GUILTY Australia - Sarah Cafferkey, 22, Melbourne, 9th Nov 2012, #1

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Hi everyone, long time lurker, first time poster.
I know it's a horrible name, but I think the RD address is being read into WAAAY too much. I have a few friends who live in the Tarneit/Werribee area and some of those have checked in at the RD in the past. These people are normal law-abiding citizens who would NEVER engage in anything like you would imagine at a RD. Hell, I *think* I even visited this house a few years ago, going off the picture on the Facebook page, with one of my friends. If it is the house I visited, there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING kinky sex-wise going on there.
I know it's a horrible name, and I am in no way condoning it, but calling the house the RD is from my understanding a bit of an inside joke.
My intention for this post is only to help with everyone's thought process and NOT to inflame people's emtotions on here.

I agree, the term 'Rape Dungeon', while repulsive is really just a distasteful joke and not a reflection of what actually happens at this place. I have a lot of friends that think its funny to tag themselves at friends homes and call it something stupid, not as bad as a Rape Dungeon but someone has been tagged into someone else's bum! amusing but can you imagine what you would all think if you saw that tag?

We also have a house up the street tagged as the Pu$$y Palace and another locally as a "Maxi Cab to CQ!"

Having said that, it is in Tarteit and thats where the mystery arrestee was from....
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster.

Just read elsewhere that SH and AB where cell mates at Ararat prison.
Hi everyone, long time lurker, first time poster.
I know it's a horrible name, but I think the RD address is being read into WAAAY too much. I have a few friends who live in the Tarneit/Werribee area and some of those have checked in at the RD in the past. These people are normal law-abiding citizens who would NEVER engage in anything like you would imagine at a RD. Hell, I *think* I even visited this house a few years ago, going off the picture on the Facebook page, with one of my friends. If it is the house I visited, there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING kinky sex-wise going on there.
I know it's a horrible name, and I am in no way condoning it, but calling the house the RD is from my understanding a bit of an inside joke.
My intention for this post is only to help with everyone's thought process and NOT to inflame people's emtotions on here.

Hi KittyKatz .... don't worry, many pages back in this thread, someone suggested that RD could mean:

"Rape Dungeon
Level in most video games that is unpassable. A very hard level in which you die several times.
Dude, I just got raped in the rape dungeon. we all got screwed."

... as shown on Urban Dictionary

I think some/many (?) of us believe that this is the case ... Steven Hunter ran with a younger crowd, maybe they were all gaming together at that house one day and they ran into an unpassable video game level, and since then that place has loosely been known as RD as an inside joke. Makes sense to me.


Welcome KittyKatz - are you able to say why so many people in the area check in there/have visited? Seems a strange thing to happen to a normal residential house?

Its actually quite common for mobile FB users to tag themselves and others at odd places for a joke.

Im my previous post I mentioned that someone I know was tagged into someone elses' bum but I have also seen tags at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry, plenty of people tagged at the strippers by others when they were actually at home with their wife and lots of tags at other random findings.

Most are funny, some are in bad taste like the RD
Hi KittyKatz .... don't worry, many pages back in this thread, someone suggested that RD could mean:

Steven Hunter ran with a younger crowd, maybe they were all gaming at that house before and they ran into an unpassable video game level,


I doubt it's gaming related.

These 'types' don't seem like a bunch of nerdy gamers to me.
An earlier poster recognised Adrian Bayley in a photo with Steven Hunter on FB somewhere. Since that time I have wondered about a possible connection. It is alleged that Adrian Ernest Bayley and Steven James Hunter were both cell mates at Ararat Prison. Victoria Police may have their hands full with this one. Who knows what will be revealed here.

The only mention of this I have seen was when someone claimed SH looked a bit like AB in one of his fb pics. People like this always seem to find each other though IMO, so nothing would surprise me :/
I doubt it's gaming related.

These 'types' don't seem like a bunch of nerdy gamers to me.

... you may very well be right. However I do know (through work experience) of similar types from similar demographic and (what could be) a similar party scene who like to get 'charged up' and sit around for an afternoon gaming together. Pretty sure that all gamers aren't nerdy ...
The only mention of this I have seen was when someone claimed SH looked a bit like AB in one of his fb pics. People like this always seem to find each other though IMO, so nothing would surprise me :/

I think they are referring to the picture (attached) on the bottom right hand side - The person with the picture from the nose up - I think it's SH though but their is a resemblance to AB!
... you may very well be right. However I do know (through work experience) of similar guys from similar demographic and (what could be) a similar party scene who like to get 'charged up' and sit around for an afternoon gaming together.

Yeah, no...

I think everyone is reading too much in to the name of the check-in. I see it as a group of no-hopers thinking they're cool by naming their house something riske. You'd be surprised what the lower members of our society get their kicks from.
Yeah, no...

I think everyone is reading too much in to the name of the check-in. I see it as a group of no-hopers thinking they're cool by naming their house something riske. You'd be surprised what the lower members of our society get their kicks from.

Its not so much the name ( disgusting) its more of "where" it is. Were the 2 men that were taken in for questioning at this same address?
Yeah, no...

I think everyone is reading too much in to the name of the check-in. I see it as a group of no-hopers thinking they're cool by naming their house something riske. You'd be surprised what the lower members of our society get their kicks from.

What you're saying makes sense .... thanks. And judging by his FB page and descriptions in the media of SH's demeanour amongst people who knew him (casanova, etc), cool is what he likes to think he is!
What you're saying makes sense .... thanks. And judging by his FB page and descriptions in the media of SH's demeanour amongst people who knew him (casanova, etc), cool is what he likes to think he is!

Exactly. They're just a bunch of dropkicks, same with the Adam guy. Just because he has a degree doesn't mean much. We know drugs are a factor, we know they're a group of bogans. SC for some reason was mixed up with them.

Without knowing her I can't speculate but was she of the same lower economic upbringing? Did she attend a crap school? What were her qualifications? Answering these questions might make it easier to see why she was hanging around this mob.
Hi KittyKatz .... don't worry, many pages back in this thread, someone suggested that RD could mean:

"Rape Dungeon
Level in most video games that is unpassable. A very hard level in which you die several times.
Dude, I just got raped in the rape dungeon. we all got screwed."

... as shown on Urban Dictionary

I think some/many (?) of us believe that this is the case ... Steven Hunter ran with a younger crowd, maybe they were all gaming together at that house one day and they ran into an unpassable video game level, and since then that place has loosely been known as RD as an inside joke. Makes sense to me.



Being an avid gamer (specially Rpg) and working in the video games industry for 8 years I have never heard the term rape dungeon being used to describe a really hard dungeon/level. We do say 'we got our *advertiser censored* kicked' or 'we got raped' or 'the mobs raped our healers' but never 'rape dungeon'. It's simply described as a hard level or Op (over powered) mobs. We also use the term 'unbalanced' to describe the difficulty level of something.

I don't think SH's rape dungeon has anything to do with gaming. In fact there was a comment on TB's fb picture referring 'is this what you tell the young kids in your rape dungeon' (something along those lines). You don't really bring young kids/teens to a special room to clear a difficult level in a game :p


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Based on that post by CS, he needs counselling.... and there's this tingling fear in me that he is feeling a little suicidal. Somebody needs to help him and give him closure.
Also, Sarahs car was found in Maribynong, which is nowhere near Bacchus Marsh or Point Cook.

There hasnt been much mention of it lately.

I wonder how it got there.
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