’s family and friends have had no contact. Given the close relationships he had, it is inconceivable that he would not have
contacted his loved ones, if he were able to.

65. It should be stated, there is certainly no evidence to suggest that Prabh may have committed suicide.
He had no history of depression or mental health issues. He had no known medical problems. He was actively making plans for his future,
paying his University fees and planning a trip to Adelaide.
His flatmates were expecting to hear from him shortly to collect him from the airport so that that he could commence the next University term.
At the Inquest, his friend Carl Mannix, described Prabh as friendly and positive.
He seemed in good spirits and was happy and looking towards the future.
There is just no evidence to suggest a
self-inflicted death. In my view, suicide can be safely ruled out.

66. There is also no evidence that Prabh’s disappearance was suspicious or that he
may have met with random foul play.

67. Equally, there is nothing to even hint at the possibility of a planned disappearance, rather all the available evidence points to a tragic encounter
with bad weather and rugged terrain.

78. However, I understand from a short submission made to the Inquest from the Srawn family that at least some members of the family still believe Prabh may be
alive. They do not appear to accept that Prabh has perished even now, two years after his disappearance, stating “Nobody has evidence to proof (sic) that our
beloved Prabh is not alive but we are aware that there is a massive area notexplored so far. Our belief and conviction are that Prabh is right there. Miracles do happen”.
Unfortunately, the family did not attend the Inquest and so their participation was limited. However, I have considered their written submission
carefully and while I find their obvious love for Prabh and their absolute commitment to finding him most admirable, I am unable, on the evidence
presented to share their view that Prabh could now be found alive.

79. Given the seriousness and finality of finding that a person is dead, proof of this issue “must be clear, cogent and exact” before a finding can be made.
The evidence in Prabh’s case reaches this threshold. While heartbreaking for his family, I am satisfied to the requisite standard that Prabh has perished somewhere
in the Kosciuszko National Park. While his body has never been located, I am of the view, on the balance of probabilities that it is comfortably established that
Prabhdeep Srawn is indeed dead.

80. It appears clear to this Court that if Prabh could have returned, he would have. If injury or illness hampered him to such a degree that he has not been able to make
contact over the last two years, those same injuries will have prevented him surviving in the rugged terrain and bad weather, with limited or no sustenance.

To read the full Coroners Report: Srawn Findings.pdf
Thanks for the update FigTree, hoping that Prabhdeep will somehow make his presence known.He must be found!
Thanks for the update FigTree, hoping that Prabhdeep will somehow make his presence known. He must be found!

I so agree dotr.
Prabh is somewhere - and although the Coroners Report is out - Prabh remains a Missing Person, and the search for Prabh continues.
Bumping for Prabhdeep, several missing hikers have been located lately, hoping Prabhdeep's turn is next.
Thinking of the water bottle that had been found and presumed to belong to PS, and thinking it would be nice if that area was searched again, imo.
Bumping for Prabhdeep with re- post.

" By: Ricky French Special to the Star, Published on Fri Jun 06 2014

CHARLOTTE PASS, AUSTRALIA—One year ago, a 25-year-old Brampton hiker named Prabhdeep Srawn vanished off the face of the earth.

Narrowing it down, you might say he vanished off the face of Mount Townsend, in Australia’s Snowy Mountains. Narrowing it down is a difficult thing to do in the baffling case of Prabh Srawn. So little is known of Srawn’s movements, intentions and supplies, and so lacking are the clues, that piecing together his final steps and resting place has become a game of guesswork and supposition. It has become one of Australia’s greatest ever outdoors mysteries.

Srawn was living and studying on Australia’s beach metropolis of the Gold Coast. A year ago he left the sun and surf for a touring holiday, intending to finish in Melbourne, 1,700 kilometres away. He never got there"

Still thinking of Prabhdeep and his family.
Never giving up trying to find the answer.
Today it has been 3 years since there was any sign of missing man Prabhdeep Srawn....

Over the years there have been many stories written documenting the search efforts for Prabhdeep Srawn who went missing whilst on a day hike in the Mt Kosciousko area.
As I read back through the news reports and the personal journeys of such people as Prabh's Canadian Family, the Police, searchers who flew in from Overseas such as SAR's teams
& Canadian Reservists. Australian Hikers like Dave Jarvis, journalists Ricky French, Tom McIlroy, the summaries from the hiking search teams - and then ultimately the Coroners Report -
many many un-named people who gave their time and efforts in the hope to bring one good man back to his family -
3 years after the day, nothing has been found.

Never give up searching for answers - never let the memory of Prabhdeep Srawn or the mystery of what may have happened to him, fade.
Prabhdeep is not forgotten, nor are his family. My thoughts go out out them, and I still keep the hope that one day the answers will come.




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Today I have been attending the NEXUS conference which is being held in Australia - one
of the key speakers and the reason for me attending (by web) is David Paulides - in his Missing Persons presentation he mentions the case of Prabhdeep - and the circumstances of his disappearence.

I hope that David Paulides talk at the NEXUS conference will be available online through YOUtube or another means, as David outlines some of the Missing Person cases specific to Australia.

David makes no claims as to what may have happened to Prabhdeep - but I hope that many more people know now that Prabhdeep is still missing and it keeps his case active.

Never give up searching for the answers.

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