Australia Australia - Tamam Shud Case - Male, Dec 1948

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
What can I say @Melt71, this might be the one exception to the rule, there are too many intriguing aspects to the case for me to let it go. I suppose you might blame John leCarre for that.
Andreee .. If the slip wasn’t in the Somerton Man’s pocket when PC Moss searched it, how did it get there? That’s where you start, then, if you’ve done your homework you might suspect it was planted in the two and a half months the trousers were in the possession of Professor Cleland and outside of police control.

Ah, right! ;) And what would his motive be?
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To create a false narrative … I have a question for you @Andreee, have you ever seen a photograph of the Freeman Rubaiyat?
Back to the subject at hand then, Can you, or anyone else prove beyond doubt that the coded Rubaiyat ever existed?
Back to the subject at hand then, Can you, or anyone else prove beyond doubt that the coded Rubaiyat ever existed?
I can't say that I can. Regarding the mentioning of "a false narrative", what do you think the objective would be?
Well, once you’ve convinced yourself the Rubaiyat didn’t exist you’re in a position to unravel nearly everything we’ve been told or read about the case. The false narrative. Effectively it all boils down to whether you believe DS Leane lied about receiving the book.
Well, once you’ve convinced yourself the Rubaiyat didn’t exist you’re in a position to unravel nearly everything we’ve been told or read about the case. The false narrative. Effectively it all boils down to whether you believe DS Leane lied about receiving the book.
I understand that everything would then unlink itself from TSM, but then what does he become? What's your assumption?
I have more than one, ultimately I believe the false narrative was constructed by friendly forces and there is one compelling reason to think that.
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Not so quick … this place isn’t called websleuths for nothing. I always thought that the best way to convince others of your theory was to have them come to the same conclusion by using the same facts. The basic assumption being that this man’s identity had to be hidden and the police were co-opted to assist. Step one.
@petebowes I know you've got quite a comprehensive "dossier" on TSM as you've obviously invested a bit of time on the case, but you can't expect others to digest as much info as you have so rapidly to catch up to your conclusion, no doubt with a myriad steps. If he was indeed connected to a govt agency and his identity hidden, can you direct us to evidence of that? Or him possibly being an "import" from foreign soil for our country's benefit? Or evidence hinting to his killers? Is there evidence of anything in this case that leads us anywhere at all?
Over 9,000 Australians died in Europe and North Africa fighting the Nazis yet only months after the war in Europe ended the Chifley Labor government agreed to secretly employ and house dozens of Nazi technicians and scientists to work on weapons production and research in Salisbury, a suburb of Adelaide.
This news was kept top secret and I imagine if it had been known at the time then the uproar would have meant Chifley and his government’s resignation, not to mention the boost in popularity the Australian Communist Party would have experienced. The English too would have had the same problem as they instigated the arrangement with Australia under then Prime Minister Attlee.
The Somerton Man may have been one of these men.
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......only months after the war in Europe ended the Chifley Labor government agreed to secretly employ and house dozens of Nazi technicians and scientists to work on weapons production and research in Salisbury, a suburb of Adelaide.........The Somerton Man may have been one of these men.
Quote truncated by me

Yes, he could have been. We could guess that for sure. We might also guess at other ideas that could be true too. Alas, there isn't any evidence to prove any of these ideas, or is there?

So, if he was murdered, which apparent poisoning would indicate, then who are his killers? Nazi haters that found out? Or perhaps our country's enemies who took him as a traitor?

Maybe if it was a suicide, which poisoning might also suggest, he was overcome with traitorous guilt? Or perhaps another reason altogether.

I'm interested in your thoughts.
Not at all, as you say, I’ve done the work but I don’t expect other folks to have the same depth of knowledge. As far as our man is concerned, he had a massively congested and oversized spleen, acute gastric haemorrhage, extensive congestion of the liver, congestion of the pharynx, deeply congested stomach, congestion in the 2nd half of the duodenum, congestion of both kidneys and his liver contained a great quantity of blood.He also had congestion in the blood vessels of the brain.
This information can be found in Dr Dwyer’s deposition and was taken from his autopsy report.
Not at all, as you say, I’ve done the work but I don’t expect other folks to have the same depth of knowledge. As far as our man is concerned, he had a massively congested and oversized spleen, acute gastric haemorrhage, extensive congestion of the liver, congestion of the pharynx, deeply congested stomach, congestion in the 2nd half of the duodenum, congestion of both kidneys and his liver contained a great quantity of blood.He also had congestion in the blood vessels of the brain.
This information can be found in Dr Dwyer’s deposition and was taken from his autopsy report.
Yes, that is what I was aware of. I thought you might have lead me elsewhere lol. I'm no expert in medicine, but does that report not support a poisoning?
Not according to Professor Stanton Hicks .. one of the medical experts who gave evidence at the inquest.

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