GUILTY Australia - Savannah, 4 & Indianna Mihayo, 3, smothered, Watsonia, Vic, 20 April 2014

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I just wish the punishment for these acts actually fit the crime!!! It's too easy for them. This usually happens as payback to mum and/or not wanting to pay child support. It pi$$es me off so much that most of the time mental illness is used as defence! Well you know what, that is such a cop out! Yes there are exceptions, but these people are angry and looking for revenge! These dads, driving their kids into lakes on Father's Day, throwing their kids off bridges on the first day of school, beating them with a bat at cricket practice!!! It goes on and on! They don't care about doing a few years in jail, we need tougher laws and harsher sentences. These babies have died for nothing but the selfishness of an angry man!!! End rant!! Sorry, I'm just so mad!!!

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I agree with all you've said MissUnderstood. I think majority would agree with you. You have every right to be mad about these types of cases.

In my opinion, I think there needs to be a separate court for crimes against children....just as many areas across Aus have separate courts for drug cases.

And there needs to be a deterrant so abhorrent that it makes these types of "angry men" stop & think before they go anywhere near harming a child. A deterrant that clearly states...."even if the crime is committed in a moment of madness, you harm our children in any way, shape or form & this is the sentence that awaits you for the rest of your life" I'd apply that to every crime against a child whether it's sexual abuse, torture, murder.

If there's irrefutable evidence which shows they're guilty...forget a trial....just lock these poor excuses for human beings up for life.
" Look, so often people say to me - and men included, which is really heartening - "What can I do? What can I possibly do?" And they think that they have to wait until they see some sort of physical altercation on a street before they can act. But we - what will prevent violence against women in the future from even happening in the first place is we need men speaking up and saying sexism isn't acceptable. And particularly, that no matter how disaffected a man may feel, no matter how put out or hard done by by the system, it is never OK to harm or take the life of your child. It is never OK to harm or take the life of your partner." < Where the quote is from

I absolutely 100% Agree.

Mental illness or not, to actively take away someones life is malicious - it is calculated and there is usually a selfish motive. If it be to get back at the mother, to make someone suffer - it's an absolute heinous and callous act of a so called "man".

I agree that the punishment needs to be harsher, absolutely, but with what resources, Intervention orders are filed, they are breached and you are left to fend for yourself.

IMHO -It starts in society, It starts by keeping it in the news, with awareness, it starts with a discussion - with an education. Domestic violence is real and it's not going anywhere.

Looking at those two little angels certainly puts things in perspective. They were beautiful little ones, with an entire life ahead of them, to have that taken away for what?

Just makes me so ... so very ... I don't even have the words.
I agree with all you've said MissUnderstood. I think majority would agree with you. You have every right to be mad about these types of cases.

In my opinion, I think there needs to be a separate court for crimes against children....just as many areas across Aus have separate courts for drug cases.

And there needs to be a deterrant so abhorrent that it makes these types of "angry men" stop & think before they go anywhere near harming a child. A deterrant that clearly states...."even if the crime is committed in a moment of madness, you harm our children in any way, shape or form & this is the sentence that awaits you for the rest of your life" I'd apply that to every crime against a child whether it's sexual abuse, torture, murder.

If there's irrefutable evidence which shows they're guilty...forget a trial....just lock these poor excuses for human beings up for life.

or use them as target practice for our military.

No risk of any slip ups, reoffending, no draining of our resources - the community is safer and our military is trained...

This is long, but worth the read. It is written by Tom Meagher, the husband of Jill, who was murdered in Melbourne. He talks about violence against women and how the 'monster myth' of the rapist lurking in the shadows (as Bayley was) is not the experience of most women who experience violence. Statistics show that someone known to the victim is much more likely to have committed the violence.

I have a feeling that we will find out that the mother of precious Savannah and Indianna suffered violence at the hands of her ex partner, just as Rosie Batty did.

IMHO this is the ultimate act of violence a man can commit against a woman - to kill her child. Most mums would want to be dead rather than live through the murder of their child.
This is long, but worth the read. It is written by Tom Meagher, the husband of Jill, who was murdered in Melbourne. He talks about violence against women and how the 'monster myth' of the rapist lurking in the shadows (as Bayley was) is not the experience of most women who experience violence. Statistics show that someone known to the victim is much more likely to have committed the violence.

