Australia - Shey Webber, 35, found badly injured in her Warranwood home

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I've noticed here in the U.S. that people setting up funds get ALLOT of scrutiny from the general public that they be set-up correctly. That laws and accounts be registered blah blah, who has access, what the moneys to be spent on and on.

Anyway, I'm having trouble believing shes not communicating one way or another unless she has brain injury. Even if she can't speak she can blink yes or no answers to questions or possibly write with pen and paper. Maybe this is a police tactic to keep the perp off guard. IMO
Anyway, I'm having trouble believing shes not communicating one way or another unless she has brain injury. Even if she can't speak she can blink yes or no answers to questions or possibly write with pen and paper. Maybe this is a police tactic to keep the perp off guard. IMO
To what I gather she did comminicate in some way ever since she came out of a coma but it doesn't say how. I get the impression that it's more of a case that she just can't remember. I wonder how she is going these days. Another situation where for a number of days now there has been no more news updates in the media.

Battered nurse Shey Webber has come out of an induced coma but cannot tell police what happened to her.

Ms Webber was pulled out of the coma about a week ago as her family keep a bedside vigil but cannot tell police if she was attacked.

The Herald Sun has learned her head injuries are so significant Ms Webber may have permanent brain injuries. - Dated December 17.
To what I gather she did comminicate in some way ever since she came out of a coma but it doesn't say how. I get the impression that it's more of a case that she just can't remember. I wonder how she is going these days. Another situation where for a number of days now there has been no more news updates in the media. - Dated December 17.

I certainly wish her a speedy recovery, the injuries sound horrible. I hope with time her memory will improve and she can shed light about what happened. I'll be patient and pray for her recovery.
I guess Shey may have had personal accident/injury insurance, which would pay in circumstances like this. I think home insurance covers others who may be injured by negligence in your home (broken steps, water on floor, etc).

I just find it odd that the family set up a fund, spoke about it, provided info about it, then .. poof .. gone, with no further word about it.

(It is something that has been bugging me for a while, so I've been fairly watchful about it.)

Quite a few things bugging me too.
I'll have to fish out the insurance papers but I'm sure the household insurance has personal liability against injury up $5,000,000 for ANYONE OTHER THAN US, the insured.
Say a burglar trips on my glass coffee table and breaks his leg he can sue me. (Grrrr) Or if a visitor trips on my hose, he is covered.

I don't know what I'd do if in their position I'd do what I could to help my family & surely their burden was overwhelming at that crucial time. Hopefully that's the least of their problems, poor buggers.

Good luck to the Webber family & we at Webslueths wish for good news over Christmas.
I've noticed here in the U.S. that people setting up funds get ALLOT of scrutiny from the general public that they be set-up correctly. That laws and accounts be registered blah blah, who has access, what the moneys to be spent on and on.


I looked, and if you expect to raise more than $10,000 p/a in Victoria you have to register as a fundraiser. It involves named administrators, annual reporting to the tax dept, and gathering a few pieces of documentation - like police checks, explanation of why beneficiary cannot sign her own approval - free to register.

A lot of people do it ... the running appeal for Allison Baden Clay's children's expenses for example.

Maybe it is all just too much to cope with right now, on top of the stress of Shey's condition, keeping up with your life/job/children, supporting Shey and mutual family members, etc etc. And maybe some insurance money kicked in, and they aren't comfortable with anyone else administering a fundraiser for them.

I don't know ... just grabbing at straws here really ... trying to make sense of something. It's really not important, and it may all become crystal clear at some point in the future.
At this stage I don't believe Shey's injuries were from falling down stairs. I'm going with the police comments from the press conference which is on video in the first report in this thread.

In his comments, an obviously emotional detective states...

the house presented to us as obviously there had been some sort of struggle in the house

significant injuries to her body at this stage we want to keep that to ourselves. Very very vicious injuries akin to a car accident.

I have never heard of anyone suffering "significant" or "vicious" injuries akin to a car accident, from falling down stairs. Keeping in mind, on a daily basis, police deal with folks who have been injured in all types of situations.
I felt pretty certain that LE wouldn't make a comment about a brutal crime if they thought it was an accident. But who knows? Still praying for Shey!
Hi Gals and Guys,

What still has me intrigued is the fact of the interview with the Detective at the start of the case, he was very emotional you could hear it in his voice, that is the only key, either he is a very emotional person and it just got to him the sheer brutality, but now yes she might have fallen down stairs.

But when I look at it, once a cop shows his emotion, their tends to be something more to the case.

Happy you all had a great safe Christmas.

Anyhow 2014, see what happens, maybe the truth will never be known.
Thanks Chris,

He was emotional. I wonder if he was just new to homicide and this was his first casualty. Cops can usually keep their emotions hidden. Although they were very sure at the beginning that she had been attacked. I wonder what has happened to turn them in another direction.