I have a feeling that we will find out that the mother of precious Savannah and Indianna suffered violence at the hands of her ex partner, just as Rosie Batty did.

IMHO this is the ultimate act of violence a man can commit against a woman - to kill her child. Most mums would want to be dead rather than live through the murder of their child.

Just finished reading this and went to post on the Jill Meagher page (was already there). So true. If only more men could think like Tom. Trying to turn his horrendous experience into something positive :)

It's all about having power with the violent men. They lose it when the wife/gf finally gets the courage to leave. When they kill her child they have the power back again and that woman is hurt forever. Kids seem to be nothing but posessions that can be disposed of when all else fails. If he's not happy-she sure isn't allowrd to be! No doubt in my mind Savannah and Indianas mother was also a victim of a controlling and violent man.
" Look, so often people say to me - and men included, which is really heartening - "What can I do? What can I possibly do?" And they think that they have to wait until they see some sort of physical altercation on a street before they can act. But we - what will prevent violence against women in the future from even happening in the first place is we need men speaking up and saying sexism isn't acceptable. And particularly, that no matter how disaffected a man may feel, no matter how put out or hard done by by the system, it is never OK to harm or take the life of your child. It is never OK to harm or take the life of your partner." < Where the quote is from

I absolutely 100% Agree.

Mental illness or not, to actively take away someones life is malicious - it is calculated and there is usually a selfish motive. If it be to get back at the mother, to make someone suffer - it's an absolute heinous and callous act of a so called "man".

I agree that the punishment needs to be harsher, absolutely, but with what resources, Intervention orders are filed, they are breached and you are left to fend for yourself.

IMHO -It starts in society, It starts by keeping it in the news, with awareness, it starts with a discussion - with an education. Domestic violence is real and it's not going anywhere.

Looking at those two little angels certainly puts things in perspective. They were beautiful little ones, with an entire life ahead of them, to have that taken away for what?

Just makes me so ... so very ... I don't even have the words.

Exactly. Punishment is no good. They don't care. Prevention, keeping them away from their children if there is a risk is what is needed. A parents right shouldn't overstep a child's right to be unharmed. IMO.

This is long, but worth the read. It is written by Tom Meagher, the husband of Jill, who was murdered in Melbourne. He talks about violence against women and how the 'monster myth' of the rapist lurking in the shadows (as Bayley was) is not the experience of most women who experience violence. Statistics show that someone known to the victim is much more likely to have committed the violence.

I have a feeling that we will find out that the mother of precious Savannah and Indianna suffered violence at the hands of her ex partner, just as Rosie Batty did.

IMHO this is the ultimate act of violence a man can commit against a woman - to kill her child. Most mums would want to be dead rather than live through the murder of their child.

Toms piece was brilliant. Heartbreaking but brilliant. I had hope, but then I read some of the comments after. We need to change society. We can't stop this happening to women and children until we change the mindset. :banghead:
The fact that this happened at Easter is significant.

Not only has he deprived a mother of her daughters but he has also made it at a time that she will neve forget as Easter comes around each year. Premeditated. JMOO

More recent pic, released by the family.


'We are utterly devastated at the loss of Savannah and Indianna,' the family's statement said.

This pic reminds me of my two, after their baths there was a nudie chase through the house trying to get a towel around them. The bath bought out a happiness that I'll never forget.

Savannah and Indianna were absolutely beautiful.
THE devastated mother of two young girls slain, allegedly by their father, in an Easter tragedy says they will be &#8220;forever missed, loved, and never forgotten&#8221;.

Treasured photos of the playful, smiling sisters, hand in hand, were released by the family last night as their mother spoke of her grief.

&#8220;We are utterly devastated at the loss of Savannah and Indianna,&#8221; she said in a brief statement, released by police.
"The two little sisters had been seen around the neighbourhood during regular visits with their father, who lived in a flat behind his former mother-in-law&#8217;s house"

So the father still lived in the Grannie flat behind the mother-inlaws house, the children regularly visited him and grandma. The daughter/mother must have moved out. Strange setup AND how good did he have it, why did he stay on. Was the family scared of this powder keg ready to ignite?
He stayed until the police arrived, he didn't run. Mmmmmm

Read more:
He faced court this morning and is accused of smothering both girls.

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