Mind you, at this stage I have not seen or heard a definitive reason for her injuries from the police.
Very noticeable that there have been no more media updates and Shey's sister Tamika's Facebook makes no new mention about Shey and just continues on like any other Facebook page.

What still has me intrigued is the fact of the interview with the Detective at the start of the case, he was very emotional you could hear it in his voice, that is the only key, either he is a very emotional person and it just got to him the sheer brutality, but now yes she might have fallen down stairs.
Agreed, he was emotional, but then on the other hand, police are human after all and it's not that uncommon to see media talk about the Police (and other emergency services employees) Stress Factor. You also hear on the very odd occassion, where after a particularly traumatic event that some police were visibly affected (especially when it involves children).

I know someone who was a Firefighter and after decades of witnessing all sorts of trauma in the job and getting into some dangerous sticky situations as well, according to him, some of it horrific and unimaginable to the general public, it finally took a huge toll on him and in the end he had to leave the job because he totally broke down.

He claims that 27 police in NSW suffering post traumatic stress have killed themselves since 2007 and has called for an overhaul of the system.

His comments come after another former police officer, Esther McKay, called for the issue of police killing themselves to be brought out into the open.

18 Nov 2013 -

Police Association of NSW -

Police Association of NSW Family Support -

I felt pretty certain that LE wouldn't make a comment about a brutal crime if they thought it was an accident. But who knows? Still praying for Shey!

How do we find about Shey? At this point I'd like to know if she's out of hospital & enjoying her Christmas & NY with family & friends like we did or if she's bound to a wheelchair?
I thought and prayed for Shey over the Christmas break but I'd like to know more before we make further fools of ourselves because I'm doubting she's still in a coma.
Have also been thinking about Shey and keep lurking here to see if anything new. Also reading the Herald Sun every day looking for updates on the Victorian cases but all is very quiet on all of these cases. Maybe it is the Christmas break and some are taking holidays or have been moved to other jobs at the moment.
Her sister has made a general comment on her facebook that she remains in the hospital and is progressing. That she can't comment at this time.

Sounds positive and hopeful.
Her sister has made a general comment on her facebook that she remains in the hospital and is progressing. That she can't comment at this time.

Sounds positive and hopeful.

Thank you for the update, Peliman!

I am glad Shey is continuing to progress...

We were wondering... And now we know... Shey is still in the hospital ...

Her sister has made a general comment on her facebook that she remains in the hospital and is progressing. That she can't comment at this time.

Sounds positive and hopeful.

Huge thanks Peliman for that update. My comments may have sounded cold & harsh but it dawned on me maybe Shey was AOK and we all were still concerned unnecessarily.
It's great to know she's on the mend.

Any ideas why the sister can't comment at this time??
My guess would be out of the coma, still scrambled, and having a period of settling things down and med adjustment before going to rehab.

Post extubation, you're looking at least at another 48 hours in ICU - sometimes a few weeks, and then typically at least a week on a ward, depending on how much pneumonia/liver/kidney failure we accidentally caused in saving you.
My apologies- I must have missed this-
A nurse who was found with severe head injuries at her Melbourne home has been awoken from her induced coma but still cannot tell police what happened to her.

Police believe the 35-year-old may have been attacked by someone she met on an online dating website but in a new twist police have revealed that the nurse's injuries could have been caused by falling down the stairsin her townhouse.
Huge thanks Peliman for that update. My comments may have sounded cold & harsh but it dawned on me maybe Shey was AOK and we all were still concerned unnecessarily.
It's great to know she's on the mend.

Any ideas why the sister can't comment at this time??

No idea what's happening case wise, she had just stated in a post she couldn't talk about it. Her recent post with the update was dated Dec 31
I can't find any updates since the 17th of December.

My thoughts are still with Shey and her friends and family, I hope they get to the bottom of this soon, and Shey makes a speedy recovery.
My apologies- I must have missed this-
A nurse who was found with severe head injuries at her Melbourne home has been awoken from her induced coma but still cannot tell police what happened to her.

Police believe the 35-year-old may have been attacked by someone she met on an online dating website but in a new twist police have revealed that the nurse's injuries could have been caused by falling down the stairsin her townhouse.

That is certainly quite specific about where a fall could have happened. And, if so, the question is was it accidental or was it the result of a push/attack/escape?

I’m sure they will look and look until every avenue has been exhausted. Front-line public service people such as police/ambos/nurses/firefighters are especially supportive and protective of each other.
That is certainly quite specific about where a fall could have happened. And, if so, the question is was it accidental or was it the result of a push/attack/escape?

I’m sure they will look and look until every avenue has been exhausted. Front-line public service people such as police/ambos/nurses/firefighters are especially supportive and protective of each other.

I am curious to know why the police or family can't provide an update to the media. The police and family appealed for help, why can't they provide an update or closure for those who are interested /concerned?

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